I have created some pivotcharts in Excel 2007, but I have a serious problem with them The labels (usernames actually) in the data table are impossible to read (pls see attachment) If I make the letters smaller it is unreadable, if I make them larger it is still the same. how I can make the data table "resized"?
Can Pivot Table chart add another data from another sheet? I attached the link for this file (Add data1), it is because the file consists of several sheets and I do not know how to show here.
I would like to add the data from the "Rate" sheet into the Pivot Table chart (Chart.PT). I made an example by using normal way (Chart.Case (9)), the column series in the chart is the one I added from the "Rate" sheet. I wonder if I could do the same in pivot table chart.
My boss wants me to design a dynamic, updatable chart in Excel 2003. I initially made a Pivot Chart based on a Pivot Table which worked perfectly, but it doesn't look professional enough when printed (or viewed) and she wants me to approach it a different way.
So, I created a graph based on the data in a Pivot Table, and used dynamic ranges as the source for the graph series so that the chart updates when the criteria fields are changed for the Pivot Table. I then added two combo boxes (ie data validation lists) to the Chart sheet, and wrote VBA code so that whenever the combo box values are changed, the Criteria fields for the Pivot Table on the 2nd sheet are updated accordingly, and this in turn causes the graph to be updated as well.
This solution also worked perfectly, but now I've been told to create the graph without macros.
Does anyone have any suggestions? The requirements/details are as follows:
1. The Pivot Table is on sheet "PIVOT", and the graph is on sheet "GRAPH" 2. The Pivot Table has two criteria - School Name and Year Level 3. On sheet "GRAPH" there are two data-validated fields, School and Year, which only allow the selection of valid Schools and Year Levels
Is there any way to make the Pivot Table update when values are changed in the fields on the CHART sheet so that the chart also updates, but without using code nor a Pivot Chart?
I have a user that uses pivot tables and charts every month to do a report. He wants to copy his charts every month and then just change the month in the data for the pivot table, but not matter what he tries its tied to the previous month and then chart data range in the select data source properties is grayed out. how to get this to work?
- a list of data - a pivottable based on these data
When moving this worksheet this worksheet to another workbook, the pivot table can't refresh anymore. This throws an error message "Reference is not valid". To work around this problem I need to adapt the datasource. The same occurs if the list and the pivot table are on separate sheet, with the added strange behaviour that, when data an PT are split, it is not possible to move both sheet together.
This would not be a big issue if my problem had to be solved manually. The real problem is that I need to move the sheets from a C# program.
Is it possible to use the chart wizard for a Pivot Table yet maintain that chart in the same worksheet and not have it in another? Every time I click on the wizard a chart is created on a separate page.
attached is a spreadsheet 6 people in my area use daily(ive copied and pasted the sheet in question to a new worksheet, as the file was too big). Ive been trying for about 3 days now to make a pivot table to summarise this data.
I have attached a portion of my Pivot Chart in Excel 2003 and have been trying to recreate this in 2007 with some difficulty. I am particularly interested in displaying the field list headings (specifically 'Count of Hit or Miss') in the pivot chart in 2007 but cannot make it work.
I have a data table and want to create six charts. In theory pivotcharts would be the way to go. However every time I refresh the charts they revert to excel's default chart and all my colour scheme and nice layouts are lost.
I have a list of customer satisfaction scores that are pulled in from a sharepoint list. The list is then used to create a pivot chart that is used in a web part on a dashboard in sharepoint. The chart is supposed to show average customer satisfaction scores per category per month.
The problem I have is that I can't filter the categories using a slicer, I can only filter the categories' values (i.e. the scores). I can filter by date though.
When I try to filter the various score categories/series (Support, Change Management etc) I only get the option to filter their values i.e. 1,2,3,4,5.
I want to be able to use a slicer or similar to be able to display either all of the series or just selected ones.pivottable.JPGpivotchart.JPG
Was working on this problem for a poster: [URL] ......
I can't seem to get the pivot table/chart to format exactly as I desire. It seems that as soon as I add 'group by hour and day' Excel forces the formatting to AM/PM and I want to keep it military. I want to group by hour, so that data that occurs at 6:00 and at 6:30 are grouped, and I had to group by day so that 6:00 on 1/1 was separated from 6:00 on 1/2.
