Preserve Cells Word Formatting Concatenating Text

Jun 7, 2008

I have a cell with some text in it that has formatting applied (bold in this case). I want to append some text on the end using VBA, but preserve the existing font formatting information. So say I have "one bold one" in my cell, I'm executing the following: ActiveCell.Value = ActiveCell.Value & "two"

But this wipes out the bold information. Is there any way of preserving the bold that's already in the cell. Either perhaps by copying the Characters object and reapplying it, or by some other method?

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Concatenating Text In Two Cells

Dec 3, 2011

I would like code for concatenating the text in two cells (F2) and (F4) saparated by a gap

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Preserve Formatting In PivotTable

Sep 18, 2007

I have made a pivot table and in Pivot table option Merge labels for colum b. I the problem i am facing is once i give this the next colum text filed is automatically arranged in center. I want the next colum as left alignment. Once i delete some rows in the data then if i refresh it automatically align the next colum to center. I have given the preserve formatting as well as i have un selected the autoformat colum.

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Preserve Formatting After XML Import

Jun 11, 2008

I have programmed a button that allows the user to import XML data into my workbook via the following

Sub Button5_Click()
FileToOpen = Application. GetOpenFilename("XML files (*.xml), *.xml")
If FileToOpen <> False Then
ActiveWorkbook.XmlMaps("RouteDoc_Map").Import (FileToOpen)
End If
End Sub

All my XML data comes in great to the associated mapped cells (on several worksheets) but the data that is coming in as a list erases the alternating white/gray conditional formating that I've applied via FORMULA IS =MOD(ROW(),2). How would I be able to preserve the alternating white/gray conditional formating, no matter how many rows are being imported via my button ?

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Preserve Formatting When Pasting Into A Cell

Feb 24, 2010

I am making template and trying to preserve formatting when users paste into a cell. From my research, I have found that this is impossible with simple format protection, it works to prevent changing formating, but if something is pasted (with normal paste), the format will change.

I have found a few solutions, but can't get them to work correctly

Solution A: Disable normal paste and substitute Paste Special - Values

How will this work with pasting via CTRL + V and the right click menu? I need both to function.

Solution B: Allow users to paste normally, but use a macro to copy formatting from a hidden sheet

I actually found code for this, but I couldn't figure out exactly how to impliment it. The sheet that users will be pasting into is called "Batch Summary" and I was trying to pull formatting from a sheet names "Batch Summary Format", but was getting an error.

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Preserve Formatting When Pasting Part Of A Cell

Jun 4, 2013

Is it possible to preserve original text formatting when copying and pasting only part of a cell. Like, for example, a cell may contain ten words one of which is in red and underlined. How do you copy that one word and paste it in another cell so that it remains in red and underlined?

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Preserve Formatting On Pivot Chart Refresh

Sep 22, 2009

have come across the apparent inflexibility of a pivot chart retaining its user defined formatting whenever it is refreshed.

I understand I can save my chosen formatting as a 'user defined' custom chart, which can be applied post-refresh, but was wondering if a simple bit of code would do this automatically, saving the additional clicks!

how to deal with the attached. How could I adapt the code to call in other 'user defined' charts I may create in the future?

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ADO ADODB.Connection: Preserve Cell Formatting

Oct 4, 2006

With ADO (ADODB.Connection), is there a way to preserve the cell formatting on the worksheet that the recordset data is copied to? Right now, if I format a Cell's font and font-size, then run the Macro to refresh the data, the formatting is gone and it's back to default formatting.

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Preserving Pivot Table Formats. Preserve Formatting Checked But...

Aug 28, 2009

I'm having a devil of a time trying to preserve the formatting on a pivot table that I made in Excel 2003. As near as I can tell, I've done the appropriate things --- check the preserve formatting box, uncheck autoformat --- but my formatting is not preserved when I pivot.

Adding to the mystery is the fact that some formatting is preserved but not all. I'm guessing either I'm missing something obvious or this is just an unruly, rogue pivot table that refuses to be formatted.

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Concatenating Two Columns Of Text Into Third

Feb 1, 2012

This should be easy, I have a column of First Names, a column of second names and I wish to create a new column with First Name , space, Last name.

I can create a cell specific code such as

However I want to make this into a macro to run on any file that I open for every entry in the columns (I export a file weekly and need to run it each time).

My macro and VBA skills are very basic!

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Concatenating Values And Not Text?

Aug 3, 2012

I've got a workbook with several sheets, Sheet_1, Sheet_2, Sheet_3 and so on.

