Excel 2007 :: Change Text In A Group Of Shapes?

Jun 22, 2012

Ii have a UserForm with a ComboBox in it. the selections in the box are


I have 7 shapes in Worksheets("Interface") and renamed each shape caution1 through caution7

What i need is when i click on continue in my userform each shape will change according to the selection.

if 5 is selected all caution shapes will read, Caution flag is out 5 minute break
if 10 is selected all caution shapes will read, Caution flag is out 10 minute break
if 15 is selected all caution shapes will read, Caution flag is out 15 minute break
and so on

excel 2007 btw

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Rotating Group Of Shapes In Excel VBA

Feb 4, 2014

I did use the solution in a thread by Andy to make a picture or shape rotate. It works perfectly as a standalone. With this I mean all the information on the same sheet as per example in the file 901259.

I'am using it to rotate a dial. The problem is instead of using the value from the sheet itself I link the scrollbar to a cell on a different sheet in the same workbook. There some calculations are done and the value which makes the dial rotate is linked to that sheet. The dial however is on another sheet.

The calculations are almost displayed realtime but the dial is lagging. How would I go about to "solve" this lagging.

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Excel 2007 :: Add Shapes In Range Of Cells To ShapeRange

Feb 3, 2012

Using Excel 2007.

I have shapes in 3 different rnages of cells on a cell worksheet:
R1 = $D$5:$D & lngRows (row=32)
R2 = $G$5:$G & lngRows (row = 51)
R3 = $M$5:$M & lngRows (row = 50)

I need to set the properties of the shapes in each range differently The shapes in R1 are Left + 46 But the shapes in the other 2 ranges need to be just left My problem is in this bit


'Set properties for each shape in ShapeRange
For Each sh In ws.Shapes

I need to be able to set properties for each range separately instead of the entire sheet. Full code below (only Range $D at the moment - works)


Option Explicit
Sub AddShape3()
'Purpose: Add small rectangles to database table/fields for
' brainstorming and documenting relationships and queries


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Excel 2007 :: Default Settings For Drawing Shapes?

Jun 14, 2013

how to change the default settings for shapes in Excel 2007? I select a line tool and it is a blue color and I would like to have its default as black

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Excel 2007 :: Change Text Color Within Formula?

May 1, 2014

In Excel 2007 I know that if you have a cell containing text that you can change the color of parts of that text like This is the text in my cell and this is red text

But I have a cell with a formula that adds text to the end based on a conditional. I can't see any way to change the text color in this situation. I basically want this formula:

=D_Notes & TEXT(CHAR(10),) & IF(Terms = "Budgetary Estimate Only", "Quote is budgetary only and is subject to change pending final design.","")

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Selecting Group Name For Shapes

Mar 5, 2007

is there a way to select the group of the shape instead of a single shape i've tried .onAction and Application.Caller to do this ..but this is giving me the single shape that i clicked on instead of the whole group.'

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VBA To Group Worksheet Shapes

Apr 1, 2009

I want to "GROUP" a selection of objects that are put onto a worksheet. But I won't know until the objects are created what the names of each object will be. When I create the objects I will know which objects that I want grouped together.

When I record a macro when I select then "GROUP" said objects I get the following line of code

ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range( Array("FlowCtrl_S2_Decision000011", "FlowCtrl_S2_Decision00001", "FlowCtrl_S2_Decision000012", "FlowCtrl_S2_Decision00001a", "FlowCtrl_S2_Decision00001b")).Select

What I need is how to "dynmically" create the Array(....) portion from say a delimited string. Like

"FlowCtrl_S1_Decision00002", "FlowCtrl_S1_Decision000021", "FlowCtrl_S1_Decision000021_1FlowCtrl_S1_Decision00002

In the attached workbook. When you click the button 7 objects will be put onto the worksheet. I want when the routine is complete that the the 7 objects are "GROUP"ed and given a particular name. So that I can point and select at one item and move all 7 at the same time.

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Group Shapes In A Certain Selected Area

Jan 10, 2007

I don't think this is possible, but I thought I would ask.

I have buttons on a sheet.

Then I have drawings, that I make, using different shapes.

Instead of selecting all shapes on the sheet, I want to just select the shapes in a range say B17:F28 so I can group them.

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Excel 2007 :: Pivot Table - Can't Group On Dates

Aug 8, 2012

I have a stripped down data source for debugging purposes. I only have 4 rows of data for test purposes. The dates are formatted as dates.

