Search Cell For Text String And Paste Text In Based On Finding?

Jun 29, 2014

I need to create a macro to do the following:

Search the activecell for a text string (a), and then either paste in text string (b) at the end of the cell if (a) is found, or text string (c) if (a) is not found.

For example, if the activecell has "AA/" in it, I want the cell to become "AA/01" (pasting in "01" at the end), and if the cell has just "AA" in it, I want it to still become "AA/01" (pasting "/01" at the end). The macro will be linked to a commandbutton.

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Search Text String And Return Value Based On Multiple Criteria?

Apr 8, 2013

Here is an example of the data I get each day Letter order granting Sabine Pass Liquefaction, LLC's et al 4/16/12 request to add an alternate water source etc under CP11-72.Letter order granting Cameron LNG, LLC?s 4/5/13 filing of a request to introduce natural gas or process fluids into the BOG Liquefaction Project under CP12-15.Letter order accepting NorthWestern Corporation's 8/7/12 submittal of revisions to its transmission planning process to comply with the Commission's June 8, 2012 Order under ER11-2932.Letter order approving Public Service Company of New Mexico's 12/7/12 filing of a joint Offer of Settlement with Navopache Electric Cooperative, Inc under ER11-4534 et al. How can I set up my spreadsheet and what formulas can I use to search and return a value for each text string based on the attached table (column B)?


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Search For Text In String - Filtering Of People Based On Country Code

Jul 5, 2014


Terry lives in England

Claire lives in Spain

Paul live in France

I'm looking for a simple formula within the cells of column B to populate the cell with data based on the "country" mentioned in the string of cells in column A. There will be 20 countries and dependant on the country mentioned a 3 character country code will be entered in column B allowing for easy filtering of people based on country code. so something along the lines of if A1 contains "England" B1 equals ENG etc (for abot 20 countries)

The output should look like below


Terry lives in England

Claire lives in Spain

Paul live in France

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Search Cell To See If It Contains Certain String Of Text

Jun 13, 2014

I need to find a formula which will search a list of cells looking for a particular text string. If it doesn't find this text string it then needs to search for the next one. For instance if I had a list of product codes: ABCD1234, BCD1234, ABCD2345, CDE23456, BCD2345 I want the formula to look up and see if the cell contains the text ABCD and if so return ABCD as the value, if not I want it to go on and see if the cell contains BCD and return the value BCD, if not then go on and search the value CDE etc. It seems like an easy job to do manually but I have a list of over 3000 codes to do this.

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Search Each Cell In Row For Text String

Jun 11, 2008

I am using VB and need to search each cell in the row for a string "U30". If it appears, then I need to grab that plus the next three digits, "U30XXX". Otherwise, I need to grab the last six in that row (=RIGHT(M2,6)). I am not sure how to structure the If statement in VB. I searched the forum and help files, but was not sure what to do from here. Currently, I have...

ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=RIGHT(RC[4],6)"

Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("I2", Cells(Rows.Count, "I")), Type:=xlFillDefault

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Finding Specific Text Within String Of Text?

May 12, 2014

I have a report that in column BX has a large string of text (html information). Within this text there is a phrase called "| Hear = Education Website |" The phrase Education Website can be a variety of things though (Up to 9 choices). What is a formula I could use to just pull out the text after "Hear =" but before |""?

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Excel Text Search Through Different Types Of Text And Action Based On Text

Oct 14, 2008

1. Search an excel sheet "column" for a particular type of text and insert values based on that text (if found) in another column.

e.g I have column A1 to A10 with different types of text. I would like to search for the keyword "Risk is high" OR "Risk=High" for each cell in the column and insert a "1" if found beside it's corresponding "B" column. If not found, I would like to insert a "0".

So, if the text "Risk is high" OR "Risk=High" was only found in A6, I would like B6 to be "1". Rest of the values in the B column would be "0's", since the text was not found in any of the other cells.

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Macro To Paste Values If Cell Value If Match Text String?

Jan 6, 2014

In Sheet1, column Y looks into Sheet2 and returns the status of that specific order - the result displayed in column Y will be either blank or a variety of text strings (eg. received, pending etc).

I need to make a macro that looks into all the cells of column Y in Sheet 1 and copy/pastes as value into that same cell only if the formula in that cell returns text string "Received". It should not affect the other cells where the formula is returning either blank or a different text string.