Each worksheet has various estimates in them and cell B61 contains a sum

I also have a summary worksheet that contains the sums from each worksheet like so:





In the sum column, isntead of having to manually type in Sheet_1, Sheet_2 and Sheet_3, I'd like to use the value listed in the Sheet_Name column

I've tried concatenating the value in the sheet_name column with !B61 but instead it uses the text value Sheet_1 and doesn't go to the actual sheet.

Is there a clever formula I can try in the sum column?

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Preserve Function When Inserting Cells

Apr 21, 2009

I'm using IF functions to get the difference of two cells. An example:

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Concatenating Text And Cell References

Jul 29, 2006

I need to concatenate some standard text with some cell references but I can't use quotation marks as I would in the normal excel function as it produces an "expected end of statement" error message.

Is there a way around this?

What I want to say is:

Range(B23).FormulaR1C1 = "CONCATENATE(“With ”, Info!C18), “ entries, your expected rate is: ”, H21)"

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Text Split For The Name Only In Cells Where Contains The Word Name

Jun 3, 2009

I would like to do a text split for the name only in cells where contains the word "Name". For example: Name A&A Enterprize

Text split function for it is =MID(A1,FIND(" ",A1)+1,255)
so it only recognizes A&A Enterprize.

How would I add an IF, Then function (If the any cell contains the word Name, apply the text split function, for cells don't have the word Name, just leave it blank) if i have to do this for a large data file so i dont have to copy this function for every cell that contains the word Name.

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Combine/Join Cells & Preserve Leading Zeros

Sep 6, 2006

I have 2 columns which contain numbers that have laeding zeros. example:

Column H has 002345 and Column I has 0678. I have tried H1&I1 but the leading zeros are stripped off. Is there a way to combine 2 cells AND preserve the leading zeros in both cells ?

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Concatenating 2 Cells Into 1

Apr 27, 2007

I have 1 work book with 2 work sheets. I need the data from 1 cell on the first sheet to be merged with a cell on the second sheet, ( I could also do with this having a line being inserted) can this be done in the same cell or does the merge command only work into a new cell?

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Check If Word Is Within Text In Column Cells

Apr 12, 2008

I have a worksheet for a mailing list with name, address and other information. I need to search for the text "board" in the name column and if it is found, add a code to a different column.

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Searching Text Cells To Return Word Count Within Particular Row

Feb 9, 2012

I am trying to search text cells to return a word count within a particular row of cells and I am currently using the following formula:

=COUNTIF($D4669:$EI4669,$O$3), where cell o3 contains the word to search and $D4669:$EI4669 the data.

However, this formula misses data that contains characters such as "," etc.

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Concatenating Cells In 41000 Rows

Aug 4, 2007

worksheet has about 50000 rows
in col1 there is a single letter, either A or P
in col2 there is an ID number with duplicates
so looks like
A 233
P 250
A 250
P 250
A 300
P 300
I would like a method to concatenate the strings in col1 and place the result in col3 at the top of the list of duplicates so result would be
A 233 A
P 250 PAP
A 250
P 250
A 300 AP
P 300

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Copy Text In Excel Cells And Paste As Bullets Into New Word Doc

Nov 3, 2013

I have a simple excel sheet with columns A (name1) B (name2) C (name3) D (name4) E (name5) F (text). A given name can only appear once in any given row.

I am looking for a vba code (Excel 2003) that would loop through cells in A1:E?? (number of rows varies, loop needs to find last non-empty row in column A) and look for a particular name (e.g. "Stefan Thomas"):
1) create new unnamed word doc
2) Put "New Annex" as a header (top right) in the new word doc
3) Insert text "List for Stefan Thomas" centered and underlined as the first line of the new word doc. The document will have two sections:
4) Insert text "Items in Column A" bolded and aligned to the left
5) Insert text "Items in Column B to E" bolded and aligned to the left below the section in 4
6) if "Stefan Thomas" is in column A, copy text in column F and paste in word doc as first bullet (below title "Items in Column A")
7) repeat step 6 for all other instances of "Stefan Thomas" in column A (append text as next bullet in section "Items in Column A")
8) If "Stefan Thomas" is in column B or C or D or E (can only appear once per row), copy text in column F and paste in word doc as first bullet (below title "Items in Column B to E")
9) repeat step 8 for all other instances of "Stefan Thomas" in column B or C or D or E (append text as next bullet in section "Items in Column B to E")

if you could indicate in the code how I can choose the type of bullet as well as space between bullets and font type

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Populate Excel Cells With Specific Text From Word Document

Jul 22, 2014

Let me start by stating that I am a novice at writing macro script. I am trying to write a script that will open and search a Word doc, find specific text in that document, and populate certain excel cells with that information.