When I create the pivot table the dates become my column values. When I select the first date in the pivot table the Group By Field menu option is grayed out. I tried setting a tabular format but didn't work.

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Excel 2007 :: Formula For Highlighting Cells Within Sub-Group

Jan 26, 2014

I am using Excel 2007 with a WIN XP OS…. My objective is to color code each cell in Column F within each sub-group based on the following instructions:

1) Column F contains a percentage…. Each sub-group in Column F totals 100%.... Each sub-group is separated as shown on the enclosed sample.
2) Starting with the highest percentage, followed by the next highest, (etc.), I want to sum each subsequent cell until reaching a target threshold (total sum) of 62%.... All cells in this grouping to be highlighted “yellow”.
3) Once the 62% target threshold is reached, the very next highest subsequent cell percentage is highlighted “light olive”…. If there is a tie, the lower number shown in Column E serves as the tie-breaker.
4) All remaining cells within the sub-group are highlighted “light brown” including those denoted by 0%.
5) Finally, if the cell is blank and absent of a % call out, then no highlight is required.

I process a daily spreadsheet having typically in excess of 1000 rows and in turn, I’m looking for a method to automate the color coding….


[Code] ........

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Excel 2007 :: How To Return Previous Sequential Number From A Group

May 10, 2014

Windows 7, Excel 2007. a formula to find the next lowest sequential number within a group.

Here's an example data set, which represents transactions by date and category:

Col A is a user entered Date which will not be in chronological order (unfortunately a sort is not an option)Col B is a user entered CategoryCol C is a formula that gives the chronological sort order based on the date.

The formula in C2:C9 is =COUNT($A$2:$A$9)-(RANK(A2,$A$2:$A$9)+COUNTIF($A$2:A2,A2)-1)+1Col D is a formula to determine if the row is the first chronological transaction within the Category

The array formula in D2:D9 is =IF(MIN(IF($B$2:$B$9=B2,$C$2:$C$9))=C2,"Y","")

This might not be a necessary column, but can be used as a helperCol E is where I would like a formula to give the next lowest value in Col C for the Category in Col B (the order number in Col C for the previous transaction within the same category).

I have entered in the values that the formula should return in Col E in the table below



If the current line is the first transaction of the category, the formula should return the value in Col C for that line (so E2 would equal the value in C2, which is 2).

So the first part of the formula could be straightforward, using the helper column:

Here's the tricky part: If it's not the first occurrence of the category, then it should return the value of Col C for previous transaction (or the next lowest number in Col C that is within the same category).

E3 would return 4, since the previous transaction for Category A was line 9
C3 = 6, and of all the values of Col C for Category A (2, 4, 6, 8), 4 is the next lowestE4 would return 6, since the previous transaction for Category A was line 3 C4 = 8, and of all the values of Col C for Category A (2, 4, 6, 8), 6 is the next lowestE5 would return 1, since it is the first transaction in Category BE6 would return 1, since the previous transaction for Category B was line 5 C6 = 5, and of all the values of Col C for Catebory B (1, 5, 7), 1 is the next lowestEtc.

I'm thinking I need an array formula to find the minimum value within the category, where that value is less than the value of Col C in the current line. Just not sure how to write that...

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Excel 2007 :: Can't Edit Cell - Unprotected Button On Changes Group Tab Grayed Out?

Jul 28, 2014

I'm trying to change a cell in a 2007 workbook but I'm getting this message:

"the cell or chart that you are trying to change is protected and therefore read only. To modify a protected cell or chart first remove the protection using the unprotect sheet command (review tab, changes group) you may be prompted for a password."

However, the unprotect button on the changes group tab is greyed out (the protect button is available though). The workbook isn't password protected and I'm not being asked for a password. What am I missing?

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Excel 2007 :: Spreadsheet To Track Group Timeline For Completing Strategy Meetings With Customers

Apr 30, 2014

How to use conditional formatting in Excel 2007 (). I'm creating a spreadsheet to track my group's timeline for completing strategy meetings with our customers. When we have a meeting, I will enter the date of that meeting in a specific cell. In a successive column(s), I'd like for a cell(s) to turn a specific color based on the length of time from the last meeting (or if there is no date for a meeting entered - i.e. no initial meeting has been set).

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Excel 2007 :: Change All Matching Value Based On Number Change In Column?

