Return Value Between Date Range

Nov 8, 2012

In worksheet1 I have a set of data. Column A is a value, column B and C are dates. In worksheet2 I have dates in Row 1 going out horizontially. I would like to create a fomula that returns the value in column A in worksheet1, if the date is between column B and C. I couldn't get my array to work. it's been a couple of years since I've wrote any indepth formulas.

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Compare Dates To Date Range & Return Date Based On Outcome

Jul 1, 2008

I need to compare three cells of random dates shown in Column E, F,& G with Row's H5:AK5, H7:AK7, H9:AK7 (the Dates to these rows is Static on row H3:AK3.) EX: ROW 5 has Start Date, End Date (1) and End Date (2). Compare Cell H3 between Start Date & End Date (1). If H3 falls between or equal to Start and End Date(1) then highlight cell H5. Proceed till AK3 (higlighting only the cells H5:AK5). Then compare cell H3 between or equal to End Date (1) and End Date (2) (higlighting only the cells H5:AK5). Then do the same for ROW 7 and ROW 9.

To make things a bit more difficult I need to have " WK#" in Row 14 (these WK# is on another tab called "Task" of the workbook) needs to be displayed in Row's H4:AK4, H6:AK6, & H8:AK8. EX: Compare Date in D15 between or equal to Start Date & End Date (1) then display Wk# in D14 in H4. Continue till all dates in
D15:Z15 are compared to Start Date & End Date (1) and WK#'s in Row D14:Z14 are inputted if applicable in Row H4:AK4, H6:AK6, H8:AK8. I hope this is not confusing. I can't seem to use the upload option so here is alink to download a jpg of the sheet

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Excel 2010 :: Return Min Date In Range Where Adjacent Range Is Blank?

Feb 7, 2014

I am working in excel 2010. I have a tracking document that lists free tickets and their expiry dates. In the adjacent columns we track redemption details of these free tickets. What I want to do is return the oldest expiration date from A only if the ticket has not been used (i.e. B is empty). This will allow me to see the date the upcoming tickets about to expire so we can make sure they are used.

Expiry Date________Redeemed by

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Return Minimum Of Date Range?

Dec 30, 2011

I am trying to return the Min of a range of dates. The issue I have is a single date is repeated many times. Here is some sample data:

Sheet 1
Column A / Column B
1/11/11 / 15
1/11/11 / 20
1/11/11 / 5
1/15/11 / 30
1/15/11 / 35

Say on Sheet 2 I have a list of dates and Cell A1 has 1/11/11. In Sheet2!B1 I want a formula that uses the value in cell Sheet2!A1 and looks at the array on Sheet 1 that would return a result of 5 for the date showing (in this case 1/11/11).

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Lookup Within Date Range And Return Value

Jan 14, 2013

I have a four columns, one with created date, one with proposed date, one with a name and one with a dollar amount, I want a formula that will look at the two columns with dates and report back based on the name, the total dollars of each line where the dates are prior to today.

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Lookup Date And Return Specific Cell Value From A Range

Jan 31, 2014

I have a table that has a number of new starters and corresponding appointments offered, what I originally required was to lookup the chronological date after the new start date.

However this has now been scuppered by my boss who has requested that not only lookup the date, but also add who the appointment is with, but if I do this the first array formula stops working and to tell the trust I'm not to sure how to do it anyway.

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Formula To Look Up A Date Array And Return How Many Workdays Between The Range

Feb 8, 2014

Assume I have a simple date array


I want Excel to see where today's date falls and return how many work days it is from the date boundaries.For example, today is 2/8, which falls between 1/13/2014 and 2/12/2014

Cell I19
=LOOKUP(TODAY(),B2:Q2)- yields 1/13/2014
=NETWORKDAYS(I19,TODAY()) yields 20 workdays

But I want to also grab the 2/12/2014 date and get the number of workdays from that- all in one equation.If not one equation then 2 but not separated for each border date like I have above

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VLookup Date Range And Return Multi Lines

Feb 18, 2010

I have a large table in the final tab of my excel book. This table contains data such as Company name, contact details, etc but also a date which I must contact them on (this is nothing sinister, just a curtsy call following a job ).

