Concatenating Cells Based On Common Value In Next Column?

Apr 23, 2013

I'm using excel 2008 for mac. I've got a spreadsheet with around 4000 rows. The data is organized like this:

|Example Domain
|Example Domain
|Example Domain
|Example Domain
|Example Domain

What I'm trying to do is concatenate all of the URLs into one cell so that each email address has only 1 single row with many URLs associated with it. I tried using VLOOKUP(B1, $A$1:$B$4000, 1, FALSE) but this didn't work. I thought it was a long shot anyway. I also tried writing a bash script do parse a csv with this data and create a csv file with the URLs concatenated with no luck. I'm trying to get my data to look like this:

|Example Domain
|Example Domain
|Example Domain
|Example Domain
|Example Domain

Where these are 2 adjacent cells.

EDIT: The format didn't turn out like I'd hoped. In the first example, each URL has an associated email address, each in its own row. In the second, it is just one row, with multiple urls in the first cell and an email address in the second cell.

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Join Two Spreadsheets Based On A Common Column

May 13, 2006

I have two worksheets. One has columns A B C , the second has columns A B C D. Columns A in the two worksheets reflect the same data (serial number) , although one worksheet could have more rows than the other since it gets updated manually daily. I would like to use a macro that would:

1. use columns A's value in worksheet 1 to match a row in worksheet 2 then merge columns from worksheet 1 & 2 and insert into a new worksheet
2. repreat until all rows in worksheet 1 are read
3. save worksheet 3

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How To Sync Two Cells And Sort As One Based On Common Words

Apr 30, 2013

I would like to sync cells together that contain common words for sorting purposes is this possible? For instance i have a [URL] ..... in column A row 1 and In column B row 2 i have the word bellmont i need to get the rows to sync so rows containing common words line up. I have 8,000 rows to sync?

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Excel 2007 :: Make One List Out Of Columns Based On Common Information In Column C?

Oct 12, 2011

Is it possible to take the information below and make one list out of columns F, H and J based on the common information in column C? For example, group all the 18s in a list, followed by the 44s.this is excel 2007

column CColumn Fcolumn Hcolumn J

Option code

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Concatenating Times Based On Date

Jul 18, 2007

I am looking to total a sheet as follows into a header row - Is it possible?

A - B - C
1)Date - Estimated Time - Actual Time
3)7/27/07 - 2 - 4
4)7/27/07 - 3 - 4
5)7/27/07 - 2 - 5
6)7/28/07 - 2 - 4
7)7/28/07 - 8 - 6
8)7/28/07 - .25 - .4
9)7/28/07 - 1 - .5

I would like B2 to read "7/27/07 - 7hrs, 7/28/07 - 11.25hrs"
and B3 to read "7/27/07 - 13hrs, 7/28/07 - 10.9hrs"

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Concatenating 2 Cells Into 1

Apr 27, 2007

I have 1 work book with 2 work sheets. I need the data from 1 cell on the first sheet to be merged with a cell on the second sheet, ( I could also do with this having a line being inserted) can this be done in the same cell or does the merge command only work into a new cell?

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Concatenating Text In Two Cells

Dec 3, 2011

I would like code for concatenating the text in two cells (F2) and (F4) saparated by a gap

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Concatenating Cells In 41000 Rows

Aug 4, 2007

worksheet has about 50000 rows
in col1 there is a single letter, either A or P
in col2 there is an ID number with duplicates
so looks like
A 233
P 250
A 250
P 250
A 300
P 300
I would like a method to concatenate the strings in col1 and place the result in col3 at the top of the list of duplicates so result would be
A 233 A
P 250 PAP
A 250
P 250
A 300 AP
P 300

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How To Create Destination Cell By Concatenating Cells

Feb 22, 2012

I am trying to create a destination cell by concatenating several cells and text together. A1 = Folder Name, B1 = File Name, C1 = Tab and Cell. In D1, I am creating a formula that concatenates all the cells to create a destination. This obviously doesn't work so I run a macro to copy, paste special values which displays this in E1, ='FolderName[File Name]Tab'!Cell. The pasted formula works but only after you click on the cell and hit the enter key. Is there a better way to do this?

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Concatenating Multiple Cells With Different Font Format Query

Jun 14, 2006

if it is possible to concatenate multiple cells that have different font formats? For example; cell A1 is font formatted SYMBOL and contains the letter "D", cell B1 is font formatted ARIEL and contains the word "delta". What I am trying to do is concatenate the two cells while maintaining their font formats.

