Identifying Numeric Values Within A Range Formatted As Text

Jan 1, 1970

how to convert number into text (acutal formating)

Eg. : 150500

One Lac Fifty Thousand Five Hundred

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Counting Unique Text And Numeric Values With Date Range

Oct 3, 2011

I am finding many posting on this topic with unique numeric values and have not come across one in regards to a text value. The essence of the formula is looking through a list for unique email addresses and now I need to up it to a date range and eventually a store # range

I am using the following array formula to establish an overall count:
=SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF(LEN('[Data - Deliverables.xlsb]orders'!A2:A5000)>0,MATCH('[Data - Deliverables.xlsb]orders'!A2:A5000,'[Data - Deliverables.xlsb]orders'!A2:A5000,0),""), IF(LEN('[Data - Deliverables.xlsb]orders'!A2:A5000)>0,MATCH('[Data - Deliverables.xlsb]orders'!A2:A5000,'[Data - Deliverables.xlsb]orders'!A2:A5000,0),""))>0,1))

The date column is E:E.
The store number column is G:G

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Identifying Non-Duplicates In Numeric Array

Jul 18, 2012

I have organized account numbers from two systems onto a spreadsheet, with numbers from System 1 arrayed in Column A and numbers from System 2 arrayed in Column B. I need to evaluate the numbers in both columns and isolate the numbers that are NOT DUPLICATES across the two systems (Columns A and B) and return a list of non-duplicate numbers in Column C. Here is what the table would look like:

System 1
System 2


[Code] .......

What is the best approach to use?

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Identifying Numeric Data With MS Query

Dec 6, 2006

I am trying to slim down my database results in Excel via MS Query by searching for Part ID's that are numeric (we have parts that also contain letters....I want to weed those out).

In all my searching on the web, I thought the ISNUMERIC() function should be the function for this, but I keep getting an ORA-00904::"ISNUMERIC":invalid identifier....

Is this function supposed to work or is there another function that will do this

This is my SQL statement so far, which works to get parts that are 6 characters long only:

When I change it to this to get parts that are numeric, it gives the error above:


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Returning Text Values From Text Or Numeric?

Jun 4, 2012

I have two (2) different values in the same column one value is text (INV) the other is a time date stamp 05/18/2012 10:48:32. The text i want to return in a seperate column for these two is if it is INV then the result is "PENDING" if it is a date 05/18/2012 etc. then the result would be "PAID" example:

Payment Status
05/08/2012 10:30:12
05/17/2012 08:27:37
and so on...................

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Averaging Text With Numeric Values

Feb 26, 2008

Are test have some text values RA = 0 and A= 0.5 as well as numeric values. I am currently using the formula =IF(COUNTIF(A1:A13,"A"),(COUNTIF(A1:A13,"A")*0.5)+SUM(A1:A13))/COUNTA(A1:A13) which is not very good at all, but it works for this instance. I also use the formula in B2 =IF(A1="RA",0,IF(A1="A",0.5,A1)) as a helper column but I need a stabile formula with out a helper column that will allow me to average text and numeric values. In the future, they are going to expand the text values part i.e. B = 0.3, BD = 0.2 etc....

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Using Sum Product On Cells With Numeric And Text Values

May 29, 2013

I'm trying to find out exactly how I can use sum product on cells that have text and numeric values. Here's my sample data (6 points):

TN FX1576 20, TN FX1577 25, AZ FX1577 30, AZ FX1577 35, FW FX 1577 40, and FW 1577 45.

I wish to do the following: I want to sum all of the right numeric values based on the first two text values(TN, AZ, or FW). I want to sum these numbers to their respective total cells at the top of the page. So far I can sum the numeric values fine using the following formula: =sumproduct((right(range,2)*1) but when I try to differentiate between the respective locations (AZ, TN, or FW) I get an error message.

Attached is an example of what I'm trying to do along with the formula I'm currently using and yellow shading to represent where I want my respective sums to go.


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Convert Numeric Values With Decimals To Text

Jul 14, 2014

I have a list of numbers with decimals : such as


I would like to convert the Numeric values to Text

Result :

Seven Hundred Forty Two Thousand One Hundred and Eleven and Thirty Seven .....
and so on....

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Determine Values In A Range Are Numeric

Apr 13, 2007

I am trying to create a macro that determines if a range I am selecting has any non-numeric fields. If it finds say an cell beginning with a letter a message box appears letting the user know and possibly give the cell and value it found.

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Copy Values Outside Of Numeric Range

Sep 11, 2007

I have around thirty columns I manually search using AutoFilter to find values outside certain ranges. The ranges are different for every column and I copy/paste the out of range values onto another sheet. I am wanting a marco to do this for me.

