Sorting Worksheets With Various Naming Formats?
Nov 25, 2011
I have a workbook with worksheets that are named in various ways that I need a VBA macro to sort.
Some sheets have names that begin with numbers.
I am able to get the macro to sort them all alphabetically but those with numbers are always put at the start of the work book instead of within the alphabetical format I want to use
I may have sheet names like:
This is how I want these sheets sorted:
The sheet names are examples and not actual sheet names.
Below is my code so far
For lCount = 1 To lShtLast
For lCount2 = lCount To lShtLast And Not IsNumeric(Mid(UCase(Sheets(lCount).Name), 1, 1))
If UCase(Sheets(lCount2).Name) < UCase(Sheets(lCount).Name) Then
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Jul 5, 2013
I'm trying to put cemetery records in a simple, sortable table, names and dates. The problem is that for some entries I have a full date of birth, death, or burial (e.g. 5/12/1892) and for others only a year (e.g. 1892). Is it possible to sort these? All I can get is the just years in order then the full dates at the end. My data look sort of like this:
Smith John 1892 1/1/1940 2/2/1892
Johnson Sarah 3/12/1900 1880 3/10/1900
One thing I don't know is what number format to use (text, long date, short date....) Sometimes the date I type changes after I type it (like 1892 became March 6, 1905) and sometimes it doesn't even though the cell is the same format.
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Jun 15, 2012
I have lists of products that I want to sort, but all the skus are in different formats, some letter, numbers, spaces, symbols and mixes of all.
ECO CUP22OZ/1000
I would like to organize them by the order of the numbers, letters and symbols, not the value of the numbers.
ECO CUP22OZ/1000
I have tried formatting and different sorting options but there's a dent in the wall and my forehead is getting bruised from all of the banging.
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Aug 10, 2012
I have a list of accounts on Worksheet 1 (five total) that I want to use to name worksheets 2-6. The account names are listed in B21:B25.
From what I've read, it seems like I should put the script inside the following sub:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
End Sub
My end users will be changing the account names and I want the tabs to change with them.
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Jul 8, 2008
I have a template worksheet that I would like to copy and name according to a list that I have. Currently there are 57 objects (lack of a better word) in the list.
This is what I have currently.
Sub CreateWorksheets()
' Macro1 Macro
' Macro recorded 7/8/2008 by amkgri
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim Y As Long
Dim I As Long
Y = ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=+COUNTA('Sales Managers'!C[1])-2"
For I = 2 To Y
Worksheets("Template").Copy Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
ws.Name = I
Next I
End Sub
But it is currently not doing anything. I borrowed some of the code from another thread that is how I got this "far"....
The reason -2 is that the first row is column labels and the last row is my Template.
So I am wanting to start with the second row and continue until one row from the end.
The list of names that I am wanting to use is basically the list of states.
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Feb 24, 2010
I'm doing all my invoicing through Excel and I create a new worksheet for each of my clients from an existing one that I just copy and move.
What I would love is if I could create a macro that would copy the text value from two cells (date and name) and name the worksheet with that information and then save the printable area to a pdf in it's own directory with the same name as the sheet.
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Jun 2, 2006
I have a main worksheet with several hundred different categories. I need to separate them into individual worksheets. Instead of inserting a new worksheet and naming it manually, is there any way to automatically create and name each new worksheet with a cell reference from the main sheet - something to the affect of Name of WorksheetABC=WorksheetMain cell A4.
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Feb 3, 2008
I have a workbook composed of many worksheets with varying names. Of the 40 or so worksheets, 25 of them contain data that I need to copy and consolidate into a master summary sheet within the same workbook. All of the sheets I need to grab data from have a worksheet name that ends in “(Data)”. All worksheets contain data that starts on the same row (row 8) but the number of rows of data will change daily. When I copy the data range on the individual sheets I do not want to copy the header row. I’ve tried various uses of the offset command with no luck to resize the selected range. I’ve also tried giving each range a named Dynamic Range and referring to this name in VBA code but that didn’t get me very far either. So the flow looks something like this:
1. Find all sheets with name ending in “(Data)” (i.e. “Project X (Data)”)
2.For each sheet found, find the data range and omit the first row of data.
