I have a table which I wish to print out, however I wish to print two copies of this table, one with only the rows which contain "AM" in column X, and one with the rows that contain "PM" in column X. There is also another complication in that several rows on the spreadsheet, containing data in column X, are hidden. The print range is everything between A3 & AG120.
I tried using a filter but found it unhid all the hidden rows and printed them out which I don't want.
I would like to know if there is a way to print several different workbooks at once but keeping my printing format which I would like to be Landscape and Fit to one page. Reason is simple as I work in a office where staff is handed in several jobs to do everyday. They finish the jobs and log all the info on the database. I log on to database and put all their daily diaries and because it is all over the place I have to go in each file and set printing preferences which takes an hour in the morning and hour in the evening. I could do with some sort of automation where all diaries are automatically printed in Landscape and Fit on one page.
I have a report that is generated from a manufacturing process that looks like the example below. the report is 40 pages long when all the data is printed. i am looking for a way to only print this range if a dimension is "out of tolerance". if the dimension is within tolerance, there is always the "garbage" text of plus and minus. if every row is "within tolerance" in the range the cells in the OutTol column would all contain the "garbage" text but it will not always be identical. so, in summary, actual OutTol values = print and all "garbage" = not printed.
I have a workbook that has a print button on it. The print button macro prints many tabs on the workbook. But, on ONE of the tabs, it inserts information from a range of cells, prints, goes to the next cell in that range and prints, until complete.
The problem I'm having is this: When there is only ONE cell in that range that has information in it, it gets stuck in a continuous loop and prints a ton of blank pages.
I have tried to record the steps in a macro that are involved in printing a worksheet to a PDF. It recorded everything up to and including hte printer selection. However, it did not record the filename dialog box actions and beyond.
I am working with excel 2003. I get a workbook sent to me via Email that has 12 tabs on it and each tab has to be printed out. The fastest way that I know, to get this done is start with tab 1; hit alt+f, u, alt+f, enter, Ctrl+P, enter, Ctrl+page down ( to move to next tab and do it all over again), each tab is a slightly different width so I am constantly have to use "Fit to Page" but each tab will fit on one page easy.
I was wondering can I use a key stroke macro to print this workbook. I actually get 5 workbooks like this every night, it does not really take that long, maybe I am just being lazy, I was thinking that I might be able to use a key stroke macro and then name it for what ever workbook it works with (workbook 1 print ) but I don't no if this will work or if there is an easier way to get the printing job done.
I can't upload the workbook but I could create a simple say 5 tab workbook that has no data in but has same formatting and upload that if you need to see what I am doing.
I run a scorecard for 150 projects and how to write a macro the would scroll through my drop down list with all my projects and print them to a PDF with a certain file name. When a project number is selected, my scorecard will auto populate with the information. Currently I do them 1 at a time.
My drop down list is in cell C4 and my validation list is in R1:R150. My tab name is CoverSheets.
There's a spreadsheet containing 2 Sheets, lets'say Sheet1 and Sheet2.
The first one, Sheet1 contains raw data (imported from a database through SQL), hence there are no formulas in it.
This sheet contains among several columns, this one labeled "PC" (column G), non-sequenced numbers only (ex., 14014, 14015, 14019, 14113)
The second sheet is used for retrieving some other information from Sheet1, based on PC number, which is input on cell Sheet2!P15, for authorization purposes only.
The fact is that I have to input every PC number, one by one (14014, 14015, 14019...) then send it to printer one by one by every PC number entered.
In this example, type 14014 in P15, then print button; again, 14015, then print button, and so on.
I'm wondering if there's any way, by selecting some (not all) PC numbers from Sheet1 (even when filter is set on), to have these different pages (Sheet2) printed automatically after pressing this macro button.
An extra bonus would be the possibility (other macro, possibly) to generate one or several pdf files of this selection.
i am after a macro that will print multiple sheets in hit of a button, the ranges are from A1 to the last row of the data. Now there are sometimes cells which have no data, so was not sure if this will be a problem. At momenet it take me at least couple of minutes to print everything out.
I have an excel spread sheet set up with a button I created (a colored rectangle with text) that has been asigned a macro. When I print this spread sheet I do not want the 'button' to print on the page.
Print sheet 1, 3 and 7. Always print sheet 1, however only print sheet 3 and 7 if there in these sheets are values in the cells from row 8 and below.
(If that is to complicated it would be ok if the condition for printing sheet 3 and 7 is that there's a value in e.g. cell A8.)
I managed to create this script that allows me to print sheets 1, 3 and 7, however I can't seem to find out where to put the if-statement (I suppose that's how you do it?). Here's the script i created so far:
Iam an accoutant and have been given a task we have a workbook we use monthly that has about 50 columns, we have to go in and hide all the columns we do not need to print so I am wanting to create one that will hide the neccessary columsn print, unhide the columns and then hide the neccessary ones and print and so and so on.
