Printing Columns Without Moving Or Copying

Jan 15, 2013

Without moving or copying columns I need to print Column A & Column I on the same piece of paper and not print Column B-H.

Every time I try this though it is printing column A on one sheet and Column I on a second sheet. Yes I've checked margins, etc.

This is actually possible, right?

(I didn't want to move or copy columns as the spreadsheet is for someone else's use, plus my formulas buggered when I tried to so I didn't want to add that complication for the other person of double checking the formulas every time she wanted to print this two column version of the sheet.)

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Moving Or Copying A Worksheet

Feb 23, 2014

Excel Move-Copy Issue.pdf

I'm simply trying to copy a worksheet (from one location within a file) and place the copy elsewhere in the file. I continue to get an error message that looks like this: "A formula or sheet you want to move or copy contains the name 'Additional_Notes', which already exists in the destination worksheet. Do you want to use this version of the name? To use the name as defined in the destination sheet, click Yes. To rename the range referred to in the formula or worksheet, click No, and enter a new name in the Name Conflict dialog box."

The term above 'Additional_Notes' is just one of MANY references which (apparently) "already exist in the destination worksheet". I tried renaming the range as described above, and when I do, the above error message essentially re-appears, but this time the term 'Additional_Notes' is replaced with another bit of text. And so on. I am not able to copy the worksheet and place it elsewhere in the file without this error message cropping up. I've used the move/copy function thousands of times.

I am able to make a copy of the worksheet and move it into a new (blank) XLS file...but NO luck copying the worksheet and placing the copy in the same file...

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Identifying And Moving(copying) Cloumns

Jun 20, 2007

I am trying to wash some of the data that is exported from a database into excel. I need to pick out the column header that reads "Revenue" and copy all of the data (the whole column) under it to another sheet starting at A25. I've tried combinations of vLookup, hLookup, IF, and etc.... but can't do it. Details below.

Here is what I am trying to accomplish:

In row A1, identify which Column is titled "Revenue"
Copy contents of the "Revenue" column to Sheet1-A25

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Excel 2003 :: VBA - Only Copying Rows With Data In And Moving To New Worksheet

Oct 3, 2012

I am using Excel 2003.

I have 2 worksheets.

Worksheet 1 is called "Master List Data". Every cell within this worksheet contains a formula so that it matches the cell value contained in a worksheet held within another workbook.

The formula for reference is as follows:

=IF('[CCL Breakdown.xls]MASTER LIST - Active Customers '!A1="","",'[WFX CCL Breakdown.xls]MASTER LIST - Active Customers '!A1) .


If Cell A1 on Master List-Active Customer contains no data, Cell A1 in Master List Data would be blank.

If Cell A1 on Master List-Active Customer equals John Smith, Cell A1 in Master List Data would display John Smith.

There are currently non-blank values contained in cells A4:A750. But next week there may be non-blank values is cells A4:A790 (i.e. it will grow each week)

Worksheet 2 is called "Master List Flat. At the moment, I am manually copying and pasting the rows which have non-blank values in cells from Column A from Worksheet 1 into this report (e.g. A4:IV4).

I would like to automate this process and I have created a Macro, but I do not know how to word it so that it will only copy cells with actual data in.

The Macro I have written is below:

' Macro recorded 01/10/2012 by walesb
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Sheets("Master List Flat").Select


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Moving Data From Two Columns Into Multiple Columns?

Feb 24, 2013

I have a large database of research data where the first column contains different categories (labelled as I, II, III, IV, V, and VI). For each row there is a data value in the second column that is numeric. What I need to do is move the data so that the data are displayed in 6 columns with the data values listed each column heading according to the category label. In the example I've shown there are 6 different categories, but the number of categories (and hence the number of columns in the final resulting sheet) will change for different data sets that I'm using. Also note the the number of cases for each different category is different (so that each column will not be even in terms of the number of rows of data under each column heading). I hope I've been able to explain what I'm looking for clearly.

