Printing Certain Columns
Nov 28, 2006I have a spreadsheet that the Print range is A1:E265.
I want to know if I can print this range without Column C.
I have a spreadsheet that the Print range is A1:E265.
I want to know if I can print this range without Column C.
I have a spreadsheet list in the following format (Note Tax ID would be cell
A1, etc):
Tax ID Numbers Street
11-03-3040-0178-01-794HIGMAN PARK
11-03-3040-0169-00-0102HIGMAN PARK
11-03-3040-0165-00-4104HIGMAN PARK
11-03-0020-0039-01-6104S CRYSTAL
11-03-0021-0006-01-9105S EUCLID
11-03-0018-0029-00-1105HIGMAN PARK
11-03-1880-0069-00-4107S CRYSTAL
This continues downward to cells 6577. I'm looking for a way to carry these three columns over at some point so I can put more data on a single page, thus minimizing the # of pages I will need to print, but yet remain in the proper sequence as established in column B.
I have a data sheet which I need to print everyday, I need to print Column A plus other individual columns on separate pages. For eg. Column A + B, Column A + C, Column A + D etc until the last column. Besides hiding and unhiding, is there any way to do it via vba? For eg, pop up to ask user which column to print?
View 6 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to print my columns headers in every page?
Everytime I have to print my spread sheet, I always have to keep page#1 in hands, because I cannot remember the headings.
Iam an accoutant and have been given a task we have a workbook we use monthly that has about 50 columns, we have to go in and hide all the columns we do not need to print so I am wanting to create one that will hide the neccessary columsn print, unhide the columns and then hide the neccessary ones and print and so and so on.
I tried to do this by recording a macro and it sent me to visual basic and now says ithas all of these errors and i dont know how to fix them i need to do this porbabaly for about 20 different hiding and printing combinations. I am going to attach the errors i am getting when i try to debug in visual basic this is just for the first combination so i guess i need to know how to do debug for the rest of the combiantions. I am also hiding the entire column i dont know if i should be or not. I am attaching the file that i am doing the hising in as well. So like for the first i need to only keep column a,b,c (always unhidden) and then g for this time, print, unhide, then again column a,b,c active, then column u print and then unhide and on and on.
Without moving or copying columns I need to print Column A & Column I on the same piece of paper and not print Column B-H.
Every time I try this though it is printing column A on one sheet and Column I on a second sheet. Yes I've checked margins, etc.
This is actually possible, right?
(I didn't want to move or copy columns as the spreadsheet is for someone else's use, plus my formulas buggered when I tried to so I didn't want to add that complication for the other person of double checking the formulas every time she wanted to print this two column version of the sheet.)
in my file i have rows/columns a1:z50. now my requirement is that rows as header a1:a3, as footer a47:a50 and columns a:c to be printed in every page.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a worksheet that I use to track my clients and their meal selections over a five day week. Col A is their name, B is their shift (am or pm) C is their table number, D is whether they will attend that day (yes or no) and E is their meal choice (a b or c) Columns D & E repeat the same information for each day Mon-Fri.
I would like to have a print button so that on a daily basis I can print the clients name and thier meal selection (only those those who have a yes for that day) separating AM shift from PM and then grouping them by their table number rather than alphabetical order.
I have a sheet that uses Blocks of cells eg: A1:X10,A12:X22 etc to hold data/text etc.
I am filling colums A to V with data and Ranking and summing them in W & X,
I don't need to show K, L M ...for example, until they are totally filled, so I hide them manually until needed.
Have a Macro to print "results" A1:X10,A12:X22 etc, and I set a "print area" or "print selected" fine to fit to 1x1 Page.
Problem: If I hide L, M, N etc, the macro runs fine but still uses the unhidden size of the selection to fit the page ie: I get A-B-C-D...-W-X as required, but the other half of the page is blank, because the size selected is for all including the hidden columns.
Q: How can I (Simply) print what's visable to 1x1 Page, fitting more in each time I unhide a column or two.?
I have a spreadsheet with columns R:BP hidden from view but with data that needs printing. I have used the following code to automatically print the necessary areas:
View 5 Replies View Relatedi was stuck with some mass data which spans over many rows and columns. i am relatively new to excel and wanted to know how i can get this data arranged in a way where i can access all the data from a printable view. i have attached a file explaining basically what i want.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm struggling with getting my Excel worksheet to fit nicely on the pg for printing to .pdf. I could tinker with column widths manually to work this out for a printed report. But I need to print a couple hundred reports with varying column widths, so I need a vba solution.
The context is that I'm using vba to process two sets of interlinked data on a worksheet. I only want to print one set of data, and keep the second set out of the print view. To do this, I'm keeping the first set of data in columns 1 to 10 and the second set of data in columsn 21 to 30. I set the print range to only include columns 1 to 10.
This works fine for keeping the second set of data off the printed pg. The problem is that there is always a gap between the end of column 10 and the maximum width of the printed pg. Given the formatting of the report, this doesn't look very good.
I know that page setup offers the "fit to" option. This would work if I wanted to fit everything on the worksheet on the pg, but I don't. I just want to fit columns 1 to 10 to the pg. Is there a way to do this, allowing for varying widths in columns 1 to 10? Is there a way to do it via vba?
