Updating Cells Based On Selection From Drop Down List Data Validation
Dec 13, 2009
I'm using Excel 2007. I would like to seek some advise on how i may update cells after selecting a month from a drop down list.
i have created a simplified version of what i intend to have. One the 1st tab 'Cash Budget 2009', i have filled up a table with numbers, sorted by months. On the 2nd tab 'Dec09', i would like to create an expense table, to be able to be selected by month. So i have created a drop down list based on the months that are created in the 1st tab.
Upon selection of the month from the drop down list, i would like the cells to display (fetch) the data from the 1st worksheet. It would also be helpful if the name of the 2nd tab can be updated to read as the month that is being selected.
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Jun 8, 2007
I have created a pricing sensitivity for a list of products. In cell C3, users can select a product (i.e. Apple, Elmo, or Bowl) and based on this selection, a range of Prices and Units are then updated and the Revenue for each price point calculated. A few lines beneath this, I have a little summary table that lists all the products. I'd like for users to be able to enter in the optimal price point for each item and then have the Units and Revenue for that selected price point for that specific product automatically update.
For example, if I select Apple from my drop down list my price choices are $5, $10, $15; units are 100, 85, 70; and revenue are $500, $850, and $1,050 respectively. On the summary table, I would like units 85, revenue $850 to update automatically if I select/input a $10 price. This would happen for all the products so at the end I want to be able to calculate a blended revenue mix given my pricing changes.
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May 14, 2009
What I am trying to do would appear to be very simple. I am trying to build a quotation form for our sales guys to use. I would like to use a drop down list with the list of products in, which I have created using a list in a second sheet and then using a data validation drop down list.
What I would like to achieve is the sales person selects the product (of a list of only 14) from the list and excel to automatically fill in the two columns to the right with the model no. and also the price.
Would it be possible to use an IF statement as there are only 14 products to choose from? Is there a better way of doing this? I have created the lists of model numbers and prices in the second sheet alongside the product name which the drop down list sources from.
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Dec 26, 2012
I've created seven names in my data validation source list on Sheet 3 in the following range of cells, A2-A7. My data drop down validation list is located on Sheet 1, A2 in the same workbook. I would like to trigger a macro based on the name I select in this drop validation drop down list that will fill out an address, telephone number, and email address in the following cells next to my data validation drop down list on Sheet 1: B2, B3, and B4. I want it to be designed so that users will select a name and have that person's corresponding address, telephone number, and email address fill right next to their name on the same sheet.
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Dec 18, 2008
I am working on a spreadsheet that is essentially a question and answer based document .... I need to set up the macros so that if a certain response is chosen from a list, it will automatically update the cell / row next to it with a pre-determined response ....
The way the spreadsheet is set up is that the first column has the question, the second column has the answer (yes, no or N/A - from data validation - as a list) and the third column is blank - but is titled "comment/action" .....
For example: if the question is "have you locked the car" and the answer column selects "NO" then I want the "comments/action" to come back with "you need to lock the car", and if the answer is "YES" then I want the comment/actions column to remain blank ...... The same with N/A ......
I will have around 100 questions in the document ...... I know I need to set up the responses on a separate worksheet - i just dont know what the macro's are to identify and place the appropriate response from the worksheet to the relevant comment/action column .....
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Apr 12, 2013
I have a workbook that has two worksheets. One worksheet is an input worksheet. A user will select a date from a drop-down list and type in the events that occurred on that date in 8 adjacent cells. The user selects a button that advances date and clears form. On sheet 2, whatever was typed into sheet one is saved via VLOOKUP formula. However, if I try to change something retroactively and select a previous date from the drop-down list, it clears everything in sheet 2 that was typed for any selected day.
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Jan 13, 2009
I am trying to create a fairly simple spreadsheet with about 8 columns and about 400 rows. One of the columns features a drop-down list with about 8 or 9 different options. Dependant on which option is selected, i would like the entire row to change colour with that option.
For example:
FAILED - whole row changes red
SUCCESSFUL - row has no fill
Tested - row changes to orange
Is this possible within Excel 2003?
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Apr 13, 2012
I am trying to find something that would allow me to have a spreadsheet clear the contents of a certain cell based on the selection made from a data validation list which resides on the same row. This can best be described with an example.
The user selects anything but " " or "none" from the validation list, which for this example resides in C5, would trigger code to clear the contents, if any, in AA5. If " " or "none" is chosen the value remains.
This capability should be available for each row through 100.
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Sep 4, 2009
I have two fields that do the same thing [preset selection vs custom entry], and I need to restrict one from holding any data if the other already does. One field is a drop-down menu, and the other is a decimal entry. It was easy to restrict the decimal from being entered if a drop-down selection has already been made - Data Validation prevents any entry unless the drop-down cell is blank. It's not so easy to restrict the drop-down, however, as it already uses List-type Data Validation to allow only values from a specified range.
