Ranking Teams Scores

May 20, 2007

The team score is made of of 3 scores, the best from each age group. So the issue is to find the best (=lowest) for each club and for each age group. Add them & rank. Sometimes there may not be 3 scores to add up ( if they didn't have a team member in all three age groups or if their rider was eliminated. I'm easy about how to show who the team members are, could be as I've shown with the rider numbers in a cell or could be by "bolding" the score or anything else thats easy....

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Calculating And Ranking Teams In League Tables

Aug 17, 2008

i am trying to make a spreadsheet up which will calculate and sort out teams in a league table for my local football team. basically, i have around 6 teams in the league and they need to be sorted via: points, then goal difference, then goals scored and then by the match between the two teams if still equal. I have managed to work out how to get excel to calculate all of the numbers of wins and losses and goals scored, etc but cannot find how to rank the teams in order regarding how i just explained.

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Ranking Top 5 Men & Women Scores

Sep 21, 2008

Hey there needs some help in creating a formula that will list the top 5 men & women scores onto my master sheet.

Work Sheets go from: P1 to P64
Person name are listed in Cell: C1
Person *** in Listed in Cell: T10
Scores listed in Cell: E3

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Ranking Scores Formula

Jan 21, 2009

I have a table of data where i want to rank scores. I know the general formula for this would be =RANK(B2,$B$2:$B$7) as an example however the range of data is not next to each other and I have tried this formula =RANK(B2,B2,B4,B6) but this comes up with an error.

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Ranking :: What Formula Would Be Used To Rank Scores

Jul 31, 2007

what formula would be used to rank scores if you had the following

name score
participant 1 14
participant 2 27
Participant 3 19

to get this result

Participant 2 27
Participant 3 19
Participant 1 14

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Ranking Values And Ranking Duplicates The Same Rank

Mar 30, 2014

Ranking values and ranking duplicates the same rank I'm looking to rank a group of numbers that will possibly have duplicate numbers that I want to show as a tie but have no break in the rankings.


The ranking I am looking for is:

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Find Top X Scores Out Of 50 Scores?

Aug 17, 2009

There are scores in B1:B10 (10 scores). I want to take the top 8 scores. So I used this formula which works just fine.

=SUM(LARGE(B1:B10,1),LARGE(B1:B10,2),LARGE(B1:B10,3),LARGE(B1:B10,4),LARGE(B1:B10,5),LARGE(B1:B10,6) ,LARGE(B1:B10,7),LARGE(B1:B10,8))

But I'm trying to make the formula a bit more dynamic. Is there anyway to have a set of data in B1:B50 (50 scores will probably be the most) and take the top x scores? X will be set in a separate cell (lets just say A1)?

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Map Scores To Scaled Scores

Feb 13, 2008

I have a raw score for each case. I need to map those raw scores to scale scores. For example, a raw score of 0 to 0.49 maps to a scale score of 120, a raw score of 0.5 to 0.99 maps to a scaled score of 110, etc. There are a total of 13 possible scaled scores (120, 110, 100, ... 20, 10, 0). Is there a way to do this in Excel2003? (Note, if anyone on the list is 'bilingual' (Excel and SPSS), I'm looking for the Excel equivalent of the SPSS command RECODE raw (lo thur .49=120), (.5 thru .99=110), etc. INTO scale.

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Ranking Without Zero And Ranking On Multiple Factors?

Aug 12, 2014

I am facing some problem with ranking formulae. Attached is a file illustrating them.

Problem 1: Ranking without zero I have a set of data for products. They have a number next to it. Some of the products have a ZERO value next to them. I want to rank the data in an ascending order while ignoring the products with ZERO value next to them.

Problem 2: Ranking on multiple factors I have a set of data for 50 products. There are 5 factors based on which I want to pick the best and the worst. Each factor has a value which can be a negative number, zero or positive number.

This is what I am doing presently: Ranking the products on each factor in a separate column. Points are assigned based on the ranking, i.e. if the ranking of "product A" on Factor 1 is 32, then it gets 32 points It is assumed that equal importance [weight] is given to each factor, thus average points is calculated based on ranking of each product on each factor. Average points are again ranked in descending order The top & bottom 10 are picked from this ranking.

