Excel 2010 :: How To Create Userform With Progress Bar

Feb 7, 2013

I'm trying to create a userform with a progress bar. The progress bar does NOT need to be 'real' and accurate, but simply act as a timer to illustrate to the user that the program is running some quick calcs.. Again, basic progress bar, with about about a 4 second completion time..

(using excel 2010 VB)

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Excel 2010 :: Progress Bar With Countdown Timer And Elapsed Time

Aug 16, 2012

I have a macro that runs through about 40,000 records which can be quite time consuming. I currently have a status bar that shows the percent of work complete, but I'd like to add something that shows an estimate of how much time is remaining and how much time has passed. Below is the first loop in my code that uses the progress bar. You'll see that I modified the progress bar to include "Label 2" which shows the current record of the total record count, I'd like to add "Label 3" to show something like "2:30 elapsed, 1:15 remaining".

I'm using Excel 2010 on Windows 7 (64 bit).

HTML Code:
Sub IdentifyGS()

For CurrentRow = 2 To LastRow

[Code] .......

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Progress Bar In Userform

Jun 25, 2014

I would like to have a progress bar in some of my userforms.

As an example I attach a sample. progress bar.xlsm‎

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Progress Bar For Loading Userform?

Jun 21, 2014

I have created a Excel userform. Since it has lot of controls, it takes good amount of time to load.

Is there a possibility of displaying a progress bar till the userform is loaded.

Google search has shown me ways to create a progress bar using Excel Forms. However, I am looking for a way to show the progress bar till the main userform is loaded.

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Display A Progress Bar Using A The Userform

May 31, 2007

The code I'm trying to execute is given below

Public Sub datafill()

Sheets("Bloomberg Data and Formula").Activate

' Creates prompt to input date to be checked

Dim InputAnswer As Date

InputAnswer = InputBox( _
prompt:="Enter NAV date for verification against Bloomberg in the format DD/MM/YYYY", _
Title:="Date Input Screen", _

Range("C1").Value = InputAnswer

' Clear out previous day's data

Range("A6 : Z6").Select
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select

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Userform Progress Bar Not Updating

Sep 1, 2008

I have some code that runs in conjunction with a userform progressbar....

I launch my progress userform like this from a userform commandbutton:

Load UserForm6
(I suspect the load command may not be needed....)

Then when my progress userform launches:

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Call UpdateTasksAll
End Sub
Then my macro:

UserForm6.Label1.Width = 0
UserForm6.Frame1.Caption = "0%"

If UserForm4.TextBox1.Text = "" Then GoTo 4
OL_TK_Crit = UserForm4.Label24.Caption & " " & UserForm4.Label23.Caption & " " & UserForm4.Label38.Caption & " " & UserForm4.Label3.Caption 'your task subject to be updated

The problem is that while the code is running, my userform refuses to show it's face, and only appears when the macro has finished! I get this quite frequently, and cant fathom the cause

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Progress Bar On Userform Not Updating

Nov 29, 2007

I am using a version of the Progress bar code shown below which I found on a thread here.

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Dim dTime As Date
Dim i, t As Integer
For i = 1 To 100 Step 100 / 8
dTime = Now + TimeValue("0:00:01")
Application.Wait TimeValue(dTime)
ProgressBar1.Value = i
Next i
End Sub

I have the code written so the progress bar shows the progress by taking the total number of loops that need to happen divided by the number of times the loop has taken place. During each loop, the macro copies and pastes data and formats it, then loops again after updating the progress bar. The progress bar works great and shows the progress of the macro if I step through the macro. But if I run the macro at around 25% or 30% the Userform with the progress bar stops updating the bar and the progress seems like its stuck at that percent. The macro still runs fine and finishes without any errors. The macro does not turn off the screen updating. I just can't figure it out.

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First Attempt At UserForm Progress Bar - Bar Not Updating?

Jun 23, 2014

So this is my first attempt at creating a UserForm progress bar. I currently have the status bar doing basically what I am trying to accomplish but I'm trying to broaden my skills (BTW, I've deleted all company sensitive data but the code should still work for you). I got almost all of this code from microsoft's web page on UserForm Progress Bars and then modified it to work with my existing code. When I execute the code (Click the macro button) the UserForm comes up, but the progress bar is not updating like I was expecting.

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Adding Code To VBA Userform Progress Bar

Aug 16, 2002

I have just discovered the exciting world of the additional controls that can be added to userforms. provide me with some sample code to make a progress bar increment and to activate a windows media avi file from a user form. I only need to know the code (I know how to add the controls etc)

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Progress Bar From Userform Will Not Show Label

Mar 11, 2014

I am trying to make a Progress bar with a statment using a Userform with a label saying Please wait. I call the form using UserForm1.Show vbModeless.The form shows and functions as needed but the label with the caption please wait is not visible. how to get the label to show?

