Replace VBA For Multiple Words?

Mar 25, 2014

How do you replace terms, such that if you replace 'alphabet' with:

alpha -> calcu
bet -> lator,

you get 'calculator'?

The one I'm asking is similar to: Replace("alphabet", "bet", "lator") = alphalator, though 'alpha' will get replaced as well.

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Excel 2007 :: Search / Replace Multiple Words In Table

Dec 7, 2011

I am using excel 2007. I have a worksheet with a list of words I wish to step through this list replacing the selected words in another workbook with nothing (ie deleting them).

I have the following code

Sub replacewords()
Dim MyWord As String
Dim wbLibrary As Workbook
Dim wbWorking As Workbook
Dim myExcelColumns As Integer
Dim myExcelRows As Integer
Dim MyRow As Integer
Dim MyRange As Range


It does not seem to evaluate "myRange";

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Replace All The Times That These Words Appear In The Rest Of The Sheet With The Words In Column B

Sep 20, 2006

I have a column of words in Column A and I want to replace all the times that these words appear in the rest of the excel sheet with the words in Column B. If someone has already answered a similar problem link me to the thread because I can't find anything.

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Replace Words In A Given Range

Jan 5, 2010

I'm trying to write some code that will make excel examine a particular range, determine if there is text in each cell, and if there is replace it with different text.

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Macro - Replace Words In Sheets?

Oct 31, 2012

Trying to do:

Where ever "New Orleans Saints" shows up in my sheet. I want to replace it with "NO"

Where ever "Washington Redskins" shows up in my sheet. I want to replace it with "WAS"
This continues on for 32 different teams.

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Replace Words In Cell Matching Those In A List

May 21, 2009

Im hoping there is an Excel Formula (not VBA Code) solution to this problem.

I understand how to use the Substitute command in Excel, but I would like to be able to provide a list of words and have the Substitute command use that list to replace every occurrence within a given cell with a blank ("").

The twist to this is, that the List of Words will be Dynamic, and thus the formula will need to account for that.

NOTE: the formula should NOT replace parts of words, e.g., if the List Word is "can" and the cell to be evaluated contains "candle" the formula should NOT replace the "can" in "candle" with "". Only whole word matches should be replaced.

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Replace Some Words In Cell With Those From Lookup Table

May 29, 2009

We have a list of typed information (see attached) in which we would like to remove some words and simply replace with a space "". In addition to this: Unfortunately, folks tend to mistype or misspell words, add extra digits, etc, and for those mistakes we would like to replace them with corrections. Therefore, for this problem, we have a Replacement Table and the Subject Data, an example of which is shown in the attachment. I have posted a slightly similar problem on Ozgrid recently:

Replace Words In Cell Matching Those In A List
and in that link, the following UDF was proposed:

Function ReplaceIfInList(rList As Range, rCell As Range, _
strReplacement As String) As String
Dim rLoop As Range

If rCell = "" Then Exit Function
For Each rLoop In rList
If ReplaceIfInList = vbNullString Then
ReplaceIfInList = Replace(rCell, rLoop, strReplacement)
ReplaceIfInList = Replace(ReplaceIfInList, rLoop, strReplacement)
End If
Next rLoop
End Function

This worked great, but at the time i posted this, I did not have the foresight to anticipate the flexibility in what the replacement text would be (the above code always replaces with a ""). THIS new Post is asking the following:

Is there a way to define (or modify the above) User Defined Formula that will analyze the words typed in a cell, which are typically separated by spaces (or on accident, multiple spaces), and essentially use the Replacement Table as a reference for what word to replace with?

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Replace Like Words In Column To Make Word Cloud?

Jun 21, 2013

how to accomplish more work quickly is proving difficult. I am making a word cloud of survey responses for my boss and he doesn't like to see similar words in the cloud (like Ease and Easy or even Fast and Quick). I have several hundred of these responses that are open ended answers that say one or many of these terms. Any way I can separate all the words and have them in one neat column? If I can get to that point, replacing those words will be simple enough.

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Fill Down Multiple Words?

Apr 7, 2014

I have an Excel spreadsheet with two columns: A and B.

Column A has multiple cells with content separated by different amounts of blank cells. Column B has content throughout the whole column. What I want to do is perform the same task as the "fill down" in Column A by clicking the black corner box as if Column A only had one heading/cell filled with data. The catch is that the fill down would need to be applied until the word changes. So for example in Column A if I had the cell with the word Smith and 20 blank cells after and then cell 21 with the word Thomas followed by 15 blank cells then I would want Smith to fill down its 20 blank cells until it hits Thomas then Thomas will fill down its 15 blank cells until it hits the next word and repeat.

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Find Multiple Words

Jun 17, 2009

I am using the code below to search an Excel worksheet for a pre-determined word and then delete the row the word is found in. It works fine, but I what I really need it to do is search for several pre-determined words and delete the rows.

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Search For Multiple Words Within Cell?

