Print Linked Chart & Each Page Field Of Pivot Table

Oct 31, 2008

I have linked a graph to update from a pivot table. I would like to print a copy of a graph and pivot table for each item in the page field.
Can a macro loop through each page field and print?Is there a way to send them to the printer all at once? (I noticed the printer hangs when manually printing page by page)

I've tried "view all pages of pivottable" but then I lose the view of the chart. I tried recording the events but the number of items in the page field changes with each data update and I'm not sure how to write code to accept this.

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Print Pivot Table Results Page Field ...

Nov 29, 2006

i have pivot table that has a field called "supp" is it possible to write a macro that will open up the "supp" drop down box select the first result .print the results of the pivot table. then goto the next selection in the same drop down box and print them results . repeat this until allresults have been printed.

when the pivot table is run weekly the results in the field "supp" will change

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Print Pivot Table Results Page Field

Dec 7, 2006

in my Pivot Tables page field i could have 20 results. 10 could be customer identification codes
5 material codes, 5 a different material code, i called "inter", and the rest supplier codes, example i05,i05/1,i05/2, fo1,f01/1,f01/2 are both material codes,

what i want to do is have a macro /macros to select and print groups
as follows

1. (all)
2. inter
3 any containing the words i05 and f01 which includes i05/1 etc
4. then the rest

if any does not exsist ignor. if possilbe a macro for each or a drop down box to select

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Pivot Chart - Page Field Filtering

Oct 2, 2009

One of the few flaws I have found using pivot tables is that when selecting from the the page field it does not filter the other page fields to match your current selection.
It does in the actual table, so why not the page fields?

For example we have a pivot table like the following
|Country| (ALL)
|City| (ALL)

|Count of People|
|YEAR| ________ |Gender|
2008__________1000 _________500000

If I select England from the country, when I go to select a City I do not want to be able to select only the cities in England and not every city in the world.

The Attached File shows you how to deal with this Problem.

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Pivot Table Add Page Field

Mar 18, 2007

I know in Pivot tbale we could add calculated field into the data ,but I fail to put the added in the "Page","Row" or the "Column". Eg. in the sheet of data,I have a column " DATE",but no column for year.Is it possible to add year in the "page" without adding anything into the "data" sheet?

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Change Page Field In Pivot Table Without VBA?

Feb 19, 2009

Is there any way how you can change value in page field in pivot table using formulas? I know this can be done with couple of lines of VBA, but I need to create VBA-free excel file.

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Add Range To The Page Field Of A Pivot Table

Jan 31, 2008

I have created a system where users input data from a report into a spreadsheet, and after input it is sent off to various other workbooks depending on what was entered. I.e. The user is inputting test data on a location in a region. The regions make up the workbooks, and each location is a worksheet (While I can think of better ways to organise the data changing this is not an option here).

When the macro encounters a location in a region that hasn't been entered before it adds a new sheet based off the name of the location in the region's workbook, and creates a new named range for that sheet.

I'm running a pivot table in the central workbook, and I want to add the new named range to the page field when I create a new sheet. This is what I don't know how to do. EDIT: To clarify, the page field is choosing between which worksheet(via named range) is being shown currently.

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List Values In Pivot Table Page Field Dropdown

Feb 27, 2007

I want to print one sheet for each of the values in a page field drop-down. I can do this by supplying the values individually (code below) but would rather determine the list of values dynamically. Can this be done?

Private Sub pbPrintAll_Click()
Dim cix As Integer
Dim Ctrct As String
cix = 3
While (Sheets("Database"). Range("B" + Trim(Str(cix))).Value <> "")
' Get value from database sheet
Ctrct = Sheets("Database").Range("B" + Trim(Str(cix))).Value
' Set CurrentPage value
Sheets("Customer P&L Pivot1"). PivotTables(1).PivotFields("Cust 1A_Name").CurrentPage = Ctrct
' Print formatted sheet
Sheets("Customer P&L").PrintOut
cix = cix + 1
' Reset Current Page value
Sheets("Customer P&L Pivot1").PivotTables(1).PivotFields("Cust 1A_Name").CurrentPage = "(All)"
MsgBox "Prints sent to printer."
End Sub

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Excel 2003 :: Can Index Through Pivot Table Page Field List?

Nov 1, 2011

I've created a pivot table and I'd like to index through each "value" in the page field and then copy the results to another sheet, one sheet per field returned.

I can't figure out if it's possible to index through the list though. Is it possible?

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Macro To Print Pivot Table Page Fields

Aug 29, 2007

I want to print out, for a range of 'Page Fields', from a Pivot table automatically.

The Macro must be able to:

Automatically go through and select the 'Page Fields' in the pivot table

Select the print area range automatically, which will change each time the pivot is refreshed/reselected.

Set the print area to fit the page for each category selected in the pivot table

Finally print.