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Finding Text Within A String

Oct 24, 2008

On my spreadsheet I have a column entitled: "Item Title", and the data within this column can look like the following;

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Finding A Formula Based On Text Input Into A Particular Cell

Aug 22, 2014

I do data entry for a driveway company. I get addresses and phone numbers, and then call the people to offer services. I keep track of my calls on the spreadsheet, color coded for my results, green for leads, yellow for voicemail/no answer, and red for not interested.

I have formulas in cells M2 through M8 to give me my overall stats for the calls I have made, it filters them by color for leads, missed calls, and rejections, and a couple other stats (mostly for my own curiosity)

What I'm trying to add is the cells L10 to M13, I want to be able to input a date, for instance 8/15, and have it run the same stats, just for that day essentially. So, I need it to search the last 2 columns in the table for the text that I input into cell M10, and then run the color based formula on those cells, and total them up in the appropriate cells, M11, M12, and M13.

The 2 Stats tables are the same at the moment in the sample, as I only included one particular street that I have mapped, my actual table is nearly 3000 rows.

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Search For & Merge List Of Text Files Named In Worksheet And Paste In A Specifc Cell

Aug 20, 2006

I did a search for " import text" and found some promising leads, but not exactly what I was looking for. I have tried running macros and looking at the code but don't know how to pass the file names from the the D47:D147 range to VBA(see below). I saw elsewhere that Excel can be told to create a temporary batch file, and that the batch file with the command "copy text1.txt+text2.txt+text3.txt all.txt" for example could be used to merge the 3 text files into a file called all.txt. I don't however know how specify the path where copy starts, to tell the batch file to look in subdirectories or to pass the file into Excel. I've posted this question yesterday to Yahoo Answers and without much luck.

Below is the macro I would like:I have text files whose names are found in the range D47:D147 although without the appended ".txt" extension. The sheets can only contain one name sometimes, but on average 8 to 10, so in the average case only cells D47:D56 would have entries.The text files are found in the say H:Textfiles directory or subdirectories.I would like Excel to find these files, concatenate them with a row between each file, and paste the results into cell K251.Finally, the text import wizard should be used with a space as a delimiter and the last 3 columns (it's sometimes only 2) of the concatenated file, not imported.

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Finding Numbers In Text String

May 11, 2010

In a data report i have a column which contains a mix of text and may contain an 8 digit number which could start in 0.

for example

in column A i could have "Hello how are you 01237232 I am fine"

I wish to extract the number into a seperate column, and would ordinarilly use a mid or left/ right function, however the text infront and behind the number will vary in length, which means i cannot do this.

The number will always be 8 digits, could start in 0 but will not always, and it may not be present in all the cells in this column.

How I an achieve this?

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Finding A Number Within A Text String

Oct 28, 2007

I want to find a number within a text string, then count the letters in the same string, then add the number to the number of letters.

For example, if I have 9RR in a cell, I want to add 9 + 2 = 11.

The data will always be arranged with the number on the left side of the string.

So, if the number is a single digit, I know I can use left(A1) + len(A1) -1 to get my desired result. But, the trouble I am having is what if there is a double digit number like 10RR...I'm not quite sure how to create a formula (without using VBA) to give me a result of 12 for this cell.

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Finding Text String & Format

Apr 10, 2008

I have a mass of text in a cell. I would ideally like to search the text to format in a different font colour so it can be easily seen where the specific text is.

My current way is to use SEARCH in conditional formatting but this changes the whole cell not the specific text I am interested in.

EG. - I interested in the text PETER in my cell so would like PETER to be in red font.

A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked; If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

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Finding Text Within A Longer String

May 21, 2008

i need help with 2 formulas to return text within a longer string.

the first result i need is a style #. this will always start at the 5th character, but the length is variable. it will always end right before the last "/" or "" in the string (there may or may not be a / or within the style number)

the 2nd result i need is a description of the style. this will always be after the last "/" or "" in the string and end before a ".", but there may not always be a period in the string.

Text string: ABC123123BASIC
Style # result: 123123
Description result: BASIC TEE

Style # result: 4567LEAH
Description result: FLORAL TANK DRESS

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Finding Nth Position Of Character Within Text String

Jun 16, 2012

Title should read: Finding the nth Occurrence of a character within a text string

I have a very long text string that is delimited by about 50 "/" to segment certain values within the text string. I want to be able to extract the text between the 33rd and 34th occurrence of "/". How to do this?