Attached is a worksheet which shows the desired chart format (not a pivot chart), and the attempted pivot chart. I want the pivot chart to match the 'simple' chart in look and feel. Any attempts to change the formatting of the row labels to 'h' is promptly ignored by Excel.
Note the two tasks that occur at hour 18 (one at 18:00 and the other at 18:20 (you will need to see the formatting to truly see the minutes)). Those should be combined in the pivot table (and they are) and on my 'adjusted' table (where I used SUMIFS).
I have recently noticed a problem with a pivot table and assoicated pivot chart. The table has numerous columns from date, location and one entitled route. The route column has a value which is either a number or 'other'. The formatting of the column has been set to general (although the same problem was present under text). The problem is as follows:
When a new row of data is entered where the route is the same value as previous rows it should be grouped together. However when I go into my pivot table and look at the options for route I find the same value repeated twice. ie a route value of 155 will be listed once at the top and then lower down the list. A temporary fix is to rename all values of 155 to x155 and then back to 155. This then has everything grouped again under one value in the pivot table. As soon as new entries are added though the problem repeats itself. Does anyone know why this might be?
My pivot table shows Towns as the Row headings and Month as the column headings. When I do a Chart, I get Towns on the X axis and Months as Y. I want the chart to show all my May data in a stacked column, then all my June data in another stacked column, etc. If I pick "Select Source Data" the options are greyed out. What's a mother to do?
I can not get my Pivot Chart to count, sort and categorized my data. I have included a sample file for your viewing. I basically want the data in cells C2:E18 counted, sorted and totaled by categories and locale. I thought the pivot charting was simple, but I'm having quite a challenge with this one. The pivot chart data should reflect as my sample indicates in cells E24:K27
I have an Access application with a form containing an Excel chart based on a pivot table based on an Access query based on an Access table which is refreshed every 5 minutes using a Timer event. When the table is refreshed the Excel chart is refreshed. The chart monitors some processes and is active throughout the day. As the day progresses more and more data points are available for plotting on the x-axis. The x-axis labels get very crowded as the day progresses and I need to programmatically change the x-axis scale at various times of the day. To that end I am trying to find an event that is activated at some point during the automatic refresh of the chart/pivot table.
I have tried the Workbook_Change event, the Worksheet_Change event, and the Chart_SeriesChange event. None of these are executed during the refresh process or I have done something wrong in trying to use them. At the moment they only have a MSGBOX message in them so that I can determine if they are even being executed.
I have table with companies across in columns, months down the side in rows, and 6 parts to the data in addition to company and month. I have quotes from 3 different sources, and won deals from those 3 different sources. How do I create a pivot table/chart to analyze the data quickly, or find out Top 10 companies quoting with value and top 10 companies with won deals?
I have attached an example, taking out the company names with A, B, C, and source with A, B, C. The cells do have an array formula which picks data from another spreadsheet. Which, by the way, is really slowing my machine down each time I type something into the spreadsheet.
I have linked a graph to update from a pivot table. I would like to print a copy of a graph and pivot table for each item in the page field. Can a macro loop through each page field and print?Is there a way to send them to the printer all at once? (I noticed the printer hangs when manually printing page by page)
I've tried "view all pages of pivottable" but then I lose the view of the chart. I tried recording the events but the number of items in the page field changes with each data update and I'm not sure how to write code to accept this.
I am trying to display data on a chart and dynamically change the items to display by manipulating the filters. What I cannot figured out is how to display the Pivot Table Grand Total column on the chart. This is the total that the pivot creates and there is no total field in the data. Hope this explanation I gave is clear.
I am stuck trying to sort data that looks like the following, into a format that I can use as source data for pivot tables/charts.
Excel2007ABCDEFGHIJK2MalayMalayMalayMalayMalayMalay ChineseChinese3MaleFemaleFemaleMaleFemaleFemaleMaleMale 436-4536-4536-4525-3525-3525-3536-4536-455 DateArticleContentLapseCurrentCurrentCurrentLapseLapseCurrentCurrent612-SepRelieving 40 years - Oct 15, 1972 Thick Haze continues to blanket MalaysiaHistory42712-SepRelieving 40 years - May 5, 1972 All Sharifah wants is a pair of legsHistory1222812-SepA man and his agonyHistory3223912-SepA lesson on Sept 16History22Sheet2
I will need to group Data multiple ways. However, I cant work out a good way to sort it. Can I have a suggestion on layout that I will be able to arrange data appropriately.
