Restrict User Changing Data

May 19, 2007

A Macro needed which will be assigned to a button,say “Check” and when the same will be clicked all the sheets will be say protected an users cannot modify any data. Another button will be there which will be assigned macro & when clicked will ask for a password to be known by only some administratives say departmental heads only and they can modify the data.Users after clicking the “Check” button,cannot modify the data.

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Restrict The User From Changing Or Inserting A Value In A Particular Column

Aug 16, 2007

I m just looking out for some code where i can restrict the user from changing or inserting a value in a particular column in excel

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Restrict User To Input Certain Data Without Referring To Another Cell?

Nov 27, 2013

I want to restrict user from entering alphabets like I,O,Q and S in a cell. Can we do this using data validation or any formula because I don't wan't to use drop-down list or refer to values in other cells either.

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Excel 2010 :: Data Validation - Restrict Value User Can Enter Into A Cell

Oct 2, 2012

I'm using Excel 2010, and I need to restrict the value the user can enter into a cell (E9).

In cell E3 is the screen width (pixels). eg 6024
In cell E5 is the preferred width of a window. eg 450

The user, in cell E9, enters an x coordinate for which they prefer the top left corner of the window whose width is specified in E5.

If the value that the user enters in E9, added to the width entered in E5, exceeds the value of E3, (if E9+E5 > E3) then the value should be disregarded (window will be off right of screen) and the user re-enter.

I'm not familiar with the use of data validation, so I'm uncertain as to how to use it in this circumstance.

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Named List: Data Validation To Restrict The User To Only Selecting Values In A List

Jun 15, 2007

I'm trying to use data validation to restrict the user to only selecting values in a list which I create. Right now, the list is a named range. I'd like to get rid of the range and just use a named list. I create a name using the following as my list.

Insert > Name > Create
Name: Fruit

Refers to:

When I try to use the name Fruit in my data validation, I get the message "The List Source must be a delimited list, or a reference to single row or column." I thought my name "fruit" was a delimited list.

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Restrict User Access To Worksheet

Dec 6, 2007

I am creating a spreadsheet for work - I have a column that is all the formulas projected sales minus actual sales.

I need to lock this column so that no one BUT MYSELF can change the codes. In other words "idiot proof" the worksheet. there are only 18 sections that I want anyone else to be able to type in.

is there a way to do this without adding users? half the ppl have personal emails and half have company emails.

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Stop User Changing Rows

Jan 19, 2007

Is there a general way to disable a user from changing row size or adding new rows.

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VBA Code Prevent A User From Changing Cell Contents

May 26, 2009

Is it possible to write VBA code that will prevent a user from changing a cell's contents, depending on the cell's font color?

More specifically, I have a column of text in range B15:B64. Some of the cells will have a black font, others will be blue. Is it possible to lock the black font cells only, leaving the blue cells unlocked for users to change?

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Restrict Data In Input Box

Oct 31, 2007

How can I restrict the user from entering anything other than the date and the proper format required for this input box? I am having a tough time figuring out how to check the input for the right date and format . .

Sub EffDate()
Dim a As Variant

a = InputBox("Enter the effective date" & _
" of the subject's lease using a 2 digit day," & _
" a 2 digit month and a 4 digit year" & _
" (dd/mm/yyyy).", "C/NC Analysis")

Range("U4").Value = a
End Sub

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Changing Auto Filter Based On User Inputted Cell

Apr 7, 2007

I have a Workbook that has 2 worksheets, one called CALL QUERY and one called CALL LOG. On the CALL QUERY sheet, cell D9 is a user inputted cell with the cell validation set to list. The user uses the dripdown list to pick an office identifier (3-Letter Code).

On the CALL LOG sheet, I have info about individual calls. Column E has the 3-letter office identifier for each call.

I am trying to find a way to automatically auto filter the list on the CALL LOG sheet with the user input in cell D9 on the CALL QUERY sheet.

I was given the following (N2 is a cell on the CALL LOG sheet that equals the user inputted cell D9 on the CALL QUERY sheet)

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Changing The Color Of A Command Button :: To User Define Colors

Jan 29, 2009

so I know how to change the color of a command button(right click, properties), but is there a way to change the color to a specific red green blue range? lets say 102 28 02 for example

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How To Restrict The Cell Data To Letters 'a' Through 'e' AND 'A' Through 'E'

Jan 28, 2009

I am trying to come up with an excel shee which can track the progress of a student on practice exams. This exam only has multiple choice questions, with answer choices A,B,C,D or E.

