Slow VBA - Refresh Button That Enter Formulas Into Cells

Jun 13, 2014

I built a very basic refresh button that enters formulas into cells.

.Range("C12").Value = "=SUMIFS(Inventory!$R:$R,Inventory!$M:$M,'Frozen Dashboard'!$D$3,Inventory!$A:$A,
'Frozen Dashboard'!C$11,Inventory!$Q:$Q,'Frozen Dashboard'!$B12)"

Basically, I have around 50 of these individual cells that I am pasting the formula into.

Currently is taking 28-32 seconds to refresh these 50 cells.

Anyways to expedite these refreshes ?

I am also using the :

application.enableevents = false, and application.screenupdating = false

but still way to slow..

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Using The Refresh Button And Linking Cells From One Workbook To Another

Jul 27, 2006

how to link cells from one workbook to another and being able to update figures using the refresh (!) button?

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Excel 2007 :: Formulas Do Not Automatically Refresh When Change Cells

Jul 11, 2012

I am using excel 2007 and when I change cells my formulas do not automatically refresh. I have set it to automatic and the calculations will not refresh. How I can force a calculation. I did the control alt f9 and nothing seems to work. Any macro that can force all calculations.

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ActiveX Command Button Code To Enter Values From One Range Of Cells Into Another

Jun 15, 2014

well, the clear worked well and now I have another idea for a button for my worksheet;

I want the button to insert values from other cells. so when it is clicked, the values in cells F82-F86 are entered in cells E19 - E23.

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Array Formulas Causing Slow Calculations

Dec 24, 2007

I have an Excel file that has a certain amount of Array Formulas. It takes 30 seconds to calculate every time the user makes a change. Some users do not have the Status Bar showing, and they think that Excel is "locked up". I want to make a user form that will appear when the Stats Bar is "Calculating..." There are a lot of "progress indicator" tutorials on this site, but they all seem to relate to VBA code being inserted in between certain lines. That doesn't apply. My Excel file has no VBA. It just takes a long time to recalculate. I want a VBA form to appear, that will match the % progress shown on the Status Bar, whenever a change is made to the spreadsheet.

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Array & Lookup Formulas Slow To Calculate

Jan 3, 2008

I am looking for ideas on how to speed-up one workbook. I have a spreadsheet with hundreds of lookup formulas and array formulas which are very slow to recalculate (takes around 5 min). Good thing about it is that these formulas are located in a specific range and that I need to run them only once a day (in the morning). Since I need to refresh the rest of the spreadsheet frequently, I am looking for an idea on how to isolate this resource heavy areas.

One solution I've been thinking about is moving these complex and slow formulas to VBA and run them only when needed. Can anybody assist me with the best and easiest way of doing this. Ideally I would want to leave option to the user to later edit this formula. Does anybody have any experience with weather it is best to migrate complete formulas to VBA or maybe leave formulas in the spreadsheet and run them based on predefined flag (that I can switch on or off from the code)?

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Automatically Refresh Without Having To Click Or Press Enter To Get VBA Code To Work

Feb 25, 2013

I have some VBA code which hides columns based on a cell value. The cell value changes according to which option button is selected. The code works but not when the button is selected and the cell value changes. It is necessary to click elsewhere in the sheet or press Enter to get the columns to hide. I want it to do it automatically as a user wouldn't know to click elsewhere.

The working code is:

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Range("N5").Value = 2 Then
Columns("O:R").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
Columns("O:R").EntireColumn.Hidden = False

End If
End Sub

N5 is the linked cell for the option button.

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Formulas Won't Refresh

Mar 12, 2009

The below is my problem. I have a excel wokbook that contains 2 reports from an outside source and on top of the reports i have some excel calculations.One of report has drill down capability. Everytime i open my excel workbook and refresh it the excel forumals also get refreshed along with my 2 reports and i get my results. But when ever i drill down something on the report the excel formulas are not getting refreshed automatically.

I end up refreshing the whole workbook to get the correct results which is a very time consuming process considering the amount of data i am trying to pull. And drilldown is something the users do very often and they don't like refreshing the whole workbook.

