Returning Text Values From Text Or Numeric?

Jun 4, 2012

I have two (2) different values in the same column one value is text (INV) the other is a time date stamp 05/18/2012 10:48:32. The text i want to return in a seperate column for these two is if it is INV then the result is "PENDING" if it is a date 05/18/2012 etc. then the result would be "PAID" example:

Payment Status
05/08/2012 10:30:12
05/17/2012 08:27:37
and so on...................

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Averaging Text With Numeric Values

Feb 26, 2008

Are test have some text values RA = 0 and A= 0.5 as well as numeric values. I am currently using the formula =IF(COUNTIF(A1:A13,"A"),(COUNTIF(A1:A13,"A")*0.5)+SUM(A1:A13))/COUNTA(A1:A13) which is not very good at all, but it works for this instance. I also use the formula in B2 =IF(A1="RA",0,IF(A1="A",0.5,A1)) as a helper column but I need a stabile formula with out a helper column that will allow me to average text and numeric values. In the future, they are going to expand the text values part i.e. B = 0.3, BD = 0.2 etc....

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Using Sum Product On Cells With Numeric And Text Values

May 29, 2013

I'm trying to find out exactly how I can use sum product on cells that have text and numeric values. Here's my sample data (6 points):

TN FX1576 20, TN FX1577 25, AZ FX1577 30, AZ FX1577 35, FW FX 1577 40, and FW 1577 45.

I wish to do the following: I want to sum all of the right numeric values based on the first two text values(TN, AZ, or FW). I want to sum these numbers to their respective total cells at the top of the page. So far I can sum the numeric values fine using the following formula: =sumproduct((right(range,2)*1) but when I try to differentiate between the respective locations (AZ, TN, or FW) I get an error message.

Attached is an example of what I'm trying to do along with the formula I'm currently using and yellow shading to represent where I want my respective sums to go.


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Convert Numeric Values With Decimals To Text

Jul 14, 2014

I have a list of numbers with decimals : such as


I would like to convert the Numeric values to Text

Result :

Seven Hundred Forty Two Thousand One Hundred and Eleven and Thirty Seven .....
and so on....

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Counting Unique Fields Containing Text And Numeric Values

Sep 19, 2012

I have used the advanced filter option in excel 2010 to display all the unique occurences of a list of names (column B) and then used the count function =COUNTIF(A$2:A$21,B2) to count the occurences of each name (column C).

However, excel did not manage to take into account the last 3 entries in column A (mir-23). I assume this is because it is a mixture of text and numeric values. How can I include this information in the grouping and counting?


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Formatting Text Based On Numeric Values In The Next Column

Feb 12, 2009

I am wondering if it is possible to format a cell that contains text - based on a number in the cell next to it. Here is what I have:


I would like the word 'Results' to display in BLACK text because the mean score is in the range 3.0-3.9 (same goes for the word 'Morale'). I would like the word 'Buy-In' to disply in GREEN text because the mean score is in the range 4.0-5.0. Basically, the mean scores are calculated using formulas and I would like the color of the category to change based on the mean score number. Is there a way to use conditional formatting to do this? Or another way to automatically make this work? File is attached.

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Identifying Numeric Values Within A Range Formatted As Text

Jan 1, 1970

how to convert number into text (acutal formating)

Eg. : 150500

One Lac Fifty Thousand Five Hundred

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Changing Sort Order - First Text Then Numeric Values

Nov 3, 2011

Currently I have a macro set up that sorts a range.

It sorts numbers first in ascending order and then text comes at the bottom of the sorted range.

Is there any way of reversing this so that text appears first and then numeric values in ascending order below?

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Lots Of Text Data, Need To Assign Unique Numeric Values

Aug 28, 2009

Here's my situation.

I will post a rudimentary example:
Account Name/Column A
Truman school, San Diego
Truman school, San Diego
Truman school, San francisco
Truman school, Atlanta
Truman school, Atlanta

In column B, I would like it to assign a unique numeric id based on the TEXT only.

So Truman school, San Diego gets a string of numbers: 1234
Truman school, san fran: 1235
Truman school, Atlanta: 1236

My spreadsheet is about 6,000 records with a great deal of the above situation going on. So school names are identical with different locations assigned. I am trying to import to a database and don't want a lot of duplicate records. That's why I'm trying to assign a numeric value.