Can't find code for this anywhere, but i must admit got fed up with looking

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Change/Move Pivot Table Row Field To Column Field

Apr 23, 2008

In building my pivot table my data that I want to show in the column area is showing up as rows stacked on top of each other. In the column section I'm trying to show Total Budgeted Amount next to Total Actual Amount but on the layout it's showing the two stacked on top of each other is there some kind of hidden key that I'm missing?

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Hyperlink Pivot Page Field Control

Mar 16, 2013

Any working example of using a rollover hyperlink to set 2 pagefield controls?

I am trying to use the code below as a basis, but without success.

changing pivot table filters from data validation

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Check Pivot Page Field Items

Sep 15, 2006

I have an array set up with values I want to look in a Pivot Field for and then pull data back based on that selection. It works great until there is an item in my array that is not listed in the Pivot Field. Then it pulls the data from the last item again, which skews my results. So my questions is, how can I skip to the next item in an array if it is not listed in the Pivot Field? Here is the section of code

ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable36").PivotFields("Product").CurrentPage _
= arrProductVals(intProduct, 2)

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Refresh Pivot Tables Linked To Pivot Table

Jul 25, 2006

I currently have several pivot table that's linked to a single pivot table(let's call it X) in the same workbook. I'm doing this to limit the file size because the data in X comes from a text file that has millions of lines. However, it's such a pain every time I need to update the tables because simply clicking "refresh" does not update those tables that are linked to X with new data. I would have to instruct the wizard in every linked table to point to X every time. I'm trying to write a small program to re-point to X for each of those other pivot tables whenever i refresh data. However, after trying to record the steps to do this I'm still unable to run these

Sub Macro1()

ActiveSheet.PivotTableWizard SourceType:=xlPivotTable, SourceData:= _

End Sub

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Synchronise Changing Of Page Field For 4 Pivot Tables

Jan 7, 2007

1. I have 4 pivot tables on one sheet, all with the same page field (store name) and all relating to same data table.

If I change the store from the page field on one table, I want it to simultaneously change the other 3 tables to the same store.

2. I have a similar sheet which has charts instead of tables for which I wish to achieve the same thing.

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List All Hidden Page Field Items Of All Pivot Tables In Workbook

Nov 20, 2009

I am trying to write a list of pivot table page filter pivot items to the Immediate window - but only hidden items. The code below should do the job where the active sheet is a pivot table.

However when I change the page filter pivot items being hidden, the pivot items returned by the macro don't change. It seems to assume that all pivot items are hidden when in fact it may be only one or two. It will work though for pivot row items (pvt.RowFields) and pivot column items (pvt.ColumnFields) where the user changes them.

Does the pf.HiddenItems collection work for RowFields and ColumnFields but not PageFields? If so, is there a pivot field object that reliably holds hidden pivot items residing in the page filters?

Sub ListHiddenPageFilterPivotItems()

Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = wb.ActiveSheet
Dim pvt As PivotTable
Dim pf As PivotField
Dim pi As PivotItem

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Pivot Table Name And Pivot Field Properties Not Getting Recorded?

Apr 20, 2014

1. I am trying to record a macro where I select a Pivot Table. But in the recorded macro "Pivot Table name" is not recorded neither the Pivot Field Property only the Range name is recorded. But on other systems (workstations) these details get recorded. Does this have something to do with excel settings?

2. I uploaded a macro enabled excel file on my company's "sharepoint" the drop down boxes present in the file get populated via a macro in "ThisWorkbook" page but sometimes these drop down boxes don't show any values. What can be the reason for this? Can't share the file because of data security policy of my organization.

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Pivot Table With Dynamic, Updatable Chart, But Not A Pivot Chart!

Dec 19, 2008

My boss wants me to design a dynamic, updatable chart in Excel 2003. I initially made a Pivot Chart based on a Pivot Table which worked perfectly, but it doesn't look professional enough when printed (or viewed) and she wants me to approach it a different way.

So, I created a graph based on the data in a Pivot Table, and used dynamic ranges as the source for the graph series so that the chart updates when the criteria fields are changed for the Pivot Table. I then added two combo boxes (ie data validation lists) to the Chart sheet, and wrote VBA code so that whenever the combo box values are changed, the Criteria fields for the Pivot Table on the 2nd sheet are updated accordingly, and this in turn causes the graph to be updated as well.

This solution also worked perfectly, but now I've been told to create the graph without macros.

Does anyone have any suggestions? The requirements/details are as follows:

1. The Pivot Table is on sheet "PIVOT", and the graph is on sheet "GRAPH"
2. The Pivot Table has two criteria - School Name and Year Level
3. On sheet "GRAPH" there are two data-validated fields, School and Year, which only allow the selection of valid Schools and Year Levels

Is there any way to make the Pivot Table update when values are changed in the fields on the CHART sheet so that the chart also updates, but without using code nor a Pivot Chart?

