Searching For Left And Right Number In A String With Criteria
Dec 4, 2013
I have a table of data that I need to find the leftmost and rightmost number in that are greater than a specified number in another cell. I've attached a spreadsheet to show what I've got to work with.
I need to do this 1 row at a time and have the outcome in descending cells on the right hand side of the 2 example rows.
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Jun 2, 2009
I have a list of customers and account numbers contained within a cell. I need a formula if possible that searches from the right of the cell and then returns the all the numbers. e.g.
Arsenal1234Required formula result 1234
Liverpool2456Required formula result2456
Chelsea100564Required formula result100564
I can not use text to columns as they data is not consistant. Also worth noting is that the customer numbers vary fro 1 digit to 9 digits long.
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Jul 6, 2009
I have 12 columns of numeric data in cells AA80 through AL80. Beginning with the cell on the far right (AL80), return the value if >0. Otherwise, proceed to the cell to the immediate left (AK80) and return the value if >0, otherwise proceed to the next left cell...all the way to AA80. I tried this by nesting IF functions, but have too many IF functions to nest. Lintcoop posted a similar thread in 2008 but with text data.
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Nov 19, 2009
I want to grab everything left of the last occurrence of "." in a string, and in the next cell everything right of the last occurrence of "."
so say the string is
column 1
column 2
my current code (which works, but its messy) for the first cell is
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Feb 16, 2013
I want to bulid a code that enables me to open windows search result with a search string I define from excel data.
For example, I have folder path "X:workers".
In it, I want to search all the files with the string "dave".
The search string source is a cell in excel.
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Feb 17, 2014
I have this data and want to extract the character after the letter Y if the string has a Y in it.
Example data Output
AU 2013 OD ANR B24 Y2 2
AU 2013 OD ANR B24 Y4 4
AU 2013 OD ANR B24 Y5 5
AU2013OD ANR B25 Y1 1
AU2013OD ANU B25 Y5 5
AU2013OD Y6 FPVN B49 6
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Jan 7, 2014
I am using the function Instr to search for a string within some text.
My list contains Apples and Applesauce.
How can I search for only Apples because I seem to be returning Applesuace as well.
Obviously the other way round is not a problem because searching for Applesauce will not return Apples.
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Aug 13, 2008
I thought I could use
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Jun 6, 2014
Best approach for searching for a piece of string from a multi-lined cell. I am trying to do it via VBA but can't seem to figure it out. I tried FIND and Instr. I was thinking of converting the multiple lines into a single line then do an instr comparison from the result but I don't know how to do it.
String to search = "MARY"
Output Location value
----------MARTHA YULET
-----------HENRY THE FIFTH
-----------JOHNNY BRAVO
Cells in column "Names" has multiple lines Cells in column "Location" are not merged....
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Sep 1, 2009
I have a text string in a cell, something like:
I need to find a way to find the first nonzero character in the string, and what position it is in. For instance, in the above example, 2 is the first non-zero character, so the function would return 5, since the 2 is the fifth character into the string.
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Aug 2, 2012
I have a cell that is populated by clicking a button which pulls info from an external source over which I have no control. I need to confirm the selection made by the user contains one of four quarterly values: Mar, Jun, Sep or Dec. I have this but wanted to know if there is a better alternative or a way to shorten the code.
If InStr(1, UCase(celltxt), "MAR") Or InStr(1, UCase(celltxt), "JUN") _
Or InStr(1, UCase(celltxt), "SEP") Or InStr(1, UCase(celltxt), "DEC") Then
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Jul 7, 2014
I'm trying to search for a string and move the entire data to another sheet. For example,
What I'm trying to do is to search for the string "Loading..." and move the entire data from "Loading..." onward to another sheet. So the first; "Loading..." 1234567 will be in sheet 1, second; "Loading..." 345643 will be in sheet 2 and third; 'Loading..." 67895 will be in sheet 3.
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Sep 12, 2006
I wrote some code which has compiled a LOT of text files telling me what computers have licence for certain software.
The name of the txt file is the computer name and data within is simple:
Audit of GQL license
Audit of Visio license
Audit of Frontpage license
Audit of Project license
Audit of Visual .NET license
Audit of Word (Office) licenses
Found Office
as we can see here this computer has 1 licence for OFFICE.