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Excel 2010 :: Function To Create PDF

Jan 24, 2014

The situation I have on my hands is over 200 users, were the majority can't use Excel's built in function to create PDF's.
Yes, I've tried to teach them, but I'm probably not a good teacher.

So, I've resorted to create a button at the top of the worksheet, that says "Create PDF". I thought this was gonna be very easy to program, but alas.

Is there a way to start the built-in Excel dialog that happens when you click "Create PDF/XPS" in "Save & Send"?

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Excel 2010 :: How To Create Bar Chart

Dec 26, 2012

how do i make a bar chart on Excel! 2010

Basically i have these figures

Male : 21
Female : 18

I want to make a bar chart, When i use Excel and try to make it - i get a chart which shows the right column height but the Male and Female bars are BOTH IN 1 Colour. How do i make it so that male bar is blue and female is pink.

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Modeless UserForm :: Loop Showing Progress Bar

Jul 10, 2009

On opening of my WorkBook I refresh my PivotTable and that takes a while so while its refreshing. So I want to launch a UserForm that basically have a loop showing progress bar similar than the Windows loading bar (i.e. a set of green vertical green bars moving in a black rectangle).

Here is the code in THisWorkbook:

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Excel 2010 :: How To Create Automatic Operation

Jan 6, 2014

I am not too sure what this is called but I am using Excel 2010 and need particular document that I use repeatedly. Basically, if a particular cell in the document does not contain a phrase then I want Excel to automatically change the text in that cell to bold and red and 2 other cells in Excel to bold and red as well. For more information, the cell is 19–20 and K–O and the phrase in the cell is "No Inconsistency".

So if "No Inconsistency" is not found in that cell then it automatically changes the text in that cell to bold and red, and it also changes two other cells that are found in that document to bold and red as well. The coordinates of those two other cells are 19 with H–J, and the other one is 17 with H.

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Excel 2010 :: Create Percentage Bar Chart?

Mar 19, 2013

Im looking to create a bar chart in Excel 2010 where the totalnumber of widgets is 33 and the number produced so far is 11. The bar chart would be a single bar that represents the percentage complete (33%) with the chart maximum range being 100% which would represent the number 38.

Ive included a mock up example of what the data and chart would look like

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Excel 2010 :: Create Summary Table?

Nov 18, 2013

Date Jan-14..........Jun-14............Dec-14...........Jan-15..........Jun-15............Dec-15

Date 2014 2015 2016

I have two tables, examples above In the first table, Jan-14 is a dropdown value that updates all the values to the right by a month increment when a specific date is selected

I then have some code that populates the cells which have 2014,2015,2016 in them.

What I need to do next is populate the 2nd table with values based on the date ranges in the above table.

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Excel 2010 :: Create Pivot Table VBA

Nov 26, 2013

I'm trying to create a pivot in vba. I can record what I have done but if I run that recorded code, it returns an error "Invalid call procedure or argument".

ActiveSheet.PivotTableWizard SourceType:=xlDatabase, _
SourceData:=Sheets("Raw Data").Range("A1:AG" & Z), _
TableDestination:=Range("A3"), _


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Excel 2010 :: How To Create Named Tab Sheets

Jan 7, 2014

I have a workbook which needs a new sheet for each day of the month.I normally just create and re-name each sheet with the date...is there a simpler way where i can create the new sheet with a date for each month instead of doing indiviually?

Excel 2010

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Progress Indicator Userform Position Jumps During Execution?

Aug 4, 2014

I have a macro that calls 3 other procedures during its run. I have the positon set in the UpdateIndicator sub

With ProgressIndicator
.Top = Application.Top + 300
.Left = Application.Left + 400
end with

and the Userform StartUpPosition property set to 0 - Manual (though I did experiment with the other settings as well.

The issue is that when the series of subs are running, the Indicator jumps and shifts (by 10 or so pixels down and right) and sometimes blinks off completely as each new sub is being called and subsequently returns to the initial macro.

It is accurate and does what it's supposed to do, I just find it annoying and that it probably looks a bit unprofessional (and unstable) to the eyes of some coworkers who use the macro as well.

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Excel 2010 :: Writing Macro To Create Chart?

Feb 12, 2014

I have 6 columns. The 5th and 6th columns are the most important. The 5th contains a figure and the 6th contains a type.

Bascially I am trying to do a basic chart showing the following 2 things. A. Do a percentage chart of column 6 (service) but not of percentage of hoem many lines the product is in. Not based on percentage of how many times Apples are shown compared to other products. I need it to add up everything, then do a percentage of total amounts of oranges and total of for Apples from the figures on column 5. Also, if possible, the pie chart will even show teh actual total figure per product in each (or next to) each pie chart slice.

know the easiest way to do this (step by step) in Excel 2010 and then I can perhaps write a macro for the future?

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Excel 2010 :: Create 3 Or 4 Detailed Reports From Worksheet?

Apr 24, 2014

I need to create 3 or 4 detailed reports from an excel 2010 worksheet.

