Selecting Group Name For Shapes
Mar 5, 2007
is there a way to select the group of the shape instead of a single shape i've tried .onAction and Application.Caller to do this ..but this is giving me the single shape that i clicked on instead of the whole group.'
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Apr 1, 2009
I want to "GROUP" a selection of objects that are put onto a worksheet. But I won't know until the objects are created what the names of each object will be. When I create the objects I will know which objects that I want grouped together.
When I record a macro when I select then "GROUP" said objects I get the following line of code
ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range( Array("FlowCtrl_S2_Decision000011", "FlowCtrl_S2_Decision00001", "FlowCtrl_S2_Decision000012", "FlowCtrl_S2_Decision00001a", "FlowCtrl_S2_Decision00001b")).Select
What I need is how to "dynmically" create the Array(....) portion from say a delimited string. Like
"FlowCtrl_S1_Decision00002", "FlowCtrl_S1_Decision000021", "FlowCtrl_S1_Decision000021_1FlowCtrl_S1_Decision00002
In the attached workbook. When you click the button 7 objects will be put onto the worksheet. I want when the routine is complete that the the 7 objects are "GROUP"ed and given a particular name. So that I can point and select at one item and move all 7 at the same time.
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Feb 4, 2014
I did use the solution in a thread by Andy to make a picture or shape rotate. It works perfectly as a standalone. With this I mean all the information on the same sheet as per example in the file 901259.
I'am using it to rotate a dial. The problem is instead of using the value from the sheet itself I link the scrollbar to a cell on a different sheet in the same workbook. There some calculations are done and the value which makes the dial rotate is linked to that sheet. The dial however is on another sheet.
The calculations are almost displayed realtime but the dial is lagging. How would I go about to "solve" this lagging.
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Jan 10, 2007
I don't think this is possible, but I thought I would ask.
I have buttons on a sheet.
Then I have drawings, that I make, using different shapes.
Instead of selecting all shapes on the sheet, I want to just select the shapes in a range say B17:F28 so I can group them.
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Feb 16, 2005
Trying to select multiple shapes based on shape properties. The missing piece is the code to select the shapes. The examples in the help use the 'Array' function with a list of shape names.
Is there a way to select a random set of shapes without using the Array function?
Or how does one build a list for use with the Array function?
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Jun 22, 2012
Ii have a UserForm with a ComboBox in it. the selections in the box are
I have 7 shapes in Worksheets("Interface") and renamed each shape caution1 through caution7
What i need is when i click on continue in my userform each shape will change according to the selection.
if 5 is selected all caution shapes will read, Caution flag is out 5 minute break
if 10 is selected all caution shapes will read, Caution flag is out 10 minute break
if 15 is selected all caution shapes will read, Caution flag is out 15 minute break
and so on
excel 2007 btw
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May 24, 2005
i have a macro which is executing some cleaning up and then copying information from project sheets to a summary sheet. the individual project sheets are (currently still manually) copied/moved into the big(ger) overview workbook. to support the work with the individual project sheets they contain a macro that is assigned to some (three) shapes. one part of the cleanup is stripping the macros off the individual project sheets:
' remove the traffic-light macros of the project sheets from all sheets in case of unwanted or uncontrolled "infection"
For CurrentWS = 1 To SheetCount
Selection.OnAction = ""
Worksheets(CurrentWS). Range("A1").Select
Next CurrentWS
on the line "ActiveSheet.Shapes.SelectAll" i get frequently (not always... ) a run time error '7': out of memory. it happens on at least two computers. i closed all other SW. according to the windows task manager information there should be plenty of memory free.
- how to get rid of the error message? OR:
- is there another (more smart) way to strip the ("imported") macros, while keeping the "main" marco alive that does not lead to an error message?
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Nov 3, 2008
I have a spreadsheet where I need to perform a calculation on the lowest 10 of the 20 most recent entries. Currently I am just deleting the oldest entry and putting in the new data but I now desire to keep all my data.