Here is what I have worked up so far. I thought Select Case would be the easiest to adapt for each column by just changing the values.

Sub ColumnCase()

Sheets.Add After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
NextRow = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1
Range("A" & NextRow).Select

Column K is the first of the columns I sort. The code above seems to be trying to paste the entire column rather than only the cells with values outside the range.

What would be the best way to select the cells which are out of the particular range?

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Counting Unique Fields Containing Text And Numeric Values

Sep 19, 2012

I have used the advanced filter option in excel 2010 to display all the unique occurences of a list of names (column B) and then used the count function =COUNTIF(A$2:A$21,B2) to count the occurences of each name (column C).

However, excel did not manage to take into account the last 3 entries in column A (mir-23). I assume this is because it is a mixture of text and numeric values. How can I include this information in the grouping and counting?


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Formatting Text Based On Numeric Values In The Next Column

Feb 12, 2009

I am wondering if it is possible to format a cell that contains text - based on a number in the cell next to it. Here is what I have:


I would like the word 'Results' to display in BLACK text because the mean score is in the range 3.0-3.9 (same goes for the word 'Morale'). I would like the word 'Buy-In' to disply in GREEN text because the mean score is in the range 4.0-5.0. Basically, the mean scores are calculated using formulas and I would like the color of the category to change based on the mean score number. Is there a way to use conditional formatting to do this? Or another way to automatically make this work? File is attached.

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Changing Sort Order - First Text Then Numeric Values

Nov 3, 2011

Currently I have a macro set up that sorts a range.

It sorts numbers first in ascending order and then text comes at the bottom of the sorted range.

Is there any way of reversing this so that text appears first and then numeric values in ascending order below?

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Compare Alpha And Numeric Values Within A Range

May 4, 2006

I am trying to figure out a formula that will allow me to compare the
contents of cells within a range and let me know if there is a value that is
not the same as the others. For example:
Columns a,b,c,d,e and f and say "Joe"- this result is acceptable
Columns a,b & c all say "joe" and d,e,&f all say "Mary"- this result is

I want a formula or function that will tell me this wihout me having to
visually scan the data to determine this.

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Delete Rows With Values Between Numeric Range

Apr 16, 2008

I want to delete all the rows with values between -1 and 1 in column 'I'. I currently set up a macro to do the formatting and conditional stuff that highlights all values above 1 and below -1 - these are the values I need to conduct my analysis on, but I can't figure out how to delete the rows in between. The worksheet has approximately 5,000 rows (and growing) and this would help me clean up the data significantly.

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Lots Of Text Data, Need To Assign Unique Numeric Values

Aug 28, 2009

Here's my situation.

I will post a rudimentary example:
Account Name/Column A
Truman school, San Diego
Truman school, San Diego
Truman school, San francisco
Truman school, Atlanta
Truman school, Atlanta

In column B, I would like it to assign a unique numeric id based on the TEXT only.

So Truman school, San Diego gets a string of numbers: 1234
Truman school, san fran: 1235
Truman school, Atlanta: 1236

My spreadsheet is about 6,000 records with a great deal of the above situation going on. So school names are identical with different locations assigned. I am trying to import to a database and don't want a lot of duplicate records. That's why I'm trying to assign a numeric value.

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Count In A Range If Cell Contains Time Value (skip Numeric Values)

Jun 11, 2013

I'm looking for a way to count the cells in a specified range if the cell contains a timevalue (such as: 0:05 or 1:15). When a cell in the same range contains a normal value (such as: 1 or 20) it should not be counted.

What formula should i use for this?

I was experimenting with:


But both don't seem to work.

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Paste Special Options Limited To Formatted Text Or Text?

Mar 25, 2012

I have recently found that when I copy ranges (usually containing formulas), I only have the option of copying these ranges as text ( or vales). I can no longer copy formulas , (or formats, col width etc) in my excel worksheets.

This problem has only recently occurred and applies whether i have one or many spreadsheets open.

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How To Sum Numbers Formatted As Text Ignoring Text In Cells

May 30, 2014

I have a spreadsheet where i do need to count cells values that are formatted as text but i do need to ignore the real text in some cells, in this formula i do need to add values depending of the adjacent cell.

I have attached a example : New Microsoft Excel Worksheet.xlsx‎

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Identifying Duplicate Values (2nd / 3rd And 4th Occurrence)

Jul 31, 2013

I have a list of "GPC" or company identification numbers. And for every campaign being sent to the company it will have the same GPC of identification code. I want a formula that indicates if it is the first time mailing the company (as a result return nothing for column D ""), the second time mailing them, third, or fourth. So basically I need a formula to find the duplicate values and return whether it is the first, second, third, or fourth time that code appears in column A.

