Return Text Based On Text Existing In Range

Oct 15, 2007

I am trying to Lookup a country to see if it is classified as a "Developed Country".

My formula would be in cell AA4. I want to see if the country in cell B4 is on a list of developed country's on another worksheet. IF the country is found on that list cell AA4 displays Developed. If the country is not on the list, cell AA4 displays Emerging.

I have tried an IF statement using the Match function and it does not work.

=IF(MATCH(B4,'Developed Country List'!$A$2:$A$37,0), "Developed", "Emerging")

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Return Text Based On Number Range

Aug 27, 2007

I have a range of some 2,000 plus cells that are various numbers in them only. What I want to be able to apply is a macro that will look at the number in a cell and if the result is between a set range, produce a text, eg.

If the number is between 0 - 999 then insert text [url] this is where you go'.
If the number is between 1000 - 1999 then insert text [url] this is where you go 2'
If the number is between 2000 - 2999 then insert text [url] this is where you go 2'

I have up to 11 ranges of numbers to insert (up to 10000 - 19999).
So the text is the result of the formula.

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Append Text To Existing Cell Text

Apr 1, 2008

I've got a sheet in which I want a drop down box, to ADD the value* to a cell, not overwriting its current value!

*The name of the selected option in the drop down box, the names are located in Map3!A1-n, I set the drop down box to display the related number in a cell next to it.

The cell would contain some text, and by selecting something in the drop down box, it would add the name of that option to the already existing value in the cell.

So if at first the cell's value is

Hi! I 'm Mark,

and you select the following option from the dropdown box

I 'm from Holland!

the cell would end with the value

Hi! I 'm Mark, I'm from Holland!

This would probably work with a macro, already made a start with it but I couldn't get it to ADD the value instead of overwriting it.

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Userform To Add Text To Existing Text In Row

Apr 16, 2014

I have a userform ("UserForm12"). It has a ComboBox ("ComboBox1"), and 2 Textboxes ("Textbox1" and "Textbox2), and 1 commandbutton ("Commandbutton1"). What I am looking for is the ComboBox to populate with all items on WS "Recommendations" in columnA starting at Row8 (this needs to be dynamic to adjust for when items are added to end). The user will select the item in the combobox then fill out "Textbox1" and "Textbox2". The user will then hit "Commandbutton1". This will take "Textbox1" and "Textbox2" to the columnR cell of the same row of the columnA value chosen in the combobox. It will be formatted as such:

"TodaysDate" + "Textbox1" + ":" + "Textbox2"

Todays Date will be in "mm/dd/yy" format.

The catch here is that These columnR cells already have text. My goal was for it to at this date onto the end of the existing text hopefully while using the ALT+ENTER function which skips it to the next line in the cell.

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If Cell Contains Certain Text And Certain Text Then Return Predefined Text?

Apr 10, 2013

I'm trying to get something like - If a cell contains certain text AND certain text then display set text OR If a cell contain certain text AND certain text then display set text.

For example:
Vauxhall Corsa 1.5Litre Petrol = vauxhall corsa petrol
Vauxhall Corsa 1.5Litre Deisel = vauxhall corsa Deisel
Vauxhall Nova 1 litre Petrol = vauxhall nova petrol

So it the formula is effectively searching for the car type and the fuel type and then returning the relevant set text. So far I'ver only been able to find IF functions criteria to identify one feature of the text.

I'm thinking it's got to be variation on =IF(ISNUMBER(FIND("Vauxhall Corsa",A1)),"Vauxhall Corsa Petrol") but there should be something else in there like =IF(ISNUMBER(FIND("Vauxhall Corsa"&"Petrol",A1)),"Vauxhall Corsa Petrol")

I know this is wrong but just trying illustrate my thinking. I need it to pick up vauxhall corsa AND petrol. I understand that I would have to stick a lot of IF functions together in a string, but that is fine as long as I can ask it to pick certain text AND certain text within a cell.

