I would like to create a spreadsheet that allows me to have a drop down list (in this case I diagnosis - from a list of shoulder, knee and ankle). I have used data validation to do this part. I would like to then have the next column automatically select the appropriate outcome measure (shoulder = DASH, Knee = Berg balance, Ankle =BPI) and display this next to the diagnosis and in the final outcome measure box. I would then like this to limit the possible entry details for the score boxes both at initial assessment and final (see D14, D15, D16 respectively).
I have attached a work sheet too - OP outcome measures.xlsx
I am trying to create a drop down list that when selected will display data in the 10 rows below and 4 columns, so a total of 40 cells. I would like the data to be based on the selection in the drop down list.
i have 27 different combinations of the above list with up to 10 different rows. I have a label for each one, but i cannot get the rows below my drop down list to display the proper values base don the selection in the drop down list.
I have created a named range that includes raw data layed out in 4 columns (Finish Name, Fill Color, Pattern, Font Color). On a separate sheet, when one of the finish names is selected in a particular cell, I want the cells fill, pattern, and font color to change according to the raw data. Below is the vba code I am trying to get to work. However, it is not working. It does not break, but does not achieve the desired result. It looks like the variables are getting set correctly, but still not changing the cell when they are referenced. I am only testing it on the first finish color, as seen in the code. All of the rest are static values for the cell, but I want the values to be dynamic.
Sub SetFinishSeparatorColor() ActiveCell = frmFinishSeparator.cboFinish.Value Set rngTarget = ActiveCell With Sheets("Pick List Do Not Tamper").Range("Finish_Cell_Color") lngFinishCellColor = . Find(What:=rngTarget, After:=.Cells(1, 1), _ LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _ SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False).Offset(0, 1)..............
I am working on a spreadsheet that is essentially a question and answer based document .... I need to set up the macros so that if a certain response is chosen from a list, it will automatically update the cell / row next to it with a pre-determined response ....
The way the spreadsheet is set up is that the first column has the question, the second column has the answer (yes, no or N/A - from data validation - as a list) and the third column is blank - but is titled "comment/action" .....
For example: if the question is "have you locked the car" and the answer column selects "NO" then I want the "comments/action" to come back with "you need to lock the car", and if the answer is "YES" then I want the comment/actions column to remain blank ...... The same with N/A ......
I will have around 100 questions in the document ...... I know I need to set up the responses on a separate worksheet - i just dont know what the macro's are to identify and place the appropriate response from the worksheet to the relevant comment/action column .....
how to create drop down lists which is making a sales forecast template for my small company look pretty jazzy. Of course, now I want more out of it and can't figure it out.
I successfully added a drop down list for a sales person to pick a supplier, let's say their selection populates cell E4. Once selected, the next cell over (F4) gives them another drop down list with the products made by that particular supplier. The next cell over (G4) is in a column titled "Unit Cost", how can I make the Unit Cost cell populate automatically when the product selection is made in F4?
NOTE: My "lists" are on Sheet 1 along with my working spreadsheet. I have a Suppliers List, Products List (for each supplier), and anticipate I will need a Price List for each Product List, right?
Once I finish the spreadsheet can I cut and paste all the data to sheet 2 (I put it 100 rows below my spreadsheet to hide it)?
I have created a pricing sensitivity for a list of products. In cell C3, users can select a product (i.e. Apple, Elmo, or Bowl) and based on this selection, a range of Prices and Units are then updated and the Revenue for each price point calculated. A few lines beneath this, I have a little summary table that lists all the products. I'd like for users to be able to enter in the optimal price point for each item and then have the Units and Revenue for that selected price point for that specific product automatically update.
For example, if I select Apple from my drop down list my price choices are $5, $10, $15; units are 100, 85, 70; and revenue are $500, $850, and $1,050 respectively. On the summary table, I would like units 85, revenue $850 to update automatically if I select/input a $10 price. This would happen for all the products so at the end I want to be able to calculate a blended revenue mix given my pricing changes.
I am trying to make a calendar spreadsheet to enable me to track allowance payments i am due from my company.
This payment is worked out by three conditions - where i am working (7 regions), how many days of the week (4,5,6 or7) and how many hours (<7,8-9 or 10-12)
I have made drop down lists to select each of the values for the three conditions and want to show the total for them
i can total the entire spreadheet for the month up using fairly large "COUNTIF" statements, but i want to be able to show what the exact amount is in each cell not just a complete total.
i.e. i am away for 6 days i get £15 extra, if i am in Europe i get another £50 and if i work 12 hours i get £30.
I want to be able to calculate this total in each cell for that day.
I can send a copy of the spreadsheet i have got at the moment if that will make things clearer than what i have tried to explain.
