Prevent Code Loop Interruption By Esc Or Ctrl+Break Keys
Nov 18, 2009
The code itself functions as desired however i am getting the vba message "code execution has been interupted". However if i comment out the line
ActiveSheet. Range("Y6:BC6").Delete Shift:=xlUp. Then all is well - so i'd say that is the culprit.
Sub Test()
If Left(ActiveSheet.Name, 5) = "query" Then
Dim intRow As Integer
intRow = ActiveSheet.Range("Y4").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).Row
If intRow > 25 Then
ActiveSheet.Range("Y6:BC6").Delete Shift:=xlUp
intRow = intRow - 1
End If
' Runner 1
ActiveSheet.Range("Y" & intRow).Value = ActiveSheet.Range("A5").Value
ActiveSheet.Range("Z" & intRow).Value = ActiveSheet.Range("M4").Value...................
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Aug 8, 2007
I have a macro, that when running needs to display certain sheets that should be hidden again when the macro is done. I solve this by using the code
Sheets("Sheet1").Visible = True
'macro code
Sheets("Sheet1").Visible = xlVeryHidden
But what if the macro fails? Or if the user ends it by pressing Esc? Then he will be able to see the hidden sheet. Is there something I can write in the code that makes the macro hide the sheet, then show the error message?
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Dec 13, 2006
my excel sheet runs through a lot of calculations, opens Flowmaster, a simulations program, passes on data, receivs data and so on. Is there any way to have a user input to stop the whole simulation. During the first tries I had a lot of break point in my debugger. But now I want to have a button to hit or better just some keys to hit to stop it without using the ctrl+alt+del which closes everything.
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Jun 10, 2013
I was thinking of how the Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) macro can be used to paste values instead of formula when the user uses Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V. Instead of assigning a macro to a command button for user to activate.
Suppose I have a worksheet where the range ("D7:D56") is where I would want the user to paste his values in it.
I have to factor in the possibility that these values have formulas attached to them, and that the user is not tech-savvy enough to know about the "paste special --> values" functionality of excel, and chooses to use the Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V method instead.
What then appears are ####### which might alarm the user.
Neither would we want the user to press a button (which we can assign the xlpastevalues macro as an alternative) as that adds an extra step for the user. There is also a chance the user might not use the button, or overlooked it.
Is it possible to use the Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) macro, or sth similar, to paste values instead of formula when user uses Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V?
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Apr 10, 2008
I have a ton of cells that contain formulas with arrays. How can I update these without:
clicking the cell
clicking the formula bar
then hitting CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER
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Dec 30, 2006
Taking the following as an example, where you find yourself in an infinite loop. How can you interrupt the sub and keep the code. All because you where to stupid to save it before running it.
Sub TEST()
****MsgBox "YOU IDIOT"
****GoTo LabelA
End Sub
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Apr 24, 2008
I've got some code (at bottom) which works very well for small groups of data but when it gets large it hangs excel. Had heard that I can make code which will get it to pick up on the row after where it left off rather than having it run the entire loop again. Specifically speaking of the raw data sheet. It is sorted by date and by code so that if it works on the first code for the date it won't have to return to that row again for data. Uncertain how to implement that approach. (sample data layout below)
Option Explicit
Sub DoubleDirectionLoop()
Dim Wb As Excel.Workbook
Dim Ws1 As Excel.Worksheet, Ws2 As Excel.Worksheet
Dim iCol As Integer
Dim iRow As Integer, iRow2 As Integer
Dim Loop1 As Integer, Loop2 As Integer
Dim Loop3 As Integer, PeakSum As Long
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Feb 8, 2007
I've developed a little software using Excel Macros & VB. To prevent people from accesing the code I protected the code blocking it from visualization. It seems not enough as an acquaintance of a friend cracked it in 25 minutes. Or so he says. So I'd like to know if there is a better way to protect the font code.
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Feb 2, 2010
I have lurked and learned but now this is beyond me-Attached is a sample file - The tab Data is where I start the macro and it is the file( after I have cleaned it up) that I get once a week-I added Column K/L-Blank Count Sheet Format is where the macro puts the info- count sheet is what I want it to look like- Old version is how I used to present the sheets-using subtotals etc-See the print preview to see what old ver and sample look like--
This macro below starts in data and puts Column K / L on the blank and then fills them in. Field 1-5 is all one loc sequence -I have the macro going the first few steps what I have been pulling my hair out attempting to do is --If the part# stays the same keep putting the locations under each other-As I show on Count Sheet and when the part# changes put a page break in and start over again with the new part# and assorted info. The file I get each week to do this with will have from 150 to 200 part #'s. I need a page for each--Each part has from 1 to 10 location's ( The loc consists of Field1-5 alfa-numeric )
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Apr 4, 2014
I've got the following code which opens/gets the excel files from a specified directory and imports them into an open workbook. I've added a GoTo Error before my loop which checks if there are any files in the directory and shows an error message if it's the case. Problem is since the loop goes on till there are no more files in the directory, it goes back to the error. How to change that ?
