Look-up Text From List Then Lookup Its Return From Range

Aug 13, 2008

(1) I've created a list in A2, which looks up F1:F27. I'd like to place an IF or Vlookup function in B2, that returns the corresponding cell from range G1:G27 based on selection in A2.

(2) Also, is it possible to include the fill coulour based on selections in A2 and B2?

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Inconsistent Text Lookup - Return Postcodes From A List Of Descriptions

May 21, 2013

I'm trying to write a formula which will return postcodes from a list of descriptions which aren't consistent in their layout.

For example, I need this to happen

UB3 3NQ - APR13
SW3 5RQ - APR13
Jul 12 - apr13 accrual - ME9 4FW
Mar 12 - apr13 accural - SO14 7P2

Returned to another column as,

SO14 7P2

The issue I'm having is that the postcodes aren't in the same place in order to use LEFT, RIGHT or MID functions, and they aren't always proceeded or followed by dashes or spaces in the same way.

I need the returned postcodes to come back in a uniform way so that any duplicates are grouped by the relevant pivot table.

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Lookup Value In List And Return Multiple Corresponding?

Apr 14, 2014

How to write formula of following condition:

Input date on left column and the cell on right will automatically look up this date from the list located in other spreadsheet and return multiple corresponding in sequence order? Once another date is entered on left column, it will do the same function again on right column?

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Partial Text Lookup In Text String And Return

Mar 15, 2007

Cell H1 has a variable string of references for eg

I want to return the reference beginiing with "FXVA" so it would ignore the rest and only return FXVB123456 - this should always be 10 characters.

Just to add another complication to the mix, there may be 2 "FXVA" references in the string and i want to get both (these can be in the same string so FXVB123456FXEL123456 - but this might not happen regularly.

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Lookup And Return To A New List Just The Unique Entries

Dec 11, 2009


I want to do a lookup and return to a new list just the unique entries, such as this:


I have it working now using a pivot table to get me the unique items, but there must a be a more efficient function to do this.

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Lookup Drop Down List Value & Return Corresponding Match

Nov 16, 2007

I am trying to create a quotation spreadsheet and want the drop down list to contain the materials but once a selection is made in the drop down list, i want other cells to be accordingly populated with data stored on another worksheet within the workbook.

The source of the drop down list is material and i need other cells to be populated with the adjacent data.

Here is a small list i have at present, which will be much larger when completed.

MATERIAL 20mm 30mm
Absolute Black £62.15£83.30
Absolute Black Premium£71.65£96.10
African Red £58.20£78.00

So if the selection in the drop down list is African Red then it should accordingly populate other cells with the values £58.20 and £78.00. Please help as i have tried many sources elsewhere but without any luck and this would be very benficial.

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Lookup To Return Multiple Values And List Sequentially

Mar 17, 2008

I need to lookup data based on a cells content. The answer has to output to a table as a sequential list. I have attached a sample workbook (there will be 100+ sheets in the final version!). The Register sheet lists competencies against page# and title. For each Evidence Sheet I need to populate the Competency grid (C4:D10) in a sequential manner i.e. no blank lines,and the Title (B13) based on the Page # (D2). I have looked at a great number of postings, but cannot see a solution that fits.

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Lookup And Return Value Associated With Text

Aug 7, 2013

I am trying to automate the account classification of credit card (cc) expenses. The problem is charges to USAirways will always have random numbers after the vendor name on the cc download. I set USAIRWAYS as a Travel Expense and a simple Vlookup will not work.

For example, let's say a data dump in column C of the CC:
cell C2 is USAIRWAYS 037232A49429
CeLL C3:
USAIRWAYS 037282hf39647
Cell C4:
Facebook A8476H4

In column E I have my simple vendor name. Column F as the Vendor Account. For example E1 is USAIRWAYS. F1 is Travel Expense. E2 is FaceBook. F2 is Marketing Expense

In cell D2 & D3 I want to return Travel Expense anytime the formula sees USAirways in cell C2 returning the answer in column F after matching w/ column E. In cell D4 I want to return Marketing Expense.

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Lookup Text And Return Entire Row?

Oct 12, 2012

how do I search the whole text of one cell in a particular column to another cell in a different column? I then want to return the full contents of the cell that contains the text I want to find. Ie. if I want to search the text "fidelity", cell A1 in column B which contains a cell with text "fidelity asset management". I want to return fielity asset management.

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Lookup Value & Return Text If Found

Sep 15, 2006

Im trying to create a formula that check to see if the value in H4 equal any value in the vlookup table m4:m48, if so, then Y, if not then N. the following does not work: =IF(ISNA(MATCH(H4,M$4:M$48)),"N","Y")

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Return Text Based On Lookup Value

Mar 5, 2008

I have a database of customers that are all sorted by a customer number.

I have a form that has a number of fields that display customer info. When I use a blank of this form and put the customer number in it's correct field, all the other info fields do a vlookup on the customer number in the database file and return the info, such as phone numbers, name, address, etc.