What I am looking for

1) I want to restrict the cell data to A,B,C,D or E (both cases). Note that I am not looking for a drop down/combo box. It would take the user to use one or two mouse clicks to drop down the list, and I am not in favor of that.

2) I would like this validation/formula to be applied to all the cells in a particular column.

3) Nice-to-have.

If the user enters a lower case letter, then I would like to convert to upper case.

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Restrict Data To Be Entered On Spreadsheet Twice

Jun 27, 2006

I have an Excel spreadsheet that I use to schedule employees. I use this to assign sections to various employees. I was wondering if there is a formula that will restrict me entering the same "section" (or data) on the spreadsheet twice. The page is rather large and sometimes I can enter the same section without knowing it until I manually check it.

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Data Validation: Restrict Drop-down Selection

Sep 4, 2009

I have two fields that do the same thing [preset selection vs custom entry], and I need to restrict one from holding any data if the other already does. One field is a drop-down menu, and the other is a decimal entry. It was easy to restrict the decimal from being entered if a drop-down selection has already been made - Data Validation prevents any entry unless the drop-down cell is blank. It's not so easy to restrict the drop-down, however, as it already uses List-type Data Validation to allow only values from a specified range.

Does anyone have any ideas for allowing the drop-down to function as normal if a specific other field or range is blank, but not allowing a selection to be made if that specific field or range already has data in it? I've attached a simplified example worksheet.

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Restrict Data Input To Two Decimal Places

Dec 1, 2012

Is it possible to add a data validation to a cell which restricts the user from inputting more than 2 decimal places?

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Prevent The User From Saving The Data Input From The User Form If Any Of Those Three Fields Is Left Blank

Feb 9, 2010

I have a user form that has a combo box "City" two text boxes one called "Flight" and the other "Date". What I'm trying to do is to prevent the user from saving the data input from the user form if any of those three fields is left blank. The code that I have so far checks all of the required fields, if any are left blank a message notifys which field(s) is left blank and return the focus back to that field. But the rest of code also fires.

What I really need is either to stop the code if any fields are blank and return the focus back to the blank field, the user completes the field(s) and clicks the save again, or better yet, pause the code until all the required fields are completed and then complete the save. (There is actually another 200+ lines of code in this sub, but I deleted it to keep the post a little shorter.)

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How To Restrict Data Entry To Maximum Of 2 Decimal Places

May 14, 2014

How do you restrict a user to only be able to enter up to 2 decimal places in a cell without it automatically rounding for them?

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Restrict Access To Filter Data In Pivot Table?

Oct 10, 2013

I am looking at a way to create a dsitributable excel spreadsheet (.xlsx), which contains non-sensitive, yet restrictied organisational information segmented by regional department for NCSA, EMEA for APAC respectively.

By design, all data has been collected in a datatable on a password protected "data" sheet - and - presented on an "executive summary" sheet. T

The "executive summary" sheet contains a privottable with select "multiple options" to allow for aggregated dataviews on executive level. However, on a regional department level, the users must only see their own regions, hence the filtering mechanims on the pivottable should be restricted.

Currently, the restrictions on the pivot tables are made in VBA, using the following script. However, it still allows people to change the "multiple options" filter in the pivot. How can I restrcit this option

Sub RestrictPivotTable()
Dim pf As PivotField
With ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1)
.EnableWizard = False
.EnableDrilldown = True
.EnableFieldList = True
.EnableFieldDialog = False
.PivotCache.EnableRefresh = False
For Each pf In .PageFields


As a sidenote; the above design requires that a spreadsheet is compiled for each region each month. Ideally, the ability of filtering, could be password restricted - or - filteren. So only one selection would be presented for the NCSA, EMEA and APAC respectively, while Executives could view across one-or-many regions? However, as Pivot tables are used by design, I cannot see how this could efficiently be achieved?

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Restrict Excel Data Form Only For Appending New Record

Jan 11, 2007

Can I Restrict Excel Data Form only for appending new record. (No deletion allowed) and also Can I save Data Form in the File? Is there any way, whenever we open the file Data Form should popup?

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Fool Proof Method To Restrict Cell Data

Jul 22, 2007

I know there must be some way to write vba to force users of an excel sheet to choose from a drop-down list for that particular cell. I am having trouble with a spreadsheet that is used widely through the company with people doing copy/paste or just typing in entries.

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Data Validation: Restrict The Value Entered On A Sales Sheet To Force The Value To Be Over 15% Margin

Mar 12, 2009

I want to restrict the value entered on a sales sheet to force the value to be over 15% margin. In column M you enter a value in column N it report the margin. I want to force the value in M to give a minimum 15% in column N or report an error.