I've attached a sample file showing the sample data input that I have on one sheet, and then the desired re-tablulated outcome on the second. I have done this using the auto-filter function and copy/paste, but this will take far too long for the larger datasets I'm working with.

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Printing Certain Columns

Nov 28, 2006

I have a spreadsheet that the Print range is A1:E265.
I want to know if I can print this range without Column C.

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Adding New Columns And Moving Old Columns

Jul 19, 2013

Using VBA... I have Column N (eFIUnitRebate) which I want to swap with Column M (FFUnitPcnt)

Now with Column M as eFIUnitRebate and N as FFUnitPcnt I want to create an extra column (adjUnitCost) where Column N is and push FFUnitPcnt to become column O, etc.

Here is how the whole process should work:
Swap M and N
Insert new Column in N
Insert new Column in P
Insert new Column in Q
Insert new column in R

There is more information on the sheet after these columns so for all column inserts it needs to push whatever was there over.

So the layout is as follows:


[Code] .....

These columns are thousands long, so I would like the formulas for them to be applied to the whole column as well.

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Printing & Manipulating Columns

Jan 9, 2009

I have a spreadsheet list in the following format (Note Tax ID would be cell
A1, etc):
Tax ID Numbers Street
11-03-3040-0178-01-794HIGMAN PARK
11-03-3040-0169-00-0102HIGMAN PARK
11-03-3040-0165-00-4104HIGMAN PARK
11-03-0020-0039-01-6104S CRYSTAL
11-03-0021-0006-01-9105S EUCLID
11-03-0018-0029-00-1105HIGMAN PARK
11-03-1880-0069-00-4107S CRYSTAL

This continues downward to cells 6577. I'm looking for a way to carry these three columns over at some point so I can put more data on a single page, thus minimizing the # of pages I will need to print, but yet remain in the proper sequence as established in column B.

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Printing Selected Columns

Nov 6, 2013

I have a data sheet which I need to print everyday, I need to print Column A plus other individual columns on separate pages. For eg. Column A + B, Column A + C, Column A + D etc until the last column. Besides hiding and unhiding, is there any way to do it via vba? For eg, pop up to ask user which column to print?

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Printing Columns Headers In Every Page

May 26, 2009

Is there a way to print my columns headers in every page?

Everytime I have to print my spread sheet, I always have to keep page#1 in hands, because I cannot remember the headings.

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Macro For Hiding Columns & Printing

Dec 2, 2008

Iam an accoutant and have been given a task we have a workbook we use monthly that has about 50 columns, we have to go in and hide all the columns we do not need to print so I am wanting to create one that will hide the neccessary columsn print, unhide the columns and then hide the neccessary ones and print and so and so on.

I tried to do this by recording a macro and it sent me to visual basic and now says ithas all of these errors and i dont know how to fix them i need to do this porbabaly for about 20 different hiding and printing combinations. I am going to attach the errors i am getting when i try to debug in visual basic this is just for the first combination so i guess i need to know how to do debug for the rest of the combiantions. I am also hiding the entire column i dont know if i should be or not. I am attaching the file that i am doing the hising in as well. So like for the first i need to only keep column a,b,c (always unhidden) and then g for this time, print, unhide, then again column a,b,c active, then column u print and then unhide and on and on.

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Printing Columns And Rows In Every Page

Jan 26, 2009

in my file i have rows/columns a1:z50. now my requirement is that rows as header a1:a3, as footer a47:a50 and columns a:c to be printed in every page.

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Code For Printing Particular Rows And Columns

Jun 27, 2006

I have a worksheet that I use to track my clients and their meal selections over a five day week. Col A is their name, B is their shift (am or pm) C is their table number, D is whether they will attend that day (yes or no) and E is their meal choice (a b or c) Columns D & E repeat the same information for each day Mon-Fri.

I would like to have a print button so that on a daily basis I can print the clients name and thier meal selection (only those those who have a yes for that day) separating AM shift from PM and then grouping them by their table number rather than alphabetical order.

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Prevent Hidden Columns Printing

Mar 21, 2008

I have a sheet that uses Blocks of cells eg: A1:X10,A12:X22 etc to hold data/text etc.