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Linked Pivot Table Doesn't Refresh

Nov 13, 2012

I have two pivot tables on the same worksheet, tied to different tables, but both have a "date" column. When I change the date in either tables Report Filter this code does change the page field in the other one, but the data does not refresh. My primary table is PivotTable2, once I can get this working I would hide that report filter in PivotTable1.

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub


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Pivot Table In Excel Linked To Access Database?

Aug 28, 2013

i have a excel file which has a formatted pivot table which displays customers by country in row A 2 down to 36 with approx 36 customers in the values field i have volumes by alarms and tickets along the column labels it shows the previous 7 days with date and then the alarms and tickets in each row. My problem is i am trying to find the code or location where i can change the only bring back 7 days data to another value. i have searched all connection properties and definitions. I know there is a value somewhere that allows you to change this number to say from 7 days to 30 days. If you click on the column labels for date it shows the dates back 3+ years but it still if i tick more than 7 days only show 7 in the table.I have image if needed

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Create Report Using Power Pivot While Creating Relationship Between Linked Table?

Apr 24, 2014

I want to create a report using power pivot while creating the relationship between the linked tables, power pivot is throwing error "The relationship cannot be created because each cilumn contains duplicate values. Select at least one column that contains only values"

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Group Field Not Available In Pivot Table?

May 7, 2014

why the Group Field option is not available in my Pivot Table. Other Pivot Tables in the same document, using data formatted the same way will let me format the data (the original data is in MM/DD/YY [h]:mm format). I have floored my data so that I can group by hour of the day, but it's not letting me do that.

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Adding New Field To Pivot Table

Jul 5, 2014

I have two fields in pivot table, "HATA TOPLAMI" and "SIRA NO". "Hata toplamı" is sum of items, and "Sıra no" is count of items. İ want to divide these two fields and add it to the pivot table, like "HATA TOPLAMI" / "SIRA NO". I have tried calculated field function from pivot table. İ wrote "="HATA TOPLAMI" / "SIRA NO"". But the summary is false. I want to divide Sum of "Hata toplamı" and count of "Sıra no" but instead it divides with sum of "sıra no". Is there a way to do this?

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Expanding Only One Field In Pivot Table?

Jan 9, 2014

I have a problem in expanding/collapsing fields in pivot table.

I have source table with GROUP, SUBGROUP, ACCOUNT and AMOUNT. In pivot table I've put GROUP, SUBGROUP and ACCOUNT in Row labels respectivly, and AMOUNT in values. There are same names in SUBGROUP for different names in GROUP. (for example: groups are Production costs and Distribution costs and in each of them there are subgroups Personnel costs and Other costs).

The question is: Is it possible to expand only field Other costs in group Distribution costs while field Other costs in group Production costs stays collapsed?

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Calculated Field In Pivot Table?

Jan 21, 2014

Can I add a calculated field formulas in Excel pivot table. Such as CONCATENATE?

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Pivot Table Calculated Field

Mar 26, 2014

Ihave a pivot table that takes data from a table, groups the duplicate items and adds their values up - so it shows just one entry for each item. I now want to add a calculated field in there so that I can divide one of the fields into another.

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Pivot Table/Calculate The Field

Feb 23, 2009

I have attached a simple test file. The data tab has two columns in the pivot range. The third column is _not_ in the pivot range, but is there to show the result I'm trying to get with the pivot.

The idea is to count the number of people whose entry dates are greater than 2/1/2009. My third data column gives a correct result, but a similar formula in the calculated field of the pivot table gives a completely wrong result (a date), where my goal is to generate a zero, a one, or a sum of zeros and ones.

It could be a formatting issue, but that would not explain why all the pivot results have the _same_ wrong answer.

I'm new to PTs and calculated fields, and expect I've made a naive mistake that an expert could easily spot.

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Pivot Table Calculated Field?

Jun 19, 2012

I have a pivot table with 2 row filters (dept and name) and then three columns - Year 1, Year 2. I need to add a calculated field inbetween Year 1 and 2 to show the variance in dollars from ( Year1-Year2) as well as an additonal a column that shows the percentage change between the tw o years . I know I can copy this over and add formuals in Excel but I need to retain the features of the pivot tables due to the 2 row filters?

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Pivot Table - Shows Field Name Before Value

Jun 19, 2012

I want to show the field name (i.e Surname) before the value is shown in the Pivot Table. for Example if the Field is Surname and the value is 'Smith', I want to show - Surname Smith

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Pivot Table - Macro To Add First Field

Apr 13, 2013

I've created a Pivot Table with 30+ fields. I've recorded the following macro to add the first field. I need modifying the code so that it looks for and adds every field automatically. It'd save a lot of time.

Sub PTAdd()
' PTAdd Macro
With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable3").PivotFields("Assigned To")
.Orientation = xlRowField
.Position = 1
End With
End Sub

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