Macro To Search String In A Range Of Cells And Replace While Leaving Original
Jul 25, 2014
So I was given the task to translate some procedure instructions in an Excel file from English to Spanish. These are very simple instructions and in most cases repetitive throughout the document. There are a lot of instances where the instructions are the same except for a #. They are meant to be modified within the cell as the text that appears in the cell will be printed exactly as it appears.There are several instructions in the cell, it is basically a long continuous string in the cell. My idea is to create a macro that can search that range of cells for the instruction, replace it with the Spanish equivalent while leaving the original English instruction in the cell.
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Apr 7, 2009
if I have a column of 5 cells (E1-E5) that contain a single character, how would I search a range of columns and rows (A1/5 - D1/5) with these?
So if E1-E5 each contain "1", i would like to return true when one (or more) of the A - D columns also contain "1" in each of its cells.
Columns A - D will contain a string of more than one character so it needs to search the string.
E1 = 1
E2 = 1
E3 = 1
E4 = 1
E5 = 1 and
A1 = 123
A2 = 134
A3 = 142
A4 = 412
A5 = 213
I would like this to return true because the A cells do contain the values in the E cells.
I guess this is like looking for duplicates but with a search string twist!
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Jan 17, 2012
Following problem:
I have a list of changes on our bankaccount.
Sometimes, in the description a payment we receive the name of the person who transferred the amount is mentionned.
It can be anywhere in the string, it can be just his/her first name, it can be his/her full name...
I also have a list of all our clients with first name in column A, second name in column B
Something like this:
string from bancaccount:
client list
Francois D'hondt
Germaine Canipel
Willy Vandersmissen
Karel D'hondt
I'd like VBA to search in the clientlist for names that occur in the bankaccount string.
Sice ther might be a lot of Willy's in the client lsit I think it will be best to serch for the combination of both first and second name.
Once found the name the procedure should return the rownumer on which the client can be found in the client list.
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Mar 5, 2010
I tried to find out how to post my table but the link in that thread lead me to a notice saying I wasn't allowed access to the page.)
Cells A2:G2 contain various alphanumeric strings.
If any cell contains "SD#" (# = a number which might include decimal places) then I want to extract the number.
If more than one cell contains "SD#", I want to add the numbers together. The total goes in cell C6 and it needs to change if the contents of A2:G2 change. E.g. if A2 shows SD4.75 and B2 shows SD8, the total in C6 would be 12.75
So I'm looking for a formula for C6....
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Sep 26, 2013
I have a range of cells each containing different values. Each of these different cells has a related date contained in the row underneath.
I want to be able to search the range of cells and find it in the contents of a cell and return the corresponding date from the row below.
Excel 2010
Row A4:O4 is the range of cells to be tested. Row A5:O5 are the corresponding dates. Cell B1 is the value I want to search for and B2 is where the date I would like to appear.
In the example shown I'd like 01-Sep to appear in B2.
I'm using Excel2010 and Windows 7.
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Dec 3, 2009
I have a text such as:
I want to do is search for "&s_kwcid" or anything containing "&s_kwcid" and replace it with blank. So above would then read:
I tried =IF(SUM(COUNTIF(E2,{"&s_kwcid*"}))=1,E2,"") but it didn't work. I tried auto filtering, and using contains &s_kwcid* but it didn't filter out results, but find &s_kwcid did find results for text anywhere in string, so I know the problem is there.
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Nov 12, 2009
I'm trying to find a way to search a second sheet in a workbook for specific criteria outlined in a first sheet (in my attached example, from A3 downwards within the 'list of search criteria' sheet), and then to copy any secondary data found against a successful search match to the original sheet, transposed against its corresponding matched search term.
As you can see in the example, the search term 'bindi' (A4 in the 'list of search criteria' sheet) appears in the 'data' sheet 3 times - the secondary data for these occurences ('feathery', 'Fibonacci', 'glassy') is copied to the 'bindi' row on the first sheet and is offset with each copy to produce a transposed-esque effect of copy and paste.
If it's any help, there are a maximum of 9 matches for a single search term in the real document.
Thanks in advance for your help... I tried to adapt a previous solution given to me for a similar question but failed miserably. I bow humbly to your expertise!
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May 10, 2007
I have a column of invoice numbers, formatted as text, some of which have first character "0" & last character "C" e.g. "012345C". I want to get rid of the "C" leaving e.g. "012345".
