I have a userform with two buttons : O.K. and Cancel
When I use the O.K. Button, all is correct, but when I use the Cancel Button, it doesn't work.
What line I have to add, to leave that userform ? (Cancel : CommandButton2_Click()
Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub
Public Function userChosen()
userChosen = Format(DateSerial(cmbJaar, cmbMaand, cmbDag), "dd.mm.yyyy")
Unload Me
End Function
Why is the below code not valid? I am using a userform with a cancel button and i cant it to copy and paste some lines on sheet Chart_Data as it unloads. But i just get the error
"Runtime Error '1004': Method 'Select' of object '_Worksheet' Failed"
Msg = "Enter a number" BOXTITLE = "Number" ANS = InputBox(Msg, BOXTITLE)
This generates 2 buttons. If i click the cancel button how would i direct the code to go to a certain line in my code. EG if cancel button clicked then goto 10
I would like some help on disabling the Esc key in a macro and to disable the Cancel button and X on message and input boxes.
My macro is to insert rows in a protected worksheet and another to run a spellcheck, if my users hit any of the above keys during the macro my worksheet is left unprotected and formulas could be deleted in error. I have pasted a copy of my code below,
Sub InsertRowAboveCopyFormulas() ActiveSheet.Unprotect ("password") Dim Rng, n As Long, k As Long Application.ScreenUpdating = False Rng = InputBox("Enter number of rows required.") If Rng = "" Then Exit Sub On Error Resume Next ActiveCell.EntireRow.Select Selection.Resize(rowsize:=Rng).Rows(1).EntireRow. _ Resize(rowsize:=Rng).Insert Shift:=xlUp Selection.Offset(Rng).AutoFill Selection.Resize( _ rowsize:=Rng + 1), xlFill Selection.Resize(Rng).EntireRow. _ SpecialCells(xlConstants).ClearContents ActiveSheet.Protect ("password") End Sub
I have the code below. That code call some InputBoxes in sequence, that be filled with correctly information like name, cell phone, date of purchase, etc. (sheet is in Portuguese)
But I want to give a function for 'Cancel' Button, because actually if we click on cancel Button, the macro skip to the next inputbox.
I want to click in Cancel Button, and Exit Sub, I used this Tip for example
[Code] ....
But if we do not fill the Text field, the Macro Exit Sub Too
Some fields are optional, so for this i search for a solution
I have this macro code that can protect and unprotect, It will show the input box and ask for a password. my problem is when I choose cancel, it still protect the file, the same thing with my unprotect code. here is my code below
I would choose to select the delete button. I've created a new worksheet within a workbook, insert text and formatting, and copied to a specific place in the active worksheet. Everything works well except 1. there is a LOT of coding because I recorded the macro and 2. the delete message pops up for every files the macro manipulates. I have to click "delete" about 60 times throughout this macro and would love to be able to let it click its own delete button!
I worte a procedure to protect the worksheet. When we clik on command button it asks the password but if I click on cancel button procedure is exiting.
Private Sub cmbPlant_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) If cmbPlant.MatchFound = False Then cmbPlant.BackColor = &HC0& If MsgBox("Required!" & vbNewLine & "Please Select Correct Plant Number", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Plant Number") = vbCancel Then Exit Sub Cancel = True Else cmbPlant.BackColor = &H80000005 End If End Sub
I also have a cancel button
Private Sub cmdCancel_Click() If MsgBox(" Cancelling Will Clear This Form." & vbNewLine & " No Data Will Be Entered." & vbNewLine & "Are You Sure You Wish To Cancel?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Cancel Data Entry") = vbNo Then Exit Sub Unload Me End Sub
If someone clicks the cancel button before using the plant # combo, the form closes, but the cmbplant_exit msgbox pops up too.
I want my worksheet to require validation of entry data before printing, so I decided to use the "Workbook_BeforePrint" event, and display a simple dialog box with an "ok" or a "cancel" button as input options.
The problem is that, as coded, "cancel" button does not cancel the print.
I have created a userform and a command button to bring up the user form but when I click on the command button and the user form pops up I am not able to enter any data, the entire page freezes
This is the code
Private Sub CommandButtoncancel_Click() unloadme End Sub Private Sub CommandButtonOK_Click() With Workbooks("RETS results version 2.xlsm")
I have a command button on my form that unloads it when i am finished. But i have to press it 20 times before it closes. The only line i have in the code is "UnLoad Me"
When you hit the enter button, it should jump to the cell below the one you currently have selected. Well, mine doesn't do that anymore? My tab works fine to go to the cell to the left, but enter just keeps the current cell selected. I know it isn't the Keyboard, b/c it works for every other app. What have I disabled/enabled to cause this? This happens with both the "return" enter button and the enter on the number pad. As of right now, either a mouse click or the down arrow is the only way for me to jump to the next cell.
