Restrict Cell Input Based On Text Of Another Cell
Jan 29, 2008
I have two coloumns on a worksheet. In the first column I have data validation drop down list. I want to be able to: if the first column "Other" is chosen then the next cell will allow text for description, if anything other is chosen in the first drop down list cell then I want the next ( text for descritption ) cell to be resticted.
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Jan 22, 2013
I am working in both 2003 and 2007 Excel.
This is a simplified version of my worksheet:
I have two cells, A2 and B2. When I enter a numeric value into B2, I want it only allowed when certain text values are in A2. I.E.: Allow any value in B2, but only if A1 is either "SYDN or "ADEL".
Now using info found in an old post, I can achieve this with a combination of data validation and code:
=OR(A2="SYDN",A2="ADEL") for the validation and for the code:
[Code] ......
The only problem is I also need to reset B2 if A2 changes to invalid data as a result of some other input to that cell (A2). In other words if B2 is showing "1" already and A2 were to change from "SYDN" to say "LOND", then B2 needs to be cleared. If A2 changed to "ADEL" then it doesn't need to clear but it is ok if it does because it is fine to re-enter "1" into B2 again.
I have attempted to attach a sample worksheet : Xl0000003.xls‎
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Jul 27, 2009
I've written a spreadsheet and am wondering if there is a way to permit data entry in a cell, contingent upon another cell being populated.
In simple terms, you can't enter data in cell X, until cell "Y" has been populated with something.
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Apr 14, 2009
I'm am trying to restrict the length of data that can be entered into a cell based on a drop down in that row. I have achieved this, but what I need to be able to do is use data validation to restrict the cell length to one of two values - so for example the length can only be 6 OR 9 characters long.
I cant see how to do this. At present the best I can do is rectrict to between 6 and 9 - but this would allow 7 and 8 which is not allowed.
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Jun 5, 2007
Is there a way to limit say a value to be inputted into a cell say between 1 and 10, and to have a warning message pop up if any other values are keyed into that particular cell?
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Jan 28, 2013
I have two cells, A1 = Yes/No and B1 = Date. I want to restrict someone inputting a date into B1 until A1 is marked as Yes...? I've tried data validation, but seem to be hitting a wall with it...
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Nov 27, 2013
I want to restrict user from entering alphabets like I,O,Q and S in a cell. Can we do this using data validation or any formula because I don't wan't to use drop-down list or refer to values in other cells either.
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Apr 3, 2012
I am using the below code to enter the data in Cell "D" & "E" of the worksheet.
Dim a, b As Integer
a = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sheet2.Range("C:C"))
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Retailing Data Sheet").Activate
'If Range("C" & a + 1).Value "" Then
[Code] .......
But, If someone wants to enter the data manually into the Cell "D" & "E" its allowing which i dont want.
It should be enter by using the form only...
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Aug 22, 2014
I do data entry for a driveway company. I get addresses and phone numbers, and then call the people to offer services. I keep track of my calls on the spreadsheet, color coded for my results, green for leads, yellow for voicemail/no answer, and red for not interested.
I have formulas in cells M2 through M8 to give me my overall stats for the calls I have made, it filters them by color for leads, missed calls, and rejections, and a couple other stats (mostly for my own curiosity)
What I'm trying to add is the cells L10 to M13, I want to be able to input a date, for instance 8/15, and have it run the same stats, just for that day essentially. So, I need it to search the last 2 columns in the table for the text that I input into cell M10, and then run the color based formula on those cells, and total them up in the appropriate cells, M11, M12, and M13.
The 2 Stats tables are the same at the moment in the sample, as I only included one particular street that I have mapped, my actual table is nearly 3000 rows.
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Jan 23, 2013
i was wondering if it was possible to move database entries from sheet to sheet using a user form ? any examples for this ?
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Mar 13, 2008
I am trying to do with data validation, trying to stay away from vba on this... and it is probably very simple:
Cell A1, they can select Rice, Cheese, or Rabbit
I want to use custom data validation on B1, so that if A1 = Rabbit, they can only enter 1. If it is blank or the other two choices, they can enter 1 through 10.
Can I do that with data validation? I can't get any if thens to work in it.
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Sep 18, 2007
I am looking for a forumla, which I think will be an If forumla, to allow/block entry into a cell depending on what is entered in another cell.
So if "Yes" is entered into cell 1, I want cell 2 to show "N/A", and if "No" is entered in cell 1 I want the user to be able to enter data into cell 2.
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Nov 5, 2008
I am trying to restrict a cell to only be able to input the letter "i" multiple times, almost like a tally sheet, in other words I want the cell to be restriced to one letter, but allow that letter to be entered multiple times.
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Jan 23, 2008
The 'gist' of what I need is for events scheduled (top of spreadsheet), no school can be placed into an event within 29 minutes (because one-half hour apart IS ok). The time increments are on the left side of the spreadsheet (rows). I'm trying to "automate" somehow so that if we try to plug a school into an event too soon from their last event, the spreadsheet won't allow it.
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Aug 16, 2013
I'm wondering if it is at all possible to have a cell comment automatically update depending on what data is input in the cell (via user input, VLOOKUP, etc.)?
For example, if cell A1 contains the text "CHARLES" with a comment saying "Employee of the Month", and is then subsequently updated with the new text "JOHN" (again, via direct input, a VLOOKUP, data validation, etc.) is there a way to have the comment automatically update to say something else, such as "Team Lead" for example?