I need to make a dropdown list (I know how to do that) and based on that selection, I need some cells below to automatically complete. How can I do that? Is it possible with or without VBA?
I'm using Excel 2007. I would like to seek some advise on how i may update cells after selecting a month from a drop down list.
i have created a simplified version of what i intend to have. One the 1st tab 'Cash Budget 2009', i have filled up a table with numbers, sorted by months. On the 2nd tab 'Dec09', i would like to create an expense table, to be able to be selected by month. So i have created a drop down list based on the months that are created in the 1st tab.
Upon selection of the month from the drop down list, i would like the cells to display (fetch) the data from the 1st worksheet. It would also be helpful if the name of the 2nd tab can be updated to read as the month that is being selected.
I've created seven names in my data validation source list on Sheet 3 in the following range of cells, A2-A7. My data drop down validation list is located on Sheet 1, A2 in the same workbook. I would like to trigger a macro based on the name I select in this drop validation drop down list that will fill out an address, telephone number, and email address in the following cells next to my data validation drop down list on Sheet 1: B2, B3, and B4. I want it to be designed so that users will select a name and have that person's corresponding address, telephone number, and email address fill right next to their name on the same sheet.
I have a workbook that has two worksheets. One worksheet is an input worksheet. A user will select a date from a drop-down list and type in the events that occurred on that date in 8 adjacent cells. The user selects a button that advances date and clears form. On sheet 2, whatever was typed into sheet one is saved via VLOOKUP formula. However, if I try to change something retroactively and select a previous date from the drop-down list, it clears everything in sheet 2 that was typed for any selected day.
I am trying to create a fairly simple spreadsheet with about 8 columns and about 400 rows. One of the columns features a drop-down list with about 8 or 9 different options. Dependant on which option is selected, i would like the entire row to change colour with that option.
For example: FAILED - whole row changes red SUCCESSFUL - row has no fill Tested - row changes to orange
I'm trying to write code that will allow Options>View - Zero Values.", "style="background: #FFFFFF;padding: 2px;font-size: 10px;width: 550px;"");' onmouseout='GAL_hidepopup();'>formatting.htm" target="_blank">conditional formatting using 5 conditions. I have the following:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim icolor As Integer If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A1:G10")) Is Nothing Then Select Case Target Case Is <= -9 icolor = 4 Case -8.9999999 To 8.999999999 icolor = 6 Case Is >= 9 icolor = 3 End Select
Target.Interior.ColorIndex = icolor End If If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A1:G10")) Is Nothing Then...............
The problem is I need to apply this formatting to a large chunk of cells that are already in a worksheet - or to be able to copy the cells into a new worksheet to be formatted alll in one go. Obviously I need to use something other than worksheet change in the code, but I don't know what....
I need help with a macro for copying and pasting of cells. I believe this should not be a problem for the Excel VBA experts, but for someone who can only record macro, I'm really at a loss.
Attached is a sample file, where sheet 'Source' is an example of the sheet from which data are to be copied. The other sheet, sheet 'Final' is an example of the final format that I need. The reason I'm doing this is I'm planning to upload my data into Access and so I need to convert them into a list format.
List of target columns in sheet 'Final' and source cells in sheet 'Source':
Column A: Biz ID - not sure if I really need this, by right it should be listed automatically once I paste the data Column B: B2 of 'Source' Column C: B2 of 'Source' Column D: B1 of 'Source' Column E: row 6, relevant column column F: column K column G: row 5, relevant column column H: the specific amount
So basically I'm creating an entry for every amount in the table.
How to convert any types format into Text with 5 digits in selection?
For instance, the content I select is "234", and I want it to convert to "00234". Just like the function "TEXT" in excel. How can I realize it promptly in VBA?
I have a list of 4 customers and their individual revenue, which is summed up in cell E12.
What needs to be done to make Excel only sum revenue of say customer A and D in cell 12 upon selection of these through standard filter (see attached sample)?
VB: Sub AutoPopulate() Dim i As Long Dim lr As Long Application.ScreenUpdating = False
[Code] ....
This code relates to a list I have determined on my excel spreadsheet using a range from another sheet in my spreadsheet.
Basically this is a standard group of domains I want people to use, but based on where the user will use this there may be local variations for example amount, some people here use UKDW amount at 15, 2.
As this is a global project the above is the global standard I have set out. What i want to do is if people in the UK want to add there own values so UKDW for example they can do but assign a macro to a button that will add this to my range on a seperate sheet but also will add another case to the macro above.
So if someone entered UKDW_AMOUNT as DECIMAL 15 2 then clicked "Add to Domains" Button this will add UKDW_AMOUNT DECIMAL 15 2 to my list on a seperate sheet but also update my case selection macro.