Number of products and number of factors can be different for each analysis. Presently I am giving equal importance to the rankings for each of the factors, what if I have to give varied importance [weight] to the factors.

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Arrange Golf Teams

Apr 21, 2009

I run a spreadsheet that manages golf tournaments. i have to group
the # of players evenly as possible on each hole once they are entered into the tournament. since the number of players varies from tournament to tournament the math gets complicated trying to get the groupings right. i can do the math on paper but do not know how to code the math in a macro. this would save me a ton of time if someone can figure this out. i have attached a sample .xls that includes all the info i could think of a person needs to see what is going on. If i am asking to much i understand and will remove the thread.

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VLOOKUP - Sheet That Will Keep Track Of Teams

Sep 27, 2009

I'm trying to have an excel sheet that will keep track of teams. In Col A will be the name, Col. B is a score, Col C is # of wins, Col D is # of loss's. The range for the list will be A3 to D153. Now starting in M3 I want to beable to list the persons name and have the sheet pull over the original score and place it in N3. Once I mark if they win or lose in O3. I would then like the sheet to if they win add 4 points or if they lose subtract 4 points from thier score in Col B. I have use the VLOOKUP to be able to pull the scores from col B, but I'm not sure how to change the scores.

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Randomly Assign Players To Teams

May 5, 2007

I am trying to assign a list of players onto teams but I need to distribute "skill" evenly to ensure teams are equally matched.

A statistician in the league suggested the best way to do this might be to sort the player list (descending) by the measure of "skill", then start assigning teams in blocks. If I have 40 players in the league / 4 teams = 10 players per team. I would randomize the numbers 1-4 (e.g. 3 1 4 2) and assign them to the first four players, randomize another set of 1-4, assign them to the next, and so on...

I could then sort the player list by “team assignment” column and have hypothetically equal skill on every team.

Couple of complications... number of players and teams might vary season to season. I will have to enter in number of teams and number of players at the beginning of each season along with a new list of their stats. Also, although I have a limited knowledge of Excel and VBA, none of the other coaches do so I want to make this as idiot proof as possible.

Using various macros (or functions) I found here I was able to randomize the first "block" of players but I cannot complete the randomizations for the remainder of the list. The only solution I have found would be to manually create an array using the “RandUnique” function over X (depending on number of teams) cells and then copy and paste this randomized subset down the rest of the player list.

See attached for sample data.

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Booking Schedule For Sport Teams

Dec 1, 2007

I am creating an hourly schedule (for a calendar year) that shows rental space occupied by 4 different groups (baseball, softball, soccer and football). I have created worksheets for each group and am entering proper names. I want to be able to search the worksheets for ANY text and return a value to a master sheet based on the group they belong to. If the cell is empty I want it to remain empty in the master sheet. Example: Ed Jones is entered in sheet 1, cell a15, and will show as "Baseball" on the master sheet cell a15, Mary Smith is entered in sheet 2, cell b16, and will show as Softball on the master sheet, cell b16, etc. The sheets are divided out into sports fields that they can rent. Multiple sports can rent the same fields so it is important that my master sheet show who is renting the field that day so it can be set up properly and they don't get double booked.

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Randomly Pair Players Together To Form Teams

Jun 10, 2008

I need to randomly pair players together to form teams.

For example:
Saturday morning, there are 19 golfers signed up to play together, but want to paired randomly.

This is what we currently do:
In cells A1:A27 I type their names. In B1:B27, I type their handicaps.

We then use a deck of cards to randomly draw teams. We do this by pulling 4-A's, 4-k's, 4-Q's, 4-J's, and 3-10's from the deck. We shuffle these cards and then go down the names in colum A and assign each palyer a card and place the card value into column C. We then highlight all three columns and sort by column C to form teams.

This works ok, but the problem is they all tee off at the same time and need a "super quick" process to form teams in seconds.

The only variable that I might see being a problem is the # of players vary each time they play. There might be 12 one day and 51 the next. We have to form teams into 4 somes and 3 somes, based on the total number of players we get.

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Create Spreadsheet Where First Page Allows To Input Number Of Teams?