I've considered using VBA to accomplish my goal, but am unsure how to compose an effective code to do so. I've also considered perhaps creating a named table filled with all the different comment possibilities I would like to have used in this cell and then inputting a formula in either cell A1, or the comment contained therein, that would then call the corresponding text from that table based on the data in cell A1. Honestly, I'm not sure that what I'm trying to do is even possible;
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Feb 28, 2007
I am just starting to get my feet a little damp with VBA and I am trying to make a macro that will act whenever any text is entered in any cell within a 3x3 square. Whenever any text is entered in any of those cells I would like it to enter a text ( "X" ) in a cell which is specified by a cell in the spreadsheet (this cell will output which cell the macro should write the text in in this format "A:1" or "C:3"). How can I make the program act only in reaction to the user entering thier text, and also, how can I get the macro to read A:1 and enter the text into that specific cell? Any help would be so awesome, the book I have is really difficult to navigate.
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Mar 24, 2007
Macro Based on an input cell’s (e.g. B12) setting of “yes” or “no”, format several other cells (e.g. B20:G20, B23:F23, C26:J26) as follows: keep the existing yellow shading if input cell is “yes”, change to grey shading if input cell is “no”. I would like this macro to run automatically whenever the input cell value is changed.
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Sep 3, 2007
I'm trying to work out the way of having a cell give a result based on what has been input into two other cells.
Basically I'm doing up a risk management spreadsheet. I need to have in one cell the LIKELIHOOD of an incident, in the second cell, the CONSEQUENCES of it happening and ending up with a RISK MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENT in the third cell.
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Apr 2, 2007
I want to tie the values of some cells on Sheet 2 to what's put in into corresponding cells on Sheet 1. Example
If Cell B3 on Sheet 1 has the string "B off" put in, Sheet 2 should automatically get "R1" in cell B12, "B off" in cell C12 and "ID123456" in cell D12. If cell B3 on Sheet 1 is empty, B12:D12 should be blank.
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Feb 24, 2014
I have a table of data for items, and in one column I have links that go to webpages for those items. I need to pull the value from a particular cell and input that within a text link in another cell. For example:
A1 has the value "K111"
in D1 I need to have a link such as "<a href="http://link/K111>Click Me></a>"
You'll notice it's link with the K111 value input in it. I need to replace the K111 code that will put the value there. I know how to do this normally but not when it falls within other text. Is this possible?
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Jul 8, 2013
I am trying to figure E.g. when A1 is empty i want it to equal a text.
A1 has a text "Quote No" in it permanently until other text is put in
Purpose so that they people know where to enter the applicable text.
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Jun 19, 2012
I'm trying to write a macro that will not allow a number to be zero. I have a macro that references a cell that if it is input to zero will create a loop that goes on forever. The thing is this cell will never have to be zero, so is there a way that I can write a macro that if this cell is zero, it gets reset to its previous value?
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Mar 28, 2012
In cells B7:B229, I only want the user to be able to enter 1,2,3, or 4. How can I force this on them?
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Oct 31, 2007
How can I restrict the user from entering anything other than the date and the proper format required for this input box? I am having a tough time figuring out how to check the input for the right date and format . .
Sub EffDate()
Dim a As Variant
a = InputBox("Enter the effective date" & _
" of the subject's lease using a 2 digit day," & _
" a 2 digit month and a 4 digit year" & _
" (dd/mm/yyyy).", "C/NC Analysis")
Range("U4").Value = a
End Sub
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Dec 31, 2013
I have the below code which creates a new template
Private Sub NewTemplate_Click()
Dim Tsh As Worksheet
Set Tsh = Sheets("TEMPLATE")
Tsh.Copy After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
shName = InputBox("Please enter new sheet name:")
ActiveSheet.Name = shName
Tsh.Visible = False
End Sub
What I would like to add to the above code is two more inputbox prompts, the first should prompt the user for a Name (text and length) to go into the new sheet cell A6. The the second input box should as for code, (number any length), to go into the new sheet cell b6.
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Jul 19, 2006
I am using data validation to restrict the number of Characters a user can input in a range of cells. The number of characters in this however can vary based on which selection they selected in a different cell.
To put this as an example, if the user selects "hello" in cell a1, the data validation would allow 10 letters in the cell range c1:c20. If the person selects "goodbye" in cell a1, then the validation would only allow 7 characters in cell range c1:c20. I have been using the worksheet Change function, however it updates the validation regardless of what cell is changed.
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Sep 24, 2013
I have one column that contains a monetary amount (column AQ) , and another that contains text reading either "inflows" or "outflows" (column AC)
When AC says "inflows", AQ should be positive, and when AC says "Outflows", AQ should be negative.
I need the text in column AQ (the monetary amount) to become red when the the opposite is true.
i.e. When AQ is negative and AC says "Inflows", AQ should become red. And when AQ is positive and AC says "Outflows", AQ should become red.
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Dec 1, 2012
Is it possible to add a data validation to a cell which restricts the user from inputting more than 2 decimal places?
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Jan 8, 2010
I have a question about using the form input method for an inventory sheet.
My issue is that I want to have a column of cells have a predetermined text acronym "THS-"
I thought to place this in the column by copy pasting but then when I run the Form input for each row and column it gets errased.
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Jan 13, 2010
Cell A5 has a Yes_No pull-down list for data validation. In cell B5, I want to display the value 0.002 only if A5 is "Yes". If A5 is "No", I want the user to be able to enter a number into the B5 cell without destroying the formula.
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