Sending Email From Excel Via Web Outlook (OWA)
Jun 23, 2014
i have the following code in my Excel worksheet. This code successfully send out email to our customers when if the criteria is true. I have tested this at home and it works perfectly as I use Outlook at home. However when I take this code to work I couldn't get this working as at work we use Outlook 365 and we use web Outlook, OWA.
Is there a setting I can specify to use OWA as I don't think I am allowed to install outlook at work.
[Code] .....
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Nov 29, 2013
I am trying to send outlook E-mail messages from excel but at the last I am receiving allow and deny message...How can I avoid this message.
Sub Button2_Click()
'Microsoft outlook 14.0 object lib (library name)
Dim olapp As Object
Dim msg As Outlook.MailItem
Set olapp = Outlook.Application
[Code] ..........
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Mar 25, 2014
I am trying to send bulk emails from my excel 2010 - however I am getting a POP UP. find the screen shot in the enclosed word document So every time a new mail is sent from excel we need to press the button allow Is there a way where I can turn off this warning.
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Jun 17, 2014
I am trying to write a macro to compose an email in outlook without sending it. Ideally the macro would compose the email and the email would be left open for me to inspect before sending. Below are the details.
Column A contains the addresses
Column B contains the CC addresses
Cell C2 contains the message
I can change where the above info is located/arranged if need be.
My spreadsheet automatically generates the email addresses, which are dynamic. For control purposes my employer does not want me to have the email automatically sent, being the reason for me to want to inspect the email before sending it.
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Dec 9, 2012
Determining the problem with my settings for the failure of this line of code executing.
Set OutlookApp = New Outlook.Application
I was expecting the statement to create a new outlook instance, but got this message
Run-time error '-2147319779 (8002801d)':
Automation error Library not registered.
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Sep 9, 2011
I have an excel sheet on which to address, cc address, subject , attachement location and file name is mapped. Can some one help me out but executing the macro it will pick the file from the location and send to the Recipient with cc and subject and attach the file accordingly. The excel sheet is attached for your reference.
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Mar 17, 2014
I find out a code to create a PDF (with opening the Save As dialog box) from an active worksheet, but I can't find out how to send this PDF by e-mail (Outlook). The code is working till the words 'Set OutApp'.
Just what I want is to send the active worksheet as PDF (as attachment) by email (Outlook). Here the present code.
Sub SendPDF()
' SendPDF Macro
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object
Dim v As Variant
v = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(Range("E2").Value, "PDF Files (*.pdf), *.pdf")
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Aug 30, 2013
editing the code below. what i want is when i filter column X, all email addresses appearing in column V will be included in the TO field in my mail.
Option Explicit
Sub SendEmail()
Dim OutApp As Object
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Jan 23, 2014
I have written code in VBA to send emails via Excel based on a name that is held in a spreasheet that is then looked up against an organisation address book. What I need to know is there anyway that you can save mails into the Draft folder that were unable to send for example if they have an email adress that is incomplete or not recognised or if the email box has reached capacity?
With OutMail
.SentOnBehalfOfName = "XXX"
.To = Emails
'.CC = "XXX"
.BCC = ""
.Subject = pi.Name & " - Enablement Request"
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Jan 7, 2014
I have created a spreadsheet that displays new dates in column D based on provided dates in Column B and recurrence intervals selected in column C. The dates in column D are when a training deadline occurs. I have been trying to get a macros written so that when a cell in column d is updated, an outlook appointment message is sent to the person doing the updating. The idea here is that anyone can use this without future coding (so their address would be placed in cell say A1)
So far all i have gotten is excel to send an email to me with the excel spreadsheet as an attachment, not really what I want. Again, I dont want somethign specific to my computer settings, I want to be able to send the spreadsheet out with simple instructions for the user to change their email in cell A1 and then every time a cell changes in column D, it automatically generate an appointment reminder for the new date.