If the string "FOUND" is found then i want to be able to paste the licence name in a spreadsheet and in the next cell underneath paste the filename it was found in the e.g.
Comp2, comp3, comp4, comp5....and so on......
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Jul 16, 2014
I need to figure out a way to search for a string in column D and then paste the entire row that string is in to a new sheet. I'd like for this to continue until I paste all of the rows of that string into the next sheet. This is what I got so far, and when I run it, it says an error occurs and then it says either press enter or paste. After I hit enter, it pastes the first row to the next sheet, but that's it. Also should I be doing this with a button?
Sub SearchForString()
Dim LSearchRow As Integer
Dim LCopyToRow As Integer
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May 8, 2014
I have about 2000 rows of text. Each row is a short write up about prospective new business. There is a reference to a projected dollar amount Within 'MOST' of the write-ups. In order to generate a report about the potential dollars being projected, I need to find an easy way to extract the dollar amount from the text.
In most cases, the projected dollar amounts are preceded by "FY2014" then a "$". However, there are a handful of cases where there is no FY2014, but some variation of the year indicator. Most of the dollar amount entries are written is short text - FY2014 - $5k, 2014 $15k. While some others are written out - FY2014 - $ - $20,000. In still other cases, within the writeup reference is made to the amount of product projected to be shipped by using the dollar symbols. For example - Estimated ship totals $$ for FY2014 = $5k. I've tried writing some formulas, but as in the last example - the first dollar signs are recognized rather than the dollar sign immediately before the value.
Sample data -
Estimated ship totals $$ for FY2014 = $5K New Customer Prospect 4/9/2012 Customer has still not decided if he
2014 $15K Funco 4/7/14 working on the program for the demo ...
Over 130 samples tested with about 90% accuracy. FY2014 Ship $$ = $20,000 at least. Setter Line has 7 plants ...
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Jan 22, 2014
this formula as a result =IF(LEFT(A3,1)="0",RIGHT(A3,LEN(A3)-1),A3) It worked great to strip the left most zero from a string of text numbers in the cells where the formula was applied.
However, now I need to put the zero back in lol! would I adjust the formula (or write a different one) to insert a zero as the first digit of a string of text digits?
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Feb 12, 2010
I have a issue with VLOOKUP and LEFT STRING ETC I have a lookup table see below
AB10 Grampian
AB12 Grampian
AL8 Anglia West
AL9 Carlton LWT
B1 Central West
B10 Central West
B11 Central West
B13 Central West
B14 Central West
B15 Central West
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Jan 17, 2010
I have created a program where there is a spreadsheet containing all of the items in a loan tools store, which are issued out to people. I have created a "Search/Find" function within the "Issued Items" sheet. Within this search function, you are able to search all or any combination of the following criteria: Serial; Description; Name; Location. For example: If you just type data in the "Serial" field, it will just search that column and select the cells which contain that value.
The problem I am having is when searching multiple criteria, each and every cell in the columns which are searched is selected. Whereas, I would like only the cells which match all of the criteria to be selected.
For example: If I was to type "1" into the "Serial" field, "2" into the "Description" field, "Liam" into the "Name" field, and "Workshop" into the location field:
Current: Serial column is searched and all cells with "1" in are selected. Description column is searched and all cells with "2" in are selected. Name column is searched and all cells with "Liam" in are selected. Location column is searched and all cells with "Workshop" in are selected.
What I Would Like: Program to search each of the specified columns and only select data which meets the searched criteria. For example: Rows 20 & 28 to be selected as they both contain, Serial "1", Description "2", Name "Liam", Location "Workshop".
Note: The sheet will have password protection.
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Nov 1, 2009
I have an array of data that i need to find multiple data points in: ...
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Apr 29, 2014
I've got a long list of account numbers of varying length and ultimately need to add a dash and a dot into these numbers. Here's an example
12345678 to> 1-2345.678
123456789 to> 12-3456.789
1234567890 to> 123-4567.890
The standard format is always 3 numbers after the . and 4 numbers between the - and .
