Update/Refresh Button

Sep 22, 2009

I'm looking to create a refresh/update button for my userform. What I have is various textboxes, of which the last textbox contains input from the other textboxes. For example, I have 3 textboxes. The first one contains months, the second contains years, the third pulls from both the first two.

First: August
Second. 2009
Third: August 2009

What I need is if I change the text in either the first or second textbox, I can click the refresh button and it'll update the third box.

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Automatic Refresh / Update

Mar 25, 2013

I have 2 excel tables that are frequently edited on a laptop and saved to a Dropbox folder. What I would like to do is have a second computer that will have these tables open and constantly updates (periodically or when changes are made). This computer and monitor will serve as a display in a common area (think of it kind of like a flight tracker).

What I have tried: I have tried to enable the Shared Workbook with a refresh of 5 minutes but the display computer is not showing the changes. I would like to make it refresh every minute if a periodic refresh is possible.

Note: It is my understanding that if you reopen the file, the data will update so maybe there is a way to have the file reopen every few minutes? I was able to successfully test this method; If I am able to automate this process without the two excel sheets changing the window positions (using a Workspace file perhaps) it would be perfect.

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Refresh / Update Formulas

Feb 27, 2008

I have created a macro to insert a template worksheet (qm.xlt) into a workbook (wb.xls).

Sub Test_InsertXlt()
Sheets.Add Type:="qm.xlt", After:= ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.count)
End Sub

The template has cells which contain formulas which lookup values in another sheet in the workbook (configData).

For example: template cell F20 has the formula


Once the template worksheet is inserted into the workbook, its cell values remain "#Name", which corresponds to a "Error 2029" in the code.

If I manually edit the cell (F2) and then hit 'Enter', the cell value is updated correctly. My question is :how can I do this via code/macro?

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Update Or Refresh Plot While VBA Running

Apr 25, 2014

I have a program which iterates on command. A plot on the spreadsheet is designed to show the progress of the iteration. However, the plot does not update while VBA is running. What is the command or technique to refresh the plot at an intermediate stage in the calculation?

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DB Query Refresh/Update Macro

Jun 16, 2008

I am trying to write a creative procedure that on workbook open will check the name of the worksheet if it includes the day's date in sheetname & if it doesn't rename the sheet & delete current region from A1, else exit the sub.

Then runs a query on an Access DB to place in the above worksheet.

I need this due to novice XL & DB (8)users.

This is what I have at the moment on a test DB courtesy of J Walkenbach's sample files .....

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Update/Refresh Multiple PivotTables

Jul 31, 2008

I have a Workbook with multiple PivotTables which are feed from an external data cube. I need to update all of this Pivotables to the same date through VBA. The date will be a known variable and it corresponds to the "Periodo" field. I had thought of doing this by having the date stored in a cell of maybe with a calendar pop-up

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Update Screen After Data Query Refresh

Dec 18, 2006

I am bringing data in from an ODBC database, I am using ActiveSheet.QueryTables(1) and then .refresh.

I want to run a sub after the data has been brought in which finds the last row and adds a formula.

The problem I have is that the data brought in is not show on the screen until all of the macros are finished.

Is there a way of forcing the screen to update?, I have tried the recalculate and refreshall commands or is there another method I should be using?

Sub autofill()

Dim myobj As Object

If ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Count > 0 Then
Call clearscreen
Application.DisplayAlerts = False

Set myobj = ActiveSheet.QueryTables(1)

I require the data to be on the screen before I can find the last row used which is done in "addmaths"?

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Refresh Particular Sheet On Clicking A Button

Sep 2, 2012

I want to make it possible to refresh a particular sheet on clicking a button. i can create the button and even assign the macro. but the code for macro, to refresh i don't know how to generate the code.

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Button To Refresh External Data

Oct 25, 2007

I am trying to set up a button that can be used to refresh data from an external source. The problem is that I'm not sure what to put in the area that I am using the "query" variable

Sub refresh_data(ByVal WS As Worksheet, query As String)
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub

what i end up getting is an error saying basically that I am using incorrect data.

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Button To Refresh Pivot Table

Jan 20, 2008

I now have a Pivot table on my worksheet that works great, the only problem I have is I would like it to refresh my data at the push of a button. I now have to click on a cell where the pivot table data is>right click the mouse>select refresh data and then I get the updated info. I know you can install a button to to this exact same thing but I don't quite know how to. I need step by step instructions. I tried OzGrid search, but did not find exactly my need.

This is what I did thus far I opened my work book>click on data>then macros> record new macro>I got a pop screen>I named the macro Refresh_Pivot_Table>store to this workbook>click OK> I see at the bottom left of my screen that the macro is still recording> I then highlighted the Column of cells where the pivot table data is and then clicked>tools>macro>stop recording.

