Populate Listbox With Selected Worksheet Columns
Nov 16, 2013
How can I adapt the following code to only show Columns; A, B, E, F and J from Sheet(3) into a Listbox called lbx_LiveAllocations?
As it stands, this code is only adding Column A. My only alternative has been to add all columns on the worksheet to the listbox, however there's a lot of unneeded information between.
Dim LR As Long
Dim ctrl As Object
Dim i As Long
Dim dic As Object
Dim arr As Variant
Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
[Code] ........
Erase arr
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Mar 16, 2014
I am trying to take selected items from a listbox and put the selected items into an array. Basically I am trying to put the selected items into a variable that I can pass to other modules. I am close but something is off. I can't tell if it's the variable declaration or the code.
I get Run Time error 91. Object variable or with block variable not set
Here's what I have so far...
[Code] ......
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Oct 15, 2007
How do I populate a new userform from an entry selected in the listbox. The listbox only lists one item from the original table but I'd like to populate the new userform with related information from the same row.
I'd then like to save this information to a new sheet and store the original information on another sheet leaving the first sheet a table of information yet to be updated.
The attached workbook should make things clearer. The update button is the one in question.
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Mar 21, 2008
i have a simple listbox and i want to be able to assign text to it.
i thought the correct code was something like this:
listbox1.List(rw,col) = "value"
but i get a runtime 381 error. could not set the list property. invalid property array index.
i'm using row 1 is index 0 and column 1 is index 0.
how do you populate a listbox with multiple columns? .additem only populates column one for me.
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Aug 26, 2006
Attempting to populate a listbox from a worksheet range at runtime As far as I can tell the code is correct But the listbox returns results from ws("Data") not from ws("WA")
Sub comp_bs_AnalyzeAccounts()
Dim wbBook As Workbook
Dim wsWA As Worksheet
Dim rngWA As Range
Dim lngRows As Long
Set wbBook = ThisWorkbook
Set wsWA = wbBook.Worksheets("WA")
lngRows = wsWA.Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
Set rngWA = wsWA.Range("A1:A" & lngRows).................
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Jul 3, 2007
I have listbox of information set up to have a user choose several items. I want the items to then transfer to another worksheet. I am using the code I found here:
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim lItem As Long
For lItem = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1
If ListBox1.Selected(lItem) = True Then
Sheet2. Range("A65536").End(xlUp)(2, 1) = ListBox1.List(lItem)
ListBox1.Selected(lItem) = False
End If
End Sub
But it is only moving The first item in a column, instead of all the columns of information. What do i do to get it to move all the information??
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Jul 7, 2014
I'm trying to get a sheet filled in the order of the command buttons selected. It works like:
User clicks command button "A" in Sheet 1.
Macro runs that selects correct info in Sheet 2.
Info gets pasted in Sheet 3.
Repeat and Sheet 3 columns fill to the right with each command button clicked.
My issue is that I'm not sure what command to add in the macro to make it paste in the next available empty column. Right now all I can get it to do is paste over the info already there.
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Feb 1, 2014
I am running Excel 2010 and Windows 7.
I have a form with a main list box and several other list boxes. I drag and drop records from the main list box to the others. When I drop a record onto one of the list boxes, a corresponding worksheet is updated with the same record. This works just fine.
The problem I have is:I close and re-open the form after having added some dataDrag/Drop a record to the list boxThe worksheet won't find the first empty rowExample: If the worksheet already contains 4 rows of data, I have to drag/drop 5 times before the fifth row will be updatedI would like to drop the data the first time and have the first blank row updated
1.) I have tried variations of "xlUp", "xlDown", and SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell) in the "Worksheets("Monday")... line of code; all to no avail.
2.) The cells contain formatting (borders)
Here is the relevant code:
'Copy items from the list box to the worksheet
For intI = 1 To ListBox2.ListCount
For intJ = 1 To ListBox2.ColumnCount
If IsEmpty(Worksheets("Monday").Cells(intI + 1, intJ)) Then
Worksheets("Monday").Cells(intI + 1, intJ).Value = ListBox2.List(intI - 1, intJ - 1)
End If
Next intJ
Next intI
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May 27, 2014
I have a userform where I can select multiple items in a listbox and add them to another. I also have the ability to filter the first listbox to make finding items easier. The issue I am having concerns the clear filter button. As currently designed, the clear filter button will reset the initial listbox back to its default values. Ideally, I would like it to reset to the default values excluding those values that currently in the second listbox.