Apr 24, 2014

What i'm looking to do is create a spreadsheet where the first page allows me to input the number of teams in the group.The teams cannot play others in the group except the ones they are paired with. eg. "Enter number of team pairs in set" (in this case 4)

Team 1a vs Team 1b
Team 2a vs Team 2b
Team 3a vs Team 3b
Team 4a vs Team 4b

After number of teams in set is established click a start button on the first tab of the spreadsheet.

this auto generates a new tab with all the possible win/loss combinations of 4 team pairs.

New Picture.jpg

if the number of teams on Tab 1 is changed (say to 6) and the start button is clicked, another new tab is generated with all possible win loss combinations of a 6 team set.

remember 1a vs 1b can only be win or lose and the win lose combinations are for the set of 4 matches ( or more matches if specified on the first tab and clicked).

if you put 7 in for the number of team pairs then it would be win loss combos for 7 pairs of teams.

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Rank A List Of Teams Based On Their Win/loss Record

Oct 11, 2009

I want to rank a list of teams based on their win/loss record. The list is something as follows.

Team A0-3
Team B0-2
Team C2-0
Team D1-2
Team E2-1
Team F2-1
Team G0-2
Team H3-0
Team I1-1
Team J1-1
Team K2-1

The column with the actual score contains the formula, =INDEX('2009'!$C$3:$BL$3,MATCH($A4,'2009'!$B$1:$BJ$1,0)). I would like to rank the list to something like,

Team H3-01
Team C2-02
Team E2-13
Team F2-13
Team K2-13
Team I1-16
Team J1-16
Team D1-27
Team B0-29
Team G0-210
Team A0-311

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Listing Teams That Have Sold Products - Index / Match?

Feb 28, 2012

I have a table with sales teams down the left, and products along the top.

The table shows how many sales of each product a team has made. This is populated from a sales data dump each day.

I need a second table with all the products along the top, and beneath each product, a list of which Teams have sold that product.

do I need some Index / Match style formula here to pickup up each team from the left in the first table that's got a sales value higher than 0 for a particular product?

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Top 5 Scores

Jul 7, 2009

Is it possible to make a top 5 scores section?

Ive been reading up on Arrays and how to use Arrays etc so i believe that it could be done with an array but i could be complete wrong.

what i have is players names in A4 and there averages in H4. i have 22 players listed but i want to take the top 5 scores from h4 and display them in a different section with there as so: NAME(A4): AVERAGE(h4) repeated 5 times and updates Automatically.

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List Teams In Rank Order From List

Dec 27, 2009

How do I list selected data by order of appearance in a list?

Suppose I have a named range somewhere in my workbook called "TeamsRanked".

This range contains hundreds of names. The data associated with each of these names appears in a table in the workbook in rank order. The teams are ranked in descending order according to points scored. This means that the ROW() for the HIGHER-Ranked teams will be LOWER than the ROW() for the LOWER-Ranked teams. Also, this named range is constantly being resorted as updated data is introduced.

Now...Suppose I want to monitor just a few of the names??

For example: Cells A1:A3 on a separate worksheet contain the names of the teams I want to monitor.

What formula do I need in Cell A5 to return the HIGHEST ranked of the teams in Cells A1:A3??
...in Cell A6, to return the next highest ranked.
...in Cell A7, to return the LOWEST ranked.

I tried some IF(ROW(MATCH...)) ---"is less than" ---IF(ROW(MATCH...)) formulas...and I keep getting INVALIDs in my formula palette.

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Look Up Highest Scores

May 9, 2007

What is the best way to look up and return the 10 best performers out of a list of say, 40. I have columns representing people's names, their school's name, their age and their total score. The following formula is to add up the 4 highest scores for each school: SUM(LARGE(($A$2:$A$499=Y2)*($C$2:$C$499),{1,2,3,4})) (entered as an array) Now I want to display the 10 best performing schools (who will be determined by calculating their 4 best scores).

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Placing Value On Bottom 3 Scores

Mar 3, 2014

I am trying to do the following:

901 > 0 pts
851 - 900 gets 1 pts
LOWEST 3 scores gets 2 pts

Example of what i have for the top three

I have tried to change it but cant get it to work for the bottom 3 scores.

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Analyzing Scores Per Subjects

May 2, 2014

I need a formula to analyze the attached sheet.