Feb 6, 2012

I'm trying to find if the description in Column L has any of the following words: (irrigation, sprinkler, water). The cell does not need to have all of the words, but just 1 to make the IF formula return a yes. view the example below and let me know where I am making the mistake. I don't want the case to be sensitive.

This is what I have so far, but it is only finding the first word.

This example returns nothing:

Text in Column L
Main irrigation line broken Need to repair

Formula in Column S

This example returns Yes:

Text in Column L
Irrigation broken sprinklers and broken lateral li

Formula in Column S

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Is Text In Cell Containing Multiple Words

Jul 24, 2007

What formula should I use to search a certain text that might be on the beginning, middle or end of a cell to use it as a condition for an IF formula to return a related description. In the example below the text would be "deposit".

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Replacing Multiple Words At Once In Excel Document?

May 23, 2014

I wonder is there a way in excel to replace multiple words at once. To have like script where I had all words that need to be replaced and words replacing those. And just click the button and done? More specifically I'm translating some exports in xls and there are few words repeating over and over again in every document. So for example I need to replace word parfem for perfume like 500 times in one excel document atd. I think there has to be a easier way to replace those words at once.

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Split Function: Multiple Spaces Between Two Words

Mar 23, 2007

I am trying to parse a formatted text file. I am using the SPLIT function as

arr() = split(cline," ")

where cline is an input line. if the line input(cline) has multiple spaces between two words, how would it split that.

Eg :

abcd defg fefdcs fasdfasdsa

would the output of above be
arr(0) = abcd
arr(1) = defg
arr(2) = fefdcs
arr(3) = fasdfasdsa

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Recognise Words In Multiple Cells With A Unique Output?

May 9, 2014

in column A i have fruit words (e.g. apple, banana, orange...)

in column B i have cities (e.g. london, paris, rome...)

i would like a formula in column C that gives "british apples" when "apple" and "london" are on the same row
whilst also giving "french bananas" when "paris" and "banana" are on the same row.

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Extract Multiple Fixed Format Words From String?

Jun 23, 2014

I need to extract all instances of words that have format xnnnnnn, where x is an alpha character (letter of alphabet, to be precise) and nnnnnn are numbers. The words could something like u435586. The problem is I do not know how many instances of these words are in the string. The entire string is contained in a cell. A sample string could be something like:

SMNTv922970;#1283;#SMNT 433925;#1284;#SQRS 003417;#1285;#SQRSp047683;#1286;#SMNT 6132451;#1287;#SQRSw3145627;#1288

and the end result should be

v922970 t433925 t003417 p047683 t6132451 w3145627

The words are preceded by the character "" which might facilitate the search.

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Macro To Only Keep 100 Words In Range Of Single Words Per Column?

Jun 3, 2014

I'm looking for a macro to remove all words (in a single word per cell format) in a range (approx 100 columns & 7000 rows), except for a list of 100 words.

I'd prefer to email the file if that's okay.

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Auto-calculate 2 Column That Contains Numbers And Words Words

Jul 16, 2009

I've been using conventional method to do this and it's time consuming. I would like to total up 2 column. A multiply B to be exact. Below are some examples:

Table 1 - Before totaling up:

2 x Button A White
4 x Button B Pink
5 x Ribbon A Black
3 x Thread A White
2 x Cloth A Blue

Table 2 - After totaling up:

Button A White
Button B Pink
Ribbon A Black
Thread A White
Cloth A Blue

I need to have the sum of the "Quantity" multiply "Product". Or in short A x B.
And the end result need to have the number and "x" sign removed while keeping on the the products names. (2 x ) Take note it's "number" space "symbol" space.

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Search For Multiple Words In Cell If Certain Word Matches Produce Certain Value?

Jun 9, 2014

So I have a cell with multiple words in A1. I want to check for the word "red" in A1 and if red exists return a value of "red" in B2, IF "red" is not found then search for "blue", if "blue" exists return a value of "blue" in B2, if "blue" is not found is not found then search for "green", if "green" exists then return "green" in B2, if none exist then return value of "none"

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Multiple IF Statements Check If Words Are Written In Certian Boxes

Aug 15, 2007

I am trying to write a formula that will do multiple IF statements checking to see if words are written in certian boxes and if so to do certian things and I need help, never done multiple IF statements in one formula before and can't find anything in the books I have or on the web.

