IF Function To Return Number Value Based On Various Text Options
Feb 27, 2014
I have two columns in a spreadsheet that I want to use an IF function with. In the first column, I want a pick list containing 5 text options. Depending on which option is chosen, I want a number to auto-populate in the second column.
The numbers are important, because I want to repeat this pair of cells with slightly different text values in the second pair, and then to have a column that multiplies the two resulting numbers and conditional formats the result.
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Dec 15, 2006
I am using a MID fn to extract a single digit from a numeric string. I then use an IF Function to return a value based on the extracted digit. My IF statement works fine on manually entered digits but doesn't recognize my MID fn result. What am I missing?
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Jul 13, 2013
I have used the below formula which works in a standard cell, however I would like to have this is a VBA code using the Target.Offset option, however I can not get this to work. There may also be a better way of doing this.
The code is looking to see if the 1st cell (A118) is empty or not, if it is empty do nothing otherwise it then looks up the value in the 2nd cell (B118) and assigs the appropriate name from the range values.
=If(A118="","",LOOKUP(B118,{0,0;0,"";1,"Main Bank";71,"PFS";80,"Main Bank";106,"Dry Clean / Photo";112,"SCO";141,"Cafe";168,""}))
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Jun 25, 2014
formula for when i select from the drop-down boxes it returns a value that i have placed next to it on a separate sheet. I have attached an example of what i am trying to accomplish
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Aug 27, 2007
I have a range of some 2,000 plus cells that are various numbers in them only. What I want to be able to apply is a macro that will look at the number in a cell and if the result is between a set range, produce a text, eg.
If the number is between 0 - 999 then insert text [url] this is where you go'.
If the number is between 1000 - 1999 then insert text [url] this is where you go 2'
If the number is between 2000 - 2999 then insert text [url] this is where you go 2'
I have up to 11 ranges of numbers to insert (up to 10000 - 19999).
So the text is the result of the formula.
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Jan 25, 2008
I want to be able to return a text string of either Trainee 1 or Trainee 2, (or default to other text) based on codes that are 4 digits (DD01, KKB1, KKB2, KKC2, GG03, etc, where starting with K and ending with 1 or 2 is the criteria for TR 1 or TR 2 . There are two many KK** items to list them all in an If statement and I can't seem to use a wildcard.
=IF (right(c1,1) = "1", "Trainee 1", B1)
gets me halfway there I think but of course doesn`t pick up Trainee 2 and also returns Trainee 1 when it sees DD01.
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Mar 16, 2009
I am wondering about the best syntax for using a VLOOKUP return as the row number in a CORREL function. I want to create rolling correlations from today's date. I have a VLOOKUP function that will return the row number corresponding to the chosen day's date. I now need to use that returned value in the CORREL function. That is, I would like it to look something like:
=CORREL($E$VLOOKUP(today-90,AD5:AE3143, 2):$E$VLOOKUP(today,AD5:AE3143, 2),$E$VLOOKUP(today-90,AD5:AE3143, 2):$E$VLOOKUP(today,AD5:AE3143, 2))
When I enter this, I am told that I have an error. Is there a better way to nest this vlookup?
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Jun 23, 2014
I have the following data; B1 and B2 are entered by the user and are named 'heat' and 'race' respectively. Conditional Array Formula Example.xlsx I'm after the ROW number that matches the minimum time (col C) for the heat and race combination shown - in the example below (heat: A, race: 100m), I'd like row '5' returned (or, better still, row '2' of the array A4:D11), as that's the lowest time for Heat A, 100m.
but this dosesn't exactly seem elegant, and doesn't work!
ie I simply want the row number (ideally relative to the range) for the lowest time for any given inputs 'Race' and 'Heat'.
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May 8, 2008
I have a cell with a text string >3, and would like it to return the number (not text) 3. I could use Right but since the number will not only be single digit I don't think this will work.
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Jun 11, 2014
I am trying to write a formula with the following:
-if I9=0, then write 0
-if I9=501, then write 1
-if I9=502, then write 2
What would be the best way to write this formula? I am sure this should be pretty basic, but everything I try comes up with an error.