Is there any way to update the excel functions automatically whenever i drilldown?

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File Size Increased And Slow After Formulas And Conditional Formatting

Jan 28, 2011

I have an excel file which consist of 12 sheets. The main sheet contain columns from A to EL and 556 rows.

At the moment, i have data on from column A to AI (we will add more data day by day). All data in main sheet are linking to another 4 sheets which basically using IF, VLOOKUP, and Conditional Formatting. My file originally was only 4.6MB in size.

However, after adding the formula (IF & Vlookup) and conditional formatting to the fourth sheet (number of columns is from A to BZ) then the file size increased from 4.6MB to 13.7MB.

My excel file also became very slow and i need to take off the Automatically Calculation option.

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Userform Slow Response To Command Button-query

Feb 18, 2009

I have a few subs that use userforms. They all work ok except that when they are filled out and the final click to close them is done , e.g. command button "OK" or "Cancel", the button is slow to respond. I usually end up having to click twice, or click and hold for a moment before it will register.

It appears to me that the program is hanging around in the last highlighted box the cursor was in and its slow to notice a command button has been pushed.

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Refresh / Update Formulas

Feb 27, 2008

I have created a macro to insert a template worksheet (qm.xlt) into a workbook (wb.xls).

Sub Test_InsertXlt()
Sheets.Add Type:="qm.xlt", After:= ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.count)
End Sub

The template has cells which contain formulas which lookup values in another sheet in the workbook (configData).

For example: template cell F20 has the formula


Once the template worksheet is inserted into the workbook, its cell values remain "#Name", which corresponds to a "Error 2029" in the code.

If I manually edit the cell (F2) and then hit 'Enter', the cell value is updated correctly. My question is :how can I do this via code/macro?

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Update/Refresh Button

Sep 22, 2009

I'm looking to create a refresh/update button for my userform. What I have is various textboxes, of which the last textbox contains input from the other textboxes. For example, I have 3 textboxes. The first one contains months, the second contains years, the third pulls from both the first two.

First: August
Second. 2009
Third: August 2009

What I need is if I change the text in either the first or second textbox, I can click the refresh button and it'll update the third box.

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Refresh Particular Sheet On Clicking A Button

Sep 2, 2012

I want to make it possible to refresh a particular sheet on clicking a button. i can create the button and even assign the macro. but the code for macro, to refresh i don't know how to generate the code.

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Button To Refresh External Data

Oct 25, 2007

I am trying to set up a button that can be used to refresh data from an external source. The problem is that I'm not sure what to put in the area that I am using the "query" variable

Sub refresh_data(ByVal WS As Worksheet, query As String)
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub

what i end up getting is an error saying basically that I am using incorrect data.

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Button To Refresh Pivot Table

Jan 20, 2008

I now have a Pivot table on my worksheet that works great, the only problem I have is I would like it to refresh my data at the push of a button. I now have to click on a cell where the pivot table data is>right click the mouse>select refresh data and then I get the updated info. I know you can install a button to to this exact same thing but I don't quite know how to. I need step by step instructions. I tried OzGrid search, but did not find exactly my need.

This is what I did thus far I opened my work book>click on data>then macros> record new macro>I got a pop screen>I named the macro Refresh_Pivot_Table>store to this workbook>click OK> I see at the bottom left of my screen that the macro is still recording> I then highlighted the Column of cells where the pivot table data is and then clicked>tools>macro>stop recording.

This is the point where I'm lost. What is the next step to do? When I go back to the cell where I began to start the macro and right click I don't get the option to create a text box so that I can make a button and assign the macro I just recorded. Is this the correct method or did I miss something?

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About Array Formulas And How To Enter Them

Oct 14, 2005

I typed in the word array into Excel Help and found this item

"About array formulas and how to enter them"

I am trying to duplicate the first example and cannot

Ex: =Average(if(C5:C14="Europe",D5:D14))

I tried something similar to this (diff cell ref) and I get #VALUE

Do I need to check off an addin or something?