I am filling colums A to V with data and Ranking and summing them in W & X,
I don't need to show K, L M ...for example, until they are totally filled, so I hide them manually until needed.

Have a Macro to print "results" A1:X10,A12:X22 etc, and I set a "print area" or "print selected" fine to fit to 1x1 Page.

Problem: If I hide L, M, N etc, the macro runs fine but still uses the unhidden size of the selection to fit the page ie: I get A-B-C-D...-W-X as required, but the other half of the page is blank, because the size selected is for all including the hidden columns.

Q: How can I (Simply) print what's visable to 1x1 Page, fitting more in each time I unhide a column or two.?

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SumIf On Moving Columns

Oct 3, 2008

I am doing a SumIf function on some Imported data a follows "=SUMIF(FMEFactors!B:B,Long,FMEFactors!B:B)". Now, this is fine if the columns are imported in the same order but if Column B data gets moved to another Column the SumIF will give false information. I need to find the correct column to do the SumIF on.

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Concatenating Moving Columns

Jun 17, 2009

I receive a report which, amongst the other columns of data, has 7 specific columns with four digit codes on each row. I would like to find a way to concatenate these 7 columns into Column A, inserting a - between each code and adding -uu at the end of the last (7th) code.

I wouldn't be requesting assistance at all with this if the codes were always in the same column. Sometimes, they move 1 or 2 columns left or right depending on the additional (unwanted) data in the columns in-between. The column names, however, never change: Code 1, Code 2, Code 3, Code 4, Code 5, Code 6, Code 7

I was wondering if there was a way to still concatenate these columns into Column A but also take into account that the columns shift...

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Moving Rows Into Columns

Jul 13, 2009

I am trying to move row data into column data. Here is visually what I need.


After (one row of data only):

We are trying to import data into our accounting software but we can't until we get it into the right format.

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Macro Problems When Printing Hidden Columns.

Feb 25, 2009

I have a spreadsheet with columns R:BP hidden from view but with data that needs printing. I have used the following code to automatically print the necessary areas:

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Moving Columns So That The Data Matches

Jul 21, 2009

I need to line XYZ to XYZ as well as the information attached to XY&Z
i dont really know how else to explain it but i was hoping there was a macro or something out there that i could use to do this would make it a lot easier

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Moving Rows And Columns With A Macro

Jun 5, 2009

I have a massive data file with thousands of lines of data. Each line is a pair, for example

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Moving Rows Up Into Columns Where Value Is Equal To

Jul 29, 2009

I am running through some old accounting documents in excel 2003 (originally from SAP), that contain information in row form that I would like in Column form. Column E indicates to me whether this was an invoiced amount or payment amount or "other." I have limited VBA exposure, but am fairly proficient at what I do know. This is just too difficult for me!

Where the "Assignment" #'s are equal, I need the script/macro to move "up" YP's, YQ's,

See Original Layout.jpg
Then What I'd Like.jpg
Then End Result

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Moving Data From Columns To Rows

Sep 24, 2009

I have the following spreadsheet with 4 columns of data:

1000001245aMr Fred Blogs
1000001270a1 Blog Street
1000001270eNRx x99
1000001270gThe Manager
1000001270k01603 555 555
1000001270l01603 555 555
1000002245aMrs Fredilina blogs
1000002270a10 Blog Street
etc etc for about 36,000 rows.

What I need is for each unigue reference ID (column A),
I need all corresponding data moved up into a single row in serperate columns, something like this:

1000001 |245|a|Mr Fred Blogs| 270|a| 1 Blog Street|270|b| Norwich | 270|b|Norfolk |etc
1000002 |245 |a |Mrs Fredina Blogs |270|a|10 Blog Street |270|b|Norwich| etc

Each entry doesn't nessesarily have the same number of rows.

I would class myself as a beginner VBA bod, but the solution to this one is illuding me a present.

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Spin Buttons - Moving Columns

Nov 21, 2007

ive seen a spin button used to move hole rows up and down.

what i would like to do is.