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Jul 16, 2012
I'm trying to figure out how to write a VBA Match function that can look for multiple criteria and return the row number of a successful match.
I have about 255,000 rows of data on the worksheet "Filtered". Column B contains my Item Number and Column D contains the supply source. I want to find the row where ItemNumber and SupplySource match my variables and then return the value from Column C.
I can do a match for one criteria, but where I'm having problems is getting it so the two matches are on the same row.
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Mar 17, 2009
I have a table with client ID in column A (range A2:A200) and qty ordered by those clients listed in column B (range B2:B200). Clients’ ID numbers range from 101 to 999.
Except through filtering, how to return the sum of quantities ordered for stores with ID number between 100 and 199 ONLY?
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Nov 15, 2006
I am trying to build a formula that return what is after ":" For example, in a cell, I have NASDAQ:MSFT and I want another cell to return MSFT. I tried to use the function FIND combined with a LEFT or RIGHT but I could not have it work.
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Nov 28, 2009
I use the following (example only) to get the maximum value in a defined rang:
Is there a way to inlude the requirement to look only in rows and columns that are shown (thta is: NOT hidden)
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Dec 8, 2009
I am trying to return a TRUE or FALSE based on a date in a cell.
for example:
if cell A1 = 07/11/2009
I want A2 to show TRUE or FALSE if A1 is 14 days or more behind todays date.
I have tried stuff like:
but it just always says false. EDIT: I have just noticed that if I change the date in A1 to exactly 14 days behind todays, it returns TRUE. So, it does work. Do I need to add a GREATER THAN in there?
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Aug 10, 2014
I'm working on a spreadsheet that I need to return a value to "Unit Price" field in worksheet "Master Inventory" based on matching the "Product" field and the "Construction" field from the "Unit Pricing" worksheet.
In essence, I would like the "Unit Price" field to match the "Product" field from the "Master Inventory" sheet to the "New Product Description" field on the "Unit Pricing" sheet, then match the "Construction" field on the "Master Inventory" sheet to the column headers on the "Unit Pricing" sheet and return the value that corresponds to both criteria.
Ex: On the "Master Inventory" sheet, I would like the "Unit Price" field to match the "Product" (Book Browser) to the "New Product Description" (Book Browser) on the "Unit Pricing" sheet and then return the value where the "Construction" (Laminate) matches the column header (Laminate) on the "Unit Pricing" sheet which would return the value of "$240.00".
I've tried using a vlookup function, vlookup/match function, index/match function and an index/match/match function. I've attached a sample workbook.
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Oct 14, 2008
I need help on using the If function. Basically I am trying to calculate the cost of shipments. For example, cost of sending 1 box is 150 (eg cell A3), 2 boxes is 280 (cell A4), 3 boxes is 400 (A5), 4 boxes is 500, etc upto to 10 boxes (cell A12).
What I am looking for is cell A1 to provide me the cost based on the manually entered value of cell A2, i.e. if I enter a number between 1 to 10 in cell A2, then A1 should return a number from A3 to A12, e.g. enter 3 in A2 then A1 should return 400.
Is there such a formula or do I have to enter manually the amounts into an If function?
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Jul 16, 2009
I am plotting a chart using data from custom functions. On occasion, the formulas return erratic values (due to the underlying data) which I wish to exclude from the chart. If the function does not pick up a value in the code, by default it returns a zero.I would like when this happens to have my function return nothing instead of a value - and I mean absolutely nothing, not a blank string. in this way, the chart line will totally ignore this point.
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Aug 5, 2014
I am trying to use some vba match function code to return the column number of the matching date. The date will be stored in a date variable.
Every time I run this code I normally get a match error even though the date is in the worksheet and the variable matches that date.
See below:
[Code] .....
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Feb 3, 2008
Ihave 2 functions which are called in my main program which should return a value due to what the user selects on a userform using option buttons and check boxes.