The problem I am having is that I am running a vlookup on the first tab on a cell referring to todays date. This only brings shows one record which is the first occurrence of this date. This isn't very useful to me

The problems I need solving are:

I would like to be able to vlookup a range of dates (i.e. 7 days before or after todays date) - how do it do this?

I would also like to be able to return multiple results (i.e. if there is more than one company within that date range I would like them to show).

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Find Yesterdays Date In Range And Return Row Number To Be Used In Offset

Jul 13, 2014

I'm writing a macro that will import data from one workbook to another, based on yesterdays date. I have the import functionality working, and I've been playing all afternoon, but I can't find a way to find yesterdays date in a range and use that row number as the row offset value in this line:

Rather than having a set row offset value (in this case, 14) I would like to use the find function to lookup yesterdays date in range "B50:B80" in the worksheet I've designated as "sh1" and return the row number of the cell that has yesterdays date and use this value as the row offset value, replacing the hard coded 14 that is in there currently. The date values in the range are formatted as per Date Format.jpg.

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Return Value Of Date Using Addition From 2 Columns That Represent Date And Number

Feb 21, 2014

I want to get a return value of date in column C whereas column A represent a date and column B represent a number. Simplest formula in excel is Column C (Feb 26, 2014)= Column A (Feb 21, 2014) + Column B (5). I want it to have in macro code.

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How To Auto-Populate Date Range (working Days Only) From Start Date And End Date

May 25, 2014

I am now trying to create a excel macro to auto populate all the dates with reference to a start date and end date. The catch is that only working days are required in the range. My reference cells (start and end date) are in Sheet 1 while the destination cell range are in Sheet 2. The reason for creating a macro instead of a function is that the intervals between the start date and end date changes frequently (annual, semi-annual and quarterly) Best case scenario would be a button which I can just press after i input the dates to generate the range of dates in another sheet.

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Highlight A Date Range If Today Date Falls Within That Range?

May 1, 2014

I have a employee travel spreadsheet with air travel dates in two columns. I want to be able to create a rule that will highlight all the cells in a row if the date range on that row fall includes today's date. if someone is traveling in the event there is an emergency and I need to know if they are traveling that particular day. I have attached a sample spreadsheet.

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Date Range: Reference A Single Date And Output Date Ranges

Oct 11, 2008

I need to create formulas that reference a single date and output date ranges. The objective is to have a person input a Monday date in any given month and receive a four weeks out worth of dates and ranges. For example: In a lone cell, the person inputs 10/13/08. Automatically, the sheet produces the next full week range: October 19 – October 25 in a single cell and also produces a cell for each date. Example: Sunday 19, Monday 20, Tuesday 21, etc…. It should look like:

Monday Date:
October 19 – October 25
Sunday 19
Monday 20
Tuesday 21
Wednesday 22
Thursday 23
Friday 24
Saturday 25

and then repeat for three more weeks. I thought I had it figured out until the month changed. The dates continued in October instead of adding a month. This report will be ran weekly, so simply adding a +1MONTH to some cells will not benefit me as I’ll have to change the formula every week. I want the formula to compute the data without any manipulation over the next several years. The only change will be the Monday date.

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Function To Sort A Range By The Values In A Specific Column And Return The Range

Mar 25, 2009

I was just recently forced to create my first UDF and after how well it worked I now am very interested in learning more. I am trying to create a function to sort a range by the values in a specific column and return the range. I know this should be really simple but for some reason my code dies whenever it gets to my inner-most loop. I need to use this in a larger function but for now this is my only question. I did find that Excel 2007 has built in Functions for this but my company still uses 2003.

Public Function SortRange(rngToSort As Range, valCol As Integer)
Dim Swapper As Variant
Dim i As Integer, _
j As Integer, _
k As Integer

For i = 1 To rngToSort.Rows.Count
For j = 1 To rngToSort.Rows.Count - i
If rngToSort(j + 1, valCol) < rngToSort(j, valCol) Then
For k = 1 To rngToSort.Columns.Count
Swapper = rngToSort(j, k)
rngToSort(j, k) = rngToSort(j + 1, k)
rngToSort(j + 1, k) = Swapper
Next k
End If
Next j
Next i
SortRange = rngToSort
End Function

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Flexible Range Formula: Return The Minimum Value From A Column Range

Feb 9, 2010

I need a formula that will return the minimum value from a column range that flexs without having to manually go in an change row references. There is a blank row between each section of data in order to separate info. As an example:....

