Sending Lotus NOTS Email - Numerous Times

Oct 12, 2004

I am trying to send 7 different emails in this sub, the sendnotes sub is not recognizing my GOLOOP value

As you can see I stole this code from this site. You all are terrific!

Sub SendFiles()
Filename = ActiveCell.Value

GoLoop = "1"

GoLoop = "2"

GoLoop = "3"

GoLoop = "4"

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Sending Email Using Lotus Notes

Oct 30, 2006

I have developed many macros that generate automatic emails from excel using Outlook, with the excellent help I've found here. Now due to recent buyouts, we have changed our email from Outlook to Notes. I'm looking for the simplest method of changing my macros so they will work with Notes. Below is the typical code I'm currently using. Is there an easy way to change it for Notes?

Public Sub SendEmail()

Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object
Dim Dist As String
Dim supplierinfo As Range

Dist = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(Supplier, Workbooks("ScarForm.xls").Sheets("Supplier Information").Range("a9:z1000"), 3, 0)

Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
With OutMail
.to = Dist
.CC = "emailnames"
.BCC = ""
.Subject = "email subject"
.Body = "Text of email"

Windows(Fname & ".xls").Activate
.Attachments.Add ActiveWorkbook.FullName
End With
Set OutMail = Nothing
Set OutApp = Nothing

End Sub

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Edit VBA Code For Lotus Note To Display Email Instead Of Sending Out?

May 28, 2013

below is the code i use to create a lotus note email.

i would like it to display my email and send it manually instead of sending out automatically.

' Open and locate current LOTUS NOTES User
Set Session = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
UserName = Session.UserName


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Sending Mail Through Lotus Notes

Dec 17, 2009

Can we send mail through lotus notes in excel.
Request you guide me with this as to how to do it and what the code is.

I need to send a simple mail in body and as an attachment

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Sending Email Using Users Preferred Email Client

Jul 29, 2009

When I test the email link on my computer, the 'Outlook Express setup' wizard initiates. However, I don't use Outlook Express (Yahoo and Zimbra).
I am wondering of it is possible to automatically ensure that in cases where a user doesn't use Outlook Express by default that Excel will open the users default email client- which could be a web browser or another application? Is this something determined by each users (Control Panel?Registry?) settings for handling email hyperlinks? Is there a piece of VBA code I could include in the workbook which identifies the relevant email client to open?

I know I can simply provide my email address on the workbook and allow a user to copy/paste it into their email application but I feel that by minimising the amount of effort required by a user to provide a rating that I'll be more likely to receive user rating feedback.

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Calling Macro Numerous Times?

Jan 24, 2014

At the moment I have a macro that is assigned to a button. When clicked, it creates a newline, create and copy a column in another sheet. This code works fine :

[Code] ......

What I now want to do is make a cell called "Total Number of Sites" and allow user to input data into "D3" manualy. eg if 3 sites, user input 3 in D3 so D3 = 3.

Since total number of sites = 3, Instead of clicking that button I made 3 times, I want to call the macro 3 times using a nother button.

However it doesn't work. This is what I used:

[Code] ..........

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Create Email In Lotus Notes

Jun 2, 2014

I have an excel file that will be downloaded by multiple users and saved locally. I was wondering if there was a way to build code into the file so that everytime it is saved an email would be created in lotus notes from the user to me with a copy of the file attached. Is this possible?

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Email Excel Range Using Lotus

May 27, 2009

I have yet to find ANY information online relating specifically to emailing any given range in Excel via Lotus Notes. The codes that do exist out there either fail to fully copy the range or relate to attaching an excel file into a Lotus Notes Memo.

Below I have copied the code the I am working with, but I keep getting the following error: Error # 438, Object doesn't support this property or method. After making some minor tweaks, it might then give me another error, Error 424 Object Required, but the range then doesn't copy into the Lotus Notes memo at that point.

I have highlighted the area that I think the code is failing at, that being the actual act of copying/pasting the range selected into the Lotus Notes Memo. With the current code, the selected range does get fully copied into a new memo in Lotus notes, but these errors populate in Excel.