The entire code is below for reference, but it's the sub ClearFilter_Click that I am struggling with.
[Code] ....
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Jul 25, 2014
I am using this code to hide or unhide rows of text on another sheet:
Sub ProcessSheet1ChangeOnCellJ7(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim sAddress As String
Dim sValue As String
'Get the address of the cell that changed without '$' signs
sAddress = Target.Address(False, False)
When the "Not Pursuing" list box option is selected (in cell "J7" or "J8" in Sheet 1) I need to add (or over-write) "Not Pursuing" to the range of cells in column "B" (in the "Tasks" sheet), but only for that particular Goal, meaning a limited range of cells in column "B". If the "Pursuing - Show All Tasks" option is selected for a Goal then these same cells need to be blank so that the appropriate person can enter their name into the cell.
The purpose for adding "Not Pursuing" automatically to these yellow highlighted cells is that it will facilitate filtering of tasks by individual in the "Tasks" sheet..
Again I have tried several times to upload a sample file and am unable to, which I know makes it more difficult to solve. (Is there some common mistake people make? I know it's an allowed format and is very small in file size....)
Code solution can be entered directly beneath:
If Target.Value = "Not Pursuing" Then
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Tasks").Rows("29:29").EntireRow.Hidden = False
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Tasks").Rows("30:48").EntireRow.Hidden = True
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Oct 14, 2011
using VBA in excel. My questions is: I would like to make a listbox that has 1 column and shows all of the headers in my different worksheet columns, and I would like to hide the columns based on which ones are selected in the listbox, is this possible I am having trouble findings examples online.
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May 10, 2009
Hi if possible can someone please tell me how u populate a list box with three columns i want 1st col "A12:A209" 2nd col "B12:B209" 3rd Col "D12:D209" shown in it. Ive tried everything i can think of and cant get it to work
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Sep 27, 2007
I have the following sheet which functions as a table to store values for files that have been created using the application which this table is in. In this app., I have a form with 2 listboxes. When the form loads, I have the first listbox list values which each of these files are listed under (i.e. - "sub-directories"). With a selection of one of the list values and clicking of a button, I want the second list box to list the values of cells listed in a range directly below where the selected value in the first listbox came from.
I'd prefer, in the first listbox, to have only the values of the ranges that have a value in them in the listbox. However, this would cause my listbox.selected(array) not function properly. But since my current offsets (in the second sub) do not seem to be working anyway, maybe I am going about this totally wrong.
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Jun 28, 2007
I have 1 listbox (lisbox1) that retrieve it's list items from a worksheet range (imported/database query from access). This works fine.
I have a second listbox (listbox2) that should display results from clicking a value in listbox1.
Listbox1 contains companynames (1 column), listbox2 needs to be populated with quotes.
Range A3:D4800 contains company ID's, Company names, Quote Numbers. When I select a company name in listbox1, I need listbox2 to be populated with all quotes for that company.
I have tried (using vba) to do a vlookup using the listbox1 value, but I cannot seem to figure out how to populate listbox2 with "all" quotes. I get 1 quote and that's it. I realize I probably need to have the vlookup loop through each cell in the range to find the value, but when I try this, I get a type mismatch when using the .additem (only for the 2nd and subsequent passes).
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Apr 4, 2014
im trying to create a two column listbox that will transfer both columns to the listbox on the right and also transfer from the right to left currently right to left works but when I trasnfer from the left to right then the right to left only one column is moved.
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May 18, 2009
I have created a Userform with several 'Listsboxes'. I would like to populate these boxes from lists on a spreadsheet. Can someone please point me in the right direction using the 'VB Help' where I can get an example of the code
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Mar 14, 2014
code the following on a userform initialize event to populate a list box: If the selected item in the list box SerialNumber = "none" (lower or upper case) then populate the list box lbSamDesc with all the unique entries on the sheet "EquipmentData" in Column C (from C3 on to last entry in C), where the corresponding B cell next to it is blank.