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Enter Formulas Only On Subtotal Rows

Jun 22, 2012

a huge spreadsheet that is taking up way too much time. It starts out with 6,000-7,000 rows, but then, she does Subtotals & it grows to nearly 10,000 rows! Then she has to deal with each & every one of the Subtotal rows, by hand. Here is a small sample of the spreadsheet, after the Subtotals have been applied:

Manifest Dttm
Manifest No
Carrier Scac


This sheet has columns A-Q. The key columns for our purposes are K (Weight In Lbs), L (Pickup Charge) and M (Consolidation Charge). We need to add information to column R on each SUBTOTAL row only! On each row there will be an amount in EITHER column L or column M, but not both.

1) If the amount is in L and K is LESS than 488 then R needs to show 44.39.
2) If the amount is in M and K is LESS than 124 then R needs to show 3.82.
3) If either
a. The amount is in L and K is 488 or HIGHER or -
b. The amount is in M and K is 124 or HIGHER
THEN R needs to show a formula to do this: (L+M)/(K/100)

Is there a way to either put a formula in just the Subtotal rows to accomplish this or (preferably) have a macro enter either the 44.39, 3.82 or the formula? I was able to come up with a formula that gets the correct amount in col R. Here's my formula:


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Re-Enter Mutiple Array Formulas

Jan 16, 2008

I've created a very large spreadsheet (4096 calculations) and I'm using array formulas for a large number of cells, which leads me to my current predicament. All the formulas are written in, but I haven't done the necessary ctrl+shift+enter after finishing all of them (there is only slight variation in each calculation so I produced them in an iterative manner) and I was wondering if there was a way besides selecting each cell individually - pressing F2 - Then pressing CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER to make all my formulas array formulas.

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Disable Enter Button

May 22, 2007

When you push the enter button while in a cell it takes you to the next cell down. is there anyway to disable that.. or make it so when someone pushes the enter button it tabs to the right?

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Ctrl+Shift+Enter (CSE) Array Formulas In VBA

Jun 24, 2009

I have a couple of array formulas that were expertly suggested on this very forum. They function spectacularly, but now I need to incorporate them into my code.

The catch is that I am not sure yet if I will a WorksheetFunction solution, or more the likes of the actual "live" formula, e.g., "=SUM(A:Z)"

In either case, I am not sure what the equivalent of CSE is in VBA, or whether the braces/curly brackets can be manually inserted in the live formula.

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Enter Button Not Working In 2003?

Apr 24, 2009

When you hit the enter button, it should jump to the cell below the one you currently have selected. Well, mine doesn't do that anymore? My tab works fine to go to the cell to the left, but enter just keeps the current cell selected. I know it isn't the Keyboard, b/c it works for every other app. What have I disabled/enabled to cause this? This happens with both the "return" enter button and the enter on the number pad. As of right now, either a mouse click or the down arrow is the only way for me to jump to the next cell.

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Activate Button Macro With Enter

Jan 23, 2008

How would you activate a button, if one hits enter while in the cell that contains the button?

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Enter Array Formulas To Range Macro Code

Apr 23, 2008

I'm trying to enter a series of formulas referencing the first cell of each row.

With Range("A40")
Range(.Cells(1, 1), .End(xlDown)).Offset(0, 1).FormulaR1C1 = "= COUNTIF(Details!R2C2:R65536C2,RC1)"
Range(.Cells(1, 1), .End(xlDown)).Offset(0, 2).FormulaArray = "=RC[-1]-SUM((Details!R2C2:R65536C2=RC[-2])*('Details'!R2C11:R65536C11=RC1))"
Range(.Cells(1, 1), .End(xlDown)).Offset(0, 4).FormulaArray = "=SUM((Details!R2C2:R65536C2=RC1)*(Details!R2C4:R65536C4>TODAY()-7))"
Range(.Cells(1, 1), .End(xlDown)).Offset(0, 5).FormulaArray = "=RC[-1]-SUM((Details!R2C2:R65536C2=RC1)*(Details!R2C11:R65536C11=RC1)*(Details!R2C4:R65536C4>TODAY()-7))"
Range(.Cells(1, 1), .End(xlDown)).Offset(0, 7).FormulaArray = "=SUM((Details!R2C2:R65536C2=RC1)*(Details!R2C4:R65536C4>TODAY()-30))"
Range(.Cells(1, 1), .End(xlDown)).Offset(0, 8).FormulaArray = "=RC[-1]-SUM((Details!R2C2:R65536C2=RC1)*(Details!R2C11:R65536C11=RC1)*(Details!R2C4:R65536C4>TODAY()-30))"
End With