How do I select the new range of 20 rows and then tell it to take the 10 lowest values to perform the calculation
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Aug 25, 2009
I have a Lookup table with a Group and Subgroup field. I have created a range for the Group and also for the Subgroup. On my main page, I have created a list option which allows the user to select the items under Group (Day, Colour and Time).
What I want next to do is based on the primary selection for Group; I want it to filter it on the specific Subgroup. For Example,
The User selects Colour from Group, the Subgroup will subsequently only show the appropriate selection which is Green, White and Yellow, and no further selection.
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Aug 30, 2013
Im trying to create shapes Rectangles and Squares with different colours within an excel sheet, where the length and height of the shapes is generated by input values.
Also is it possible to create 3D shapes, again where the size of the shap is generated by input cell values.
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Mar 17, 2014
I am trying to write VBA code that groups cells between blank rows and inserts a message if a string of text (a name) is missing from the entire group. I want the code to search cells in column A and group the cells between blank cells. Use the name I input in an input box as the search criteria and insert a message in the Column C next to the last blank cell in the group and then move on to the next group and highlight the cell in red with bold text. I am including a spreadsheet with an example of what the sheet should look like before and after the code is run.
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Nov 12, 2009
I have date fields as column labels in a pivot table. When I try to group them I'm only given the option to group by integers and not by months, years etc.
I've had a look at the format settings of the column and they are formatted as date fields.
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Feb 10, 2014
I have several groups of data in the same sheet. Each group has two blank rows above the first row of data. Each group has column "B" in common (e.g., "Phone" in the example attached). I'd like to add a title/label of "Phone" to the first column in the row immediately preceding the first row of data for that group.
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Jan 17, 2013
how to use the group box to group a number of option buttons together.
Question is, lets say, i have a total of 4 group box. if i want it to work in such a way where by once 2 option buttons are being selected (1 option selected from each group box), the rest of the option buttons in the 4 group box will be greyed out. is that possible?
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Aug 9, 2006
My store uses a retail price "code" wherein a price like 99 in expressed as a
code like "PP"--exchanging the number digits 1-0 as letters.
Is there a function to do this automatically?
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Mar 10, 2014
Using VBA, I need to Select A1:C14.
The problem is that A1:C14 contains blank cells, and there is also an adjacent column D that I do not want to copy.
So, UsedRegion and CurrentRegion aren't doing it for me. (It selects Column D too.)
Obviously, this is an example...the real data set is an export and varies in size.
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May 28, 2014
In Col X of the attachment, I have manually entered the count of the rows within each sub group, as determined by the counter in Col W. How can I do this automatically? I need this because when I filter the spread sheet by Rank, I need to know how many selections, of the filter Rank query, were in a sub group of ? number.
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Apr 18, 2014
I have this massive spreadsheet, with the maximum rows excel will fit on one sheet. In the interest of simplicity, this is what the raw data looks like:
Last First Amount
Jones Jim $1000
Jung Joe $700
White Jon $100
Jones Jim $200
Jones Jan $300
Jung Joe $800
White Jon $200
What I want to do is automatically get excel to group all the same names together. Then I want it to sum all the values for each name, then order by largest total value for each person, then order that by name alphabetically. In other words, the above would look like this after the sort:
Last First Amount
Jung Joe $800
Jung Joe $700
Jones Jim $1000
Jones Jim $200
Jones Jan $300
White Jon $200
White Jon $100
Or, if necessary, there could be sum total rows under each name...although I don't have spare rows, so IDK. I could delete some rows if I had to, but would rather not.
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Jan 12, 2014
Conditional formatting. I want to change the color of a group of cells based on data in another group of cells. Example:
If cells G8 and G9 (which are merged) are between 80% and 94%, then I9,I10,I11 (which are merged) will turn Yellow. Also, under the same scenario, IF G8 and G9 is greater than 94%, then cells I9, I10, I11 will turn Red.