I need to know
1-Number of students that passed with 70% and above in English, Maths and Biology
2- Number of students that passed with 50%-69% and above in English, Maths and Biology
3- Number of students that scored below 50% in English, Maths and Biology
4-Number of student that where absent for each of the subjects (English, Maths, biology)

Note: Total of all the columns per subject must be equal to the total number of students in the sheet.

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High Scores And Tiebreaker

Oct 1, 2009

This is for a forestry contest. Students compete in 6 different categories (columns B through G). Teams can have up to four members and the top three member scores are taken to determine a team score. Teams are then ranked. Here is where I need help. I would like to be able to find the high individual score for each category in the contest. (sawlog, pulpwood, tree ID, etc) If there is a tie in the category it is broken using the category in the column to the right. Example – sawlog 1st tie breaker is pulpwood, the 2nd tiebreaker is thinning. The last column, Compass, uses sawlog as 1st tie breaker and pulpwood as 2nd tiebreaker.

Will on the RHS team had a score of 112 in Tree ID and a score of 48 in thinning.
Michael on the WHS team also had a 112 score in Tree ID and a score of 44 in Thinning.

So Will is the high individual in that event –

How can I create a formula that will bring the winners name down to row 66-71 and also bring the score down to row 66-71 to show who won each event? example spreadsheet attached.

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Aggregate Scores For Some Data

Jan 30, 2014

Just wondering the better way to 'get' a score for some data.

For example, I have a data set where there are a number of records are interrogated for validity across X rules. The returned count of errors of course could include one record for all X tests.....

what is the better way of weighting these to get one score

Please see attached example : XL4M.xlsx‎

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Sheets Contain Different Types Of Scores

Jun 17, 2006

some of the functions in this file, and the problem is that I have one bug I can't fix.

There are four sheets. The first two sheets contain different types of scores.

The fourth sheet ranks each of the different types of scores on both first sheets. The third sheet reports out on the bottom five scores in each category. If one of the scores is missing, the whole thing gets screwed up.

I have attached the file and removed a some of the scores to illustrate.

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Average Of Lowest 3 Of 5 Scores 0

Feb 17, 2010

Needed for a golf league where the average of the best three of five games is needed - so, low score is better but score must be greater than zero. Each row is a player, column A is the players name, B-F 5 different games and the average will be in column G. I tried this formula but if someone didn't play at least 3 games SMALL returns the #NUM! error value. If I enter 0 for games not played then SMALL picks up the 0 as the lowest score. =(SMALL(B3:F3,1)+SMALL(B3:F3,2)+SMALL(B3:F3,3))/3. How to nest the different functions (if>0, small, and avg would be good too)

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Extract Top Scores And Agent

Jan 10, 2012

This formula in AN63 TO AN75 is an array formula


This in AO63 - AO75 is a standard formula


Basically my aim is to extract the top scores and agent.

Now i wanted not have an array formula so to convert the array formula to a non array formula.

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Looking Up Text And Returning Scores

Jan 18, 2007

| item1, item2, item4 |

Elsewhere I have a set of points for these like this:

| item1 | 4 |
| item2 | 2 |
| item3 | 3 |
| item4 | 1 |

(the |'s represent cell borders, if it isn't obvious)

What I want is a formula that can grab the text, then produce a total score. So, for my example, the result would be 7, totalling the scores for item1, item2, and item4.

I know that the score lookup is trivial (just a VLOOKUP), but I can't figure out how to do the scan for the data from a single cell. I want the items to remain in a single cell if possible.

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Working Out Scores In Table

Mar 16, 2004

I am having a problem working out scores and games played, won, drawn, lost, etc.

Basically I have two sheets one where I have the football table stored, another where I input the scores. I have managed to work out the points total automatically when the scores are inputted but I was wondering if anyone would know how I can work out a teams games played, won, drawn, lost and have that automatically updated in the table when the score has been inputted in the other sheet.

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Define Number Of Scores

May 10, 2007

The following formula is to add up the 4 highest scores for members belonging to each group:

= SUM(LARGE(($A$2:$A$499=Y2)*($C$2:$C$499),{1,2,3,4})) (entered as an array)

I only want to return results for groups that have four or more members. I am not interested in groups that say only have 3 members.

How can I modify this formula to do this?

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