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Data Validation (restrict A Cell To Only Be Able To Input The Letter "i" Multiple Times)

Nov 5, 2008

I am trying to restrict a cell to only be able to input the letter "i" multiple times, almost like a tally sheet, in other words I want the cell to be restriced to one letter, but allow that letter to be entered multiple times.

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Copy / Paste Frequently Changing Data From 4 Sheets Into One Master Data Sheet

Jul 4, 2012

I have a workbook that includes 4 seperate sheets that are used to record time and expenses for 4 members of staff. I want to write a macro to select the data I need from each sheet and colaberate together in a 'data' sheet so I can combine all the info to run time and expense reports per client showing combination of all time and expense incurred from all 4 staff.

I have named cell ranges in each of the 4 time-sheets. I proceed to record a macro, select the first named range, copy and paste into my data sheet, do a control home then control down arrow, then one more down arrow to get to the first blank cell and repeat the process for all four time-sheets.

This works until I add a new line and then the data will only appear for the last time-sheet (last row of data).

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Clear Data Depending On User Input And Move Cells Forward Without Deleting Data Table

Oct 25, 2012

I have an month input in cells B2 (user can enter values from 1-5)

I then have a data table that has month 1,2,3,4,5 running across range G9:K9. the data is held in range G10:K19.

So if user types in 4 in B2, what should happen is that months 1,2,3 and 4 the data for these months should be cleared and data in month 5 moves forward into month 1.

So basically, anything left of the month entered is B2 should be cleared and replaced with anything right of the month in B2.



[Code] ........

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Allow User To Automatically Add Data To Data Validation List

Oct 27, 2009

I am trying to learn the concepts, then apply them to a set of actual worksheets. I am trying to use named ranges from one worksheet in another worksheet. The named ranges need to expand. Although I can get the add data to a dummy worksheet to work within the same worksheet and I can even get a named range to work in the foreign sheet.

My problem is, when I can end up adding the additional data to the named range, it will only add one name. I have a number of named ranges that are referenced on various worksheets. The idea is, certain named ranges should be able to expand so I donft have to type them all in. (There could be hundreds of manufacturers or models.) I would also like them to be able to sort themselves after additional names are added to the named ranges. I would also like them to auto populate as well. I am using Excel 2003 SP3 (11.8307.8221). I have enclosed the file. Drop down lists (named ranges) are on the worksheet called DROP DOWN LISTS (LOCKED) **ITfS NOT CURRENTLY LOCKED**.

The data validation issues are on the worksheet called Rev7.0 Wood (Basic Sheet.) There are other instances to use these, but I hope to learn to do them myself on the other worksheets. Of particular interest is Column f.................

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Data Validation List With Changing Data

Jun 3, 2009

I would like to utilize data validation to create a drop down list from a list of 100 rows that changes monthly. Currently the list is set to draw data from A1:A100, however depending on the month, different cells will have data in them. What I don't like is currently the blank cells create gaps in the data validation drop down list and make it longer than it needs to be. Is there any way for excel to automatically just display cells with data in them in the drop down?

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Restrict Input Of Zero

Jun 19, 2012

I'm trying to write a macro that will not allow a number to be zero. I have a macro that references a cell that if it is input to zero will create a loop that goes on forever. The thing is this cell will never have to be zero, so is there a way that I can write a macro that if this cell is zero, it gets reset to its previous value?

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Restrict Entries To 1 Per Row

Nov 16, 2006

I am looking for a VBA event(?) code that would erase another cell if I enter a value in another cell, because the criteria is that only one of the cells are to be allowed a value per row.

ex: cells A1, B1, C1
if I enter 1 in cell A1 and then enter 1 in cell C1, I want cell A1 to erase and cell C1 would have the value 1. I am looking to create these sets for 200 rows.

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Changing Data From One Format Into Another

Feb 11, 2010

I have a data set in excel which is the following format which I would like to convert into a text file with a different format. The excel sheet format is as follows:

V C 1 2 3
1 23 0.06 0.04 0.03
1 12 0.09 0.06 0.03
2 5 0.11 0.07 0.05
2 11 0.12 0.08 0.04

The text file should have the above data in the following format with brackets and comma:

For example:

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Changing Format Of Data?

Feb 20, 2014

I have a large chunk of data which I need to convert to a specific format which at first I thought was easy but im struggling to do it! I've tried concatenating and hlookup.

I want to convert this data:
Test 1
Test 2


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