I am trying to make a spreadsheet where I use a drop down menu for several of my vendors. When I select the Vendor's name from the drop down menu (for example in A1), I would like A2 to display that vendor's phone number. But when I switch vendor name from drop down list in A1, A2 would need to reflect the new vendor's contact info.
I have a list set up with a bunch of different locations and I want to break them down into their regions.
So I created my list of regions, but what I want to see is if I can limit the number of locations to select from after the region is selected. If the region is not selected, than a location can not be selected yet.
For example use, my drop down list for Region is in A1 and my drop down list for Location is in A2. The Region variables are in D1:D8 and my Location variables are in E1:E32.
Also, if the region is not selected, than a location can not be selected yet.
I have a cell $A$1 that contains a value, CLIENT or INTERNAL
I also have 2 named ranges, CLIENT or INTERNAL
I would like it (using Data Validation) so that the named range being selected for the list dropdown in cell $C$1 is the value of the cell CLIENT or INTERNAL cell $A$1. Tried indirect but not working with named ranges?
I am trying to make a spreadsheet where I use a drop down menu for several of my vendors. When I select the Vendor's name from the drop down menu (for example in A1), I would like A2 to display that vendor's phone number. But when I switch vendor name from drop down list in A1, A2 would need to reflect the new vendor's contact info.
A list in A2 of Sheet 1 of workbook has values "Select", "Yes", "No". How can I get the functionality using VBA so that until a certain rule is met (say A1 becomes 1) selection of items in the list is disabled? (Or any selection of items in the list returns a value of select only?
I have attached my problem workbook in explanation, I need help of pulling values from particular data by referencing selection in drop down list via some formula. I thought about using the SUMPRODUCT and VLOOKUP but couldnt reference the values in drop down list.
My organization whats to provide other a excell spreadsheet ( see sample attached) with pick list for certain cells. We have successfull completed adding the pick list. HOWEVER, at times we would like the end user to be able to pick multiple choices form the the pick list
In the example - in column c the user can pick from the drop down list A B V or W
However we want the end user to be able to select any combination, single choice, multiple choice ect
In this example with the above pick list created
How can the end use pick A and W or A, V and W etc
I am trying to create 2 drop-down lists (based on named ranges), where the contents of the second selection change based on the first selection. On one sheet, I have a list of equipment that is quite long, but is broken up by categories. I have named ranges for all the category names, and the equipment in each category. On the other sheet (user side) I made the first drop down the list of categories, and would like the 2nd drop down to be the pieces of equipment that correspond with the chosen category. I have tried using data validation and nesting IF formulas, but it only works for the first 4-5 categories, bc my formula is longer than the Source field allows in Data Validation. Any other way I can make this work? Can I use a macro for this? If so, how to write it as this would be my first macro
I have a budget document that has a selection (Named Range with list items in a drop down) Approved, Rejected, Awaiting Approval or Blank. What I would like to do is set a process that could approve all Awaiting Approval. My thought was to create another choice box at the top that allowed the user to choose approve all awaiting and it would select every matching item that was Awaiting Approval and change it to Approved. At the same time I would like it to set the date and time, this could just copy what I put in an associated field or be real time.
want a list of the defined names in a selection. So lets say the range is "A1 to G60". I would like the to see a list of each cells name and the associated address.
I created a userform for budgets. Currently the way that the user selects the year for a particular line item is a combobox. The combobox is filled from a textbox, where the user inputs the project duration. For example if the user put five years into the textbox, the combobox would have years 1,2,3,4,5, and a default of all years. I want to change the combobox to a multi-selection List Box. I changed the sub that loads the current combobox to this:
Public Sub ComboLoad(cboExpense As ComboBox, cboJob As ComboBox, _ ltAp As MSForms. ListBox) Dim i As Integer ltAp.Clear If Len(UserForm2.txtYears) = 0 Or Len(UserForm2.txtYears) = "" Then ltAp.AddItem ("All Years") Else For i = 1 To UserForm2.txtYears ltAp.AddItem i Next i ltAp.AddItem ("All Years") End If ltAp.Text = "All Years" 'ltAp.value = "All Years"
I used to be able to select a value for the combobox, (the default of all years), but I get an error if I include that part of the code now. I wanted to know how I can make this selection by code. Also, the bigger question for me is how do I deal with multiple selections that may or may not be sequential. As an example, for the travel section, there may be a particular expense that will occur in yrs. 1,3,5. I found some info about referring to the position in the array, but it seems like this will constantly change. I could imagine doing case scenarios, but it seems like there would be too many potential possibilities to cover.