I can get to this by doing a series of functions starting with this:
=LEFT(A1,LEN(A1)-3)&"."&RIGHT(A1,3) to get 12345.678 or 123456.789
copy/pasting that value into another field and then doing this
=LEFT(E1,LEN(E1)-8)&"-"&RIGHT(E1,8) to get the results above
I can't quite figure out the format to combine the multiple steps/functions into one so that I'm not copy/pasting values and re-doing the function.
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May 22, 2013
I want to select email addresses in a particular cell. Since every email address will contain @ so I want to extract the email address from the cell on the basis os all the characters to be selected on the left & right of the '@' before a space is encountered.
If the cell contains the below values:
91 121 5158123 / 5159123, 011 5103710
91 999 999 1123
I only want the email address to extracted to the next cell. i.e.
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Feb 7, 2014
I'm trying to use logic to identify each of the strings below, I want to count the occurrences of the left most character appearing consecutively. The answer is to the left
I'm trying to do this via a formula vs. vba if possible
[Code] .....
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Mar 1, 2012
Items in Column A1 are calculated by (B2/4+5)*1.4 Items located under the columns 2000, 3000, 4000, etc... 10,000 are calculated by taking the top number, eg 2000/(A1 cell value)+the column B number. 2000/7+0 = 286 (rounded numbers)
I need to find an way to look up for x number (2000,3000,4000, etc...) find the smallest number in that column and then return the value in column A1.
A1 Number >2000300040005000600070008000900010000
70 2864295717148571000114312861429
84 24236148059971883795610751194
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Jul 20, 2009
I have a problem with excel that I have been trying to solve for the past 5 days! I have 2 tables (one with 500 rows, the other with 15000) that contain information about pipes.
The smaller table, Drift List, is to be used as a reference to fill up the bigger table.
Here is how Drift List looks like:
Size NominalWeight WallThickness APIDriftDiameter AlternateDriftDiam.
5.5 14.00 0.244 4.877 7.625
5.8 14.88 0.253 4.915 ----
The other table, Pipe Database, Looks like:
Size NominalWeight WallThickness DriftSize DriftType
5.5 14.00 0.244
I have to fill up Drift Size using APIDriftDiameter from the first table, BUT if AlternateDriftDiameter is available, I have to use that instead.
DRIFT TYPE column has to indicate either API or Alternate (Depending on which one I have used).
Here are the two files:
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Jul 23, 2012
i am trying to create an easy to use search by macro VBA in excel.
I have a sheet of information where i need to find the data records from either one of the 2 search criterias: Name and NRIC.
Once a user enter either of this 2 search criterias, i need a macro to search through the data on Sheet "List" and return the results on the Sheet "Search".
Within the list, a search criteria may appear more than once, the search results should display all of the records row by row on Sheet "Search".
Would it be better to create a user form?
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Aug 21, 2013
I am trying to write a formula that will search an array for a particular number that I type in, and return a "Warning" if the number is within the array, or an "OK" if the number is not yet used. It is to do with allocating batch numbers to Raw Materials and avoiding using duplicate numbers.
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Aug 10, 2006
I'm looking for is a way to sum a bunch of numbers using a sum if statement that start with PRJ and are followed by any combination of five numbers. Like this
=sumif( Range, PRJ#####, SUm range)
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Oct 14, 2013
I'm trying to search a column that has cells with various length strings. Included in the strange (at random locations) could be possibly be a 7 digit number starting with 4. I want a formula that counts the number of cells with contain that 7 digit number. Is this possible?
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Dec 11, 2013
The sub i'm currently using does an instr search for a unique string in an xml file. This works fine but i'd like to speed up the search if possible because I have a large number of xml files to search. My problem is that i have very little experience in parsing xml.
I notice that if i load the xml file and look at the namespaces i see item(1) through about item(20) and the unique string is always contained in one of those items. Note that the number of items can be different for each xml file i load.
The xml file is loaded into an object i define as oInstance and i'd like to do something like:
counter = counter+1
if oInstance.namespaces.item(counter) = uniquestring then[code]....
but now i get Err.Number 91
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Jul 22, 2014
write a macro that search first Row and if its finds the word "Date" then the whole column should select and change the Number formatting to Date, and if it finds the word "Time" it should change the formatting for the whole column to Time.
Below is the format of Table where it should change the formatting of Date, Start Time and End Time.
Start Time
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