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Dec 3, 2008
I have a macro that opens Word pastes data in from Excel,
I want to be able to paste an arrowed line that I have drawn, also if it changes, I want it to reflect that change.
Here's the
Item("Direction1").Range.InsertAfter Worksheets("BSID").Range("Line3").Value
I have my bookmark in Word setup, I'm guessing that instead of a cell ref I need the name of the Line, which is "Line 3" in this case.
I ran a recorded macro and copied and pasted the line and instead of "Range" I got "Shapes" so I assumed that I just needed to change these words but no joy.
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Mar 24, 2009
Where do I find a tutorial or examples to show me how to create bars for gantt chart in excel, based on date values?
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Nov 17, 2009
i have an excel file for using my manufacture planning. i dont know why but there was created too many TextBoxes(but its shapes)
I'm giving my excel file , you can see what i'm talking about at G column and 193. field
if you can solve this problem, i will be pleasure to you
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Sep 18, 2012
I have some shapes on a worksheet that need deleting on change of a combo box. Unfortunately I'm unable to use the below code as not all the shapes need deleting, just the ones that are named in a table on another worksheet.
For Each s In ActiveSheet.Shapes
Next s
Also not all the shapes named in the table will be on the worksheet as this depends on what is selected from the combo box.
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Aug 30, 2009
I am a not too good programmer, but I construct chemotherapy regimens for my medical department. They are used to minimise the risk of wrong dosing to patients, etc. Every regimen is an .xlt file, and about a third of them (there are about 100) generate, in addition to pharmaceutical prescription, automatic letters to patients (for those regimens where patients administer oral dosing at home).
These patient-letters have the hospital's logo on them (the logo is a "shape").
However, the problem is that another hospital also wants to use my system. So I will have to replace all these logos with the other hospital's. I would like to do this in an automated way. I have received the other hospital's logo also as a shape.
I have already constructed a data-inserting macro in a separate file. This macro systematically opens each xlt file and replaces the text in key locations according to the file the macro is in (geographical names, etc.).
Is it possible to automatically replace the logo-shapes in a similar way, with these additional facts/wishes in mind:
1. There is always only one type of shape (a logo) in the xlt files.
2. Even though the shapes are exactly the same, it is possible the names are different.
3. The exact location for the shape is different in each xlt file, so I'd like the replacement to get the same top left coordinate as the one it replaces.
I have constructed 2 different files with the same data-inserting macro, each containing one of the logos (so I can change back to my own hospital) and geographic data. When the data-inserting macro is used, I'd like it to identify the shape in the data-inserting file (there's only one shape in this file), copy it, then identify the shape(s) in the present xlt file, and then replace these, in the exact same location.
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Jul 10, 2006
I have a shape that will have no macro. How do I prevent this shape
from being selected and prevent the message that no macro can be found,
when it is clicked?
With shapes that do have macros how do I disable them ?
How do I keep them visible but not have the mouse cursor change on mouse
over and not have the macro run on a mouse click.
I tried to use Enabled = false but apparently that property cannot be used
for a shape.
I need to toggle between enabled and disabled.
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Jan 5, 2008
I have some drop down control boxes in rows that I want to be able to delete using a macro. If highlight the rown and use Edit, Delete, the data is gone but the controls are still there. How can I delete this using a macro?
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Jun 16, 2013
I want to draw circles from 3 points and other geometrical shapes. The points will be given from clicks on the background picture.
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Apr 23, 2008
I'm trying to calculate the area of a Freeform shape.
Is this already stored somewhere e.g a shape property?
If not is there a macro available to do this?
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Feb 9, 2010
This code finds and matches the Text value of a Shape to the value of a cell on seperate worksheets within the same workbook.
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Feb 23, 2007
I need code to do this: When I select a range of cells, say E20:H24 then hit a button the code behind the button would ungroup all the shapes in that area. So if I have grouped shapes elsewhere, they would be uneffected.
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