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Return Text Based On Criteria

Jun 2, 2009

Example: I have 2 sheets, a pivot and a data sheet. When selecting a different option on the pivot i want information returned from the data sheet (which is explanations of the information contained in the pivot) I need to add 2 criteria points.

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Return A Text Value Based On Criteria

Jan 26, 2010

I'm trying to create a formula that will allow me to pull test from a list (auto populate if possible). Essentially you will see on the second tab, a list of projects "Cali" for example. I'm trying to find a formula that will allow me to show the Customer and Life Cycle on the first Tab. If possible the Project Name too.

Essentially I want to be able to have all the data inputed into Tab 2 and let Tab 1 condense it into the designated fields. So basically what will allow me to see all of the "Cali" projects, and from that generate the Customer and Life Cycle (and Project if possible) on Tab 1. Keep in mind this does need to be automatic updating, so that as we input more information on Tab 2, it will automatically kick into Tab 1.

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Return Lowest Based On Text

Nov 8, 2006

I am looking for a formula that will return the lowest value in a range, expressed as a letter.

The relative values of these letters are:


For example,

If in cells A1:A4 we entered the values F, P, M & D in A5 the result would be F (as it is the lowest value in the A1:A4 range).

I have included an example worksheet with fictional data and the intended result in the Final Score column.

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Formula To Return Text Based On Top X

May 20, 2007

I need to write a formula that will Display “Big Fish” if a customer is in the top 100 sales or ‘Not that great’ if the customer is not in the top 100 sales for the customer whose CUSTOMERID is equal to my ID.

An updated Spreadsheet can be found here




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Return Text Based On Another Cells Value

Jan 22, 2008

I have 5 options that I am designating as "Allocation Methods" for a number of line items. They are numbered 1-5, but i have custom formatted them so that they have text in the formatting. They are as follows;

Allocation Method
1 - Allocation per Hard Cost
2 - Allocation PSF of Proj. or Hotel
3 - Allocation per Loan
4 - Allocation per Parking Spaces
5 - Allocation for Park

I will allocate one of the above allocation methods to every line item in an allocation column by hardcoding 1 - 5 in a cell for each line item. What i cannot figure out (or figure out if it is even possible) is how, for instance, can I type in a 1 and it have it automatically formatted per number 1 above & then if I change my mind to method 2 and type 2 it will automatically format per number 2 above. I know I can do this by creating a reference column right beside by allocation column, but I would prefer not to use that method.

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Return Text Based On Lookup Value

Mar 5, 2008

I have a database of customers that are all sorted by a customer number.

I have a form that has a number of fields that display customer info. When I use a blank of this form and put the customer number in it's correct field, all the other info fields do a vlookup on the customer number in the database file and return the info, such as phone numbers, name, address, etc.

Here's my question;

How can I check for a blank (using ISBLANK, I assume) to check to see if the customer number exists in our database and, if it's NOT blank, operate on it with the following example which is used to return their insurance expiration date.

=IF((VLOOKUP(B9,'[carrier list.xls]Sheet1'!$A$2:$P$1276,3,FALSE))<TODAY(),"EXPIRED",VLOOKUP(B9,'[carrier list.xls]Sheet1'!$A$2:$P$1276,3,FALSE))

I realize that this may be a sledgehammer approach and that Access is probably a better tool, but my company has not shelled out the $$ for Access...yet.

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Return Value If Text Exist In A Range

Sep 27, 2011

Here is a sample data, i am searching for text "home" against every airline among all countries and want to allocate home country to each airline (which is top row). Is there any formula which can do this?

AE - United_arab_emiratesAF - AfganistanAL - AlbaniaAM - ArmeniaAA - AMERICAN AIRLINES

[Code] ..........

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Return Position Of Text Within Range

Jul 17, 2006

If cells a4:aa4 contained various results in the format "TeamX won by xx runs", how could I search the row for a particular team, and return the column reference it is first found in?