Does anyone have any ideas for allowing the drop-down to function as normal if a specific other field or range is blank, but not allowing a selection to be made if that specific field or range already has data in it? I've attached a simplified example worksheet.
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Jun 24, 2009
I am trying to create a drop down list that when selected will display data in the 10 rows below and 4 columns, so a total of 40 cells. I would like the data to be based on the selection in the drop down list.
The data looks like this,
Level 1 Sentinel10Level 1 Sentinel105
Level 2 Sentinel10Level 2 Sentinel167
Level 3 Sentinel10Level 3 Sentinel156
Level 1 Banga20Level 1 Banga401
Level 2 Banga20Level 2 Banga307
Level 4 Banga20Level 4 Banga0
i have 27 different combinations of the above list with up to 10 different rows. I have a label for each one, but i cannot get the rows below my drop down list to display the proper values base don the selection in the drop down list.
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Dec 4, 2007
how to get a 2nd drop down box to update the range (Not just use C6:C7)based on selection in 1st drop down box.
If Fat, Use range from C6:C7
If Skinny, Use range from D6:D7
Note: I tried putting an if statement in the input range for box2 but won't accept it.
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Jul 2, 2014
I need VBA code to do the following:
When cell H2 = "Weekly", I need cell I2 to return "50".
When cell H2 = "Bi-weekly", I need cell I2 to return "25".
The value in Column I should change as soon as the value in Column H changes.
NOTE: The value in Column H is chosen from a Data Validation List.
I'm assuming offset is the best option?
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Mar 18, 2014
I am trying to create individualized worksheets based off a master worksheet. I have different committee names that I want to appear on the individualized sheets, based on whether the person is apart of that committee or not. On my master sheet, I choose the persons name under the committee and I want that committee name to show on the individualized sheet. For example, I want A1 on Master to show on Name 1, B3 and A10 on Master to show on Name 1, C3. Can I write a formula to achieve this or or am I asking too much? In my actual file, I will have about 10 names and 5 committees with one person being on up to all 5 of the committees.
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May 7, 2008
I have been searching through the site trying to find a solution to my issue, but I just can't seen to fixt it. Here is the scenario. I am working on a spreadsheet that will read some data, use that data to update the main chart and fill in the information in a table next to that chart. I recoreded 22 macros, total. Each macro corresponds to the especific type of chart that I need/want.
I want to be able to click on a drop down menu above the chart which will have each of the 22 options. Once the user clicks on the desired option, the specific macro will run and do that it should do. When I run the individual macro (without the VB that I wrote and will mention below), the system does what it should do. Everything looks dandy. But then I added this VB code to the sheet where the chart is:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Select Case Target.Range("A12").Value
Case "1"
Call a
Case "2"
Call b
Case "3"
Call cc
Case "4"
Call d
Case "5"
Call e................
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Sep 22, 2008
I am trying to make a calendar spreadsheet to enable me to track allowance payments i am due from my company.
This payment is worked out by three conditions - where i am working (7 regions), how many days of the week (4,5,6 or7) and how many hours (<7,8-9 or 10-12)
I have made drop down lists to select each of the values for the three conditions and want to show the total for them
i can total the entire spreadheet for the month up using fairly large "COUNTIF" statements, but i want to be able to show what the exact amount is in each cell not just a complete total.
i.e. i am away for 6 days i get £15 extra, if i am in Europe i get another £50 and if i work 12 hours i get £30.
I want to be able to calculate this total in each cell for that day.
I can send a copy of the spreadsheet i have got at the moment if that will make things clearer than what i have tried to explain.
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Oct 10, 2013
I was wondering if there is a way to see all the choices on a drop list. Currently the drop list only shows 8 choices but I am wanting to see all 32 choices eliminating the need to scroll the list. I have attached a picture.
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Nov 26, 2009
I have a workbook with 20 worksheets. All tabs are identical in format and layout. On B3, I have a drop down list (this may be irrelevant, but it's to select one month of the year) using simple data validation. Now, I initially had a formula in B3 equal to B3 of the first sheet, so that if I changed the month in the first sheet it will change on all sheets, it will do it the first time without touching the drop down lists on the subsequent sheets.
However, if I changed the date on any other sheet other than the first sheet, it will erase my formula and replace with the value I selected from the drop down list.
Can you guys please help me to device a way (code or formula; open to anything) where if I select, say September, on ANY sheet, it will change all the others to that selection (September) as well?
PS: B3 is actually a merged set of cell merging cells B3:D3. I know this is important because code and merged cell don't really mix.
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Dec 11, 2006
for some reason my data validation drop down lists have dissapeared. The relevent cells indicate that the data validation has been set-up, but the drop down list is not available for some reason.
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May 3, 2006
data validation drop down list find
i have a data validation drop list of week starting dates. the list works great, but
i have to scroll through more and more as the year goes on...