I have tried Find "C" / Replace " " with the undesirable result being that the leading "0" disappears too. Find "5C" replace "5" gives the same.
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Jul 10, 2007
I am looking for a syntax or function wherin i can replace all lines in different cells containing specific string or text in it. e.g. Few cells in sheet contains " This guy is for deployment", other few cells may contain "guy is for core deployment" and other cells may have " project is specific deployment". I want to replace all such lines which contain a word "deployment" with ony one word "Deployment".
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Mar 5, 2008
I would like to easily replace every character in column A with a blank, with the exception of - and a number. I am trying to get rid of all letters,:, / and other miscellaneous characters without having to delete them one character at a time.
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May 20, 2014
In one of my worsheets in the excel document, I have data as shown below:
Name Description Minimum Values Maximum Values
ABC test desc {0.0, 0.0, 0.0} {1.0, 1.0, 1.0}
DEF test desc {{0.0, 0.0, 0.0},{0.0,0.0,0.0}} {{1.0, 1.0, 1.0}, {1.0, 1.0, 1.0}}
Basically for a 1D array, the minimum and maximum values are within one set of brackets, whereas for 2D array (as shown in the second row), there would be nested brackets with comma after every closing bracket being a row separator.
My requirement is to write a macro to replace the minimum and maximum values in every row of the worksheet (I do not know the exact number of rows as it could vary) with just one value instead of repeated values depending on the size of the array. In other words, I am looking at the below output:
Name Description Minimum Values Maximum Values
ABC test desc 0.0 1.0
DEF test desc 0.0 1.0
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Nov 26, 2008
I would like to create a macro to search all blank cells within a certain range in multiple worksheets to replace it with a certain blank cell. Essentially i would like to use a special values function to do this.
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May 5, 2009
Search multiple cells for certain string and then replace the text of the entire cell with new text. For example the text may contain:
"A Chestnut Leather Satchel Binocular Case "They'll Fight Over When You're Dead" (Binocularcase-SL-CH)"
I want to search for SL-CH and once that is found I want to replace the contents of the entire cell with the following: Satchel Chestnut (SL-CH)
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Dec 4, 2013
I need to remove only numbers from excel cell - I have tried using the "constant" function but did not work. I have thousands of cells with a consistent 4 digit number like this:
1000 the rest is text
How can I remove only numbers but leave all text in the cell and then if I can trim the cell so there are not any spaces at the beginning afte removing the numbers.
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Dec 29, 2011
I have written a macro to convert data from a report exported from to a format that is acceptable for upload to our website. One of the necessary conversions is to convert values from a Boolean value to a Y/N value. I wrote a macro with a series of search-replace commands such as this:
'replace 0s and 1s in "Direct Billing" column with appropriate data
Selection.Replace What:="0", Replacement:="N", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
This code generates a warning when no "0" values are found:
"Microsoft Office Excel cannot find any data to replace. Check if your search formatting and criteria are defined correctly. If you are sure that matching data exists in this workbook, it may be on a protected sheet. Excel cannot replace data on a protected worksheet."
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Oct 7, 2013
I am looking for a macro to replace the values in a range of cells with a specific array for each column heading
Here is what I have
[Code] ....
And here is the expected result of the macro
[Code] ........
Please note there is only one Active Sheet.
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May 15, 2007
I have a large spreadsheet, within which i am trying to remove commas from all cells. I get the error 'formula is too long' when I carry out the search. Some of the cells are >1024 characters in length and contain dates, text etc.
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May 20, 2009
how to use a formula or macro or whatever that is applicable to solve my current issue.
For example:
I've the following text below. The prefix of "atest", "bgo", "crun" and "dfly_c" are fixed pattern, however, the text after prefix will change accordingly.
Now my request is, I would like to have the final output as per below. Notices that there are some additional numbers behind the text (with semicolumn).
Final output:
My question is, is it possible to create something to handle this issue? I mean something that will seach thru a particular fixed pattern as mentioned above and add the number behind it?
I would like to do it one at the time (one prefix at a time). Not mass searching and adding.
For example:
Search all "atest*" pattern and add an additional number behind.
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Jun 15, 2006
I have values in row A and I have values in row C. I want to create a loop to look up xxx and replace it with the values consecutively in row C. Look at example for a better Idea. I found a way to find and replace, but I not sure how to use it with qoutes. I was thinking maybe I dont even need row A and just supply a list and excel could have the chunk of data in the code itself.