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Counting Unique Text And Numeric Values With Date Range

Oct 3, 2011

I am finding many posting on this topic with unique numeric values and have not come across one in regards to a text value. The essence of the formula is looking through a list for unique email addresses and now I need to up it to a date range and eventually a store # range

I am using the following array formula to establish an overall count:
=SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF(LEN('[Data - Deliverables.xlsb]orders'!A2:A5000)>0,MATCH('[Data - Deliverables.xlsb]orders'!A2:A5000,'[Data - Deliverables.xlsb]orders'!A2:A5000,0),""), IF(LEN('[Data - Deliverables.xlsb]orders'!A2:A5000)>0,MATCH('[Data - Deliverables.xlsb]orders'!A2:A5000,'[Data - Deliverables.xlsb]orders'!A2:A5000,0),""))>0,1))

The date column is E:E.
The store number column is G:G

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Returning Text Against Text Based Criteria?

Jul 19, 2014

I need to analyse more than 4500 product of my company. I have data in more then 20 separate excel worksheets, I need a function or a vba code to return the text against my product names.

I my main file i have the names of the products, sales and purchase data and analysis. In other files I have the categories list against those products. In the main file the products are according to brand and categories have different products from different brands grouped together. I want a function something similar to sumif but for text.


What I need
Art no. Product Name Brand Group Category Subcategory
y-123 abc lux hair care shampoo hair shine shampoo
A-123 bca loreal skin care anti acne anto acne soap

Main file
Art no. Product Name Brand Group Category Subcategory Q1 sales Q2 sales Q3 sales
y-123 abc lux 120 110 105
A-123 file with categories against respective products.xlsxmain file what i have.xlsxmain file.xlsxwhat i need.xlsx

Category files

Art no. Product Name Brand Group Category Subcategory
y-123 abc lux hair care shampoo hair shine shampoo

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Compare Text Cell With Numeric Cell And Output Text String

Mar 25, 2014

As per title, I am trying to compare a column of text cells which contain "Yes" or are empty and a columns of numbers. If they are "Yes" and "1" on the same row, I want to output an "OK" message. Excel seems happy with the following code but it does not work and returns an empty cell if the two conditions are true.

[Code] .....

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Counting Text Not Numeric

Jul 12, 2014


Assume above on cell a1 and a2

What is the formula on cell a3 to count these, I know count(a1:a2) that counts numeric, don't know how to deal with text count.

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Convert Text To Numeric Value?

May 9, 2014

Wondering if it is possible to convert a string into a numeric value. The idea is that if you have a list of names, if you could add up the numeric values of the names together and hide it at the end of the list. Then if a name on the list changes, then so will that value.

I know how to do this in C or Python, but I am rather new to the syntax of VBA.

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Numeric To Text Conversion

Sep 7, 2006

I often use vlookups that fail because of numeric/text discrepancies. I was always taught that if you're not going to do math on a field, it should be text. Such as zip codes or social security number.

Anyway, I know the easy way to convert text to numbers is paste special > multiply by 1. But what's the easiest way to convert numeric to text?

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Reading Non Numeric Text In A Cell

Apr 1, 2009

SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(E10:E29,E10:E29)>0,1)). this is the formula I currently use to read employee numbers and it works when we just use the number i.e. 011004. When we use the full employee number with alpha characters it does not work i.e. ASMO011004. I have used helper cells to do similar, but am not wanting to do this way for simplicity reasons.

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Sorting A Combination Text / Numeric Value?

Oct 2, 2013

I have a series of identification values that begin with text and end with a number. The trouble with sorting on this field only affects where the the first 9 entries end up since the number portion is not prefixed with a zero. Is there a way to sort these numbers so that ID2 (and not ID10) follows ID1?


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Extract Numeric Value From Text String

Feb 6, 2012

I’m wanting to extract the numeric values & piece of text from the end of a text string. Example data set starting in A1;

Big Box Dom 40*20

Result wanted :
Column B1 : Big Box
Column B2 : 40*20
Column B3 : 40 x 30

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Convert Numeric Text To Date

Sep 6, 2012

I have some dates in Excel in different formats and I need to convert them all to a uniform date format of MM/DD/YYYY.

The data is in this format:


The days of the month don't really matter. It's the month and year that I need in a date format.

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Conditional Formatting With Text And Numeric

Mar 5, 2013

I have a spreadsheet with employee ID's along with other data, I need to see if any of the ID's are out of this range 0001 thru 1368, now some of the ID's have A,B,C, (e.I 0245A, 1101B,) but some do not have them. if the ID's are out of range I need to highlight it, cant figure this out, because of the Alpha characters.

