Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Select Case MsgBox("my question?", vbYesNoCancel)
Case Is = vbYes
'Yes Code will sort Moistures and Owners
Case Is = vbNo
'NO code will sort Moistures and Fields
Case Is = vbCancel
' Will Sort neither and allow for data entry
Case Else
Debug.Print "Whoops"
End Select
End Sub
I want to rename the Yes, no, and cancel buttons to Pay Owner, Field Close Out, and Data entry.
I'm trying to make a msg box with ok and cancel buttons. The cancel button should continue the macro, the ok button ends the macro. I'm new to making message boxes.
I keep getting a compile error and it says it expects =
Here's what I have so far:
Code: If WorksheetFunction.CountBlank(Intersect(Columns("I"), ActiveSheet.ListObjects(1).Range)) Then MsgBox(Prompt:="Enter a status, moron. Click Ok to return and add a status, click Cancel to throw caution to the wind and continue",buttons:=vbOKCancel, title:="blank status") End If If Answer = vbOK Then Exit Sub End If
I also don't know if my End Ifs are in the right places. I haven't been able to test my code because I keep getting this compile error.
I am trying to create a worksheet that has multiple radio buttons. Each radio button is linked to a Macro. I need there to be many buttons running down one side of the worksheet. Each button needs to perform a macro that is relevant to the cells in the same row that it is on.
Essentially what i am trying to do is make a macro that when the button is pressed copys data from H6 and paste it into B6. The button is situated above I6. I need a button for each row from 6 to 110.
While this macro is easy to create (i use the record button and then assign the macro to the button), i would have to do this 104 times and assign a new macro to each button.
Is it possible to change the color of buttons or command buttons? There does not seem to be any place that allows this under properties for buttons, although there does for command bars. However, I've tried recording a macro as I change the color, but nothing get's recorded so I'm not sure what the syntax would be.
I have a spreadsheet with several buttons and I'd like them to change colors as they are pressed so it's possible to see what you've already done. And then, as soon as any other cell on the sheet is changed, the buttons reset color.
How can I disable the cancel button when the user is prompted to do a "save as"? I need to force the user to name the file and save it to the appropriate file - if they are allowed to cancel I run into problems with my macro.
In the below mentioned code, there is some problems which need to be modified.
Sub printall() Dim wsAtt As Worksheet Dim wsPay As Worksheet Dim rng As Range Dim cl As Range
On Error Goto PrintAll_Error Application. ScreenUpdating = False Set wsAtt = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Register") wsAtt.Select Set rng = wsAtt.Range(Cells(8, 1), Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)) Set wsPay = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Payslips")
when the code is run, a window for selecting printer pops up and if the user clicks OK button, it starts printing but the problem is that if the user clicks "Cancel", also it starts printing.
I want that if the user cliks "Cancel" it shuold not start printing & the Select Printer screen should vanish and return to the sheet from where tehe user has run the code.
The code was provided to me in response to my post earlier at this forum However the code line related to select printer is put by me.
I have an input box which has OK and cancel buttons If the user clicks cancel I would like to routine to end, which I can do with exit sub. However this particular sub routine has been called from another so the rest of the code continues. Is there a way of exiting all the routines on cancel -- or a neater way than exit sub ?
If I press either the "OK" or "Cancel" button without entering any states in (because I changed my mind and want ALL states in there, or I pressed either button by accident), the macro eliminates ALL the rows because it needs criteria.
Can this code be modified so that the message box does the following...
1. If I press the "OK" button but I haven't entered in any criteria in the message box, bring up another message box saying "you have not entered in any states in" which brings up an "OK" box and brings you back to the original message box.
2. If I hit the "Cancel" button, bring up a message box that says "No states will be removed" with an "OK" button, essentially cancelling the "State" macro portion of the sub, but continuing with the rest of the code in the sub if there is any.
I would like to have this message box work this way even if states were entered in the input box but the user pressed the "Cancel" button anyway.
3. Create a NEW button named "Keep ALL States" which essentially does the same thing as the "Cancel" button. (I'm trying to "idiot proof" this).
i have a code that i am using but however when I click on the cancel it is giving me a false in the cell when all I am want is to cancel and leave the information in the cell. Here is an example of the code i am using.
I have a code that prepares my spreadsheet and then prints out around 6 different sheets when all is said and done. The prints are not together in the code. I was wondering if there is something that I can add at the beginning of the code to ask the user IF they want a Printout. If they answer Yes then they get printouts of the 6 or so sheets and if they answer No then the code will run but no printouts occur???
I have play3ed around a bit and implemented the following in one of my codes but this one only has 1 sheet that prints out.
'Checks to see if this is a corrected Deposit in which case Depositor probably has a Verification sheet already printed
If Sheets("Input Sheet").CheckBox5 = True Then
Answer = MsgBox("It's seems that this Verification sheet was already printed once. Do the Corrections you have made require you to print another one?" & vbCr & vbCr & "If you reuire the Verification sheet to print again the please click YES otherwise click No.", vbYesNo, "PRINT Out Required???")