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Dec 10, 2013
I have a database file that I use for tracking "Requested Laptops" ( so that technicians can request the model they need ) and what model they want. There are three of us that distribute laptops ( asset managers ), and we have a box that we use to say we distributed it. For example:
Those are the columns. The "Status of Request" Column uses data validation "list" and can either say:
Wes Distributed
Person2 Distributed
Person3 Distributed
When the technician first requests, he selects "NOBODY/PENDING" and there is Conditional formatting that highlights the row RED so that we can easily see that there is a pending request. Once laptop is distributed, we change this field to Wes distributed for example, and the row is highlighted green.
Now that you have the basics of the file, what I'm looking to do is find out if an email can be sent either by Outlook or SMTP, so that when a technician enters the request and changes that field to NOBODY PENDING, an email is sent to all 3 asset managers saying "Please be advised that an asset has been requested by [TECH REQUESTING]. expedite."
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Feb 14, 2013
I need to know how to send an excel worksheet as an xls attachment by email.
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Feb 10, 2014
I have a file with the following columns:
ID Number - Name - Email - Comments
Is there a way that for each row and email is sent with the ID number, name and comments?
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Mar 4, 2014
Would like to find a formula or macro which would automatically send an email to let me know when a date entered into the specific cell is coming close to expiration. e.g. if the date 01/05/2014 is entered into a cell i would like an email to be sent to me a month before the date is reached (01/04/2014).
Using Microsoft Excel 2010.
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Jan 30, 2014
I run excel 2010 on a windows 8.1 machine. In excel I have email address that I need to mail from however when I click the hyperlink it automatically directs me to Hotmail. Is there a way to change that to automatically load Outlook instead?
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Apr 20, 2013
I am trying to make a macros for sending an email through excel using outlook.
The body of the email should contain ..(The following case has been processed and ready for Quality Check and also picks the case# from Cell "C3" and "D3")
The subject line should say "Case Processed and take the case # from Cell "B2".
It should also show the "To" Field and "CC" too.
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May 15, 2014
I can send email from excel (Outlook). I want to send the same email "To" and "CC" with "category" and the same email with "BCC" with out "category".
I know how can i send email "To", "CC" and "BCC" with category.
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Aug 14, 2008
I am automating Excel to send an email with a range as the body of the email. This all works fine and the email is presented before sending with the correct information.
The difficulty comes as I have a hyperlink (to intranet site) and when excel imports the data, it doesnt convert it into a hyperlink. It remains as text and hence you cannot click on it.
I have tried changing my outlook options to text and using word as editor, neither work. Has anyone else come across this issue?
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Oct 31, 2011
I am currently sending email to a few people from excel using the outlook and excel connectivity.
The issue is I have to individually define a module for each person I send an email to and it is extremely inefficient.
My attachment makes it clear.
There is 3 tabs in the workbook.
Tab 1 (Method 1) is what I am currently using and I know it extremely inefficient
Tab 2 (Method 2) is what I would like to use
* When I select a cell and click send email, I would like for that person to be sent the email
* When I select a range of cells, I would like all of those individuals to be sent an email
Tab 3 (Email) is what I would like Method 2 to use - this tab includes a subject line and the email body. It sends the message in the email tab to the recipients I have selected in Tab 2.
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Sep 15, 2014
I would like to export outlook email to excel, I have a VBA code, but the code exports email by sender email address, however I want the sender name not the sender email address.
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Aug 4, 2014
I have my data in column A as Reminder Description and in column B as Due Date.
I was wishing to send an email using excel 2007 with outlook using excel vba... I want to send email 2 days before due dates and also i want excel to type in when the email was sent... Is this possible....???
Reminder Description Due Date Send Email1 Send Email2 Send Email3
Insurance due date is 06/08/14 06/08/14 04/08/14 05/08/14 06/08/14
Also can this vba code be executed whenever workbook opens....???