= IF(D30 = "Oceanic",
IF(D35 = "Yes",
Both True
(((D32 * 4) + (D33 * 5) + (D34 * 9) + D31) * 0.15) + ((D32 * 4) + (D33 * 5) + (D34 * 9) + (D31 + 4500)),

Oceanic = "Oceanic", D35 = "No"
(((D32 * 4) + (D33 * 5) + (D34 * 9) + D31) * 0.15) + ((D32 * 4) + (D33 * 5) + (D34 * 9) + D31)

Oceanic = False, D35 = "Yes"
((d32 * 4) + (d33 * 5) + (d34 * 9) + (4500 + d31))

Both False
((d32 * 4) + (d33 * 5) + (d34 * 9))

I got:

= IF(D30 = "Oceanic", IF(D35 = "Yes", (((D32 * 4) + (D33 * 5) + (D34 * 9) + D31) * 0.15) + ((D32 * 4) + (D33 * 5) + (D34 * 9) + (D31 + 4500)), (((D32 * 4) + (D33 * 5) + (D34 * 9) + D31) * 0.15) + ((D32 * 4) + (D33 * 5) + (D34 * 9) + D31), ((d32 * 4) + (d33 * 5) + (d34 * 9) + (4500 + d31)), ((d32 * 4) + (d33 * 5) + (d34 * 9))

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Extract Middle Words From Text String With Multiple Dots?

Oct 22, 2012

I'd like to extract just "" to the following spreadsheet column, keeping the intermediate dots, but getting rid of the first/last words and their succeeding or preceding dots.

I've tried using RIGHT, LEFT, MID formulas unsuccessfully

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Filter Data By Matching 1st Characters In Column With Multiple Words

Mar 27, 2008

excel filters.

I have excel document over 50 pages and i need to filter lines that begins with certain letters like ADS, SGH, FAQ. I know how to filter one by one but i need all 3 to filter in same time-

How can i make multiple lines to filter in one search?

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Find Words - Deleting The Words - And Deleting Some Info After The Words.

Jun 23, 2006

I am trying to find certain words in a column and delete the word and characters following. For example, Say I have a column of info as seen below. This is a test of me. I am just experimenting with this stuff. Deleted (6/15/01) Let me know what you think. I am not sure about it all, but I guess I will figure it out. riviledge1 (01/05/06) Now let's see what happens when I try to test it.

I want to find all the "Priviledge1 (01/05/06)" and replace with nothing. Please note, the date will change with each record, so I need to figure out how to tell Excel to find "Priviledge1", delete it and the date behind it. So I want to delete "Priviledge1" and the next 11 characters including the space.

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How To Turn Abbreviated Words Into Full Words

Feb 4, 2013

On to the topic, I have all the US and Canadian states abbreviated (CO = Colorado, etc.) and was wondering if there is a way to make all of them convert to their respective names in one fell swoop instead of writing it in for each one, one at a time. Something along the lines where I can make, CO = Colorado, TX = Texas and then hit enter and all of the abbreviations would convert. Some kind of command.

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Sort On Number Of Words (words With Least Characters First)

Jan 22, 2010

I want to sort on number of words, i.e. if a cell contains 1 or 2 words etc, with the cells containing 1 word coming first then cells containing 2 words. Also, if possible, first the cells with fewer characters.

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Count Words In Range Mixed In With Other Words

Nov 9, 2006

I have tried Sumproduct and Countif and can not get a proper count of rows that contain specific words in multiple columns. I have attached an example spreadsheet where I am looking for a result of 7 rows that contain 1 to 4 specific words within phrases. The example looks for the words: "virus", "spyware", "malware" & "adaware", and ignores any other words like "aware" or "ware".

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Combining List Of Words Into New Words, Conjugation

Feb 15, 2007

I have 4-5 separate lists of words/letters and I would like to combine them in a certain order but creating all possible combinations resulting a new word. It's like a conjugation tool for verbs. For example if List 1 = be/el/ki/meg; List 2= m List3=e/é; List4= gy/" "; List 5=" "/ek/sz/nnek So the output has to be (if the order is List1+List2+List3+List4+List5)= bemegy/bemegyek/bemegysz/bemesz/bemész/elmegy/elmennek/ ..... and all possible combinations.

Preferentially I would like to automate it in a way that it straight outputs into MS Access. Also can it be automated that it reads the list from a file (database)?
(Also can it recognize the word by letters? Because the basic word that I would load the program= List2+List3+List4)

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Replace W/ Multiple Values

Jan 8, 2009

I am needing to do a find and replace on multiple values in an excel worksheet. For example in column d when you find ABC123456 replace with XYZ654321. But there are several hundred in a sequence that need to be replace w/ a different sequence.

Is there something I can do in vb that would help me do this?
For example the argument is:


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Multiple Find And Replace

Sep 10, 2009

I need to recode 30+ files the have the old account numbers and I need to replace them with new codes ie

Old New
123456 10_1240
256789 12_1130
789123 15_1122

I have an excel spreadsheet which contains some 800 accounts in the format above showing old account number in column A and the new account number in column B. How would I write the VBA code to search all files in a specified folder search all rows in column E and find/replace using my spreadsheet containing the mapping details as above?
or in the very least just be able to run a macro to replace all the old codes in an individual spreadsheet.

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Multiple Find & Replace

Feb 15, 2008

I want to have a macro in excel where it will do a simple find and replace, except I want it to search for more than one word and replace it with one eg, I want it to look for any month and replace it with january.

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