Print Page Based On Specific Criteria
Nov 10, 2006
I have a report which is split into page sized chunks, in column P I have an identifier Planned, Booked or Running.
Is it possible to build a macro which says something along these lines
If P1 = "RUNNING" Then
Print that Page
Go to P44
If P44 = "Running" Then
Print that page
Go to P87
and so on until the cell selected is blank then stop.
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Jun 29, 2007
I need a macro that will print a hidden page that is linked to the page I have active.
It needs to be able to find the correct hidden page that corresponds to the active page because there are multilple pairs of the hidden/visible pages. The name of the hidden page is the same as the visible one with "printout" added to the end. When created, the sheet code names are sheetn and sheetm; n and m being consecutive numbers.
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Oct 16, 2013
I have a sheet that changes the number of columns based on data from other sheets. This is the only sheet in the workbook that I will print out every day. I have it set right now to fit all columns on one page, however sometimes this will result in the bottom 1/3rd of the sheet not being used. If I use fit all rows on one page, then some of the columns will get cut off. Is there a way to scale in both directions? My guess is there is not, but I thought I would ask because it would work great for me if I could.
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Jan 25, 2013
I'm looking to setup a macro that will print specific pages on the current worksheet. What pages will print in that same worksheet will be determined on the value of a specific cell.
Here is what I have that isn't working.
Sub Print_Specific_Pages()
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Prints only pages that contain data
If Range("B3").Value = 0 Then
Worksheets.PrintOut from:=1, to:=1 'Prints page 1 when there is no data.
[Code] ......
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May 26, 2009
I have an items list on page 2. On page 1 I want to create a drop down menu in C2 that references the list on page 2. Then when I choose an item, I want the additional information in cells D2 and E2 to come in automatically. The list on page 2 will be expanding daily, and when I expand it I can simply insert a new row so I correctly alphabatize it instead of constantly having to resort it.
With that said....
1. How do you put in the drop down box that references information on a different sheet?
2. What is the best way to reference the information in my ever expanding situation: Index/Match, Vlookup, Lookup, or something I havent mentioned?
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Oct 23, 2006
I have a monthly template that has 31 tabs labeled 1 through 31 for the days of the month. I would like to add a macro that would print only the sheets that have a value greater than 0 in either of two specific cells.
Sheet / Cell B2 / Cell B36 / Action
1 / 0.00 / 0.00 / Don't print
2 / 100.00 / 0.00 / Print
3 / 0.00 / 100.00 / Print
4 / 100.00 / 100.00 / Print
I could add a summary sheet that would pull over these values and/or add if statements that return results like "don't print" or "print" if it would be easier in the macro or I could just use the code in macro to determine to print or not.
I am a record and tweak macro user and this isn't something you can record. I found some simple code in another post that would print one page based upon single criteria but it isn't exactly what I was looking for.
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Dec 12, 2006
I have a sales workbook, with three sheets. Ongoing, Won, Lost, all potential sales are entered onto the Ongoing sheet and Ongoing is chosen in a column that has 3 options - Won, Lost, Ongoing, until brought to closure by winning the sale or losing it at which point Ongoing is changed to Won or Lost.
The products for sale are Audio, Video and System and at the top of the Ongoing sheet it totals those three categories as Won, Lost or Ongoing.
What I want the workbook to do is when the status of the sale is changed from Ongoing to either Won or Lost, the entire row is moved off the Ongoing sheet and placed on the appropriate Won or Lost sheet, and the totals at the top of the Ongoing sheet calculated accordingly.
One of the columns on the Ongoing sheet is 'Progress' in which a short abbreviated explanation is input of next steps of the sale. When the sale is closed, and hopefully automaticall moved to it's appropriate sheet, I'd like this text to be changed to either Won or Lost.
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Jan 10, 2010
I want to achieve is a procedure that inserts horizontal page breaks at certain parts of the sheet where there is a cell equal to 2. Here is the code I have so far.