3.Copy selected range.
4.Go to sheet “Master” and find the last row of data. Move down one row to the first empty row and paste copied range.
5.Go to next sheet and repeat.
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May 3, 2014
I have a file here that already has macros in it. The file is basically a excel document generator. When you click create sku, the document will generate multiple documents based on the user inputs.
1) In the generated documents the original "generator" file creates, I need generated files to have column B and D formatted to TEXT, currently all the generated files are formatted to general. (This code is in module 1, line 84 col 34.)
2) The other problem is I need to append the value in Cell N1 in the "sku data entry" sheet to be appended to the generated file names. (this part of the code is is in module 1, line 150 col 28.)
I was unable to attach my file to this thread because it was to big. however I copied the module where I think the code is causing problems:
Sub procData()
' Starting point for read/extract process
Cells(4, 6).Select ' Range = F4 (row 4, col 6)
For x = 6 To 52 Step 2 ' col F to col AZ
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Jul 27, 2006
I did this macro which formats five worksheets in the same file. I saved this macro as a PERSONAL.XLS file. Last night when i open new files to re-run this macro it was working fine excep one of the worksheets wasnt formatting properly....the macro on this sheet wasnt working for some reason.
Then this morning when i opened new files and tried the macros again it wouldnt work at all. And there is no reacord of them I did five of them and they are all gone! I saved them so why did they disappear! I thought that when you saved a macro as a PERSONAL file that you could open new files and re-run that macro again and again????
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May 3, 2007
- I have a worksheet (W1) which i have filters
- I have another worksheet (W2) that is formatted for a institutional purpose where i must put the things selected in the W1, but the problem is that: in the W1 i have a cell (A1) with some data but in W2 i have a space composed with one line but with several columns and excel says that he cannot paste the information copied in W1 to put in W2.
there is any way to avoid this problem because at the moment i am making copy paste one by one, and it takes to many time and i would like to copy and paste the information selected by the filter in W1 to paste in W2.
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Aug 2, 2006
I am attempting to copy some numbers from one spreadsheet to another including the formats. The format I am using is a user-defined one which doesn't normally appear in the list of personalised formats.
My code seems to work fine within the same spreadsheet but fails when I do it using 2 spreadsheets.
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Aug 27, 2009
I have been looking at Macros that sort worksheets alphabetically, but there are sheets within my workbook that I want to leave static. I have two sheets, names 'Start' and 'Spacer', what I would ideally like to have is a marco that will alphabetically arrange the sheets between these sheets, leaving the others where they are and obviously leaving 'Start' and 'Spacer' at the front and end of the range respectivly!
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Jun 20, 2006
Is there a formula I can use that would sort information from a master
sheet into up to 4 different worksheets in the same workbook? Right
now I'm engineering IF statements, but I've come across the problem of
blank rows. To get rid of this, I fixed the false value as "zzzz" and
then sorted (because when sorting with " " as the false value, the
values end up on the bottom of the worksheet) but when using the Find
and Replace option, it replaced the zzzz values in the formulas, which
defeats the purpose.
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Apr 21, 2009
I have a workbook with two worksheets.
Worksheet one is "Company ID" info, in it are the columns:"Company Name", "street add", "city", "state".
Worksheet two is "Company Contact Person" in it are the columns: a reference to worksheet one column one "Company Name", and column two is 'Contact Person name'.
I want to be able to sort worksheet one at will, By city, or state, or any of the various columns. When sorting worksheet one I want the relationships in worksheet to to remain intact.
"Company Name" - "Company Contact Person".
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Sep 30, 2009
Here's the issue: I have a spreadsheet with 12,000 contacts in it (name, email, phone number, country, industry, etc etc). The sheet is kind of messy, and I want to clean it up. One way thing I want to do is organize it. I want to sort the Master sheet into other worksheets, and I would like to do this Industry.
Is there a way to make excel register when a contact is in a certain industry, and then subsequently move that contact into a sheet? I tried playing around with If/Then functions, but I think this is a job for a macro/VB expert.
