I have 2 excel tables that are frequently edited on a laptop and saved to a Dropbox folder. What I would like to do is have a second computer that will have these tables open and constantly updates (periodically or when changes are made). This computer and monitor will serve as a display in a common area (think of it kind of like a flight tracker).
What I have tried: I have tried to enable the Shared Workbook with a refresh of 5 minutes but the display computer is not showing the changes. I would like to make it refresh every minute if a periodic refresh is possible.
Note: It is my understanding that if you reopen the file, the data will update so maybe there is a way to have the file reopen every few minutes? I was able to successfully test this method; If I am able to automate this process without the two excel sheets changing the window positions (using a Workspace file perhaps) it would be perfect.
I'm looking to create a refresh/update button for my userform. What I have is various textboxes, of which the last textbox contains input from the other textboxes. For example, I have 3 textboxes. The first one contains months, the second contains years, the third pulls from both the first two.
First: August Second. 2009 Third: August 2009
What I need is if I change the text in either the first or second textbox, I can click the refresh button and it'll update the third box.
I have a program which iterates on command. A plot on the spreadsheet is designed to show the progress of the iteration. However, the plot does not update while VBA is running. What is the command or technique to refresh the plot at an intermediate stage in the calculation?
I am trying to write a creative procedure that on workbook open will check the name of the worksheet if it includes the day's date in sheetname & if it doesn't rename the sheet & delete current region from A1, else exit the sub.
Then runs a query on an Access DB to place in the above worksheet.
I need this due to novice XL & DB (8)users.
This is what I have at the moment on a test DB courtesy of J Walkenbach's sample files .....
I have a Workbook with multiple PivotTables which are feed from an external data cube. I need to update all of this Pivotables to the same date through VBA. The date will be a known variable and it corresponds to the "Periodo" field. I had thought of doing this by having the date stored in a cell of maybe with a calendar pop-up
The below is my problem. I have a excel wokbook that contains 2 reports from an outside source and on top of the reports i have some excel calculations.One of report has drill down capability. Everytime i open my excel workbook and refresh it the excel forumals also get refreshed along with my 2 reports and i get my results. But when ever i drill down something on the report the excel formulas are not getting refreshed automatically.
I end up refreshing the whole workbook to get the correct results which is a very time consuming process considering the amount of data i am trying to pull. And drilldown is something the users do very often and they don't like refreshing the whole workbook.
Is there any way to update the excel functions automatically whenever i drilldown?
I am using excel 2007 and when I change cells my formulas do not automatically refresh. I have set it to automatic and the calculations will not refresh. How I can force a calculation. I did the control alt f9 and nothing seems to work. Any macro that can force all calculations.
When I have a column of data, say reference A1 to A9 with a formula beneath it in A10 being that the formula is = SUM(A1:A9) when I update any of the data in A1 to A9 the figure in A10 does not update. The only way to get it to update is to click in A10 where the formula is and then click in the formula bar and press enter; the formula seems to recalculate after this and it works or you need to save it and it works. It should work right after any change in the data being added.
I have 2 WorkBook, Division.xls and Department.xls. The Sheet1 in the Department is linked & getting the values from Sheet1 in the Division & works fine. But if there is a change in Division workbook, its not affecting here immediately. When i close the Department.xls and open again, i can find the latest values. I thought the links to the other sheets or workbooks will be updated when i press the save button. So I used the SendKeys "^S" in the VBA. But it fails. Is there any way to mention through VBA code to update the recent values to the Department workbook from Division.
I am copy/pasting a new column of data (F). I have three formulas MIN,AVE,MAX watching each row in the columns "=MIN(B2:E2)" or example. When I insert the new column F, the formulas give me the "Formula Omits Adjacent Cell" warning. I don't want to turn off the warning; I want to know if there is a way for the formulas to automatically include the new data? Do I need a Worksheet Event for this?
why I must update all cells, with formulas, manually after I do something with the workbook. I'll try to make an example.
If I make a macro that enters =sum("F1:F10") it says #NAME? when its done, but if I dubbleclick it and press enter it calculates the cell like its supposed to. I've tried to press alt + ctrl + F9, but that doesnt work.
Is there a command to dubbelclick the entire workbook and then press enter if you know what I mean?
I used VBA to write a number of formulas into various cells in a workbook. After the VBA is done running, I change the values in the cells that are referenced by the cells I wrote formulas in. The formulas do not update after I enter this new information. My calculation is set to automatic, and F9 doesn't help.
I want to make an excel workbook for a client. What I want to do with it is make a set of instructions telling them to add or insert as many rows in specific categories I have made for them. These options differ depending on the different duties performed. There will be an associated number (value for that duty, ex. duty might be Janitor and the number would be like 5 dollars per hour, so on and so forth), I want to make it to where there is a code that notices more rows and adds more IF statements or whatever statements are needed to keep adding those extra options. These values are connected to a data validation list that drives the if statement.
I have a query with ODBC connection to a SQL database. This query's parameter is linked to a cell. The resultant data is the source for a pivot table. I want to refresh the pivot table, when the query is run. I've tried using the cell that triggers the query....but the problem is that the query takes about 10 seconds to run. By the time the query returns new data....the pivot has already refreshed. I need it to refresh AFTER the query is complete.