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VBA Function For Finding A Character In A Text String

Mar 12, 2008

Is there a function in VBA that is similar to either the FIND function or SEARCH function in Excel? The arguments for the FIND function in Excel are FIND(find_text, within_text, [position]).

I have a text string in VBA ("$A1:$D$13") that I want to be able to identify the first "$" and then later the ":". I'm getting tripped up on the 3rd line of code. Thanks a million.

Sub page_set_print_area()
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = "$A$1:$D$13"
x = ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea
Position$ = Search("$", x, 0)
End Sub

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Changing Cell Text Color WITHOUT Using Conditional Formatting Based On Finding Keywords

May 29, 2012

I have a spreadsheet that uses VB macros to calculate sums of cells based on the font color of the numbers inside. It used to be fairly easy going through each cell and "classifying" them by color, so that my macros can go ahead and sum the numbers in each respective color's cell... but now I have a huge amount of numbers and would like to automate the process somewhat. Here's an example using the A and B columns:

flight $400
hotel $150
hotel $130
meal $20
meal $15
flight $350

I tried using conditional formatting to automatically change the color of the adjacent cells based on the presence of a keyword such as "flight" or "hotel", but this change is only cosmetic, and doesn't actually change the font color (it is still the default black, hence why my color-summing macros won't work!).

I'm including a sample macro for what I use to color-sum my cells, but what I am looking to automate the color-coding process based on looking for keywords as explained above in my example. Here is one of the working color-summing macros (for red, in this case) if you'd like to use it as a reference:

Function SumRed(SelectedCells As Range)
' Adds the values of the cells where the font colour is red(3).
Dim Cell As Object
Dim x As Double

[Code] ...........

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Finding Text That Matches Format Criteria In String?

Oct 3, 2011

I'm trying to restructure a list of files at work into a format that makes some sort of sense and can be filtered into useful information.

Part of what I need to do, is match up all the drawing numbers that a certain project references. The numbers are formatted like "####A##" ex. 1234A01,1234A02,5678A01, etc. The cells that I need to extract drawing numbers from contain some description or other text (not just the drawing number) so I need to extract the drawing number from that cells value. (Ex. I need to get the drawing number 1234A01 from a cell whose value is "blah blah 1234A01 blah blah blah")

I was thinking I could just search the string for "####A##" but I'm not really sure how....I tried instr, but I think its searching for the literal value of "####A##" rather than treating the # characters as wildcards...

I tried:

if rngNames.Cells(intx, 2).Value Like ("*####A##*") then
set intStart = instr(1,rngnames.Cells(intx,2).value,"####A##")
end if
but intStart remains 0, so this method is not working...

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Finding Cell Based On Text In Currently Selected Cell?

Jan 25, 2012

Macros question - The user enters a word, e.g. Malaysia in a particular cell (always the same location) and I want the macro to be able to find the next cell with that word in it, but it appears that when using macros you can't paste anything into the find function, so was just wondering what to do!

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Change Cell Colour VBA Based On Text String?

Oct 11, 2011

I need to change the colour of a cell using VBA based on the input of a certain word. I have used teh below code but it doesn't pick up different variations of the word

Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In Range("E2:E500")
If cell.Value = "Check" Then[code]....

This code works fine (i have put it into worksheet change) when I use "Check and Mark and Chase" but some users are bound not to use capitalised first letters and on these occasions the cell colours are not changing.

How to add something to thie code above to make it work for any variation of capitalisation?

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Search String Of Words In Text?

May 27, 2013

I am trying to search words that are in column A (5 letter combinations of sequences) within the text in column B (amino acid sequence).

So I am stumbling upon 2 questions:

- what is the function that would do this search.

- how to acchieve to reverse the text in B1 cell (eg. abcde --> edcba , but with 600 letters),

sample file: test.xlsx

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How To Search For Text String On All Tabs

Jun 5, 2013

I have a spread sheet with a large amount of tabs and I want to search against a part number that would only ever appear once on each tab and return the number in the cell to the right of it using vlookup against each tab. is this possible?

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Search For Multiple Text Strings In A Cell - Return One Of Multiple Corresponding But Different String

Mar 11, 2014

I have a spreadsheet with 1,000 rows of data.