I use cells I9-N9-S9-X9

can i use a spin button to move collums?

how do i write the code, say if i select cell S9 and i want to move it to I9 using the spin button how do i go about that?

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Moving Data From Several Columns To Tabs

Jul 24, 2007

i have data that has several bits of information for each different account number.
is there a way of writing a macro to transfer the information from the main sheet onto different sheets automatically titled for each of the different account numbers?

ie. Account Cost
E1 £100
E1 £200

i want different sheets for the info next to each of the account numbers

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Moving Data (Addresses) From Rows To Columns

Dec 12, 2008

I have address data all in column A (each paret of the address is on a separate row) which I need to move to separate columns on one row for each address:


Mr Bloggs (row 1)
123 The Avenue (row2)
The town (row 3)
The postcode (row 4)

Mrs Smith (row 6)
456 The street (row7)
The postcode (row 8)

needs to be: (I have used || to indicate different columns)

Mr Bloggs || 123 The avenue || The town || The postcode
Mrs Smith || 456..... || .......

The problem you see from the above is that they are not always consistent ie. the postcode (zip) isn't always 3 rows below the name for example. Also although generally there is a blank row between each record (this may sometimes be 2) and equally there may also be times when there is a blank line in the address.

Any ideas on how to do this.... I have 1000's of records and really can't afford to go through each one making it consistent before moving it to columns?

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Stuck Moving Columns To Rows - Transpose

Nov 2, 2011

I have following data on spreadsheet, which I need to import into other place but I would need to reorganise rows and columns first.


Basically I would like to have this data in 3 columns like this:


I tried transpose etc. and not able to figure it out. Is this something that can only be accomplished with VBA?

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Convert Large Number Of Row Data Into Columns For Easy Printing

Mar 1, 2014

i was stuck with some mass data which spans over many rows and columns. i am relatively new to excel and wanted to know how i can get this data arranged in a way where i can access all the data from a printable view. i have attached a file explaining basically what i want.

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Fitting Fixed Number Of Columns To Page Size For Printing?

Sep 24, 2011

I'm struggling with getting my Excel worksheet to fit nicely on the pg for printing to .pdf. I could tinker with column widths manually to work this out for a printed report. But I need to print a couple hundred reports with varying column widths, so I need a vba solution.

The context is that I'm using vba to process two sets of interlinked data on a worksheet. I only want to print one set of data, and keep the second set out of the print view. To do this, I'm keeping the first set of data in columns 1 to 10 and the second set of data in columsn 21 to 30. I set the print range to only include columns 1 to 10.

This works fine for keeping the second set of data off the printed pg. The problem is that there is always a gap between the end of column 10 and the maximum width of the printed pg. Given the formatting of the report, this doesn't look very good.

I know that page setup offers the "fit to" option. This would work if I wanted to fit everything on the worksheet on the pg, but I don't. I just want to fit columns 1 to 10 to the pg. Is there a way to do this, allowing for varying widths in columns 1 to 10? Is there a way to do it via vba?

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Moving Data From Single To Multiple Columns And Merging?

Dec 16, 2012

Current Data:
File 1:

Each set of data is listed in either two or three rows




The goal is to move them to separate columns (rows can be 3 or 2 for each data set, and may or may not be separated by space/additional row)

File 2:

Has a common field 'ID' as that of File1, does not have Date, and Filename, but has a new field 'Detail' (already in the expected format)


ID Detail

The goal is to merge properly formatted data from File 1 to File 2


ID Date Filename Detail

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Searching Columns For A Month Then Moving Data To Userform

Mar 17, 2014

I have an excel spreadsheet where the columns have the 12 months of the year in Row 1. What I need is code that will find the month (from the column) which I select (via a listbox in a userform) and then go down that column and move the data that corresponds to that month to the userform.

So, If I select January from my userform, all data below January will then be moved to the userform and the same thing will occur with each month I select. I know how to move the data from the sheet to the userform, I just don't know how to match my data with the selected month.

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