Sub insert_pagebreak()
Dim printbreak_cell As Range
Dim j As Long
Dim i As Long
Set printbreak_cell = Range("AD1")
j = 1
For i = 1 To 100
If printbreak_cell.Value = 2 Then
Set ActiveSheet.HPageBreaks(j).Location = printbreak_cell
j = j + 1
End If
Set printbreak_cell = printbreak_cell.Offset(1, 0)
Next i
End Sub
Everything works until the cell value reaches a 2, and then once it goes into the If statement I get a 'Application-defined or object-defined error' at the below line.
Set ActiveSheet.HPageBreaks(j).Location = printbreak_cell.............
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Sep 5, 2007
I am trying to find a way to select and print multiple sheets based on a criteria or a list. I have a large worksheet with many sheets. Each sheet falls into one of three categories, and I want to be able to automatically print all tabs in each category. I have all of the sheets rolled up into a summary where I have access to all of the sheet name and print criteria.
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Mar 15, 2007
I have a workbook that has 9 different tabs in it. Once all the information has been completed throughout the workbook, is there a code that could transfer specific data on each page to a different colum on that same page? I need to do this for 9 pages at one time. The information is listed differently on each page. I need to transfer data from the current data column to the previous data column once the entire workbook has been filed out.
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Jul 16, 2007
I need to determine the MAX date in a column based on specific criteria. Column A6:A500 = Task Names, Column N6:N500 = Dates (there are some blanks).
What I need is to determine the latest date in column N6:N500 based on which task I choose from column A6:A500.
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Jul 6, 2014
I am looking for a VBA that could populate from column (A2:A5) to cells (B2:F5) as in the attached spreadsheet, based on the frequency, in a five year time-frame.
[Code] .....
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Dec 21, 2011
I am getting an error i have list (sheet4) i want to lookup the data from different table (Name range) based on the location in column A i am using the small function copy down, in cell C6 i want the range ROWS($A$2:B6) go back to ROWS($A$2:B2) since the criteria in column A has changed from China (A5) to US (A6)
Array FormulasCellFormulaB2 =INDEX(INDIRECT(A2),SMALL(ROW(INDIRECT("2:10"))-ROW($A$2)+2,ROWS($A$2:A2)),1)C2 =INDEX(INDIRECT(A2),SMALL(ROW(INDIRECT("2:10"))-ROW($A$2)+2,ROWS($A$2:B2)),2)B3
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Jan 3, 2013
I'm trying to create a formula that tells me the following:
If the item is marked as closed (vs. active), then how many renewals/terminations replacements/etc are there? These are two difference columns in a worksheet.
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Jun 20, 2007
If I have the following table:
Name ProductSize QuantityPrice per unit
I now want a resulting table that will combine all rows where name, produc, size and price are identical and have one row with the same data apart from the quantity that will have been added - so for the table above the resulting table will be:
Name ProductSize QuantityPrice per unit
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May 20, 2014
automate a data table I set up in excel. I need the formula to look through a bunch of raw data I have, and add quantities in each row, but only from the rows that have the same machine numbers. I attached the document of raw data I've collected, and on a separate tab, an organized table. I would like this table to automatically be updated with the appropriate data, as I enter it as raw data.
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Oct 20, 2011
how can i sum base on the Criteria in Columns G, in this sample the sum should be 67.
Sheet1ABCDEFG1V. GoodGoodFairBadN/AReported29853N/A8Bad31085328N/A410953N/A8Good510853N/A8Good61085378Good77853N/A8V. Good810853N/A8Good910753N/A8Reported108853N/A8Good11585308N/A1210653N/A8Good1367Excel 2010Worksheet FormulasCellFormulaG13=67
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Apr 22, 2013
I have a huge list of survey responses which asks people to identify their location and then rate how important 6 facilities in their area is (rating 1 - 4, 4 being most important). So the table has cells are similar to this, except that there are about 5000 responses with about 2500 different locations identified
I have been able to analyse the average results for the whole dataset by using the following formulas:
=COUNTIF(A2:C4,"camden") Count number of occurrences a location is listed
=ROUND(AVERAGE(D2:D4),2) Average response for medical centres
=COUNTIF(D2:D4,1) Counts number of times '1' comes up, would repeat '2', '3', and '4' to create a pie graph
But what I would really like to do it be able to count each response for each question by location (for example "Camden"). I've tried both of these but they don't seem to be working.