I have made a list box and can see the data in it and make multiple choices. What I need to know how to do is put a small button and make the list box appear and make the selected choices, then hide the list box but the button visiable. I would to have check boxes and a scroll bar in the list box by the names but i am stumped. If you could show the code that will make this work that will be great!!! lets say cell B3 to B6 shows cat, dog, mouse, bird. I would check the box and choose cat and bird and have only these 2 show up in the cell B2 separated by a comma. So each line for about 100 lines down will need to have the same choices made but with equipment names, people ect. or is there something better that will work. I run Excel 2003 and windows xp.
I have a worksheet where I first filtered, then hid some columns. Used to be that I just highlighted the area I wanted copied, clicked the select visible cells button that I put on my toolbar, ctrl c and ctrl v into a new worksheet and only the visible cells would be copied. Now the button isn't working because when I ctrl v into the new worksheet, it shows the hidden columns also.
I have written some code to search through excel sheets and return the values it finds. The code is written in a module, and when I run it by clicking the play button at the top of the VB editor it works perfectly.
However I have noticed that I need to link it to a button (on_Click) in sheet1, I have tried copying the code into the button sub, it throws up an error:
"Activate method of Range class failed"
Can anyone tell me why this code would work from its module and not when placed in the worksheet (the cells being activated are not empty).
I have a useform that loads up with two buttons and I waat to force the user to chose one of the buttons. However, I have noticed that the user can just press the cross in the top right corner of the form to close the window and therefore not press either button.
Is there anyway I can stop the close form button working?
I am using Excel 2010. I am using a shared workbook that was originally created in Excel 2003. This workbook has a command button that is supposed to be clicked to open a userform. However, I cannot even click on the button when opening the shared form in Excel 2010. When the form is not shared, the button works fine.
I have no problems with the button when opening the shared form in 2003 or 2007.
Is there anything I can do to make the command button work while the form is shared and while using Excel 2010?
I have this macro code in Sheet1 assigned to a button named Combination. I copied the whole sheet twice and moved to end. So they have the same data content and hopefully the macro in sheet1 will work as well in sheets2 and 3. But it's not. I just copied the code from VB codes Excel objects Sheet1 to Sheet2 and Sheet3. The cursor changed to a reading glass but it doesn't display any result. I am sure it's the worksheets(1).range part that needs to be edited but i am not sure if that is simply changing it to worksheets(2) or worksheets(3). I tried that also but no effect also.
Option Explicit
Public Sub ModelPricing_Template()
Dim a As Integer, b As Integer, c As Integer, d As Integer Dim e As Integer, f As Integer, g As Integer
Im trying to add a print button to a userform. But three things that have to happen when the button is clicked:
1.Excel has to tell the print dialogue box to ensure the page will only fit on one page by one page
2.The print dialogue box has to pop up so the user can ensure the settings of the print
3.Right now when the print happens scroll bars are printing from the userform. I need those to disappear
This code in its current state is messing with me, it appears I set it to one page by one page but yet when the print happens its only printing the last part of my userform. And right now it also does trigger the dialogue box so that part is solved. I just cant figure out why its not resizing to one page by one page.
In fristWB i have UserForm in which their is TextBox_1 & Transfer_btn-->cmdbutton ..with transfer_btn i want anything written in TextBox_1 should always paste new row in secondWB workbook I am trying to do this with USERFORM
Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate() frm_document.Show End Sub
A userform is called up upon a calculation change in the spreadsheet on two computers and has for years. We just hired a new employee and the userform is not pulling up for her. Instead she gets an error: Runtime error 75...Could not find the specified object.
I'm having some problems with SetFocus on a user form that I am using. Code is Below.
Dim Answer As Variant With cboAccount If .Value "" And .ListIndex = -1 Then Answer = MsgBox(cboAccount.Value & " is not a registered account, would you like to add it?", vbYesNo) If Answer = vbYes Then Load frmNewAccount frmNewAccount.txtAccountName.Value = frmEnterTransaction.cboAccount.Value frmNewAccount.Show If Answer = vbNo Then cboAccount.SetFocus End If End If End If End With End Sub
basically the code asks if the if the answer placed in a cboAccount (combo box) is valid against the list designated to that combo box,
If the entry is not valid a message box appears asking if they would like to add the entry to the valid list if they do not want to do this they can click no and in which case I wan't the focus to be set back to the combo box however currently the setfocus command above does not does not work and the focus is set to the next text box.
I have a UserForm which enables the user to input sales figures for each month for 5 years.
At the bottom of each year is the total box.
At the moment it only sums the 12 months when each month has a figure in it. Sometimes the user only needs to enter, lets say, 4 months figures and the total box doesn't work. It also doesn't sum as data is entered i.e. it only adds them up when all 12 months TextBoxes have a number in them.
Can I literally make it as simple as it would be on a normal worksheet i.e. =SUM(A1:A12) ??
Here is my code that is 'in' each month's TextBox
[Code] .....
End Sub
The total box itself - txtY1Total - doesn't have any code in it.