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Excel Text Search Through Different Types Of Text And Action Based On Text

Oct 14, 2008

1. Search an excel sheet "column" for a particular type of text and insert values based on that text (if found) in another column.

e.g I have column A1 to A10 with different types of text. I would like to search for the keyword "Risk is high" OR "Risk=High" for each cell in the column and insert a "1" if found beside it's corresponding "B" column. If not found, I would like to insert a "0".

So, if the text "Risk is high" OR "Risk=High" was only found in A6, I would like B6 to be "1". Rest of the values in the B column would be "0's", since the text was not found in any of the other cells.

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Return Text In Another Cell Based On That Data

Apr 30, 2009

I have a cell with a %. I want to return text in another cell based on that data i.e. between 90 - 100 = excellent, 75 - 90 = good, or something like that.

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Return Text Results Based On 2 Criterion

Oct 6, 2008

I am attempting to create a formula that will, return text results based on 2 criterion.

This is what my sheet looks like

Name Job Full Time / Partime
Bob Admin Full Time
Barry Accounts Part Time
Chris Claims Full Time
Emma Claims Full Time

The formula I have for this is {=INDEX(A1:A4,MATCH(1,(((B1:B4)="Claims")*((C1:C4)="Full Time")),0))}

Which is fine and returns the name Chris, however as you can see from above, Emma also meets the criteria given however, I cannot get Emma to appear also. Is it possible to display more than one entry in a cell/s based on this formula, or am I missing something.

I would use a pivot table to do this, however I need the sheet to be completely automated.

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Return Result Based On Text In Cell

Oct 26, 2007

I have a spreadsheet where in cell E2 there is a drop down box with the following options to select: Warranty Replacement, Insurance Claim, Billing Issues, Retention Opportunities.

In cell F2 is where wait time minutes are generated depending on what is selected from the drop down box in E2. I am trying to create a nested IF formula for the following scenario:

Warranty Replacement = 20
Insurance Claim = 20
Billing Issues = 15
Retention Opportunities = 20

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Return Text Based On Calculation Result

Dec 18, 2007

I need an excel function for this...

Cell A2= 8
Cell A3= 1

If A2 < (9*A3), then Cell A4 will say "Plastic", otherwise it will look to the next function, which is If A2 < (10*A3), then A4 will say "Compact", otherwise, it will look to the next one which is If A2 < (15*A3), then A4 will say "Semi-Compact" otherwise If A2> (15*A2), it'll say "Slender". so at the end, Cell A4 can only be one of these: 'Plastic' or 'Compact' or 'Semi-compact' or 'Slender'. How can i combine all the functions together?

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Return Value Based On Last Number In Alphanumeric Text

Jan 25, 2008

I want to be able to return a text string of either Trainee 1 or Trainee 2, (or default to other text) based on codes that are 4 digits (DD01, KKB1, KKB2, KKC2, GG03, etc, where starting with K and ending with 1 or 2 is the criteria for TR 1 or TR 2 . There are two many KK** items to list them all in an If statement and I can't seem to use a wildcard.

=IF (right(c1,1) = "1", "Trainee 1", B1)

gets me halfway there I think but of course doesn`t pick up Trainee 2 and also returns Trainee 1 when it sees DD01.

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Choose & Return Cell Based On Text In Another

May 2, 2008

I am attempting to choose a cell containing a text string based on information placed in a raw data area.

My output from this formula will be a line of text picked from yet another reference cell, based on each of the four choices.

Removed non pertinent information and edited for clarity.

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Search Range Of Cells For Text And Return Value Below It - Sum If More

May 12, 2014

I want to search within cells A4:F25 for "B71 - Brown" and show the number that is in the cell below this text. If there is multiple cells with "B71 - Brown" I would like the cell to show the total.

So for example,If the formula was looking for "B71 - Brown" in the cell it would show 8136. (A13+A21+D25+E17). If i changed it to "Lavender" it would show 2380. (C5)

Also this data is linked from several other sheets and the values i search for will change and will need to update.

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Look-up Text From List Then Lookup Its Return From Range

Aug 13, 2008

(1) I've created a list in A2, which looks up F1:F27. I'd like to place an IF or Vlookup function in B2, that returns the corresponding cell from range G1:G27 based on selection in A2.