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Apr 4, 2007
I'm just new here as well as in Excel-VBA stuffs. I will appreciate if someone could help me. Here is the scenario. I have a data piled in a single column and different rows. Like this one:
I need to select and copy all rows in between the occurence of "spot.return". There are a total of 80 occurences of "spot.return".
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Apr 2, 2014
In Column A i have a long list of alphanumeric words , some of them end with a vowel "aeiouy". I want a macro that will go thru the list in A, and check if word in a cell end with a vowel, then put it in B column, so that in B i will have all the words ending with a "AEIOUY".
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Oct 3, 2013
I am having a row with values from 21 to 45 and continued again from 1 to 25
Some unknown number of rows in the beginning
to find column position of "1" i am using code
Worksheets("sheet1").Rows(2).Find(What:="1", LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False).Column
But it is returning column number of 31 and when i delete or hide that column it returns column number of 41.
Cant i search for exact value 1 in my row?
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Feb 12, 2014
I have a worksheet with following values:
Also I have a Userform with 2 ComboBoxes named "ComboBox1" and "ComboBox2". Values in ComboBox1 is "Pull my pants", "Eat my shorts", "Socks for everyone".
What I would like to do is to search though column A and look for any of these textstrings in my selection in ComboBox1 and return the value from column B in column C.
Example: "Pull my pants" is selected in ComboBox1 then the value "pants" should be found in column A and value in column B (25) should be entered in cell C2.
I am fairly new to VBA and have spend hours searching Google and found some formulas like InStr and VLookup. My problem is that I am not sure if these statements will do the job and how to combine them.
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Feb 16, 2014
I am doing a Regular Expression search on a string variable assigned to the HTML content of a Wikipedia search. However I am currently manually going to Wikipedia, searching for the term, saving the html page, opening the saved page with Notepad and then copying the content into a cell.
Can the above process be automated with VBA, how to assign the html content of a Wikipedia search to a string variable.
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Oct 5, 2009
I am trying to write a macro to search a column for a specific text string which when found, will copy the whole row the string is in. Once this row has been copied, I then want the macro to activate a new sheet and search for the next available empty row to paste the data. Once this has been done, go back to the original sheet and find the next cell in the original column with the specified text string and repeat until the range has been satisfied. Below is the script I have that sort of works.
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May 18, 2009
I have over 16000 cells with different information in them, each cell is unique. There are parts of these cells that have similar information.
I am looking to search part of the cell, and replace the whole cell with my new description, so I can run pivot tables on it.
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Jul 30, 2012
How can I auto fill a range while leaving the cell number the same?
Code: =IF(AND(B4>=c2,b4=c2,b4=c2,b5=c2,b6=c2,b7=D2,b4=E2,b4=F2,b4=G2,b4=H2,b4
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Jan 9, 2007
I have a list that looks like the list on my sample file. You will see ME28A16 at the top and the bottom of the list. I want to fill the Cells inbetween with that value. In my real file It may start ME or it may start PE
Here is the Script that I am using but I can not get it to work:
Dim CurrentRow As Long
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim CurrentText
LastRow = Range("A65000").End(xlUp).Row
For CurrentRow = 1 To LastRow
If InStr(4, Cells(CurrentRow, 4).Value, "M", vbTextCompare) > 0 Or _
InStr(4, Cells(CurrentRow, 4).Value, "P", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
CurrentText = Cells(CurrentRow, 4).Value
Cells(CurrentRow, 4).Value = CurrentText
End If
Next CurrentRow
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Jan 13, 2010
I'm in eager need of a command to run a macro on leaving a userform textbox;
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Nov 14, 2008
Id like to apply a formula, any formula to an entire column if it contains data, and incorporate the original data in the calculation and then replace the original data with the result. I don't want to have to create new columns.
I'm using this to fix up database results; a common problem is dates in dot format e.g. 14.11.2008
All I have so far is an autofill formula that overwrites everything. Can someone help me with the rest? I'm using the SUBSTITUTE function to replace the dots '.' with slashes '/'
Sub Create_formula_result()
Dim Limit As Long
Dim r As range
Set r = range("A1")
r.FormulaR1C1 = _
"=IF(RC[0]"""",(SUBSTITUTE(RC[0],""."",""/"")+0) ,"""")"
Limit = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
r.AutoFill Destination:=range(r, Cells(Limit, r.Column))
End Sub
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