Msg = "Enter a number" BOXTITLE = "Number" ANS = InputBox(Msg, BOXTITLE)
This generates 2 buttons. If i click the cancel button how would i direct the code to go to a certain line in my code. EG if cancel button clicked then goto 10
I would like some help on disabling the Esc key in a macro and to disable the Cancel button and X on message and input boxes.
My macro is to insert rows in a protected worksheet and another to run a spellcheck, if my users hit any of the above keys during the macro my worksheet is left unprotected and formulas could be deleted in error. I have pasted a copy of my code below,
Sub InsertRowAboveCopyFormulas() ActiveSheet.Unprotect ("password") Dim Rng, n As Long, k As Long Application.ScreenUpdating = False Rng = InputBox("Enter number of rows required.") If Rng = "" Then Exit Sub On Error Resume Next ActiveCell.EntireRow.Select Selection.Resize(rowsize:=Rng).Rows(1).EntireRow. _ Resize(rowsize:=Rng).Insert Shift:=xlUp Selection.Offset(Rng).AutoFill Selection.Resize( _ rowsize:=Rng + 1), xlFill Selection.Resize(Rng).EntireRow. _ SpecialCells(xlConstants).ClearContents ActiveSheet.Protect ("password") End Sub
I am facing a problem while validating an Inputbox actually the issue is that when user press Cancel button on Input box it returns a empty string and also when user does not enters anything in Input box and pressess ok than too a Empty string is returned . Than how we will apply the following conditions :
1) If user does not enter anyting in InputBox and pressess OK than a msgBox should appear saying that "Uhav entered empty string and than looping back to inputbox"
2) If user pressess Cancel procedure should End
Sub try()
Dim Path Path = InputBox("Specify Path" , "Report Path")
If Path = "" Then
' Issue comes here becuse anyways code reahes here if user either lefts the Inputbox empty and presses ok OR user pressess cancel as i need to show different actions for 'different conditions
I have a macro with a vbYesNo in it currently, I tried adding cancel as an option (vbYesNoCancel) but ran into some issues. aMaking my code run with the Cancel option? All I need is to have the cancel option there and have the sub end if cancel is selected.
Code: Sub Sendit() Dim lr As Long ' Conformation Box for Daily Sales Report Date[code]......
I am trying create a macro which asks for the Sheet name as an input for a Sub. I've gotten it to work but there is just one problem: The Cancel button does not work on the MsgBox. Everything else works just as I want to: it shows a dialog box to enter a name for the worksheet and if the worksheet does not exist, it loops and shows a message saying that it does not exist.
However, the cancel button does the same thing as entering nothing in the box and it does not end the process. I would want it so that the cancel button kills the process. Here is the code:
Code: Option Explicit Function WorksheetExists(WSName As String) As Boolean On Error Resume Next WorksheetExists = Worksheets(WSName).Name = WSName On Error GoTo 0
I have a userform with two buttons : O.K. and Cancel When I use the O.K. Button, all is correct, but when I use the Cancel Button, it doesn't work. What line I have to add, to leave that userform ? (Cancel : CommandButton2_Click()
Sub CommandButton1_Click() Me.Hide End Sub Public Function userChosen() Me.Show userChosen = Format(DateSerial(cmbJaar, cmbMaand, cmbDag), "") Unload Me End Function
Private Sub cmbPlant_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) If cmbPlant.MatchFound = False Then cmbPlant.BackColor = &HC0& If MsgBox("Required!" & vbNewLine & "Please Select Correct Plant Number", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Plant Number") = vbCancel Then Exit Sub Cancel = True Else cmbPlant.BackColor = &H80000005 End If End Sub
I also have a cancel button
Private Sub cmdCancel_Click() If MsgBox(" Cancelling Will Clear This Form." & vbNewLine & " No Data Will Be Entered." & vbNewLine & "Are You Sure You Wish To Cancel?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Cancel Data Entry") = vbNo Then Exit Sub Unload Me End Sub
If someone clicks the cancel button before using the plant # combo, the form closes, but the cmbplant_exit msgbox pops up too.
I have an inputbox in my code. By default the inputbox is giving the options "OK" and "Cancel". Is there a way where I can have only "OK" option in my inputbox.
the title should read... pressing cancel in inputbox, continues the macro... In theory, pressing the cancel button should stop the macros, but it continues as if pressing ok button...
I am trying to have conditional formatting of cells apply only if another cell is blank in 2007. A3 has a formatting of =MOD(ROW(),2)=1, then =AND (A3<>"",A3+15<=$G$1) to change the color based on date and finally =AND(A3<>"",A3+30<=$G$1) to again change the color again by date. What I would like to do is for the cells in columb A to change only if corresponding columb B cell is empty, without using macros if possible.