(2) Also, is it possible to include the fill coulour based on selections in A2 and B2?

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IF Function To Return Number Value Based On Various Text Options

Feb 27, 2014

I have two columns in a spreadsheet that I want to use an IF function with. In the first column, I want a pick list containing 5 text options. Depending on which option is chosen, I want a number to auto-populate in the second column.

The numbers are important, because I want to repeat this pair of cells with slightly different text values in the second pair, and then to have a column that multiplies the two resulting numbers and conditional formats the result.

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Return Formula Value/Text Based On Many Cell Conditions

Oct 16, 2006

This is to manage which departments (approxiamately 30) within a business need which compulsary training (approximately 11 courses)

Spreadsheet currently reads list of new employees and I want to be able to have "YES" or "No" values under the different courses

Is there a formula/function that i can use (like the IF Formula) to complete the following information;

EG: =IF(OR(A3=H2, A3=H5 etc... ), "YES", "NO"

Column H lists all departments

Column A lists deaprtments

A3 representing the 1st Department needing training

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Return 1st Alphabetical Alphanumeric Text From Unsorted Range

Feb 15, 2008

I have a range of cells B2:20 which has text in it. The range is sorted by cells A2:20, and I would like to do this without doing another sort if possible. The data looks like this in column B:


In one single cell (O1), I'd like to have the information:


Is this possible to do without using VBA?

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Analyze Cells Of Text-return Defined Text Phrase If All Cells Have Same Text

Apr 30, 2014

I have 10 cells in a column. I have a drop down list in each that is the same in each. If all 10 cells have the same item selected from the drop down list, I want a separate cell to list Yes or No. I've tried a few variations with no luck.

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Search Text String And Return Value Based On Multiple Criteria?

Apr 8, 2013

Here is an example of the data I get each day Letter order granting Sabine Pass Liquefaction, LLC's et al 4/16/12 request to add an alternate water source etc under CP11-72.Letter order granting Cameron LNG, LLC?s 4/5/13 filing of a request to introduce natural gas or process fluids into the BOG Liquefaction Project under CP12-15.Letter order accepting NorthWestern Corporation's 8/7/12 submittal of revisions to its transmission planning process to comply with the Commission's June 8, 2012 Order under ER11-2932.Letter order approving Public Service Company of New Mexico's 12/7/12 filing of a joint Offer of Settlement with Navopache Electric Cooperative, Inc under ER11-4534 et al. How can I set up my spreadsheet and what formulas can I use to search and return a value for each text string based on the attached table (column B)?


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Compare Text Strings In Two Columns And Return Text From Adjacent Cell

Feb 28, 2013

how to Chk the text string in particular cell, compare it with a super set column and get the full from of the text string from another corresponsing column and the output will be corresponsing full form of the chked text string?

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Return TRUE If Part Text Found In Cell Range

Feb 27, 2012

The formula has to include a range across each row (for each student). The formula has to search for specific text contained in the classnames, and then return the result along the same row.

Below is an example, which I hope saves OK in the thread. If not I'll upload an Excel file:

A B C D Results:-
1 class1 class2 class3 class4 Gg Hi Fr Sp
2 10m/Gg1 10m/Hi2 10m/Fr1 10m/En1 TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE
3 10n/Hi1 10n/En2 10n/Sp1 10n/Ma1 FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE

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Compare Multiple Text Cells To One String Of Text And Return Specified Value

May 12, 2012

I have a dataset of shifts and want to compare each shift that needs to be filled to a list of requests for time off (vacation, etc).

For one cell the code is: =IF(ISERROR(SEARCH(B1, A1), 0,1)

Where A1 is the column of requests in comma delimited forme (ie: "AB,CD,EF").

Where B1 is the column containing the person assigned to shift 1 (ie: "AB")

In this case, would return a "1" as no error was returned, as AB was found in the list. Here "1" would represent a schedule conflict.

Without creating many cells for each shift- there are 20 shifts- can I create an array or string together this type of "SEARCH" function?

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