This is the point where I'm lost. What is the next step to do? When I go back to the cell where I began to start the macro and right click I don't get the option to create a text box so that I can make a button and assign the macro I just recorded. Is this the correct method or did I miss something?

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Using The Refresh Button And Linking Cells From One Workbook To Another

Jul 27, 2006

how to link cells from one workbook to another and being able to update figures using the refresh (!) button?

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Slow VBA - Refresh Button That Enter Formulas Into Cells

Jun 13, 2014

I built a very basic refresh button that enters formulas into cells.

.Range("C12").Value = "=SUMIFS(Inventory!$R:$R,Inventory!$M:$M,'Frozen Dashboard'!$D$3,Inventory!$A:$A,
'Frozen Dashboard'!C$11,Inventory!$Q:$Q,'Frozen Dashboard'!$B12)"

Basically, I have around 50 of these individual cells that I am pasting the formula into.

Currently is taking 28-32 seconds to refresh these 50 cells.

Anyways to expedite these refreshes ?

I am also using the :

application.enableevents = false, and application.screenupdating = false

but still way to slow..

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Userform Button To Update Edited Data?

Sep 13, 2013

I have been working on a userform for entering in and editing data in a spreadsheet, but I'm stuck with the code for updating the edited data.

I have two pages on the Userform, one for adding a new entry, and one for editing an existing entry.

On the page for editing an existing entry, I have a combobox that displays information in the text boxes based the selection. What I need to be able to do is click save once I have made changes to the information in the text boxes and then have that information saved in the spreadsheet.

I have figured out all of the other buttons in the userform, but I am struggling with this last one. Here is my spreadsheet with some sample information entered in : ExcelFile.xls

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Transferring Data One Page To Another - Update Button

Jan 16, 2013

How can I take the main data sheet and have the information transfer to another sheet? It will be transferring to a "condensed" version with limited columns and when I open the condensed version a like pops open. Then asking if I would like to update this workbook that is contains links to other data sources.

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Update An Overview Sheet Using A Command Button

Nov 25, 2008

I have a work book that consists of 15 sheets. Sheets 1-14 are for different stores yearly data and sheet 15 will be an overview of the each month but with all the stores on it.

column B-M have the heading Jan-Dec and will have data in the rows below.

What I want excel to do is by using a command button on sheet 15(Overview)
update the overview sheet with the data that is in the column, corresponding month that is stated in cell A1 on sheet15 from each sheet of the work book.

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Push Button Update - Date And Time

Mar 16, 2007

I need is to be able to have a button show up on an Excel spreadsheet that you push to update the DAY and TIME to today. But, I need it to stay in a protected field so that it doesn't accidentally get changed by other users who open it up. And we save these for retention purposes, so if I open it a couple days later, I need the date to stay as the date I edited it on.

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Start / Stop Button - Timer Auto Update

Jan 30, 2014

I have this code :

[Code] .....

Great Timer. Have this assigned to a button to start, how can I work in a button to stop or pause this code from running?

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Pivot Refresh After ODBC Query Complete Refresh

Jan 4, 2008

I have a query with ODBC connection to a SQL database. This query's parameter is linked to a cell. The resultant data is the source for a pivot table. I want to refresh the pivot table, when the query is run. I've tried using the cell that triggers the query....but the problem is that the query takes about 10 seconds to run. By the time the query returns new data....the pivot has already refreshed. I need it to refresh AFTER the query is complete.

I tried adding a cell that sums up the data from the query...thinking when THAT changes (due to updated data), to trigger the pivot refresh. Problem is that I don't know the trigger for when the sum cell changes (ie....formula change, not typed in.)

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Filter Auto-update As Opposed To Hitting Reapply Button Each Time?

May 29, 2013

If I am using the "filter" function in Excel and some of the values in my list change such that the filtering criteria requires certain rows to be add/removed. Is there a way to have this filter automatically update as opposed to hitting the "reapply" button each time?

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Being Able To Refresh Data- So That When I Hit Refresh It Gets Info Frm Another File

Jul 27, 2006

i have an excel spreadsheet with 27 or so workeets. it contains sales figures in it.
I want to be able to link mutiple cells of this workbook to another workbook so that it retreives that data, So that when I hit the refresh (!) button it will automatically put the data in. I will recieve new sales figures (new files) on a monthly basis so i want it to be able to update the figures to the new figures.

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When Query Refresh Its Say "Enable Automatic Refresh"

Jan 13, 2009

I've got a spreadsheet with a few queries to extract data into my sheet. Whenever I open the spreadsheet, I get a "query refresh" dialog box, asking if I want to "Enable automatic refresh". I keep clicking on the "Enable" button but I have to keep answering the question for each open. Isn't there a way to set "yean - ok - refresh the data" so that I don't have to keep saying "yes"?

