Rotating Group Of Shapes In Excel VBA
Feb 4, 2014
I did use the solution in a thread by Andy to make a picture or shape rotate. It works perfectly as a standalone. With this I mean all the information on the same sheet as per example in the file 901259.
I'am using it to rotate a dial. The problem is instead of using the value from the sheet itself I link the scrollbar to a cell on a different sheet in the same workbook. There some calculations are done and the value which makes the dial rotate is linked to that sheet. The dial however is on another sheet.
The calculations are almost displayed realtime but the dial is lagging. How would I go about to "solve" this lagging.
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Jun 22, 2012
Ii have a UserForm with a ComboBox in it. the selections in the box are
I have 7 shapes in Worksheets("Interface") and renamed each shape caution1 through caution7
What i need is when i click on continue in my userform each shape will change according to the selection.
if 5 is selected all caution shapes will read, Caution flag is out 5 minute break
if 10 is selected all caution shapes will read, Caution flag is out 10 minute break
if 15 is selected all caution shapes will read, Caution flag is out 15 minute break
and so on
excel 2007 btw
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Mar 5, 2007
is there a way to select the group of the shape instead of a single shape i've tried .onAction and Application.Caller to do this ..but this is giving me the single shape that i clicked on instead of the whole group.'
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Apr 1, 2009
I want to "GROUP" a selection of objects that are put onto a worksheet. But I won't know until the objects are created what the names of each object will be. When I create the objects I will know which objects that I want grouped together.
When I record a macro when I select then "GROUP" said objects I get the following line of code
ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range( Array("FlowCtrl_S2_Decision000011", "FlowCtrl_S2_Decision00001", "FlowCtrl_S2_Decision000012", "FlowCtrl_S2_Decision00001a", "FlowCtrl_S2_Decision00001b")).Select
What I need is how to "dynmically" create the Array(....) portion from say a delimited string. Like
"FlowCtrl_S1_Decision00002", "FlowCtrl_S1_Decision000021", "FlowCtrl_S1_Decision000021_1FlowCtrl_S1_Decision00002
In the attached workbook. When you click the button 7 objects will be put onto the worksheet. I want when the routine is complete that the the 7 objects are "GROUP"ed and given a particular name. So that I can point and select at one item and move all 7 at the same time.
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Jan 10, 2007
I don't think this is possible, but I thought I would ask.
I have buttons on a sheet.
Then I have drawings, that I make, using different shapes.
Instead of selecting all shapes on the sheet, I want to just select the shapes in a range say B17:F28 so I can group them.
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Dec 27, 2012
I'm using Excel 2007 and I have a reasonable level of experience with VBA coding in normal / object modules, but I have no experience with class modules or events ... so I do not have a good command on what goes into a normal module vice a class module if I want to use mouse events to rotate a chart.
I am looking to rotate a chart ... Since I am not allowed to post a file, I will give the 3D array here:
I have placed into a normal module the following code (based on what I was able to pick up from MSDN):
Dim myClassModule As New EventClassModule
Sub InitializeChart()
Set myClassModule.myChartClass = Worksheets(1).ChartObjects(1).Chart
End Sub
And I have placed the following code into a class module named EventClassModule (also based on what I was able to pick up from MSDN):
Public WithEvents myChartClass As Chart
I want to rotate the chart by using click and drag, and, if possible, I'd also like to be able to zoom in and out via some method (say a mouse wheel event).
In the following link, a guy has done a beautiful job of enabling scatter plot rotation using scroll bars, but I'd like to be able to use mouse events instead:
3d scatter plot for MS Excel (VBA macro)
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Aug 30, 2013
Im trying to create shapes Rectangles and Squares with different colours within an excel sheet, where the length and height of the shapes is generated by input values.
Also is it possible to create 3D shapes, again where the size of the shap is generated by input cell values.
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Dec 9, 2013
After much searching today I've been unable to find a way to do this. All my searches resulted in some generic looking site looking to sell me some scheduling software.
I have a team of 7 people and I need one person to work a late shift each day of the business week. M-F
I would like a way to have the schedule automatically advance to the next person.