Feb 19, 2014

I have a situation that I cannot get my hands on. I have a set of Project Numbers in my Column A. (Will Try to post an example).

I need that everytime I change a number in my Column B that it will change all the numbers, in my column B, based on the matching Text in my Column A.


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Excel 2010 :: Grouping Pivot Dates By Group - Can Change Quarters?

Nov 2, 2011

One cool feature of 2010 is ability to (right click on dates) and Group them into Quarters.

How to change the Quarters to be in line with e.g. Financial Year, as opposed to fiscal years? i.e. have a start date of say June?

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Excel 2007 :: Import Data From Worksheet Into Another And Group Data Into Sections

Mar 2, 2012

I want to be able to run a macro that will export some of the data from a worksheet called Generated Report into another worksheet called Matrix. The data will be taken Generated REport and grouped into sections of the worksheet. These sections will be defined by the BRID value.

The Data that i want to export will be from the first 5 columns within the Generated Report(note there are other columns which data is not required from).

The following columns will be exported from Generated Report -

BRID,Requirement, Bug Description, Bug ID and Alt Bug ID.

BRIDRequirement Bug DescriptionBUG ID Alt Bug ID
PQ115 PQ115-Login Bug Description text xihllloloj43712 123
PQ116PQ116-Landing Bug Description text ghghghgoot 43713 126

For Matrix

The data will be imported into Matrix worksheet into the following columns as part of the row headings

- Requirement, Description, Bug ID and VF Bug ID.There will also be other columns (outlined below) which i will use to manually enter data

The data will be grouped and imported into the relevant section by its BRID eg PQ115, PQ116 etc.

I want each section (marked by BRID number)to be separated by row headings.

These row headings are to be generated after populating all data within each BRID number.

When the data has been populated in each row there is a column called 'Status' which contains drop down list boxes which can be assigned.

The default status will be set to 'To Do'. The complete row headings are displayed with Output from Generated Report underneath

BRID Priority Requirment Description BugID Alt Bug ID PC UpdateNotes Actual Result Type of DEfect Test Status Tested by
PQ115 PQ115-Login Bug Description text xihllloloj43712 123 To Do

BRID Priority Requirment Description BugID Alt Bug ID QC UpdateNotes Actual Result Type of DEfect Test Status Tested by
PQ116 PQ116-Landing Bug Description text ghghghgoot43713 126 To Do

So far the macro that i have been using allows me to locate the data for each specific BRID in Generated Report and copy into the corresponding BRID section within the Matrix. I have to repeat this step for each new BRID and i want to be able to whole automate this process.

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Show Shapes Font Dialog 2007

Sep 3, 2008

I am trying to programatically access a built in excel menu to edit the font dialog for text boxes. Specifically, I want to access the diolag box which opens when a text box is selected and you click the arrow in the bottom right of the font group in the home tab (Excel 2007). I do not want the dialog box which opens when just a cell is selected. The dialog I want has two tabs - font and character spacing. I know how to use application.dialogs().show to open built in dialog boxes in VBA, but I can't figure out how to show this specific dialog.

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Change The Colour Of Shapes

Jul 23, 2007

the VBA to change to colour of a shape based upon the value in a cell?

e.g. if cell "a1" = 10 then colour circle red

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Excel 2007 :: Change Color On Just One Date?

Aug 9, 2014

User of Excel in Office 2007. However, I for statistics about how my Bitcoin Device's works and decrypts Bitcoins per day for trends and statistics, and so on

Now while I was away so had the power gone, and for almost 24 hours so stood all still, I would now like to outline in red the date / dates where I have zero or very low running time for specific date, but I can only change Fragen for all dates, not individual dates.

The stack's not exist in the data value is equal to zero (null) where by I want to be able to get the date in red color, and possibly also in bold. see print screen below.

[URL] .....

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Excel 2007 :: How To Change Date Format From US To UK

Jan 21, 2011

I am trying to find a way in Excel 2007 to convert the date from US format to UK format, I tried to change it by using [right click=>Format cell=>Select Date=>Select the first option in Type:*14-03-01=>OK], but I doesn't work , the attached file are presenting the date in US format.

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Excel 2007 :: How To Change DEFAULT Values

Mar 3, 2011

If I want to format a cell I go to that menu. Choose formatting number.

The default value will appear with 2 decimal digit.

I want to change it to 3. How can I do so?