Need to formula to flex to include rows 5 thru 7 in the first section but expand to include rows 9 thru 13 in the second section. =MIN(A5.A7) works but how do I get next section to flex to =MIN(A9.A13) without manually changing the cell references? There is always a blank row in between the sections to separate.

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If Value Is Included In A Range Between 2 Cells Return Value Related From Another Range

Jan 8, 2014

I would like to use a excel formula to resolve this problem.

Column C is the anwser I pretend.

In the same cell it will return the name of the correct range.

Ex: Between 200 and 300 there are numbers involved that are included in Range 1 and Range 2 (see second table)


Result: (How to return this value?)

Range1, Range2



Table to Check Value to Return:

Range 1

Range 2

Range 3

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DATE Function & IF Function (return A TRUE Or FALSE Based On A Date In A Cell)

Dec 8, 2009

I am trying to return a TRUE or FALSE based on a date in a cell.

for example:

if cell A1 = 07/11/2009

I want A2 to show TRUE or FALSE if A1 is 14 days or more behind todays date.

I have tried stuff like:


but it just always says false. EDIT: I have just noticed that if I change the date in A1 to exactly 14 days behind todays, it returns TRUE. So, it does work. Do I need to add a GREATER THAN in there?

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If Two Cells Are Blank Return Blank - If One Has Date Subtract Today Date

Apr 24, 2013

Using one spreadsheet with three date columns and two columns counting days.

If there is a value in Resolution date, then Column N is blank
If there is no value in Submit date and Resolution date, then Column N is blank
If there is no value in Resolution date, and there is a value in Submit date, subtract Submit date from todays date to show how many days it has been pending approval

Created on = J4
Submitted on = K4
Resolution Date = L4
Days to Approve = M4 I've got that formula =IF(L4="","",L4-K4)
Days Pending Approval= N4 (cell with formula)

If Resoultion Date L4 has a value, return blank
If Submit on K4 and Resoultion date L4 are blank, return blank
If Resolution date L4 is blank, and Submit on K4 has a value, subtract Todays date from Submit on K4 to show Days Pending Approval

Cell J4______Cell K4______Cell L4__________Cell M4__________Cell N4
Created on___Submit On___Resolution Date___Days to Approve___Days Pending Approval

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Using Date To Return A Value?

Feb 28, 2014

I have a spreadsheet that is imported from Quickbooks Pro 2012, and it comes over with the following date format:


I need a formula that will read that and return the value of 25th. To explain, any invoice that is created between the 1st and the 10th of any given month should return the value 1st, any invoice created between the 11th and the 20th should return 15th, and any value returned between the 21st and 31st should return 25th.

Where I'm at:

I'm assuming I'm going to want to use an IF function. Since the digits will always return in the same spot (the 4th/5th spot), I know I want the formula to return the value based on that specific value. I have the following formula that provides similar information/functionality, I'm just not sure how to edit it to return those values.


I have this formula that does something similar to what I want to accomplish, I'm just not 100% how to edit it to find the value that I want, and then return the value that I want. I guess the biggest issue is that I only understand about 85% of what this formula is trying to accomplish.

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Return Value Of Date

Jul 16, 2009

find the expression that will return the numeric value of a date in a cell not the actual date. ie date value cells(1,3)

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Return A Value From A Range By Testing A Range

Jul 4, 2006

I need to format a spread sheet to return a value from a range of 4 values (A,B,C,D) by testing a data range against a table that establishes the true value for each separate possible value within the data range.
In other words, ItemXXX will have a value that is contained within a table on a separate worksheet within the book. I need to test the value of ItemXXX against the range of values on Sheet B and return the corresponding value from sheet B to the main spread sheet.


But I find nothing in the help pages that tells me it is possible to test a range of cells agains a single criteria in an IF statement.

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How To Calculate Average Of Values Against Selected Date Of Each Month Within Date Range

Jan 2, 2014

I have a table that looks like this (its basically a historical data of a stock exchange):

January 4, 2010


The List continues till the current Date.