I would like to know if there is a way to print several different workbooks at once but keeping my printing format which I would like to be Landscape and Fit to one page. Reason is simple as I work in a office where staff is handed in several jobs to do everyday. They finish the jobs and log all the info on the database. I log on to database and put all their daily diaries and because it is all over the place I have to go in each file and set printing preferences which takes an hour in the morning and hour in the evening. I could do with some sort of automation where all diaries are automatically printed in Landscape and Fit on one page.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a report that is generated from a manufacturing process that looks like the example below. the report is 40 pages long when all the data is printed. i am looking for a way to only print this range if a dimension is "out of tolerance". if the dimension is within tolerance, there is always the "garbage" text of plus and minus. if every row is "within tolerance" in the range the cells in the OutTol column would all contain the "garbage" text but it will not always be identical. so, in summary, actual OutTol values = print and all "garbage" = not printed.
I am automating a paper form that collects information from 7 other paper forms and then prints out the results. I have created an excel spreadsheet to do this but I am having problems getting the printed output to match the print preview.
I have inserted an image of the form into the sheet header and aligned the cells on the sheet so that the information is in the correct position when previewed in "print preview".
The problem is that, although this will print correctly on the machine I created it on, it is misaligned on any other machine I have tried.
I need to print quite a few mailing labels for Christmas cards from an Excel 2000 Worksheet. Could someone list the steps I must take to do this?
View 2 Replies View Relatedi have included an example spreadsheet, hopefully someone can help me
i want a print button that when pressed with always print 'tab 1' and will print 'tab 2 3 4 etc... if a certain cell in 'tab 1' is greater than zero
please see my example spreadsheet and hopefully my problem will become clear if ive not explained myself very well.
I've made a 40 page list on Excel, On the very top of this list is my titles of whats is in the collums. How do I repeat this through out, so it appears on the top of every page.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have inserted checkboxes in an excel worksheet to turn on/off certain data. They are working just fine. But I have set them all to not print (by unselecting the checkbox that says "print" in the format dialogue). SOME of the checkboxes don't print, but most of them do. I can't figure out why.
I've attached the file so you can take a look.
How can I print 2 or more sheets on a workbook of, say, 10 sheets at once? Is there a way to do this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've noticed with a spreadsheet at work that if you print a sheet it also prints the other sheet.
The first sheet is the data and the second is a graph formed from this data.
Is there an options to set to do this or is because its a graph formed from the data sheet that it automatically prints?
I have attached a sample sheet which is for invigilation of exams. In columns D, E & F are the initials of people invigilating at different times. What I want to able to do is to print personised sheets for each person where there initals are in bold and the box has a black border around it. This is very labour intensive if I do it manually as have to highlight one person, print, unhighlight and rehighlight the next person and so on. What I was wondering is could I use a macro to automate this process. So it has a list of all the initals and it searches through and highlights the person and prints it and then moves onto the next.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI am using excel 2000
From this and other forums I have found and adapted 2 bits of code as follows
The code below is used to print the sheets in a workbook in reverse order eg sheet 78, sheet 77, sheet 76 etc.....
I have early made a macro that will change some of the cells before printing and then changing back again to initional state after the print out.
But now I have to do let people also print a copy a regular way, without the macro I made before. But if they go through the regular way iof printing I would like to insert at header in red color, to notify them that this is just a preview and not the way to print. And here we come to the problem ....
What i have is over 20 worksheets which have information on them that i want to print when selected so, i have a "main page" with a variety of options for the user to select (by check box) and when they are happy with their selection you would click another check box to print out, i have done this because the printer is set well away from the users and if they printed of sheet by sheet then lots of miles treading back and forth to the printer room would happen so, i thought by doing it this way it would batch print all selected sheets after selection, the code is set up to print all sheets which are selected by "true" in cell O2.
This is no problem as it works well but the code also prints when the check box is de selected. What I would like is a message box to appear before the main macro runs for the user to select "yes or no" to confirm printing. I have put code in this for the command but it will not run the main magro if you select "yes"...below is the code for the main print loop...I think the code for print message should appear before this...
I have this attached sheet that i need to print one for every day for the next 12 months.
The problem is i can find a way of doing this and getting the cells in red in row 6 to change to the next date.
I need to print a worksheet. The sheet has rows of a specific height (45) and data in one cell grows - adding comments/notes with date attached so that last one entered is displayed, the rest get shoved down.
I need to sometimes print out the sheet. However, I want to have all the notes shown so would like to (1) autofit all rows, (2) print the sheet and then (3) put all rows back to row height of 45. All this I would LIKE to have done by "trapping" the print button on the normal Print area
I have attached some code, but the sheet (1) does not print at all, (2) the code is sometimes executed twice (in debug mode followed it) and (3) sometimes does not set the row height properly either at autofit or static height.
I have a workbook that has a print button on it. The print button macro prints many tabs on the workbook. But, on ONE of the tabs, it inserts information from a range of cells, prints, goes to the next cell in that range and prints, until complete.
The problem I'm having is this: When there is only ONE cell in that range that has information in it, it gets stuck in a continuous loop and prints a ton of blank pages.
Here's my code for this portion of the macro:
I have a problem I am using the following code,
Private Sub cmdPrint_Click()
End Sub
How is it possible to get the userform to be printed in landscape
I have a workbook that contains several macros and many formulas. It
works beautifully until I try to print or do a print preview. Then it locks
up excel and I have to restart. Any ideas about what is causing this?