Is it possible to change the DEFAULT values that Excel 2007 offers?

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Excel 2007 :: Change Colour Settings?

Oct 9, 2011

Is there any way to change the settings in excel 2007, to give me the original color palate from 2003? I want to use the old colors because I don't like the new ones.

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Excel 2007 :: Find Text And Replace It With Same Text Only In Italics In Worksheet?

Aug 18, 2013

I am trying to find specific text throughout an excel document (2007) and replace it with the same text but in italics. I tried using the options/format function and selecting italics for the "replace" text but it replaces the entire cell text in italics instead.

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Excel 2007 :: VBA Lookup Two Columns And Change Value In One Column?

Jan 17, 2013

macro for an Excel 2007 file. It has to be a macro. I have cells in two columns I need to look at. Column A will have a value of cat, dog, or mouse. Column B will have a date. If A2="mouse" AND B2<"1/1/2013" Then A2="" ElseIf A2=mouse" AND B2>="1/1/2013" Then A2="mouse". I don't need anything to happen if A2 is equal to cat or dog. The macro has to move down the entire A and B column: A3/B3, A4/B4, and so on until the end of the columns. Hope this makes sense. I've tried a few macro samples I found online but they don't quite fit what I need done, or I don't know how to modify it.

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Excel 2007 :: Change Font Color When Point To It

Mar 19, 2014

Using excel 2007. In a A table of marks obtained by a student. I want to get the content of the cell be displayed in a bigger font and in a particular color when i point to it. When I point to a cell content the display should be in a color of my choice say green and the font be greater than 20 pixels.

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Excel 2007 :: How To Change All Reference Cells In Worksheet

Aug 26, 2010

Here is my situation:

I created one worksheet called: Assumptions. In this worksheet I have 6 different columns representing 6 different cases.

I have completed the first case in a different worksheet called: WL. I would like to copy this case/worksheet WL and be able to change all the reference cells used in case#1: WL to case#2: FA. So all the cells used in my Assumptions worksheet were in the B columns for case 1: WL, for case 2: FA they will all be in the C column, same row, different column.

Any quick way to do the changes?

My case #1 worksheet as over 10 000 formulas, I really don't want to change each and every formula.

I was thinking there was a way to highlight ALL the reference cells used in my Assumption worksheet, so I would have had to drag from B to C cells, only 50 cells. But I can't find it.

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Excel 2007 :: Change Width Of Chart Bars

Sep 7, 2010

I've just switched to 2007 and can't seem to find where they've moved the ability to change the width of bars in a chart. Where is it in 2007?

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Excel 2007 :: Change Orientation Of Entire Application

Apr 11, 2012

Someone Im working with says she used to change Excel to work on it on some vertical monitor. Is there a way to do that in Excel 2010 or even 2007?

Obviously I'm not talking about print layout, but viewing the whole application in portrait view, as if she turned a monitor sideways and altered the Aps view.

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Excel 2007 :: Monitoring Change In Certain Range At Worksheet?

Jul 9, 2012

I wish to monitor a change in a certain columns at some worksheets. I have - after having consulted John Walkenbach' fantastic book Excel 2007 Power programming with VBA - understood how I do to monitor a change in specific worksheet, by using the Intersect-function in the change-event on that particular worksheet. That works fine.

My situation is that I have an application that I start out with a certain number of workheets in a workbook, and in the course of the work that the application does, it now and then adds worksheets, and these worksheets I would like to monitor for change in a special column. I know, by looking at the names of the worksheets which ones of those in the collection that I want to check.

I therefore used, not the Worksheet_Change event but the Workbook_SheetChange. It doesn't work quite well. I guess my question for now would be:

The call to this event looks like this:

Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)

1) How - in what way - should I use the first argument, the "Sh as Object"? Can I/Should I give it a name?

The error message I get when I use an instruction like this:

If Not Intersect(Target, Range(M:M)) Is Nothing Then
'Do Stuff
end if

The method 'Intersect' in the object '_Global' failed

(M is the column that I want to check)

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Excel 2007 :: Cells With Time Change Unexpectedly

Oct 7, 2013

I enter a date and time in a cell, e.g. "2013-10-07 12:30", and then I save the workbook.

When I open the Workbook again, the cell contents is "2013-10-07 00:00".

I am currently using Excel 2007. I haven't tested this explicitly with Excel 2013 which is my normal working version, but I think I should have noticed it if it had happened in 2013.

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