Can anyone offer any suggestions to resolve this issue? I have spent hours on this and I'm sure there are many others out there that might be able to benefit from a solution as well.

Function LotusEmailQuote() ....

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Email Through Lotus Notes After Cell Change

Aug 18, 2014

I am looking to build a macro that can automatically email a recipient upon their name being selected from a drop down list. It designed to be for a warehouse, so when new packages come in we can scan them in and have excel send an email out once our receiving team determines who it is for. With their being multiple recipients, I would like the code to have an IF type function that choosing the correct recipient. the Column titles "Recipient/Dept" is where the dropdown list is located.

It would be ideal for the code to just utilize an open Lotus Notes Session and use that to send the email.

Attached is the document with what I have thus far : Warehouse barcode test.xlsm

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Edit Email Macro - Lotus Notes

Nov 8, 2007

I have a macro that sends a custom email through lotus notes. It works, but will only generate 1 email instead of looping through my list. If I have "next r" at end I get email of 1st record. If I put "next r" before "On Error GoTo Audi"

I get last recorded emailed but not 1st 2. I don't know how to get it to send all. It seems the for next loop is jacked up.

For you to see macro work you need to have lotus notes and put email address in column B.

test file is attached.

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Automatic Email Notification From Excel To Lotus

Mar 14, 2011

I am wanting to send an automatic email notification to several lotus notes accounts once a specific cell in my excel spreadsheet has been entered in (It does not matter what is entered into the cell).

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Email 2 Of Spreadsheets From Workbook Via Lotus Notes

Feb 18, 2013

I have found the code that I need to send one spreadsheet or the entire workbook via lotus notes through VBA, but I cannot seem to find the way to email 2 specific spreadsheets anywhere..

I have tried both of these, but I get an error when running:

With Worksheets("Diario") And Worksheets("Periodo")
stFileName = Worksheets("BD").Range("A1").Value & "- NDG " & Worksheets("Code").Range("K22").Value
Debug.Print stFileName
End With

With Sheets(Array("Diario", "Periodo"))
stFileName = Worksheets("BD").Range("A1").Value & " - NDG " & Worksheets("Code").Range("K19").Value
Debug.Print stFileName
End With

I would like the 2 sheets (Diario & Periodo) to be copied both to the same temporary workbook...

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Attaching Signature To Email In Lotus Notes

Jul 17, 2013

Any ways to automatically send emails using Lotus Notes.

On Lotus Notes, I automatically have my signature to append to an email, however when I am running Johns script at the bottom it is replaced with the file path of my signature (i.e. C:Program Fileslotus
otesdatasig.htm), and when I comment out the part where strSignature is mentioned there is no signature.

My code is below:

Sub mySub()
Dim x As Integer
Dim UserName As String
Dim MailDbName As String
Dim Recipient As Variant
Dim Maildb As Object
Dim MailDoc As Object

[Code] ...........

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Attaching File To Lotus Notes Email

May 12, 2006

I managed to create the attached macro with help from stuff I've found in the internet. With this code, I am able to save the file and then send an email cia Lotus Notes. I need two things:

(1) The code to attach the file saved into the email that it sends

(2) The code so that the file is protected so that changes are not made by the recipient.

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs filename:="V:TFMCO8 ReportingHistory" & [c22].Value & " " & Format$([c20], "- (YYYY-MM-DD)") & ".xls"
ActiveWorkbook.Close False

Dim Maildb As Object, UserName As String, MailDbName As String
Dim MailDoc As Object, Session As Object

Set Session = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
UserName = Session.UserName
MailDbName = Left$(UserName, 1) & Right$(UserName, _
(Len(UserName) - InStr(1, UserName, " "))) & ".nsf"
Set Maildb = Session.GetDatabase("", MailDbName)
If Maildb.IsOpen Then
Else: Maildb.OpenMail...........

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2003 - Send Lotus Notes Email

Dec 28, 2007

I have Excel 2003 and Lotus Notes Version 6 and I need to send out the active workbook from Excel. I have searched through the existing threads, but all the code that I run results in errors -

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Auto Email Attach And Send Via Lotus

Feb 10, 2009

I wrote this code years ago to Auto Send Emails from Outlook...