Ex. of Word doc: Install gasket [12], using bolt [5] and nut [8]. Uninstall gasket [12] and scrap gasket and fasteners.

I would like the script to search for and populate any number between the [ ] into a specific excel cell, also I would like it to identify and populate an excell cell with the associated step, e.g.: "", which will be at the begining of that step (step could be several sentences long). Also, I would like the script to look for and identify/populate an excel cell with any number of words such as: "install", "uninstall", "break", "scrap", or "remove" also associated with that step.

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2003 - Conditional Formatting: Find Cells That Have The Word "managment"

Jun 18, 2008

I am trying to use conditional formatting to find cells that have the word "managment" in the text. The problem I am having is that the cells may contain a paragraph and the word may be embedded in the paragraph. I need to either high the word or the paragraph. I can get it to work if only the word "management" is in the cell but not when I add other words to it. I have tried using *management* but this didn't work.

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How To Create Destination Cell By Concatenating Cells

Feb 22, 2012

I am trying to create a destination cell by concatenating several cells and text together. A1 = Folder Name, B1 = File Name, C1 = Tab and Cell. In D1, I am creating a formula that concatenates all the cells to create a destination. This obviously doesn't work so I run a macro to copy, paste special values which displays this in E1, ='FolderName[File Name]Tab'!Cell. The pasted formula works but only after you click on the cell and hit the enter key. Is there a better way to do this?

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Concatenating Cells Based On Common Value In Next Column?

Apr 23, 2013

I'm using excel 2008 for mac. I've got a spreadsheet with around 4000 rows. The data is organized like this:

|Example Domain
|Example Domain
|Example Domain
|Example Domain
|Example Domain

What I'm trying to do is concatenate all of the URLs into one cell so that each email address has only 1 single row with many URLs associated with it. I tried using VLOOKUP(B1, $A$1:$B$4000, 1, FALSE) but this didn't work. I thought it was a long shot anyway. I also tried writing a bash script do parse a csv with this data and create a csv file with the URLs concatenated with no luck. I'm trying to get my data to look like this:

|Example Domain
|Example Domain
|Example Domain
|Example Domain
|Example Domain

Where these are 2 adjacent cells.

EDIT: The format didn't turn out like I'd hoped. In the first example, each URL has an associated email address, each in its own row. In the second, it is just one row, with multiple urls in the first cell and an email address in the second cell.

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Conditional Formatting: Cells Filled By Red Until The User Enters Text In Those Cells

Jul 18, 2006

Is there a way to set up a conditional format for several cells so that the cells are filled in with red until the user enters text in those cells??

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Concatenating Multiple Cells With Different Font Format Query

Jun 14, 2006

if it is possible to concatenate multiple cells that have different font formats? For example; cell A1 is font formatted SYMBOL and contains the letter "D", cell B1 is font formatted ARIEL and contains the word "delta". What I am trying to do is concatenate the two cells while maintaining their font formats.

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Conditional Or IF - Formatting Another Cells Font Based On Different Cells Text

May 3, 2013

What I am looking to do is;

If cell A2 = "Closed"

then I want cells B2 and C2 to strike through its own text.

A2= anything other than "Closed"
then B2 and C2 = Blah blah blah

but if

A2 = Closed
then B2 and C2 = Blah blah blah

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Formatting Numbers In Cells That Have Text Using VBA?

Apr 11, 2013

I have a table of data in which a lot of data appears as " "999" Then 'fix this, not working, formats numbers with decimals as whole numbers

c.NumberFormat = "#,##0 "
End If
' now format to line up right justified


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Sum Up A Column Of Cells Which Have Both Text With And Without Strikethrough Formatting

Feb 23, 2010

I'm trying to sum up a column of cells which have both text with and without strikethrough formatting. I've looked around and got some VB codes but it doesn't work for me.

I still get the annoying #NAME? error. It did work initially but after moving the file to another computer it just became #NAME? again.

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Conditional Formatting If Multiple Cells Contain Same Text

Dec 30, 2012

I want to conditional format based on all of the following cells contain the same text as AT19 or not.

A19 H19 O19 V19 AC19 AJ19

What is my formula?

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