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Extracting Text Before And After Numeric String

Jul 31, 2009

I'm trying to extract alphanumeric data before and after a numeric string. The numeric string is in the middle of a URL, which is a varying distance from the start and end.

Here's a sample of my data:

URL Page ID Headline Section quiz.impression- 2677193 2677794 Why-I-hated-flying-JetStar travel 1675213 Wedding-dance-video-a-smash-hit technology/digital-living 2678248 Man-shot-by-police-in-Auckland national/crime 3674350 NZRU-set-to-bend-it-for-Blackie sport/rugby/super-14

I start with just column A and generate the other three from that.

I'm using some excellent code from a Mr Excel guru (thanks again Peter) to extract the 8-digit numeric string in column B, I just need C (after) and D (before).

That macro is:
Dim Bits
Dim c As Range
Dim i As Long

For Each c In Range("A4", Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))....................

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Remove Comma From Text To Numeric

Jan 13, 2010

I need a simple way to extract the comma in 14,656 imported text so I can do a vlookup against 14656.

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Formula: Last X Characters, Text Or Numeric

Dec 7, 2006

I am trying to write a formula that will recgonise either text or numicial value as the result is used with a match formula. In column C I have data as follows:

1400 SBY
1230 9985

I am using a =--RIGHT(C4,4) formula in column E to get the required data and then using my match formula to extract other data. How can I rewrite the above formula so that it can read either text or numbers that will allow my match formula to work.

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Count Unique Text Values (number With Text And Quotation Mark) With Formula

May 14, 2012

I am trying to find a formula that will count the number of unique entries there. I have tried the solutions posted on various websites to no avail (most recently:


The answer should be 4,457.

Ticket Number


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Text To Row Instead Of Text To Column Using Comma Separated Values And Associate Cell To The Left

May 16, 2013

Is there a macro that will allow me to create text to row from a comma separated cell, but also associate the cell to its left automatically?

The table below exemplifies what I need. The top of the spreadsheet is how my data is currently. The portion after the break is how I would like it to be.

I have over 600 rows that needs this done.



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Stripping Text Before A Number Alpha Or Numeric

Apr 11, 2006

I have a column that's supposed to be an address, but somehow got the
company name mixed in at the beginning:

123 Main Street
One Park Place
Acme Company, Inc. 456 Easy Street
Alpha-Omega Dry Cleaning Four-Twenty Highway One

I can use the formula
for stripping the text before an actual number

Acme Company, Inc. 456 Easy Street
456 Easy Street

BUT - I'm not sure how to strip before a text representation of a
number (one, two, three, etc)

Alpha-Omega Dry Cleaning Four-Twenty Highway One
Four-Twenty Highway One

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Convert A Text Field To Numeric On Import

Feb 14, 2007

I have a fields coming in that are text but should be numeric. is there a formula I can put in the cell to convert it from text to numeric?

The original database has the numeric fields stored as text, but I need to import them into Excel and do calculations on them.

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Increment Numeric Part Of Alphanumeric Text

Aug 16, 2007

I have a cell with a value of, Text 1 and in the next field I want it to display Text 2, then text 3 and so on.

Is there any way of doing this? I guess I am looking for something like a1+1, just a shame it doesn't work.

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Match Row That Contains Text Text String; List Associated Values From Pivot Table

Mar 28, 2009

refer to the attached workbook for reference. I am looking for a function in Sheet1, Column E that will search for the value of Sheet1, Column A within Sheet2, Column A. When a match is found, the function should look across Sheet2, Columns B - V for values of 1. When such values are found, the function should return the associated value from Sheet2, Row 2. There may be multiple values of 1, and as such, the function should separate values with a comma.

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Search Word For Text And Send Values Next To Text To Excel File

Apr 30, 2009

I am using Windows XP and Office 2003.

I am looking to automate a process where information is sent to someone in a text format and they in turn transfer that data to an excel file. It basically looks like this (but includes a lot more info):

Service Request #: 123456
Instrument Type: New Instrument
Lot/Serial #: 123456
SR Type: Product Complaint
Service Coverage: Maintenance Agreement

The info on the left (text preceding the colon) is always the same but the values following the colon can change. The excel file has all of the text before the colon and they just enter the information into the cells. I am looking to make it so that an Excel macro (or maybe a word/outlook macro) automatically scans the text document and sends this info to the exact same cells in excel every time.

The text file is actually a message from an Oracle database and I am not going to be able to make any changes to the way the data comes in.

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