I tried to do this by recording a macro and it sent me to visual basic and now says ithas all of these errors and i dont know how to fix them i need to do this porbabaly for about 20 different hiding and printing combinations. I am going to attach the errors i am getting when i try to debug in visual basic this is just for the first combination so i guess i need to know how to do debug for the rest of the combiantions. I am also hiding the entire column i dont know if i should be or not. I am attaching the file that i am doing the hising in as well. So like for the first i need to only keep column a,b,c (always unhidden) and then g for this time, print, unhide, then again column a,b,c active, then column u print and then unhide and on and on.
I've got a rather involved macro that's running kind of slowly, and I would appreciate any help I can get speeding it up. It's in two parts; the first is to create and email a report, the second is to format so it's pretty for printing. The full codes for both routines is pasted below.
The email part I developed first and it runs pretty quickly. Afterwards, I added the second macro, which is called halfway through the first.
Stepping through the code in the second macro, the problem I see is in this section, the setup for setting the heighth of merged cells in the report:
I copy a workbook from a master workbook once copied the modules are not copied but sheet modules exist after copying.
Can I have in a sheet module that will prompt a message box to open and ask to copy the amount of worksheets from the number in cell M5 in Sheet 1 Sheet 2 cell M5 will also contain a number also the other sheets will to Print that qty. of sheets from the workbook. these sheets are name sheet1, sheet2, sheet3 and etc.
But, there are other sheets I would only need 1 or 2 print outs these sheets have names in the tabs.
I export data from another programme into excel and have written a macro to move and format this. The number of rows of data exported will be different each time. I need to be able to print this data and want to add it to the macro. I have learnt to use this code to select this data working from the last used cell to the top
Using the macro recorder for printing one of my exports I got this code
Range("A1:D53").Select Range("D53").Activate With ActiveSheet.PageSetup .PrintTitleRows = "" .PrintTitleColumns = "" End With ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = "" With ActiveSheet.PageSetup.......................
I have to print this Excel in the following manner.
I have a table which is similar to one given below. All I need is to print these information in each sheet. For Example Coat sold by CA separately, Coat sold by FD separately, and so on (like the lines I have entered).
Is there any way I can create a Macro for this....
I programmed a simple macro (attached to a button) that scan the lines in the sheet and uses the function: Cells(y,2).EntireRow.Hide=TRUE (in order to hide certain lines). Usually, It runs fast without problem. But when I print out an area of the sheet, it cause the macro to slow down substantially. (when it runs again). In order to fix that , I had to close the file and reopen it again ( and not print out)
I made six macros, then I inserted a row at "A1" and created a box icon for each and assigned the macros. I went to the properties and told them not to print. Now I set my print range from "A3: J10" and they still print and show up in the print preview also.
I am trying to put together a standalone VBA macro that can easily be inserted into my financial models that allows me to quickly switch between two different printing setups - e.g. 8.5x 11 and 11x17 tabloid.
I have a spreadsheet with columns R:BP hidden from view but with data that needs printing. I have used the following code to automatically print the necessary areas:
For I = 6 To 18 Sheets(I).Visible = xlSheetVisible PrintSubs Sheets(I) Sheets(I).Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden Next End Sub
When it starts printing it starts off with my "JOBCOM" sheet which is sheet20. why it would start printing with that one. That sheet shouldn't even print at all. It's only supposed to print sheets6 to sheet18.
I have a macro which auto prints a series of workbooks and it works very well - except (there is always an except right?) some of the workbooks brink up a dialog box saying "this workbook contains links to other data sources" Update, Don't Update or Help"
how to prevent this box from appearing and interrupting the print flow? I want to be able to run this macro and wallk away while it merrily does its printing job - not sit at the monitor hitting No No No over and over (yes i do NOT want to update the workbook)
Public Sub Auto_Open() Dim sCurFile As String Dim sPath As String Dim mpath As String
mpath = InputBox("Enter the month and year, i.e. 0207 for Feb 2007", "print")
fpath = InputBox("Enter day of the month to print (no leading 0's)?", "print")
I have a worksheet that changes in length. There is a formula that calculates how many pages the sheet will be. The also is a print button on the sheet that will print a coversheet "Sheets("Title")" and then it is supposed to print the data on the second sheet. Below the code I have so far... I know I am missing something, but knowing very little about macros I just can't seem to figure it out.
I am automating a paper form that collects information from 7 other paper forms and then prints out the results. I have created an excel spreadsheet to do this but I am having problems getting the printed output to match the print preview.
I have inserted an image of the form into the sheet header and aligned the cells on the sheet so that the information is in the correct position when previewed in "print preview".
The problem is that, although this will print correctly on the machine I created it on, it is misaligned on any other machine I have tried.
I've made a 40 page list on Excel, On the very top of this list is my titles of whats is in the collums. How do I repeat this through out, so it appears on the top of every page.