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Preserve Cells Word Formatting Concatenating Text

Jun 7, 2008

I have a cell with some text in it that has formatting applied (bold in this case). I want to append some text on the end using VBA, but preserve the existing font formatting information. So say I have "one bold one" in my cell, I'm executing the following: ActiveCell.Value = ActiveCell.Value & "two"

But this wipes out the bold information. Is there any way of preserving the bold that's already in the cell. Either perhaps by copying the Characters object and reapplying it, or by some other method?

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How To Create Third Column With Common Value

Aug 22, 2014

I have two columns(1 and 2), Column two will for each data set have two common values. For most of the data set where column two have the second common value, i can find it based on column 1, but where column 1 differs, i do not know how to get data based on column two.

See attached, column 1 and 2 data. Column 3 I took out one common value, column 4 I just did a IF function to populate blank spaces with common value, but for row 24 - 26 if does not work because column 1 does not follow same logic. Is there a way to populate a third column with one value(can be either of the two common values in column 2(note there will be multiple data sets)?

doc list.xlsx‎

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Insert Data From Different Worksheet Based On Common Value

May 7, 2013

I have searched and there are some examples that are similar to what I'm looking for but I cannot seem to use those answers to make my problem work. The example from the forums that seems to match my problem the closest is [URL]....

Summary: I have an Excel file called "COST TEMPLATE.XLSX" that has product information (serial number, quantities, pricing), calculations and reports; then on a monthly basis I receive a file (VENDOR_EXPORT.CSV) with updated product quantities to be merged into the cost spreadsheet.

I would like to merge specific data fields from the VENDOR_EXPORT.CSV file into my cost template based on the serial number. I am attaching three dummy files that hopefully describes the issue:

2. VENDOR_EXPORT.XLSX - which highlights the cells to be import and to which corresponding column

My preference is to do this with functions, not macros. How to add the export into the existing workbook as a temporary worksheet, or just pull from the other workbook as CSV file.

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Transfer Of Data Based On Common Cell

Jul 12, 2006

I have a workbook with several sheets containing prices of products. One column has the product number and a second column has the price. We just received new prices. Can a macro read the product number from the new sheet, find the same product number on the old workbook and transfer the new price. and than change the price so I know it was updated.

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Truncate To Last Common Folder In A Column?

Sep 15, 2014

I have Column A with file paths from the same main directory.

C:UsersSJohn.AJAXDesktopTimeDChargers hick.docx
C:UsersSJohn.AJAXDesktopTimeDChargers raps.docx

I would like to find the last common folder along the entire Column (Time),
remove all to the left, and insert E: in its place. Getting:

E:TimeDChargers hick.docx
E:TimeDChargers raps.doc

I have already created a VBA Script for other parts of this project, so I would like to add the script to the end rather than create a separate macro. If there is a formula that can do this I am willing to work with that as well.

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Match Two Lists With One Common Column?

Oct 17, 2008

I have two lists, let's say:

Eva 1982
Anna 1981
Lisa 1983
John 1980
Steve 1972


Eva Female
John Male
Lisa Female

Can in any way match the above lists automaticly, so the information from List number 2, column B, appears at the correct place in List number 1, Column C? For empty cells, no information is fine.

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How To Add Common Word In Filled Column

Sep 18, 2013

I have a column in excel sheet of more than 1000 different names. I want to add S/o with each name how can I do that ?

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Find Out The Most Common Keywords In Column

Oct 12, 2009

In column A I have 50,000 cells, each containing 1 to 10 keywords. For example
A1 = "jobs"
A2 = "jobs in milton keynes"
A3 = "it jobs in milton keynes"
A4 = "sales jobs in milton keynes"
A5 = "well paying brickie work in spain"

At first I was trying to find out the most common keywords in column A, and I used the following code to do so

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Matching Data From Common Column?

Jul 7, 2011

Table 1

7/4/2011AMWG16=01BLK25K_USA[a3]*042711Date a Rich Black Man By June 232350$0.19
7/4/2011AMWG16=01BLK25K_USA[a3]*042711Date a Rich Black Man By June


I've got two tables of information here, if you scroll to the far right of table 1 and look at the left of table two, you'll see a common code like:


and these entries will appear multiple times as well


appears twice and the data is different and will need to be added up

How can I:

1. Add up the data on each table with the common string such as "AMWG16=01_0212-16"

2. Take all the data that has been added up and combine the statistics, for example,
when its all done it should show


in the first column, and then all the statistics from the two tables in the columns to the right.

I'm guesssing...