Here's my question;

How can I check for a blank (using ISBLANK, I assume) to check to see if the customer number exists in our database and, if it's NOT blank, operate on it with the following example which is used to return their insurance expiration date.

=IF((VLOOKUP(B9,'[carrier list.xls]Sheet1'!$A$2:$P$1276,3,FALSE))<TODAY(),"EXPIRED",VLOOKUP(B9,'[carrier list.xls]Sheet1'!$A$2:$P$1276,3,FALSE))

I realize that this may be a sledgehammer approach and that Access is probably a better tool, but my company has not shelled out the $$ for Access...yet.

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Lookup Value Within Range And Return Another Value

Jan 4, 2014

I have a list of names in sheet1 column A and 3 more list of names on sheet2, sheet3 and sheet3. What I'm trying to do is find a match for each name on sheet1 column A on the other sheets and depending on which sheet it was found, I need a specific value returned to sheet1 column B.

For example, if A1 was found on sheet2, then on B1 I would need to return the value "Morning" but if it was found on sheet3, then I need the value "Afternoon" and if found on sheet3 I need the value "evening" returned to B1 and then the same for every other name on the list found on sheet1 column A.

What I tried was this.

This goes in Sheet1 B1 (then I would drag it down to search for the rest)

"Afternoon", IF(AND(MATCH(A1,'sheet4'!$E:$E,0)),"Evening","Un-assigned"))

Now the problem with this is that it only works if there is a match on sheet2 but if there is no match, it just returns "N/A" and it does not move on to sheet3 and/or sheet4.

I also tried with vLOOKUP instead of MATCH and the same thing happens.

I also tried this and the only thing I get is "Un-Assigned"


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Lookup And Return Range

May 11, 2007

I am trying to display part of a worksheets new sheet based on some criteria. I have a worksheet with a list. I have a date field in the list. I need to breakup the into several sheets based on the dates. I want all of items in the list with a February date put onto a tab titled February and all items on the list with a March date on a tab titled March. I haven't been able to find a funtion or code that will do this. The new tabs don't have to be created through automation. i can create those manually. i am looking for a formula or possible code to put on the new sheets that will look up and return specific rows from the main worksheet with the master list. i attached a sample of my worksheet. I need to search by Column O titled Date of Next Review.

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Lookup Text Within String Return Category

Jan 29, 2010

I need to look within column A (which contains text strings), match label in column c (which contains text for label), and return result within column B (titled category label).

Essentially, I want to label my data based upon a specific element found within column A with a label list in column C.

I have attached an excel file that shows the current problem. Nested if(isnumber(search( statements can perform this, but I yield too many arguments error after three labels?

Isn't there a way to do this with Vlookup or Hlookup?

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Lookup Value In A List Within Part Of Text Value In Another List

Feb 21, 2012

I have two lists.

The first:


I want to check if any of these values are contained in the text of each item in the second list, that looks like this:

64K4014-4" , 64K1030-4"
64P1187-4" , 64p1117-4"
64MS1007-0.75", 64MC1070-2"
64CW1062-2", 64BD1652-2"
64NG1007-1 1/2"
64K1008-2", 64BD1041-1", 64BD1068-2"

I tried using the =search() function in an array formula, but I can only get it to work for a single value in the first list.

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Lookup Within Date Range And Return Value

Jan 14, 2013

I have a four columns, one with created date, one with proposed date, one with a name and one with a dollar amount, I want a formula that will look at the two columns with dates and report back based on the name, the total dollars of each line where the dates are prior to today.

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Search For Text Within A String, Lookup And Then Return Item

Sep 30, 2009

I have a spreadsheet!

I have two sheets, one of which contains film names and the other contains our tag structure for our website (which is a list of tags, their keywords and the primary parent channel they live under).

What I am trying to do is search the film titles and if any of the words match either the tag name or keywords then return the relevant channel.


Sheet 1 - Films
How To Apply Bridal Makeup
How To Fight A Donkey
How To Write Excel Formulae

Sheet 2 - Tags
Channel / Tag / Keywords
Tech - Microsoft - windows vista xp word excel
Tech - Computers - internet pc
Tech - MP3 Players - iPod Zune

So, for film 3 on Sheet 1 it would recognise the word Excel in the keyword list and return the channel Tech.

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Lookup Multiple Arrays Return Text Or Numeric?

Jan 23, 2012

Is there a formula to look in multiple arrays and return whatever it finds i.e. text or numeric values?

Sheet1  ABCDEFGH1Cat0 CatFive Donkey32   Mouse2 Wolf43 
4WolfFour CatFive Donkey35   Mouse2 WolfFourSpreadsheet FormulasCellFormulaB1=LOOKUP(9.99999999999999E+307,CHOOSE({1,2,3},0,VLOOKUP(A1,$D$1:$E$2,2,0),

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Return A Lookup Value Based On A Range Of Options?

Jul 13, 2013

I have used the below formula which works in a standard cell, however I would like to have this is a VBA code using the Target.Offset option, however I can not get this to work. There may also be a better way of doing this.