I have enable Refresh on Open for my excel pivot table, but user need to click "Enable Automatic Refresh" , only solution i came across is to change the registry setting. Which i dont have access to edit registry(admin disable the access).
Alternate solution i try to use Access macro to automate the process and use Outputto save it as a excel file A. Then use excel file B to update pivot table from excel file A.(as excel A data is always latest) The problem is i will get "....A file name already exist...do you want to overwrite.." prompt. Which defeat the automate process.
Any other solution to enable the automatic refresh on open the excel workbook?
Or Access can overwrite the exist file or save it as another file name with timestamp ?
I manage a team that quote for business. They are targetted on number of quotes per month but then also wins per month, however a win may come a number of months after the original quote was generated.
They work off a spreadsheet where they log:
Quote date (And month) Quote Value ... customer info etc
I started writing my pivot using the Quote month as the main reference point, IE Quote Month in the Row, and then put all the data in the central drop data section... However, there are two immediate problems with this:
They are targetted on quotes generated per month, some business won has come from last year, which they are lifting from the old spreadsheet and puttin in my new one... meaning that quotes they generated in Oct 2012 are now showing up as quotes for October this year.
If the wins span a number of months they are showing in January (if quoted in January) and not in March (when actually won)
Is there a better way of writing my pivot table??? There must be... ideally what I would like is half the table referencing the Quote date and half referencing the order date... but I don't know how to do this? I could probably do this with pages but I would like to show all on one sheet...
1) i have office 2003 on a laptop. within powerpoint, i can create a 'microsoft excel chart 11' object. to create a link to the excel data source, do i have to go through the odbc sql setup? it works, but i don't want my powerpoint to be dependent on some excel file somewhere. what are the other options to insert/make a functional pivot chart in powerpoint with the data also within powerpoint? the data as sheet option does not result in the chart being a pivot, it's just a plain chart. it has to be a proper object, not an image paste or a chart that updates links with the excel file open.
2) i have office 2007 on my other laptop. i can not find any suitable object to choose from to make a pivot chart in powerpoint. what's the best way to go about in 2007 version?
3) am i going about this the wrong way with the objects? should i be after vba code?
I was wondering if there is any way possible to link your pivot table filters to filter the data the same way in the table that it comes from? So if i had date as one of my headers and i filtered the date to a specfifc date, is there a way to also filter the date in the data source sheet?
Pivot Chart. I would like to set up something to where a user can click on an individual value on a pivot chart (currently a line chart set up with 4 data series) and somehow display some underlying data. I have a lot of information stored in a data worksheet that I can't display all at once, but if a user sees a questionable data point, he/she can click and learn more about it from source data, or even a new query of the data worksheet.
Have an auto-calculator sheet on..mean formulas are input in rows (to calculate yield from no. inspected & no. found defective)....am running a pivot chart based on it to calculate no. of defectives by product and date...
The issue is had selected the entire worksheet for the pivot (including the rows with no data input as of yet but will be inputed in the future)...the problem is the pivot data gets all messed up because of the blank inputs...as soon as i select only the area with data input it works fine.....as of now have put in a generic format so that it reads it...but is there a way where i can leave it blank and still the pivot will refresh and calculate the data when put in????
current format is date-week-no. inspected-no. defective-yield...have input 1 jan 2001 as default date...and 0 and 0 as default no. inspected and no. defective....do not want to keep on doing this...
I have an export from a database that I'm bringing into Excel 2010 of about 30K records. Data points are recorded numerically and I have their associated text "value label" (what it would be called in STATA, for example, not sure what it's called in Excel). I want to create various charts/pivot tables with the data and want the labels to be the text label, not the number.
For example, variable ASSIGNMENT has the following possibilities:
1 2 3 4
Here's what each of those "mean" (I have this in another table):
1 - Sick 2 - Overtime 3 - Court 4 - Present
How do I create a chart or pivot table where the labels are "sick", "overtime", etc., and not "1", "2", "3", "4"?
I got the attached dashboard example from a source online.
I was wondering how they linked their pivot chart with a drop down (data validation). This is the pivot chart on the bottom right that is labeled "Brick Styles".