Each Cell in Column A has a different long text string.

I need to see which (if any) of 10 specific small text strings exist within each long text string. Depending on which small text string is found I want to return a 3 digit code. If no small text string is found I want to return "Not Found"

- Cell A2 contains "randomtext,randomtext,APPLE,randomntext"
- I want to see if Cell A2 contains any of the words APPLE, ORANGE, CARROT.
- I want to return "APP", "ORG", "CAR" or "Not Found"

Q: What is the most elegant way to accomplish this within a single formula that I could paste into each cell in Column B?

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IF.. Contains...then: Search Through The Text String In That Cell And Find A Certain Word, Find And Retrn A Value

May 23, 2006

I am having trouble getting my IF statement to test if the cell contains the text "sale" return "X" if not "Y". I need it to search through the text string in that cell and find a certain word, and if it finds that word, retrn a value. I am really having difficulty with is what symbol or function do I use for the logical test? (i.e. =, <>, MATCH, INDEX?)

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Search For Specific Text In A String And Replace

Dec 3, 2009

I have a text such as:


I want to do is search for "&s_kwcid" or anything containing "&s_kwcid" and replace it with blank. So above would then read:


I tried =IF(SUM(COUNTIF(E2,{"&s_kwcid*"}))=1,E2,"") but it didn't work. I tried auto filtering, and using contains &s_kwcid* but it didn't filter out results, but find &s_kwcid did find results for text anywhere in string, so I know the problem is there.

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Search Text String For Any List Item

Dec 1, 2011

Searching a text string on Sheet 1 to see if it contains any item in a list (on Sheet 2 Column 1) and if so return the value of Sheet 2 Column 2 next to the list item found?

It's a budget problem: Sheet 1 has my downloaded Visa statements. I want to categorise all items.

Eg Any item containing the string 'safeway' is categorised as 'General expenses'. So the list on Sheet 2 has an item called 'safeway' and in the next column 'General expenses'.

And for the item on Sheet 1 'BPAYN BUPA AUSTRALIA BPAY MBF monthly' I have an item in Sheet 2 that is simply 'BUPA' with category 'Medical expenses'.

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Multiple Criteria Search In Text String?

Sep 24, 2013

I have 2 columns ,A and B, in a table and text strings in C. Each table row A1 and B1 needs to be compared and matched with the text string C:C. Only if both, A1 and B1, are found in the same string, say C5, it has to return A1&B1. If not, return "Not Found".

Several Obsticles:

1. A and B are text and number
2. C is text with different numbers saved as text and words all mixed up
3. There is no defined format for the text, it is different in each string


Banana Apple
Data: 1 MANGOGrape 0000000 800,000.00 EUR something something

Mango Grape
Something your Ref: 8750ours R ef: TG0PPM000000743 500,000.00EUR zu Gunsten Banana Appl e VVA

With all these different formats and inconsistency, is it even possible?

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Search From List Of Products Within Text String

Feb 18, 2008

i have been trying to find in C1 the 1st product in a list of products that is in text strings of various lengths and the product will be in different places each time eg; list in A1:A4 is babydoll camisole corset basque, the text string in B1 is Satin strech babydoll with low neck

in B2 the text string is Beautiful lace basque with corset style back.
in C1 i'm looking to find babydoll from B1 in the list A1:A4
in C2 i'm looking to find basque from B2 in the list A1:A4
in D1 i'm looking to find any 2nd match from B1 in the list A1:A4, result = ""
in D2 i'm looking to find any 2nd match from B2 in the list A1:A4, result = corset
in E1 & E2 i would like to find any 3rd matches

i have been reading up on this and trying formulas but i cant figure out how to find from a list and the text string data is not in a standard order.

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Text Search Returns Cell Text Contents Of Different Column In The Same Row

Jun 7, 2007

Search a worksheet for a user defined text string, and have excell return the contents of a predetermined column in the same row in which the text string was found.

A prepopulated worksheet has the text "gold" entered in cell T278.

1. user searches for "yellow_metal"
2. Excell finds "yellow_metal" in row 278, say in cell A278.
3. Excell then goes to predetermined column (programed as part of macro or VB), say "T", and returns the text contents of the cell in that column, T278 in this example.
4. Excell returns "gold"

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