The code is looking to see if the 1st cell (A118) is empty or not, if it is empty do nothing otherwise it then looks up the value in the 2nd cell (B118) and assigs the appropriate name from the range values.

=If(A118="","",LOOKUP(B118,{0,0;0,"";1,"Main Bank";71,"PFS";80,"Main Bank";106,"Dry Clean / Photo";112,"SCO";141,"Cafe";168,""}))

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Lookup Cell And Return A Range Of Cells

Jun 9, 2008

I have data inputted into cells a-o in rows 1-250. I want to search, lets say row 1, (I do want to search all 250 rows if that info is relevant!) and if cell m is blank then I want to return all the info from row 1 into row 260. If there IS data in cell m then I want to return nothing. Bottom line I want to return all the data in all the rows that contains nothing in cell m.

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Lookup Names Within Text And Return That Name To Separate Column If Found

Jun 13, 2013

I'm using a formula to lookup names within text and return that name to a separate column if it's found.

The formula is =INDEX($E$1024:$E$1026,MATCH(FALSE,ISERROR(FIND($E$1024:$E$1026,E1010)),0))

I understand index and match functions, but I'm confused regarding the use of FALSE as the lookup value and the iserror(find( usage.

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Lookup Date And Return Specific Cell Value From A Range

Jan 31, 2014

I have a table that has a number of new starters and corresponding appointments offered, what I originally required was to lookup the chronological date after the new start date.

However this has now been scuppered by my boss who has requested that not only lookup the date, but also add who the appointment is with, but if I do this the first array formula stops working and to tell the trust I'm not to sure how to do it anyway.

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Lookup Part Text In Range In Cells Holding Text Strings

Sep 27, 2006

I try to write the function that gets some "ref" and returns appropriate item.
For example: if I give to function "C3", it returns "AAA"
if I give to function "R18", it returns "BBB" (cause it between R15 to R26)
if I give to function "R9", it returns "BBB" also.

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Lookup Range For List

Jul 2, 2009

I am creating a list with Data>Validation>Allow>list and it requests the source for the list- all OK, but the list produced needs to depend on other factors, I have several named range's containing different lists.

I need to insert in the "list Source" box a cell reference, which contains a the name of the range ie "list46" and for the source to recognise this as a list to produce

Is it possible to lookup a named range to produce a list?

Sorry about the explanation very difficult to put in to words!

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Return Cell Address That Falls Within A Range Of A Custom Lookup Function

Jul 3, 2009

I am performing a lookup using the populare user defined function nlookup, which does not take a lookuparray argument to find lookup values. But I only want to return lookup values that fall into a certain array. To accomplish this, I figured out that I need a way to specify a condition of the type "if cell address of lookup value falls within range"

It should be possible if I find a way to return the cell address of the nlookup value, but as nlookup is not limited by a lookuparray argument, so I was not able to use the address/index/match that come up in similar questions.

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Return Text Based On Text Existing In Range

Oct 15, 2007

I am trying to Lookup a country to see if it is classified as a "Developed Country".

My formula would be in cell AA4. I want to see if the country in cell B4 is on a list of developed country's on another worksheet. IF the country is found on that list cell AA4 displays Developed. If the country is not on the list, cell AA4 displays Emerging.

I have tried an IF statement using the Match function and it does not work.

=IF(MATCH(B4,'Developed Country List'!$A$2:$A$37,0), "Developed", "Emerging")

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Input Text From Group List If Lookup Found Certain Word In Sentence

Jan 27, 2012

i have list in A2:A4 (description) and B2:B4 is the Group of.

now i want B2:B4 fill using E2:G2 (group list which is Animal, transportation and fruit) if one of the key word in E3:G5 found in A2:A4

A2: people like to eat apple
A3: car is very expensive
A4 : dog is human best friend

E2: Animal, F2 : transportation, G2: Fruit

E3:E5 = dog, cat, horse
F3:F5 = train, ship, car
G3:G5 = apple, banana, watermelon

result i want is :

B2 :Fruit,
B3 : transportation
and B4 is animal

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Complex List - Search For Text And Return Value In Table

Jan 20, 2014

I have a complex list of text (a chart of accounts) with various roll ups for subtotals on one worksheet, and monthly download on another worksheet showing the name of the account and the value. I wish to use match the text to return the value in the front sheet and avoid taking the simple route of linking the cells in case additions are added during the year.

I've tried using IF and VLOOKUP formulas without success - i guess becasue I cannot sort the table in descending order?

What would be the best sort of formula to search using the text, and return a value on the same row?

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Return Value If Text Exist In A Range

Sep 27, 2011

Here is a sample data, i am searching for text "home" against every airline among all countries and want to allocate home country to each airline (which is top row). Is there any formula which can do this?

AE - United_arab_emiratesAF - AfganistanAL - AlbaniaAM - ArmeniaAA - AMERICAN AIRLINES

[Code] ..........

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Return Position Of Text Within Range

Jul 17, 2006

If cells a4:aa4 contained various results in the format "TeamX won by xx runs", how could I search the row for a particular team, and return the column reference it is first found in?

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