I want to calculate Average Index Values of a Date of each month within a Date Range.
Example: Calculate Average Index Values for 3rd of Each month from 1st Feb 2010 to 3rd Jan 2011. Formula should calculate Average of the Index Values for 3rd Feb 2010, 3rd March 2010, 3rd April 2010, 3rd May 2010, 3rd June 2010, 3rd July 2010, 3rd Aug 2010, 3rd Sept 2010, 3rd Oct 2010, 3rd Nov 2010, 3rd Dec 2010, 3rd Jan 2011.

Both the Date and the Date Range is variable. Also, the Index Value for selected Date of one or more month may not be available as that being a holiday. In that case, the formula needs to use the last available Index Value before that Date. e.g. If Index Value for 3rd Oct 2010 is not available, system will use the Index Value of 2nd Oct 2010.

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Fill Date Across Columns Based On User Date Range Input?

Mar 5, 2014

based on user date ranges entered on sheet1, I'm trying to write code that will write each month of the date range on other sheets across the 2nd row. at this point I'm getting "object required" error at "Set DateStart = Cells(2, 6)"

I also want the date format to be mmm-yy (Mar 14) on the sheets even if sheet1 has a different format. I tried using sourcerange instead of DateStart, but that didnt work either.


Dim projStartDate As Date
Dim projEndDate As Date
Dim DateStart As Date[code]....

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How To Auto Populate Date Range (working Days Only) From Start And End Date

May 26, 2014

i am trying to create a excel macro to auto populate all the dates with reference to a start date and end date. The catch is that only working days are required in the range. My reference cells (start and end date) are in Sheet 1 while the destination cell range are in Sheet 2. The reason for creating a macro instead of a function is that the intervals between the start date and end date changes frequently (annual, semi-annual and quarterly) Best case scenario would be a button which I can just press after i input the dates to generate the range of dates in another sheet.

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Formula For Determining If Two Date Columns Fall Within Specific Date Range

Apr 21, 2006

Let's say I have thousands of employees, but I need to determine who worked for me during a particular date range, and all I have to go on is their start date in one column and their end date in another column.


A1 contains beginning date of employment
B1 contains ending date of employment
C1 contains specified beginning date (criteria)
D1 contains specified ending date (criteria)

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If Date Is Between 1st Through 1th Of Month Return Value

Jul 31, 2014

If I make a sale between the 1st of each month through the 1th of each month I will be paid on the 31st of that month. If I make a sale on the 16th of each month through to the last day of each month I will be paid on the 15th of the next month. I need this formula to work for every month.

cell e has date of sale
cell h has the returned value of the formula above

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Trying To Return Date From Array

Mar 10, 2014

I have the attached example workbook and I'm trying to lookup a date from a list based on a project start month:

- in cell D8 I want to be able to return the date that corresponds to the project month in row 5
- the dates are in column A

Example WB 1.xlsx‎

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Date To Return The Actual Day

Jan 13, 2009

how to get a date to return what the actual day? ie 13/01/09 is tuesday?

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Return A Value Between Date Ranges

May 25, 2006

I have one worksheet with 52 rows for each week of the year with the
following headings: week #, start date of week and end date of week. I have
another worksheet where I need to forecast expected expenses for new
employees based on the date they start ie. Joe starts in Feb 6 (week 6) and
then calculate expected spend based on remaining weeks in the year. I do
this manually right now. How can I automate this?

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VBA Will Not Return Date In Right Format?

Feb 6, 2012

Okay - the variable myDTStart is calculated off of this formula and I've put in what I have it testing as now and the result I am getting:

myDTStart = Application.WorksheetFunction.WorkDay(MyDate, (myBMLT - myAssy - OMSpd), holidays)
MyDate = today's date (coming from a cell - current value of 2/6/2012)
myBMLT = # of days (coming from a cell - current value of 15)
myAssy = # of days (coming from a cell - current value of 3)
OMSpd = # of days (coming from a cell - current value of 1)
holidays = refers to a range of cells that has holidays (Dim as range)

It is currently returning it as a "40998" , but not in the right format in a msgbox. How do I get it to return it in date format "mm/dd/yyyy"? I've tried doing it with a With statement and a Format statement, but can't get it to work.

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