Since some entries appear multiple times, you will need to sum up all the unique entries for that value. Say:


Shows up three times, you'll need to sum up all the values and this needs to be done on both tables


You can combine the data

I'm familiar w/ vlookup, index, match functions, but I'm not quite sure how to put this all together

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Getting Most Common Value Of Column That Is Result Of Filter

Nov 1, 2013

I'm applying a filter in a sheet that's something like this, after applying the filter it looks like this (Example Item 999)

Inv. Qty
Avi. Qty



I was trying to get the "Flag" Column value, (inside the filter and it crashed)

With InventorySheet
.AutoFilterMode = False
LRowOnQ = .Cells(Rows.Count, "Q").End(xlUp).Row
.Range("B1").AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:=Project
.Range("D1").AutoFilter Field:=4, Criteria1:=ContractNumber
.Range("N1").AutoFilter Field:=14, Criteria1:=Code
.Range("Q1").AutoFilter Field:=17, Criteria1:=">0"
Set rangeFilteredInventory = .Range("Q1:Q" & LRowOnQ)
ControlFlag = .Range("L2").Value
End With

After the filter, it always take the same value.

With InventorySheet
.AutoFilterMode = False
LRowOnQ = .Cells(Rows.Count, "Q").End(xlUp).Row
.Range("B1").AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:=Project
.Range("D1").AutoFilter Field:=4, Criteria1:=ContractNumber
.Range("N1").AutoFilter Field:=14, Criteria1:=Code
.Range("Q1").AutoFilter Field:=17, Criteria1:=">0"
Set rangeFilteredInventory = .Range("Q1:Q" & LRowOnQ)
End With
ControlFlag = InventorySheet.Range("L2").Value

Is there any way to take the most common letter of the result range?

I'm aware there's a average option in subtotal, but I think it's just for numbers.


With InventorySheet
.AutoFilterMode = False
LRowOnQ = .Cells(Rows.Count, "Q").End(xlUp).Row
.Range("B1").AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:=Project
.Range("D1").AutoFilter Field:=4, Criteria1:=ContractNumber
.Range("N1").AutoFilter Field:=14, Criteria1:=Code
.Range("Q1").AutoFilter Field:=17, Criteria1:=">0"


And it doesn't even do the loop.

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Put Data In Column B As Common Row For Each Block

Dec 30, 2008

I have a matrix with info of persons of different cities in consecutive rows, where the
city data is in column B. I would like to eliminate columnb B and divide all persons from
any particular city with 2 new rows, their city name and below a field for every column data.

*The number of employees for city would be variable.

Original data (The columns used go from A to E)

1 City_1 Employee_1 Address_Employee_1 Other data_Employee_1
2 City_1 Employee_2 Address_Employee_2 Other data_Employee_2
3 City_1 Employee_3 Address_Employee_3 Other data_Employee_3
4 City_1 Employee_4 Address_Employee_4 Other data_Employee_4
5 City_2 Employee_1 Address_Employee_1 Other data_Employee_1
6 City_2 Employee_2 Address_Employee_2 Other data_Employee_2 ...

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Sum Cells By Common Date

Feb 19, 2010

I have a spreadsheet that lists two columns - impressions and clicks - by date. Sometimes the same date is listed in multiple rows. What I would like to do is add the columns so that I have a total number of impressions and a total number of clicks by each date.

For example my data could look like:
Date || Impressions || Clicks
01/01/09 || 5 || 6
01/01/09 || 3 || 4
01/01/09 || 4 || 7

and I would like it to look like this:
Date || Impressions || Clicks
01/01/09 || 12 || 17

A shortened spreadsheet is attached. The actual one is for the past year with over 1000 rows, which is why I'm hoping someone can point me in an easy direction to do the summing.

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Find Most Common Occurring String Based On Lookup Value?

Dec 4, 2013

Find the most common occurring string in my spreadsheet based on a lookup value. For example, if my table is as follows:


- I want to calculate the most common value chosen by user 234 (A in this case), user 524 (B in this case)... and so on.
- I want to calculate the percent of the chosen value. So in the previous point, A was chosen ~67% of the time by user 234... and so on.

I'm not sure which formula to use. I am able to find the most common occurring value in column B using the formula below (which I found here), but how can I do that for a specific value, a user ID in this case?

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Merging Excel Workbooks Based On Common Field?

Jul 8, 2013

I have two workbooks, Quotes and Invoices. They have a common field (column) between them called "QuoteID". Since not all quotes turn into invoices, there are more rows in the Quotes workbook than the Invoices one. Is it possible to match the "QuoteID" cell values in Invoices to just the ones in Quotes that match up, and then merge them into a new worksheet? If not, is there an add-on that will accomplish this?