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May 7, 2012
Each week I run a report that produces over 2,000 rows. I have to manually go through and delete things, by the time I am done, there may only be 320 rows left. I would apply a recorded macro, but the report is not consistent each week. There may be more or fewer rows depending on the week.
I would like to be able to run a macro that looks in column B for a specific value and if it contains that specific value, I would like the cells to the right of it to have their contents cleared.
Next, in column C, I have...
Employee2's Name
Employee2's Number
I would like to be able to delete the rows, starting from Employee 2 to just before the second SUB TOTAL.
So, all I would have left in column C is
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Dec 29, 2009
I have an Excel 2007 file with a number of tabs, about 15. All has worked well until today. All of a sudden I want to print one page and the preview shows I have 300 pages selected!!!!
I cleared all print ranges,even on hidden files. No luck.....
I only selected one page. it tells me my print margins are off but it will not let me get to any changes in page setup......
I tried printing a few of them and I just get the top few rows of each page.
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Mar 11, 2014
Can you make excel only print the first page automatically without adjusting settings each time in the print box?
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Apr 18, 2007
How can I set a workbook to only print the first page without printing it? I want to apply it to a folder full of xls workbooks so whenever a user opens one to print, they can just hit print.
I have tried:
ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut From:=1, To:=1, Copies:=1, Collate:=True
but it sends the file to the printer. I do not want to have to use a macro in each file, I just want to use an existing xls workbook to apply the settings to many other xls workbooks.
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Nov 23, 2008
I set up a passworded spreadsheet and saved it to my documents folder. I then copied it across to a network area I use to link to a company I work with. The file opens ok on the password but the page is completely white and I can see nothing at all! When I print preview the page I can see all my information but this doesn't help when I need to update it.
Not only that, the whole lot of excel spreadsheets I have both on my documents and the network area are doing the same thing! I've no idea how it's happened or what to do to retrieve the page view.
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Nov 24, 2008
I would like to have the tab names as part of my header for printed report. Can I automate that process?
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Jan 16, 2010
how to print one report page for every row on a sheet. So if I have 300 rows containing personal info like name phone email I would like to print the data out in a separate formated report for each person.
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Oct 23, 2008
I have a database that starts on row 10 with header information in row 9 explaining the purpose of the data for each column. In rows 1 through 8 I have general information that when I print the database - I would want on the first printed page (as well as the beginning rows of the database) and have the remaining print pages be the remaining portions of the database but have the header row (row 9) at the top of each - like a header row.
I know how to goto FILE > PAGE SETUP > SHEET > ROWS TO REPEAT AT TOP: - but this will put row 9 at the top of ALL pages...which I want, but not on the first page. I'm ok with making a print button with a macro...but no idea where to begin with the vba code to do this.
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Apr 1, 2012
I have a macro to print out page 9 but what i whant it to do is to print and fit to full page. how do i do that?
ExecuteExcel4Macro "PRINT(2,9,9,1,,,,,,,,2,,,TRUE,,FALSE)"
With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
.FitToPagesWide = 1
.FitToPagesTall = 1
End With
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Jul 21, 2013
I am working on workbook having more then 15 sheets and i want to print the cell reference (L3:P14) as footer automatically but only on the last page printed.
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Jun 12, 2014
How do I print columns A:I, and calculating rows dynamically, to fit on one page in portrait.
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Apr 25, 2007
I have a page i want to print fx. 50 copies of, then when i choose to make 50 copies it should automaticly insert this on the page:
Page 1 out of 50
Page 2 out of 50
Page 3 out of 50
and so on...
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