Sub Emailfile()

Dim OutlookApp As Object
Const olMailItem = 0
Set OutlookApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Dim EmailContent As String
With OutlookApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
EmailContent = Range("A1").Value
.To = "Test"
.Subject = "LSG Data File"
.Body = EmailContent
.Attachments.Add ("P:MI TeamICCE LEADS EXTRACTSLSGLSG Data File")

End With

End Sub

I can't figure out how to get it working for Lotus notes... So 2 things I guess really... Firstly is it possible? Second: If it is, how can I get it to send say 16 emails each with a specific attachment but the same commentary?

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Inserting Images Into Lotus Notes Email

Feb 13, 2004

Finally I have the code all okay for Sending Reports, and other extra comments etc...

And now...
Is there code available for picking up images ( Screen snaps) and inserting into an email in Notes after the Body of the Message?

Either a reference to a link or some code would be greatly appreciated, cos I cannot find any info at this point in the archives ( Presuming I have searched using proper parameters ).

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Excel Macro For Lotus Email With Attached File?

Aug 6, 2014

I'm trying to create an excel macro that can send emails with an attached file per row of my entry in excel I imagine it would be like the screenshot below. I've tried the code in the link below from a macro tutorial website but wasn't able to make it work due to error DataObject is unkown I'm using excel 2013 and lotus notes 8.5 as my email.

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Email Multiple Recipients From Range Using Lotus Notes

May 3, 2009

I have searched high and low on the forum and can not seem to find a solution to my problem. Here is my problem (besides being new to Lotus Notes): I need a button on my excel worksheet that gets information from Column H in the attached spreadsheet and puts all the emails in the To: (could be >than 100 email addresses) Field in Lotus Notes. I would like to have the subject read "New Email from Your Basin Coordinator" and have the CC list come from a second worksheet (CC).

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How To Copy / Paste Excel Table Into Lotus Email

Feb 1, 2013

When i click a button in excel, i need the table from a certain "Range" to copy/paste in the body of an e-mail that will send itself automatically. Now, i know how to build the macro to automatically send the e-mail but i can't find a way to insert the table in it. here's the code i'm using to send the e-mail:

Public Sub SendMail2()
'Tools --> references --> Microsoft Scripting runtime
Dim EMailSendTo As Variant


But i don't know how to adapt the code for my problem.The fact is, i've just started to write macros and the code i'm using for the e-mail isn't from me, i have juste adapted it for my problem.

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Vba Code Used To Send Lotus Notes Email - A Few Edits

Feb 27, 2008

1. I dont want this to auto send. I want it to compose the mail and leave it ready to hit the send button in lotus notes. How do I do that?

2. Would like to include multiple emails. If I put two emails (separated by comma or semicolon into cell C19, Lotus notes sends as one address and it bounces. (This is not terribly important, but would be a nice feature)

3. Would like to insert the signature line that's already configured on lotus notes. Since this auto sends the email, the signature is not added. Any idea how to do this?

4. Now this would be really nice, tell the macro which database to use. The one I want to use is not "my" email, but a shared email. It lives on server "Notes1/recovery" , in folder "mail" with a database named "company.nsf". Is there a way to do this?

Here is my code that works, but needs the above features.

Sub SendNotesMail()
Dim Maildb As Object
Dim UserName As String
Dim MailDbName As String
Dim MailDoc As Object
Dim Session As Object
Dim Recipient As String
Dim Subject1 As String
Dim ccRecipient As String

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Send WorkSHEET As Email Attachment - LOTUS Notes

Mar 2, 2009

putting a macro button on an individual worksheet so the user can click a big easy button and a new email will pop up in Lotus notes with the worksheet attached for them to input the address and then send the worksheet..

I prefer to:

Send individual worksheets only

The ability to input the email address is the new composition email in LOTUS Notes

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VBA: Userform Sending Email

Jan 16, 2009

I'm working with an excel file, a userform and a command button. The command button is the main question here. Bascally when this button is clicked and email is sent to a specific person, me. This email also contains an attachment, and currently that is the active workbook open behind the userform. This works well, sort of. I sent this excel file to 5 co-workers to test. All but 1 worked OK. One, however, did not.