Function getnum() As Integer
If userform1.OptionButton1.Value = True Then
getnum = 1
End If
If userform1.OptionButton1.Value = True Then
getnum = 3
End If
If userform1.OptionButton1.Value = True Then
getnum = 5
End If
End Function
Function getlevel() As Double
If userform1.CheckBox1.Value = True Then
getlevel = 1.2
End If.......................................
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Mar 25, 2012
I have recently found that when I copy ranges (usually containing formulas), I only have the option of copying these ranges as text ( or vales). I can no longer copy formulas , (or formats, col width etc) in my excel worksheets.
This problem has only recently occurred and applies whether i have one or many spreadsheets open.
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Oct 15, 2007
I am trying to Lookup a country to see if it is classified as a "Developed Country".
My formula would be in cell AA4. I want to see if the country in cell B4 is on a list of developed country's on another worksheet. IF the country is found on that list cell AA4 displays Developed. If the country is not on the list, cell AA4 displays Emerging.
I have tried an IF statement using the Match function and it does not work.
=IF(MATCH(B4,'Developed Country List'!$A$2:$A$37,0), "Developed", "Emerging")
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Aug 3, 2014
What I am trying to do is have a drop down list in one cell and have the next cell bring in the correct price for the item in the first cell. Sounds fairly easy? Well both lists are 200 items.
I have been trying to do this with just three items so far. On sheet two, I have created two lists. The first list in column A contains dogs, cats, mice. The second list in column B contains 1, 2, 3. On sheet one, I have created the drop down list for the animals in the A12 cell. I would like for B12 to auto populate the corresponding number to the animal without having to create an if formula for each animal and number.
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May 15, 2014
I need code for a search box function, that returns the information recorded in a cell for example, "Barcelona" or "London" etc), instead of the location of the cells.
I will need to narrow it down to search only the information in the following columns:
I am totally new to VBA coding and have stumbled my way through a few things, but everything I have searched for so far has had at least one error when transposing to Excel.
I am running Excel 2007.
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Jun 7, 2014
Here is my formula but I want to change the "wd" to just text (no matter what text is inputted"=IF(C5="wd",MAX($C$4:$C$23),C5)+Q5
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Aug 25, 2006
I would like to be able to use the Vlookup function to return more then one value as a result of the criteria. I have a cloumn of dates that populates the X axis of a gantt chart with data whilst the Y axis will be populated by a site reference resulting in a program of work, the Y axis data is the result of a vlookup function. My difficulty arises however with multiple sites, for instance where two or three sites will be visited on the same day. The vlookup function will only return the first value it finds in a range to the formulated cell. The result being a missing site(s) from the gantt chart / work program. is it possible to return all values to a cell i.e. site1, site2, site3. using a vlookup or do i need to use another method of doing this?
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May 4, 2012
I know I can figure out the number of possible criteria using FACT(#) if it is just a number. But what if i want to figure out the number of passwords that can be used if the password must be 6 characters and have at least 1 number and at least 1 letter (so it could be any combination of up to 5 letters and 1 number, or 5 numbers and 1 letter). To make it more complicated, passwords are case sensitive. Just wondering about this since whenever I have to reset a password I always wonder how many possible passwords there are to choose from.
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Feb 10, 2009
Formula: ......
I am looking for the value in column G, a formula that will search B-F and return the Group with the highest percentage for each zip.
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Sep 8, 2007
Spreedsheet on on sales and taxes
Need formula for cells.
3 different cells involved... B1 will have $ amounts, B10 tax code, B25 will have total of tax applied due to code.
Exp; cell B10 will contain the tax code... if you enter..... "1" in the cell the calculation will be 7% in cell B25, enter "2" in cell B10 and the calculation will be 6% in cell B25 , and if you enter "3" in cell B10 the calculation will be 13% in cell B25.
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Sep 3, 2009
I have textbox1, which is updated with a date and time value formated as DD:MM:YY HH:MM and textbox2 value hich is also updated as DD:MM:YY HH:MM. I want textbox3 to deduct 2 from 1 but it won't do it I have tried:
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