My worksheet contains data including date, invoice number, company , consultant, days, dollars. There are approximately 100 records in the worksheet.

Requirement 1 :I want to use excel 2010 to automatically generate a series of reports broken down by consultant showing date, invoice number, company, and consultant with totals for days and dollars, when all the records for consultant 1 are listed, then I want to show consultant 2.

Same for any other consultants with a grand total at the end.

My understanding is that excel 2010 makes this process very simple .

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Excel 2010 :: Create Database That Contains Data Taken From Several Workbooks?

Mar 8, 2014

I am trying to create a database that contains data taken from several work books that i have saved in one folder on my hard drive. These workbooks contain quite a lot ** data, but i only want to extract the data i want to instead ** having to extract it all? these works books are used by several other people as well, so i want it to be able to update as data changes.

I was thinking about using data links, but that only seems to extract all the data instead ** just what i want?

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Excel 2010 :: Create Percentage Inside Each Class?

Mar 24, 2014

As you can see in the attached file, I have a column of classes , a columns of related revenues and the total for each class. I have to create a column, next to these, where I can create the percentage with respect the sum of each class (as you can see by the formula). My problem is I am not able to say vba to find the totals and to create the percentage just with the revenues related to that total.

p.s: I have to work on excel2010.

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Excel 2010 :: Create Separate PDF File For Each Worksheet - Different Name

Mar 29, 2014

I need to create a separate PDF file for each Excel Worksheet, each worksheet has a different name.

I am using Excel 2010

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Excel 2010 :: Cannot Create Pivot Table In New Sheet

Jan 21, 2012

I get a "Object variable not set" error when creating a Pivot Table from a cache. I want the destination to be in a different sheet in the workbook. I set the new worksheet as: Set WSD = Worksheets.Add and I reference WSD.Cells(2,FinalCol +2) in the destination field of the CreatePivotTable method. I use the code from the Excel 2010 VBA book I got last week.

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Excel 2010 :: How To Create Popup Message When Cell Value Is Over 100

Sep 21, 2012

Creating a pop up message when a cell value is over 100%.

I have in cell T21 "=sum(t7:T21) but I'd like to give a pop up message when this cell value is over 100%.

Excel 2010
windows XP

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Excel 2010 :: Condition To Create New Cell Value On Several Rows

Apr 5, 2014

I am working on a schedule worksheet, the days are the columns and the staff member names go down the rows. I want to create a new cell value based on a condition on each row. I have been successful working with one row but how to efficiently do the same for each row.? I'm working with Excel 2010.

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Excel 2010 :: Testing Userform - Divide By Zero Error

Mar 26, 2013

I'm the final stages of testing a userform that, in response to a button click, copies certain cells from a big messy worksheet and pastes the relevant ones (based on user input) in a clean sheet. Suddenly, I started getting a 'divide by zero' error for the following line:

VB : UpCount = PickNum - 6 + ((PickNum / 12))

UpCount and PickNum are both declared as Double, though this shouldn't matter. UpCount is being assigned a value here for the first time, and PickNum varies from 1 to about 250 depending on input.

Obviously I'm only dividing by a constant here, which is VISIBLY not zero. This error only occurs for certain ranges of PickNum...something like 50-70. Interestingly, in trying to debug it, I added:


...since PickNum was 54 as I was getting this error. Just dividing 54 by 12 ALSO got a div by zero error.

Perhaps I should mention I'm using VBA in Excel 2010 for Mac.

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Excel 2010 :: Userform With Multipage - Populate Textbox

Jun 3, 2014

I am working on Excel 2010 and am still new at this

Attached is a UserForm with a Multipage

I have added TextBoxes to Page 1 to Page 3

Here is my problem

The Macro to show the form is not working.Also I need to populate TextBox1 with information on the "Data" sheet.

TextBox1 must show information in C3
TextBox2 must show information in C4, and
TextBox3 must show information in C2

I have tried some VB on the TextBox but it does not update, not sure if i need a command button.

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Excel 2010 :: How To Create Macro To Insert INDEX And MATCH

Jan 20, 2012

Using Excel 2010, I am trying to create a macro to insert INDEX and MATCH formulas on a sheet that reference Tables on the same sheet.

The formula works fine when entered in a cell where I can point to the Table. Now I need to put the formula in a macro where it will automatically reference the first Table on the sheet.

Here is an example of the formula:



Just look at that Table name!!

The original file has multiple sheets and multiple Tables on each sheet. No naming convension was used in naming the sheets or Tables.

Can I cycle through all the Tables on a sheet and rename each of them? For example, find the first Table on the sheet closest to cell A1 and rename it Table 1, find the next Table and rename it Table 2, etc.

Is there a way to reference Tables based on an index (similar to sheets)? Is there a Table(1) and Table(2) referencing system? Is it on a per sheet basis or across the entire workbook? That is, can there be more than one Table(1) in a file?

Can I start in cell A1 and find the first instance of a Table and return the name or index of that Table?

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