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Oct 6, 2008
I have a workbook with about 25 different sheets and each sheet has the same in cell listboxes on them and If I get another item I need to add to them I have to go to each sheet and update them, is there a way to make one list to populate each list from?
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Jul 9, 2009
I've got a list box which I want to fill with a two column array, with items from a sheet based on a criteria selected by userform fired from another sheet.
Private Sub VariationsApprovedListMake()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim MyList(10, 2) As String
Dim M%, n%
Set ws = Worksheets("Variations")
LastRow = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(0, 0).Row
'Clear ListBox
With lbVariationsApproved
.ColumnCount = 2
.ColumnWidths = "25;25"
.Width = 200
.Height = 100
End With.....................
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Aug 2, 2006
I have a set of values stored in an array an I simply want to populate the list box with these. one article on the microsoft website simply gave:
'Assign the array to the listbox
ListBox1.List = LArray
However, I get an object required error.
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Mar 20, 2008
I need to populate two listboxes, however, the value on the second box needs to derive from the first one, such as when I click on North America, USA and Canada would show up. the tricky part is that I need to be able to select North America and Europe in the same time and 2nd list box needs to show USA, Canada, UK, Italy, German accordingly.
A1: North America
A2: Europe
A3: Asia
B2: Canada
C1: UK
C2: Italy
C3: German
D1: China
D2: India
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Jun 10, 2014
I am using Excel frontend and Access backend for my project. Now I want to write the code that will execute when the userform1 is loaded and populate data from Access table in to the 2 column listbox. I have written the following code but that doesn't work properly.
[Code] .....
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Jun 26, 2014
I have a userform, a textbox and a listbox.
I want to populate the listbox dependant on the worksheet names, skipping the first 4 worksheets The texbox should highlite a value in the listbox (if exists).
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Feb 24, 2009
I am trying to populate a listbox in a userform with only certain data. Currently I am able to populate all rows in a worksheet but I need to have only rows with the current date to show. In col A is the date and col B is a persons name.
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May 16, 2009
In my workbook i have worksheets that are named 01-Jan-2008,15-jan-2008,30-jan-2008...and i have almost 50 for each year.from 2007 to 2009. I have created a userform where i have a Year combobox with values 2007,2008,2009 and an ok button
then in the same form, i have a listbox and an Ok button and a back button.
i want the user to be able to pick the Year from the combobox. once he specifies the year, the worksheets corresponding to that year should appear in the listbox...instead of populating it with all the 100+ wksheets i want the search narrowed down.
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Oct 13, 2009
Is possible to populate the headings of a listbox via code
I have a list box with three columns and need the headings to be
"Number" "Rider" and "Bike"
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Nov 14, 2012
I am trying populate a listbox on a userform using the range of a4:a:30 from a sheet entitle names. I can do this singly using the additem command, but I am not sure how I can add a range, or if that is possible. this is my code so far:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
With LBoNames
.AddItem Sheets("names").Range("a1").Value
End With
End Sub
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Nov 22, 2013
How do we populate a List Box based on two Combo Box Selection on a userform?
Sheet2 has 5 Columns of datas all the way down...
Combobox1 is the Column A
Combobox2 is the Column B
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Jul 5, 2014
I want to create a userform that selects a Staff members name from a combo box, once selected the listbox would then display what time off that person has taken - ultimately I would then like to be able to select a date taken and either edit or delete it from the sheet that holds the information.
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Jul 23, 2008
I am trying to populate a listBox with data from cells. I eventually want to be able to make the cells change by just adding more data into my worksheet.
Here is my code. It should fill my listBox with just cells A1:A11 (I can't figure out how to make it adjust for new data), however the code is returning this error:
"Run-time error '91'
Object variable or With block variable not set"
Option Explicit
Sub PopulateListBox()
Dim myList As Worksheet
Dim x As Variant
For Each x In myList.Range("A1:A11")
UserForm3.ListBox1.AddItem x.Value
End Sub
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