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Nov 29, 2006
I am using to rotate through different values of 2 variables. The macro was created by a friend of mine 2 years ago so I need to modify it. The macro is quite usable so I hope someone will benefit from it. The problem with it is doesn’t rotate through a range of integers but only from zero to some number. In other words it allows to specify only the right hand of the range through which it will rotate (for example, from 0 to 100 or from 0 to 20 for A). The second issue with it is that it adds a difference number (“dif”, e.g. 3) to the start of the second variable’s range and starts only from there (from 3 to 100 for B). The third issue is that it doesn’t allow to rotate through a third variable (“C”) as you will see in my example. I am working on a task which requires precise definition of the ranges through which the macro will rotate and also the ability to rotate through a third variable. Need to modify it so that all the three imperfections are removed from it? Or maybe there are ready made macros freely available which allow to do just that?
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May 29, 2014
I have an Excel (.xlsm) that opens an existing PPT and uses VBA to modify several slides.
There are several shapes on each slide and my .xlsm has VBA that modifies those shapes.
(The slides have designs on them for different size business cards which get filled in with spreadsheet names,...)
Now I want to "select all" the shapes on a slide as a "group"(not sure that term is correct). Then I want to export that group as a .PNG image file. Save location can be the same folder location of the .xlsm file (doesn't really matter).
This is different than exporting each slide as a .PNG.(which I can already do). In this case the business card designs on each slide are different sizes. So I need the images to be just the size of the "group" on that slide.
The VBA code is within the .xlsm file (not the PPT)
Several posts show VBA code for within the .pptm file that works fine if using just a PPT
However that code doesn't seem to work when I put it in the .xlsm file to drive the image creation from Excel.
PC with latest of all software.
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Jun 7, 2014
I would like to use Shapes in excel, instead using userform as the code below.In this userform, it has command buttons for the numbers and the a text box to show the numbers.How can I do it, using square shapes for numbers and another rectangle shape, to show the written numbers.I would like to create a number keyboard using "shapes".
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Jul 25, 2014
Is it possible to create a piece of VBA that displays a comment box when a user rolls over a specific shape in Excel?
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Aug 10, 2014
I am struggling to get a macro code for zooming in and out the shapes. I have a macro which fulfill half of my requirement. By assigning the below macro to the shape I am able to increase the current size to double by clicking on the shape however I need the same macro should retain the original size upon second click.
Here is my code to increase the size.
[Code] .....
"The requirement: Once after assigning the macro, on first click it should double the shape size and on second click it should retain the original size."
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Dec 15, 2013
I need to make a list that has 90 people and each day I need it to pick 4 random people. I need it to keep rotating people daily for the entirety of the monthfrom the first day of the month without utilizing the same people over again. I not excel savy at all so I need it dummy proof
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Mar 9, 2014
1.) Create shapes (customize oval shape), I was able to create one but I think the code needs improvement to have the shape a fixed name. - see attached excel file.
2.) Move shapes into corresponding cell. Example: (Oval shape1, should be in cell g6). - see attached excel file.
Customize Heatmap creation.xlsm
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Sep 5, 2013
I'm using Excel to create a flowchart from a configuration sheet. I'm not manually entering the coordinates. Instead, I draw the start step in a set location. The next step(s) that's connected to the first step is placed directly below the start step. if there's more than one step connected to the start step, it's placed at the same y-coordinate but shifted along the x-axis.
The problem I'm running into here is this: say I have three steps connected to the start step and three further steps connected to the first of the three connected to the start step, how can I keep track of this and shift the other two steps connected to the start step along the x-axis so they're not positioned above the four steps below the first step (and as such, in the same location as other steps)? I'm not sure if my description is particularly clear or not so I've attached a drawing that will hopefully clear things up.
Is there any way of giving Excel shapes a "weight" so that other shapes won't line up on top of them?
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Feb 3, 2012
Using Excel 2007.
I have shapes in 3 different rnages of cells on a cell worksheet:
R1 = $D$5:$D & lngRows (row=32)
R2 = $G$5:$G & lngRows (row = 51)
R3 = $M$5:$M & lngRows (row = 50)
I need to set the properties of the shapes in each range differently The shapes in R1 are Left + 46 But the shapes in the other 2 ranges need to be just left My problem is in this bit
'Set properties for each shape in ShapeRange
For Each sh In ws.Shapes
I need to be able to set properties for each range separately instead of the entire sheet. Full code below (only Range $D at the moment - works)
Option Explicit
Sub AddShape3()
'Purpose: Add small rectangles to database table/fields for
' brainstorming and documenting relationships and queries
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Jun 14, 2013
how to change the default settings for shapes in Excel 2007? I select a line tool and it is a blue color and I would like to have its default as black
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May 14, 2013
In Excel 2003 I have Manually Grouped a number of rows. (Data>Group and Outline>Group).