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Merge Multiple Worksheets Into 1 Based On Common Field

Apr 19, 2008

I have multiple worksheets with multiple varying columns with varying rows. My one constant is the product_id. I want to merge all worksheets into 1 worksheet based on the product_id's. Here is my example:...............

It has to consolidate all of the column names from all of the worksheets into the final worksheet, then take all of the rows and put the product_id in the product_id column and put the other data under the appropriate columns. Some columns will end up blank where they may be a column in worksheet 2 but not worksheet 1.

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Macro To Create New Column From Common Words

Jun 4, 2013

I have a spreadsheet with approx 7000 rows, many of which contain the same item but with flavors and other variations on the end. An example would be:

10142 6kg of whey bundle With Free protein shaker-Banana
10143 6kg of whey bundle With Free protein shaker-Chocolate
10144 6kg of whey bundle With Free protein shaker-Strawberry
10145 6kg of whey bundle With Free protein shaker-Unflavoured
10010 **Bodybuilding Warehouse Premium Whey Probiotic - 2.2kg
10011 **Bodybuilding Warehouse Premium Whey Probiotic - 2.2kg + FREE Shaker

Would it be possible To create a New column (column C) which would display all common words from row b into the New column Like below?

10142 6kg of whey bundle With Free protein shaker-Banana 6kg of whey bundle With Free protein shaker
10143 6kg of whey bundle With Free protein shaker-Chocolate 6kg of whey bundle With Free protein shaker
10144 6kg of whey bundle With Free protein shaker-Strawberry 6kg of whey bundle With Free protein shaker

[Code] ....

I've attached a larger sample of our list to get a better idea of different variations that are on the spreadsheet.

I think what we need is something similar to this thread[URL] .....

Sample List.xlsx

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Grouping Data From Two Tables (different Structure) Based On Common Criteria?

Dec 1, 2013

The attached file shows what I'm trying to do - I'd like to fill in the data in the top left corner table (blue-shaded) with the data combined from the two other tables. Think of the Greek letters as names that are grouped into the groups named {A,B,C,D,E} (the names have no significance, it's just an example).

I was able to do so using an array formula and an extra column (yellow shaded) as you can see in B2 - however, this solution doesn't suite my case because the actual tables will be coming from automated processes and cannot be easily manually altered.

I tried inserting the array formula into the sumproduct formula - see B3 - but for some reason this doesn't behave the same as when the array is outside the formula. I should also mention that I came across a user defined function solution - this too is not so suitable for me right now.

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Find Common Values Across Multiple Sheets Based On Unique ID

Oct 24, 2013

The old thread is here: [URL] ....

There are three sheets in the workbook, Project, Tasks and Details and the expected resulting sheets are RESULT, In_Tasks_but_NOT_in_Projects and In_Details_but_NOT_in_Projects .

But now what I am looking for:

1. Copy the Projects data as is in the RESULT sheet.

2. Then in the Tasks sheet, if the ID matches paste the matching rows under the data from Projects (as in the result sheet with Orange colour)

3. If the ID is present in Tasks but NOT in Projects then copy it into the In_Tasks_but_NOT_in_Projects sheet.

4. Then If the ID and the Name in the Details tab matches with the data in the RESULT sheet then paste it under the ID and Name (as in the result sheet with Green colour)

5. If the ID does not match the ID in the results sheet then copy that row into the In_Details_but_NOT_in_Projects sheet.

The result of the current macro that RHCPgergo worked with are in the last sheet.

The formatting and colour of the rows doesn't matter, it is more of nice to have.

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Generating A List Of The Five Most Common Responses (Text-Based Mode)

Sep 11, 2009

I would like to generate a dynamic list of the top five most common text responses in a range. For simplicity sake, let's assume that the range spans cells A1 to A20, and the list is generated in cells B1 to B5. So, essentially, I am seeking five separate formulas. One to calculate the most common text element, one to calculate the second most common text element, one to calculate the third most common text element and so forth.

I am currently working with the two formulas below but finding it incredibly difficult to merge them into a working format.

Formula for finding second most common number:

Formula for finding most common text element:

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Build List From Common Cells

May 17, 2007

Got something I need to do that I have never done.

I have a column on a worksheet1:

I have a column on another worksheet2:

In the column next to the above on worksheet2, i want to pull the numbers in for that (the numbers are contained in ONE column):
NBC | 1
ABC | 1 2 3 4
CBS | 1 2

Im not sure how to go about this?
In the example I attached, on sheet 2 column B, that is where I want the numbers to build to.

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