The current formula I have is a little off because it checks against the cell beforehand. I'm not sure how to modify the formula or what different forumla I need. Attached is an example. I am looking at column A and trying to return the data in D. You can also see the faulty formula I currently have in place.

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Identifying Phrase In A Text List

May 14, 2014

I have a cell with a long list of phrases all separated by commas.

So it would appear, chicken, beef, steak, soup, fish

I want to create a rule in a cell to identify if one of those phrases comes up - so if chicken comes up then a 1 would appear.

To make it interesting is it possible to grab two words from the cell, so grab the words chicken and beef from a mass of words in one cell and bring it across.

I have these cells which contain huge amount of text and preferences and I am looking to identify these entities on if they contain these words.

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Identifying Positional Values In Simple Array?

Jun 19, 2012

In the two columns listed below I need to figure out what formulas could be used to create the "Last Status" column. To better understand the dynamics of the two columns, pretend that the cell mark in bold is where you are currently residing in the worksheet and you look upward in the first column to see what the last status was and you use a formula to enter this value into the cell just to the right of the bold B. T

Last Status


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IF Function Identifying Value Within A Range?

Aug 1, 2014

I am trying to develop an IF formula based on 2 variables;

1. The value in column Q = 4
2. The value in column AA is between -10% and 10%

When both are true, it should return a value of "YES" (or "NO" when untrue). I am having trouble with the range part. It could be that the range spans negative and positive integers, but I'm not sure. Here is what I've got at the present time:


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Identifying Value Based On A Range

Apr 17, 2014

I have two tables,

one table (TABLE1) contains the name and a mile point a

the other table (TABLE2) contains name, mile point 1, mile point 2, and other data

I want to be able to pull data from TABLE2, based on TABLE1's name and MP. I want to be able to select data from TABLE2 whose name and mile point's fit with the data from







I want to be able to replace the ? from table1 with the correct SYS from table2 based on the MP given

I started with something like: =if(and(name=name,mpa=>mp1,mpa=<mp2)),vlookup...

The problem is this doesn't work because im comparing one to many.

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Identifying An Unknown Range

Mar 11, 2007

I'm trying to set a range to a particular cell in Col D but I don't know the row number because this can vary depending on the amount of data entered. At present my code looks like this

Dim MyCount As Integer
Dim r1 As Range
'No of rows in Col D
MyCount = Range("A2:D2", Range("A2:D2").End(xlDown)).Rows.Count
Set r1 = Range(Cells(MyCount, 4))

The problem is with my line

Set r1 = Range(Cells(MyCount, 4))

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Identifying Duplicate Text Strings In A Column

Sep 17, 2005

with creating this macro to identify duplicate text strings in a column, which is great.

But, I'd like to be able to identify them by changing the text of the subsequent duplicates that are found.

For example, if 3 cells in a column are 1111, I'd like to add a string of text to the end of the 2nd & 3rd cell, but not the 1st cell.

This will enable me to sort the column and find the duplicate easier than just visually.

Sub color_dup()
Dim r As Range, rng As Range, Col As String
Col = "d"
Set rng = Range(Col & ":" & Col)
rng.Interior.ColorIndex = 0
For Each r In Range(Col & "1", Range(Col & "65536").End(xlUp))
If Application.CountIf(rng, r) > 1 Then
r.Interior.ColorIndex = 6
End If
End Sub

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Copy Formatted Text As Well?

Mar 30, 2012

I have written below code


and my sheet1 cell has a value which is bolded and after running above code the sheet2 cell is displaying unbolded value

how to copy the format as well

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Sum Text Formatted Numbers

Jan 10, 2007

Is it possible to sum cells that contain numbers converted to text? I used TEXT function to convert them because I needed to format them (to display three decimal digits, if number < than 0.05, three digits otherwise). But now SUM Formula doesn't work.

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Formula / Algorithm For Identifying Minor Changes In Text Strings?

Feb 17, 2012

I have a database of approximately 250000 email addresses and I would like to see if there is some way to use Excel to analyse the strings in order to identify potential 'non-unique' individuals.

For example, if I have the following email addresses:

Is there some way of extracting common text strings, lets say where there is a difference of 1 character / digit between strings (rather than alphabetising and searching manually)?

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How To Make All Numbers Formatted As Text

Apr 3, 2014

I have two columns with entries consisting of numbers. I'm trying to match between the columns but some names dont match because of the formatting.


065 matches 065 (I have that green triangle on the cell that indicated "The number in this cell is formatted as text")

However 120 doesn't match with 120 (only one of them have that green triangle)

I tried to format all the cells as text at it seems the match only works when the green triangle is available. The green triangle seems to only show its self when I double click on the cell. I have thousands of entries so that doesn't work. I also tried to use the "Text to Columns" but it coverts entries like 002 into 2 which I dont want.

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