While this code works for the first formula, the following 4 are arrays, and for some reason, will only reference the first A40 cell.

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Force User To Enter Record First To Go Next Button

Dec 24, 2012

I have user form which allow user to entry their inputs in required boxes (Like TxtFirstName, TxtLastName etc.)

My form is working but which I want is that users should first fill up txtFirstName Text Box. Otherwise we will not able to do edit his/ her name in the last Name Text Box (TxtLastName).

Is there any way to do that?

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Macro To Enter Data By Clicking A Button?

Jan 20, 2014

I have two buttons in my excel ("Fund Set up" & "Broker Set up") sheet1. so what i need is when i click the button named as "Fund set up" a input box should appear as "Enter the volume" and the user has to input the volume..For ex, user has entered the volume as 2. After that a line of data should be populated automatically from col A2 to col E2 as below.

Similarly if i click the "Broker set up" button the same action should happen but the activity should be populated as "Broker set up".

S.No Date Activity No.of Req Type of Action
1 21/01/2014 Fund set up 2 Input
2 21/01/2014 Broker set up 4 Input

So whenever i click any of this two buttons a input box should appear to get the volume and once the volume is entered by the user an entry should be populated as above in a new line.

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Enter Date In Next Available Cell On Button Click

Aug 21, 2009

I have two sheets - Data and Mail.

I am using a userform to collate the information in the "data" sheet and have a unique ref number in column A. Data populates columns A - AC.

In sheet "Mail" I enter the Ref number and it pulls through the info using vlookups into a template which I then e-mail as the body of the text on the click of a macro button.

I wish to capture the date each time the button is clicked in the same data row starting in column AD then AE etc.

I have cobbled all of this together by searching around this forum - I have not expertise so please be gentle with me!

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Form To Enter Date When Button Clicked

Mar 1, 2007

I am looking to create a form that when a user enters data in it, and clicks a save button it will submit that data into cell A2, and then with the next time the enter data it will submit that data to cell A3. I would like it to continue moving down a cell each time somone hits a "submit" button.

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Posting Day Book Details And How To Enter Multiple Formulas In Single Cell

Apr 28, 2014

Problem-1) i want to round off the digit in the same cell i,e. Formula in F12 should be included in D12.

Problem-2) i have entered a sample this i want to post the data entered in day book into their respective sheets of jaya and supervision automatically.

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Command Button To Print/enter Cell Data

Dec 29, 2009

Is it possible to create a command button to print the sheet, and, have a prompt come up and ask you to enter a date? Then that date is entered in a cell and the sheet prints? Just not sure where to start. I know how to make the command button and get to the view code for the button.

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Slow Writing To Cells

Jul 6, 2007

A macro in workbook 1 creates a report by reading & manipulating data from two workbooks(WB 1 and WB 2).

A new blank report sheet is copied from WB1 to WB2. The data (some text, some numeric) is collected in a 20 element, single dimension array & written to the new sheet in 20 columns using a for/next loop. This is repeated for many rows(can be more than 1000).

The array is "erased" before each row. Screenupdating is turned off, calculation is turned off. The report takes longer & longer each time it is run - Why? With the one-and-only "Write" line "remmed out" the report takes just 2 secs however many times it is re-run - including the copying of the blank master report page. If the first report takes, say, 1 min the second time takes 2 mins & the 3rd - 3 mins etc. Reset is only achieved by exiting excel. The code in question is:- For col = 1 to 20 : cells(ro,col) = d(col) : Next col. (ro = the current row number which is incremented for each pass, d() is the data array)

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