When the button was selected the standard Outlook message came up: " automated email is being sent on your YES to continue..."...It all looks fine, but nothing happens...nothing shows up in their sent items folder and I do not receive this message.

Has anyone experienced this before? Is there a sitting with this users Outlook that prohibits the sending of automatic emails? I've added my command button code below...incase someone sees thing strange...(I am rather new to vba coding...)

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Email Sending Through Excel?

Aug 30, 2013

editing the code below. what i want is when i filter column X, all email addresses appearing in column V will be included in the TO field in my mail.

Option Explicit
Sub SendEmail()
Dim OutApp As Object


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Sending Email Via VBA In Excel

Jan 23, 2014

I have written code in VBA to send emails via Excel based on a name that is held in a spreasheet that is then looked up against an organisation address book. What I need to know is there anyway that you can save mails into the Draft folder that were unable to send for example if they have an email adress that is incomplete or not recognised or if the email box has reached capacity?

With OutMail
.SentOnBehalfOfName = "XXX"
.To = Emails
'.CC = "XXX"
.BCC = ""
.Subject = pi.Name & " - Enablement Request"


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Creating A Macro To Send An Automated Email Through Lotus Notes

Oct 15, 2009

The following line of code is part of the great work that this forum did in creating a macro to send an automated email through Lotus Notes.

I have a small tweak that requires the Body of the message to exist on sheet other than the one where the macro is launched.

The originial code had:

Body1 = Replace(Join(Application.Transpose(Range([by9], [by18].End(3))), "@") & "@@Thank you,", "@", vbCrLf)

I tried:

Body1 = Replace(Join(Application.Transpose(Sheets("LookUp Sheet").Range([by9], [by18].End(3))), "@") & "@@Thank you,", "@", vbCrLf)

But the body of the email is not being copied.

Am I putting the calling the Sheets reference incorrectly?

The routine works perfectly if the body data comes from the sheet where the macro is launched?

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Sending Linked Spreadsheets Via Email

Oct 21, 2013

I have two workbooks in the same folder which are linked bidirectionally. I send the files to a colleague, he updates them, increments the version number and then sends them back to me. I store them both in the same folder before opening them. However, on opening all links in one workbook have the form:

[Code] .....

The filename is correct (the updated book) but the sheet name, which hasn't changed, is now a #REF. Redefining the links restores the functionality but is going to become difficult when the plan is shared more widely.

Why this is happening and what I can do to make the links work permanently?

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Compose Outlook Email Without Sending

Jun 17, 2014

I am trying to write a macro to compose an email in outlook without sending it. Ideally the macro would compose the email and the email would be left open for me to inspect before sending. Below are the details.

Column A contains the addresses
Column B contains the CC addresses
Cell C2 contains the message

I can change where the above info is located/arranged if need be.

My spreadsheet automatically generates the email addresses, which are dynamic. For control purposes my employer does not want me to have the email automatically sent, being the reason for me to want to inspect the email before sending it.

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Sending Email From Excel Via Web Outlook (OWA)

Jun 23, 2014

i have the following code in my Excel worksheet. This code successfully send out email to our customers when if the criteria is true. I have tested this at home and it works perfectly as I use Outlook at home. However when I take this code to work I couldn't get this working as at work we use Outlook 365 and we use web Outlook, OWA.

Is there a setting I can specify to use OWA as I don't think I am allowed to install outlook at work.

[Code] .....

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Sending Email With A Picture In Body

Mar 21, 2014

I have a process metric that I need to send via email.

I would like to automate this.

I am looking for the following

1. upon clicking send mail button the smart art used on the excel should be mailed.
2. the smart art should be pasted as Image on the body of the email.
3. The body should contain a text message like " dear receiver," <line break> " Please find the below process health for this week" <line break> "Regards," <line break> "Sender"
4. The size of the image on the email body should be height 3 inches and width should be 5 inches.

I have attached the spreadsheet for reference.

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