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May 23, 2014
I have 4 work sheet 1st work sheet is Main, 2nd Clients, 3rd Pickup and 4th delivery In the main sheet i enter the information and one i click on add it send and save the information to their appropriate sheet what I want to know how should i create loop that can work at the same time when i press ADD so that is save only the information that does not exist.
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Jun 21, 2006
I have a macro that opens various files (via a loop) and then goes to each worksheet (via another loop) and looks through each row of data (a third loop).
Each worksheet can have over a thousand rows of data. Once I hit the button for the macro to run, it runs without any error messages, but it seems to take forever.
When I hit escape twice to interrupt the macro and then press the 'play' button, it zips through and finished running the macro really quickly. The interruption point is generally somewhere within the third loop.
It's almost as though it falls asleep and I have to wake it up.
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Jun 10, 2009
i need code that can look at cell d23 and take that number( say it is 13) and break it down into groups. that have 3, 4 or 5 per group. in this example 13 can be broken down into
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Mar 29, 2005
I have finaly completed my project to include all the bells and whistle needed to make an ok task a bit more exciting. However, i am having a problem when the code is executing. It seems to "break" at random points in the process. I am not able to duplicate this error at my home (nor do i want to) and I can not quite figure out what is causing this as it only happens at my work computer. I have tried my coworkers computer and the code executes flawlessly like at my home.
Strangely enough, when the code breaks I am able to hit 'continue' and it continues on its way until the next hiccup. Please assist as this fluke is causing my brain to spiral.
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May 16, 2014
Is there a code that can be input to prevent a document from being printed?
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Feb 9, 2009
Is there a way to prevent access to the code of a macro? I am interested in sending out some macro's, but would prefer that the user only be able to run them, and not be able to access the code via the edit button. Curiously, there have been occasion's where I wanted to edit my own work, but the edit button did not function, so I had to exit and start over to proceed. From this I'm guessing there must be a way.
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Dec 1, 2011
I have a workbook that contains macros. When the workbook is protected, the macro returns an error so I have unprotected the workbook but, if someone protects the workbook and saves it, it returns an error when closing and even if they choose cancel, it still screws up the macro and prevents it from working upon reopen.
Is there a way to prevent someone from protecting the workbook in vb code?
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Aug 15, 2012
Some code that would prevent my user form (calendar) from popping up when the worksheet is protected?
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = "$G$8" Or Target.Address = "$G$14" Or Target.Address = "$G$17" Then
End If
If Target.NumberFormat = "m/d/yy;@" Then
[Code] ........
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Oct 19, 2007
I know how to enable/disable events using VBA code, however is there an option within excel to turn it on/off? My problem is this...
At the beginning of my code I disable events and at the end I enable it again (I need to do this to avoid being caught in a loop). However something is going wrong somewhere in my code and the code stops halfway through. I'm trying to test sections of the code, but I often inadvertently stop the code without enabling the events again. Therefore I can't get my VBA to execute again unless I close excel down and restart. This is a pain as I have to find my place in the code again!
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Nov 23, 2009
I'd like to know if there is a change event that only occurs when a target cell is changed by the user, but does not occur when i'ts changed by a macro. nfortunately, the Worksheet_Change event occurs in both cases.
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Sep 8, 2006
I have to issue template workbooks to people for budgeting purposes.
Within the workbooks are various numbers of worksheets pre -formatted and ready for these people to enter data.
Some of the data in the worksheets is important to them as individuals but not to me so I have a series of macros that lift the information from the worksheets and put it into a worksheet more specific to me.
Because the users are on the whole not that good with Excel I have put in easy to use look up tables and various proctections to stop them adding or deleting rows or columns as this plays havoc with my macros.
There is one thing I have "so far" been unable to do and I wondered if anyone could help.
Is there a macro that I could put somewhere in the workbook which would detect when someone tried to cut and paste and would either put up a message box or stop them doing this?
The reason being they are cutting from one row to another and this is messing up the calculations which are protected.