If I use the buttons with the numbers 1, 2, 3 (indicating an outlining level) to collapse or expand the outline I receive the Error Message: "Cannot shift objects off sheet."
If I use the collapse button (-) or expand (+) button the data collapses and expands as I would expect.
I am aware of the normal issues surrounding objects and outlining and have ensured that I have changed the properties of all my of the objects in the sheet to "Move and size with cells". There are no comments in the grouped rows.
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Mar 17, 2014
I am trying to write VBA code that groups cells between blank rows and inserts a message if a string of text (a name) is missing from the entire group. I want the code to search cells in column A and group the cells between blank cells. Use the name I input in an input box as the search criteria and insert a message in the Column C next to the last blank cell in the group and then move on to the next group and highlight the cell in red with bold text. I am including a spreadsheet with an example of what the sheet should look like before and after the code is run.
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Nov 12, 2009
I have date fields as column labels in a pivot table. When I try to group them I'm only given the option to group by integers and not by months, years etc.
I've had a look at the format settings of the column and they are formatted as date fields.
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Apr 12, 2013
I am working on a contact information form for given relationships, and I'm trying to figure out the best way to design a button that copies the "form" (not an actual VBA form but a grouping of formated cells for information collection) and inserts it into the document. I would also like a button that deletes unused and empty forms so that we only print forms that are filled in.
I tried recording a macro to do it, but it's messy and creates issues with hidden rows and pagination.
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Jul 2, 2014
Write a multidimensional array.
I was able to write a OBject dictionary in a loop that removes dupes. During this build I did not take into account that I needed to restart the loop whenever the cell in column L is not the same as the next cell down.
Here is an example of my input Data:
Column L Column P
Row 1 9 10,500
Row 2 9 10,500
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Feb 10, 2014
I have several groups of data in the same sheet. Each group has two blank rows above the first row of data. Each group has column "B" in common (e.g., "Phone" in the example attached). I'd like to add a title/label of "Phone" to the first column in the row immediately preceding the first row of data for that group.
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Apr 16, 2014
Using Excel 2013.
Is it possible to get a unique count in a group subtotal though the elements in the group may not be unique using Pivot Tables w/o resorting to Power Pivot?
Group 123
Group 456
Are both members of NorthDivision
If someone is in Group 123 for 9 months, then Group 456 for 3 months, that membership should be reflected in the correct group accordingly.However, that person should only be counted once in the NorthDivision, not twice.
Group 123 0.75
Group 456 0.25
NorthDivision 1
At first glance, it appears easy, however, what if membership is only total 3 months?Then Group would increment 0.25, but I need NorthDivision to increment 1
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Mar 27, 2013
I have a workbook with worksheet like 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 2e, 3a, 3b...etc Is it anyway i can make a tab which will hide a group of worksheet (like 2a,2b....2e) together and unhide all the worksheet with another click on it? becasue i got too many worksheet to show in the bottom..
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Feb 26, 2014
I'm using 2010. When I highlight rows or columns and select Group, the show (+) / hide (-) buttons would appear in the next to or above the header rows/columns.
The file I am working on is not showing these buttons. If I go to the Data tab & click "hide detail" or "show detail", it will hide my grouping if I'm in one of the cells of the grouping.
I can easily hide/unhide, but would rather group & click rather than highlight rows/columns.
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May 19, 2014
Is there any way to outline excel data automatically
In the attached excel sheet : test outline.xls
I need automatically Because my data very large ...
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Aug 8, 2012
I have a stripped down data source for debugging purposes. I only have 4 rows of data for test purposes. The dates are formatted as dates.
When I create the pivot table the dates become my column values. When I select the first date in the pivot table the Group By Field menu option is grayed out. I tried setting a tabular format but didn't work.
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Jan 19, 2013
Using Excel 2010. I have a Column Chart that shows 3 data series by month for one year
How can I customize the chart to group the data series on the X-Axis and repeat the 12 month series 3 times on one chart with one X-Axis to show each data series as a group?
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