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Refresh Pivot Table VS Refresh Pivot Cache

Nov 27, 2007

Will someone please tell me the difference (if there is a difference) between the following 2 lines of ....

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Update Time And Date When I Update Data Not When I Open A File

Sep 5, 2008

I have used the function = now() to have the most updated time but it updates a workbook when I open it in the first place. How I can avoid this?

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Automatically Update Only With Numbers (ifnumber-update And Go To Next Cell)

Oct 18, 2013

Let's say that in column A I have numbers,"Yes" and "No". I want in column B to have only the numbers from column A, in the same order without any empty ranges, and everytime I add in column A a new number, column B to update automatically with that number. Let's have an example:

Yes 12
12 13
No 10

And if I want to add in column A:
Yes 12
12 13
No 10
13 25
No 15

So the column be will update automatically. I already tried =IFERROR(INDEX($A$1:$A$10,SMALL(IF(ISNUMBER($A$1:$A$10),ROW($A$1:$A$10)),ROWS(B$1:B1))-ROW($A$1)+1),") but using this many times get's my file very heavy and the excel is working slow.

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Stop Update / Don't Update Requestor Message

Oct 27, 2008

I have some VB code which sequentially opens over 200 workbooks to extract data from each and populate another workbook. These workbooks do have links to other workbooks in them.
For some reason when some of these workbooks are opened I get a requestor window asking whether I want to Update or Don't Update the data. I always want to Update the workbook and believe this can be done in VB by hiding the requestor?

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Update Links And Click Update, Returns #VALUE!

Jun 21, 2007

I have a vlookup to another workbook. It works fine if both workbooks are open. But if both are not open and I open the workbook with the links and click Update, #VALUE! returns. I have attached the two files. I don't think it is my formula, but here it is anyway. =IF( COUNTIF([Tempozgrid.xls]June!$A$52:$A$83,A3),VLOOKUP(A3,[Tempozgrid.xls]June!$A$52:$L$82,12,FALSE),0)

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Autofill; Copy Down It Doesn’t Automatically Update The Cell References Because It Want To Update Them By Column Number Instead Of Row Number

Dec 11, 2008

I have a basic formula =C17+'Asset Depreciation 2008 Onwards'!C24, and I want to copy it down just using the drag function. Problem is that the second reference range of cells are in rows and hence when I copy it down it doesn’t automatically update the cell references because it want to update them by column number instead of row number. IE I want it to display =C17+'Asset Depreciation 2008 Onwards'!
D24, instead of C25. Do you know if there is any way of telling Excel that I want it to increase the column number by 1 every time, instead of the row number for this part of the formula?

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Updatelink;' Remove Or Disable The Message On Update To Other Worksheet " To Update All Linked Click Yes"

Apr 18, 2007

I have been trying to remove or disable the message on update to other worksheet " To update all linked click yes......" I have try the following unsuccessfully

Sub auto_open()
Application.AskToUpdateLinks = False
End Sub

On the menu bar choose Edit ---> Links Can not choose manual, as the option is grey out (disable) I would prefer a vba solution, but I am open to anything to get rid of this message

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Toggle Button Pressed - Change Color / Highlight Button?

Nov 11, 2011

I have a togglebutton for an excel sheet in use for scoring psychological tests. When pressed, the button higlights the cells where a raw score is inserted.

What I need is a code to higlight the togglebutton when pressed, eg. green (colorindex 4). The button is white. How to do this?

Below is the code, It has more lines than needed, but it works.

Private Sub ToggleButton1_Click()

ActiveSheet.Unprotect "manisk"
If ToggleButton1 Then

[Code] ........

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Reference Cell Based On Button Location & Determine Button Used

Mar 7, 2008

I received this code from an example I found once upon a time that was originally submitted by someone else. Right now the code enters the current date in a cell of the same row as the checkbox when it's checked. I need to revise it, or come up with something similar, that will reference the value of a cell when it is in the same row as the button (from the Forms toolbar) that is clicked to activate the macro. First of all, I don't know how to reference a Forms button in VBA.

Sub Process_CheckBox()
Dim cBox As CheckBox
Dim LRow As Integer
Dim LRange As String
LName = Application.Caller
Set cBox = ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes(LName)
' Find row that checkbox resides in
LRow = cBox.TopLeftCell.Row
LRange = "B" & CStr(LRow)
'Change date in column B, if checkbox is checked
If cBox.Value > 0 Then
ActiveSheet.Range(LRange).Value = Date
'Clear date in column B, if checkbox is unchecked
ActiveSheet.Range(LRange).Value = Null
End If
End Sub

Here is some other code I already created. Unfortunately, because I don't know how to do the row reference, I had to create 25 different macros, which just bulks up the size of my file and slows it down. But here is what I'm trying to accomplish in my macro:.............

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