Is there also a way to stop them changing the name on the sheet tab in the smae way?
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Apr 23, 2008
I have a spreadsheet with a number of fields on it which must be filled in before the file can be saved, and if the user attempts to close the spreadsheet without filling in the required fields, I want a message box to appear asking for confirmation that the user wishes to quit, if yes, the sheet exits, if no, the sheet remains open
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Aug 14, 2014
Adding some additional code to prevent someone from saving the workbook under a different name. Currently if someone tried to enter data after the allotted time period, it would allow them to in any "unlocked" cells. When exiting or trying to save the file with this new data, they will get a message stating something to the effect that this is a read only file would you like to save as another name, which would allow the user to circumvent what I'm trying to accomplish. The end result would be they'd need a new spreadsheet.
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May 26, 2009
Is it possible to write VBA code that will prevent a user from changing a cell's contents, depending on the cell's font color?
More specifically, I have a column of text in range B15:B64. Some of the cells will have a black font, others will be blue. Is it possible to lock the black font cells only, leaving the blue cells unlocked for users to change?
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Aug 23, 2008
I am having difficulties with my Worksheet_Activate() macro. It works great within workbook1 when it is only workbook1 open - but when I open another workbook2, the macro stills runs, presumably because Sheet1 of workbook1 is still activated as well as the newly activated sheet in workbook2.
Is there a way to ensure that only 1 worksheet of 1 workbook is activated at a time? Or that sheet1 of workbook1 is deactivated when workbook2 is opened/clicked on? I need my Worksheet_Deactivate macro to run to get rid of my Worksheet_Activate macro (which runs an application that resets the function of keyboards keys). Otherwise moving around workbook2 is a nightmare. When I navigate back to workbook1 while workbook2 is still open, I still want sheet1 of workbook1 to be activated and my macro to run .
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Sep 3, 2008
I have the following code that Ger Plante very kindly helped me with which, depending on whether there is an 'x' by someone's name in a list, creates a new workbook, copies some information to it and saves it before moving on to the next 'x'. Loop Through Rows & Copy Each Row To New Workbook
For lLoop = 2 To 251 'first row of data to last row.
If ws1.Cells(lLoop, 4).Value = "x" Then '4 = Column D
ws1.Range("e" & lLoop & ":g" & lLoop).Copy
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=True
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteColumnWidths, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
ActiveSheet.SaveAs varPath & "Student Data Files" & ActiveSheet.Range("B1") & ".xls"
End If
Next lLoop
how I can modify the code such that any cells in the range "b1:b504" in Sheet1 of the the new workbook can't be selected or edited without a password....I have tried unsuccessfully using Protect but am not sure how to get vba to set it to specific cells and determine exactly what is allowed in those cells.
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Aug 28, 2013
the code always opens a new instance of Outlook even though one may already be open. If left unchecked I may have like 30 instances open if I leave the computer for a few hours. So I was wondering is there some snippet of code I can add in here to check if excel is open first and if so do not open a new instance?
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object
Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)
On Error Resume Next
' Change the mail address and subject in the macro before you run it.
With OutMail
.To = ""
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Aug 5, 2007
The following block of code is evaluating the term in the array, if it exists and the value in col. M is a non integer, (which what I am testing for are fractions) then format the cell to a fraction number format.
That is ok, except it is changing the numberformat on text terms. I want it only to change the numberformat on numeric values.
I added the function Isnumeric to this line:
Isnumeric(cells(i, "M").value) Int(cells(i, "M").value)
which I thought would only evaluate numeric cells only, but this was unsuccessful.
Original Code: Unedited.
For i = 4 To LRowf
For Each Item In Array("HAT", "FTWR", "BOOT", "BOOTG", "BOOTY", "HWRISR", "HWBLTS")
On Error Resume Next
If (Cells(i, "F").Value = Item Or Cells(i, "G").Value = Item) And _
Cells(i, "M").Value Int(Cells(i, "M").Value) Then
Cells(i, "M").NumberFormat = "# ?/?"
On Error GoTo 0
Exit For
'End If
End If
Next Item
Next i
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Nov 10, 2008
Loop with below code. I have the below code:
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Dec 7, 2009
I just need to get it to loop down to the next row
Sub ConcatenateAll()
Dim x As String, rng As Range, cel As Range
With ActiveSheet
Set rng = .Range("B1:AC1")
For Each cel In rng
x = x & cel.Value
.Range("a1").Value = x
End With
End Sub
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