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Feb 12, 2014
I need to send an Outlook email from within an Excel sheet. I have a command button with the following codes:
Sub SendEmail_Inactive()
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object[code].....
I need to be able to add more text/paragraphs in the Body of the email including bullet points
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Mar 11, 2014
I have a Namelist in Excel (Sheet1: row: A1) and I need the Email-Address for this names from Outlook GAL. I found an Macro that works on Excel 2007, but I need one which is working on Excel 2003.
Private Const olExchangeGlobalAddressList As Integer = 0
Private Const olExchangeUserAddressEntry As Integer = 0
Private Const olExchangeRemoteUserAddressEntry As Integer = 5
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Jul 29, 2009
When I test the email link on my computer, the 'Outlook Express setup' wizard initiates. However, I don't use Outlook Express (Yahoo and Zimbra).
I am wondering of it is possible to automatically ensure that in cases where a user doesn't use Outlook Express by default that Excel will open the users default email client- which could be a web browser or another application? Is this something determined by each users (Control Panel?Registry?) settings for handling email hyperlinks? Is there a piece of VBA code I could include in the workbook which identifies the relevant email client to open?
I know I can simply provide my email address on the workbook and allow a user to copy/paste it into their email application but I feel that by minimising the amount of effort required by a user to provide a rating that I'll be more likely to receive user rating feedback.
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Jul 2, 2014
Using excel and outlook 2010 I have a spread sheet I open everyday. I am in sales and its a lead monitoring and tracking excel sheet that I use everyday. So excel and outlook remaining open is not an issue...
I simply have rows of customers with their details such as name, email, date last contacted, date to follow up on.
How do I get code that will send an automated email using outlook to that specific customer, preferably with their name in the email, when the follow up date I chose arrives?
So for example, I talked to David today and I know I would like to just send a "checking in" generic email on a date I selected in a few days.
How do I get excel and outlook to do this automatically?
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Oct 22, 2008
This isnt your typical email request, in this case I would like to set a Calendar event for a list of users with a reminder (Series) in OutLook.
Has anyone tried this, is it possible?
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Dec 18, 2013
My outlook may received an email from a sender [URL] I have to create an excel template something like below:
Body Message
This is to record how many emails I received from the forwarded email [URL].
This is also for the next step we need to follow up with the sender.
Is there any way to make it more easier to make this records others than manual record.
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Mar 7, 2014
I have an excel workbook (Excel 2010) consisting on 30 sheets, I would like to add a command button to one (1) of the sheets that would attach just that sheet and not the whole workbook to my Outlook 2010 email, is this possible. What would the code look like.
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Aug 11, 2014
creating a macro to send email from excel through Outlook basis of different conditions and with embedded text and subject.
There 2 workbooks attached with this post. The workbook named "Data" contains the data and the workbook named "Emails" contains the Dealer Names (in Column A), the Email ids of the contact person (Column B, C and D), the subject (in Column E) and mail content (in Column F).
I need a Macro which first split the data basis of "Dealer Name" Column F into multiple sheets from "Data" sheet. Now, each sheet will contain only the Individual dealer's data. The data whose ageing is 2 or more than 2 days (in Column H) is highlighted in yellow.
Now, I need to send a separate email to dealers with their data details from range A to F (including headers) as an embedded text with subject and mail content which is present in "Emails" workbook.
Now the twist is, if any dealer having the Aging value in Column H is 2 or more than 2 days (highlighted in yellow color) than the email should be sent in CC to Column D email ids but if there is no Aging more than 2 days than the email should be sent in CC to Column C email ids.
"To" email ids (in Column B), subject (in Column E) and mail body (in Column F) will remain same in both conditions. Column A is containing the Dealer Names through which macro will identify the email ids.
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Aug 15, 2014
I am trying to make an inventory list with the expiry date of various chemicals. There is a user form which I have not coded yet. What I hope to do is have the macro send an email regarding which chemical is expiring within 90 days to a group of people.
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