?can we have a letter sensitive find (as in an access combobox)...?
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Jun 5, 2006
I have not found a way to control the width of a validation drop down menu. I have 3 drop down list. Two of them are in wide column cells and one a narrow column cell. For some reason my narrow column cell gives me a wide pull down even though the length of the data in this field is only 3 to four characters.
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Nov 21, 2006
I have noticed that all the cell dropdown lists i have (created by using Data | Validation | Allow | List) are very difficult to read its as though the font is size 8 or 6 or even less, is there a way of displaying the dropdown contents in a larger format? i have tried changing the font size of the named range and of the cell holding the dropdown but to no avail.
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Jan 7, 2008
I have a workbook with 7 sheets, the drop down list operates correctly on all but one sheet, it used to work on all sheets. The arrow on the right of the selected cell dose not appear onthis particulr sheet. I have rebooted the PC and double checked the in-cell option. I have search the forum for similar problem and found the same problem but no remedy.
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Nov 15, 2011
I have a large set of data that I need to use for data validation in drop down lists. The data is arranged in 4 columns and entries within each column may repeat numerous times. The four columns are as this..
Category Subcategory 1 Subcategory2 Subcategory3
The first data validation will come from the first column. Once this is chosen the second drop down should populate with the subcategory that correspond to that category stored in column 2. once that is chosen the thrid data validation should populate with the corresponding subcategory from column three etc.. This is a small sample of the data in the columns.
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Apr 30, 2014
I have a workbook consisting of 5 sheets.
Sheet 1 is the master sheet, and (among many other columns) it has a series of yes/no columns. The yes/no options are the equivalent of:
"Are you in sheet 2?"
"Are you in sheet 3?"
When this is the Yes option, I would like the rest of the contents of the row to copy into sheet 2.
These need to remain linked, so if I change stuff in Sheet 1 I would like it to change everywhere.
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May 28, 2014
I want to load the actual data exist in the rows by selection value from the data validation list.
E.g I have two worksheet in one excel file. One has a data activities of persons with their name like two columns i have in which one exist the name of person and second exist the activities which they perform.
On the second sheet, i made a data validation list of all the person names
Now my requirement is, when i select a person name from the list, load all the data from the 1st sheet to second sheet. Is this possible without VB code, because I want to share it on the Google sheet with my boss, where VB sheet is not supposed to work.
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Nov 1, 2008
I currently have a drop down list in sheet 1 and the list is being refrenced from sheet 2
Lets say the drop down list is for fruits and my current list in sheet 2 has 4 items Apple, Grape, Mango, Peach.
Now this is what I need :-
1 ) lets say a user wants to enter Orange (which is not in the list ) he can still do so by entering it manually into the cell.
2) Once Orange is entered which is not in the LIST in sheet 2 then that new name gets added to the LIST in sheet 2 so that next time that name appears in the drop down list automatically. eg Apple, Grape, Mango, Peach, Orange [ but Items should not get duplicated eg Apple, Grape, Apple, Mango, Peach, Apple
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Mar 19, 2009
I'm trying to create a drop down list which returns values based on what has been selected in the previous drop down list in the adjacent cell, e.g. if 'Apples' is selected in the previous cell then you should only be able to select from 'Gala, Granny Smith', or if 'Oranges' is selected you should only be able to select 'Seville, Blood Orange'. Is there a formula which would do this, or can I use a pivot table somehow? I'm totally stumped.
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Dec 5, 2007
Im a fairly basic VBA user who has just purchased the code for J-Walk's Enhanced Data Form.
On other threads in this forum I have noticed a lot of people asking how to make the contents of one drop-down box dependant on the selection in another. I am trying to do the same thing but with the criteria section of the EDF form.
Is this possible? What does give me hope is that a simple Autofilter - whilst not as aesthetically pleasing, does the job well.
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Aug 7, 2008
Currently I have columns fixed or assigned to the names of insurance providers/companies.
In each column below the name of the Insurance Company, a combobox containing the plans that company offers. Choose a plan, and the rest of the column is filled in using vlookup.
Now to save space, IE opposed to having 13-15 columns one assigned to each Insurance Company/Provider. I am looking to have only 3-5 columns with a first initial combobox in which one chooses the Name of the Company/Provider, and in turn populate the original combobox and vlookup functionality I already have built in.
Here is an example of what I am working with.
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Jul 20, 2007
I want to have a drop down list in a cell so that the value in the cell can be only selected from two columns of data. Additionally once the data from the first column has been selected I want to be able to limit the inputs the user can select from in the second column.
e.g. In cell C115 I want to have the value BDS05.
I want to be able to select the value BDS from a drop down list of values and once that value has been selected I want to be able select 05 from a list of values from 01 to 14
If I select BCS as the first value then I want the second set of values to be limited to 01 to 02 etc.
I have read about combo boxes and list boxes and I'm a bit confused about the best way to achieve this (or even if I can).
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