I tried adding a cell that sums up the data from the query...thinking when THAT changes (due to updated data), to trigger the pivot refresh. Problem is that I don't know the trigger for when the sum cell changes (ie....formula change, not typed in.)
i have an excel spreadsheet with 27 or so workeets. it contains sales figures in it. I want to be able to link mutiple cells of this workbook to another workbook so that it retreives that data, So that when I hit the refresh (!) button it will automatically put the data in. I will recieve new sales figures (new files) on a monthly basis so i want it to be able to update the figures to the new figures.
I've got a spreadsheet with a few queries to extract data into my sheet. Whenever I open the spreadsheet, I get a "query refresh" dialog box, asking if I want to "Enable automatic refresh". I keep clicking on the "Enable" button but I have to keep answering the question for each open. Isn't there a way to set "yean - ok - refresh the data" so that I don't have to keep saying "yes"?
Let's say that in column A I have numbers,"Yes" and "No". I want in column B to have only the numbers from column A, in the same order without any empty ranges, and everytime I add in column A a new number, column B to update automatically with that number. Let's have an example:
A B Yes 12 12 13 No 10 13 No 10 Yes
And if I want to add in column A: A B Yes 12 12 13 No 10 13 25 No 15 10 Yes 25 15
So the column be will update automatically. I already tried =IFERROR(INDEX($A$1:$A$10,SMALL(IF(ISNUMBER($A$1:$A$10),ROW($A$1:$A$10)),ROWS(B$1:B1))-ROW($A$1)+1),") but using this many times get's my file very heavy and the excel is working slow.
I have some VB code which sequentially opens over 200 workbooks to extract data from each and populate another workbook. These workbooks do have links to other workbooks in them. For some reason when some of these workbooks are opened I get a requestor window asking whether I want to Update or Don't Update the data. I always want to Update the workbook and believe this can be done in VB by hiding the requestor?
I have a vlookup to another workbook. It works fine if both workbooks are open. But if both are not open and I open the workbook with the links and click Update, #VALUE! returns. I have attached the two files. I don't think it is my formula, but here it is anyway. =IF( COUNTIF([Tempozgrid.xls]June!$A$52:$A$83,A3),VLOOKUP(A3,[Tempozgrid.xls]June!$A$52:$L$82,12,FALSE),0)
I am using a lot of linked reports that have to be rewritten each month. For example smaller formulas look like this:
=('S:PUBLICProductionJob CardsMOLDING201311 November[440A SIDE SPOILER JOB CARD.xls]Production Parts'!B$228*2)+'S:PUBLICProductionJob CardsMOLDING201311 November[440A SIDE SPOILER JOB CARD.xls]Production Parts'!B$262+'S:PUBLICProductionJob CardsMOLDING201311 November[440A SIDE SPOILER JOB CARD.xls]Production Parts'!B$292
What I want to do is extract the file path from the above formula and make it a composite of several cell references.
So what I need is to have a cell where they can change the month and another where we can change the year. So I set up several named cells that look like this:
I've found a few macros that will automate changing cell references from absolute to relative and they work great. However, when I run the macros on formulas that have references to another worksheet or workbook, the macro will not work correctly.
I have a basic formula =C17+'Asset Depreciation 2008 Onwards'!C24, and I want to copy it down just using the drag function. Problem is that the second reference range of cells are in rows and hence when I copy it down it doesn’t automatically update the cell references because it want to update them by column number instead of row number. IE I want it to display =C17+'Asset Depreciation 2008 Onwards'! D24, instead of C25. Do you know if there is any way of telling Excel that I want it to increase the column number by 1 every time, instead of the row number for this part of the formula?
I have been trying to remove or disable the message on update to other worksheet " To update all linked click yes......" I have try the following unsuccessfully
Sub auto_open() Application.AskToUpdateLinks = False End Sub
On the menu bar choose Edit ---> Links Can not choose manual, as the option is grey out (disable) I would prefer a vba solution, but I am open to anything to get rid of this message
I'm trying to automate creating certain keyword combinations I need, based off of the values I input into reference cells in columns A - E; the goal is to compile a list of keywords which I will then use to track my rankings in search engines.
I'm looking to only output 500 keywords, so some of the cells in columns A, B, C & E will not contain data (column D will always have a primary Geo-target listed). This results in some of the concatenate formulas I've created outputting partial data (i.e. if there is no data in cell A10, and cell D2 contains the word "Knoxville", then cell I10 will output the data, "Knoxville "). How can I setup conditioning formatting or a formula so that these auto-generated cells appear blank if one of the reference cells has no data within it?The reason why I need the above to work is because I want to setup a formula that automatically counts the # of keyword combinations created by the data entered into any of the reference cells. With the partial combinations being listed, it skews my data. Which leads me to my next question: what is the best formula for counting the # of cells containing a full keyword combination from any of the cells listed in columns G - O (minus the data in the header cells; i.e. G1, H1, etc...)?Lastly, is there a formula I could use that would then aggregate all of the full keyword combinations within the "Complete Keyword List" column (column P)?