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Aug 29, 2006
Is it possible to keep the sort icon available on a worksheet which is protected? I have issued a spreadsheet to colleagues which contains formulas so I have protected it, but I have now been informed that they need to be able to sort the data according to a ref number.
I thought of using code (which I'm not very good at) and used some from another excel document, but couldn't get it to work...the code was ....
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Jan 22, 2013
I have standardized each existing worksheets and any new worksheet to have certain parameters. The purpose of the Macro requested is ensure these worksheets are sorted alphabetically (and only these worksheets). The code I have been working with is contained below. It is working as expected but now I need to incorporate a statement which places the following condition:
Sort worksheets only if A3 has cell value of eCRF NameIgnore worksheet name: TOC & ENTER ECRF NAME
Sub Sort_Tabs()
'declare our variables
Dim i, j As Integer
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Mar 8, 2008
I’m having problems linking data from various worksheets to one master worksheet, all in the same workbook. The workbook contains swimmers PB’s (personal best times) for each stroke and after each gala the swimmers new time is entered onto the worksheet. The worksheet data is then sorted so that the fastest swimmer is at the top.
The master worksheet contains all swimmers by name (alphabetically) and their best times for each stroke, what I am trying to do is have the master worksheet update automatically when I enter the swimmers new PB’s in the individual stroke worksheets, this works when I use ’Paste Special’, but when I go to sort the data with the fastest swimmer at the top, the data in the master worksheet does not reflect the correct times.
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Apr 4, 2012
I have a workbook which I'm using to collect monthly data. Each sheet (with the exception of a sheet called 'welcome') is named by month and year. Is there a way to sort these in chronological order?
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Jan 30, 2014
I am trying to create a "Master Sheet" where I enter in the column data and after I have entered my data for each row, I can select the button which toggles the macro to run. I have it built to build new sheets as new clients are obtained. My problem is after I have a sheet that has client's data I cannot get new data to add itself below the data that is already there. I want each client's sheet to keep adding rows as more data comes in. My current macro is :
[Code] .....
Attached File : Data Entry Macro.xlsx
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Apr 13, 2009
on sheet 1 which is named front cover i want to type in cell C8 a number or a name and it will change sheet 2 tab to what i type i have 20 sheets to do
i can get it working in b5 on same sheet
but i need it to work from the front cover sheet
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Sep 15, 2008
My workbook has a summary page and one page for every day of the month. I am making a template file, so I can duplicate it to use every month of the year.
Each week is separated by a worksheet titled "week 1", "week 2" , etc. This is used in the summary page so I can gather totals for a week.
What I want to be able to do is this:
On the first day of the new month, go to week one and type in the date. Then that sheet tab would equal the date, and each daily tab name thereafter would increment the appropriate amount (1day). Then on week 2, it would be equal to the tab value for Friday +3.
The problems I see are:
1. In week 1 the month can start on any on of the 5 worksheets I have set up to cover the week. So any first day coding I need may have to be repeated in the first 5 worksheets
Is this do-able?
2. Tab naming code I have found on this site is not working for dates. 9-15-08 typed into a1 will not translate into the tab, even tho it is a valid name. I am using code VoGII gave which follows: ...
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Apr 30, 2009
Can a macro be written that will automatically NAME a sheet with the contents of a particular cell?
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Aug 24, 2009
We utilize a shared spreadsheet in our department named "Arrangement Requests".
From time to time and seemingly very random the sheet renames itself. When this happens anyone adding information to it becomes unable to save since the original "no longer exists".
This causes problems because everything we do is in real time and expected to be viewed by all as soon as save has been indicated.
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Dec 7, 2006
I have stored the name of 12 different userforms in a col of spreadsheet.
I want to use the text in these cells to choose the required Userform.
I have tried:
but that gives run time error 424, 'Object Required'.
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Jul 15, 2009
Ok I have an input box that takes a date as mm-dd-yy
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Dec 1, 2009
make the auto naming code displayed on the worksheet tab die after first entry into, so that regardless whether any values are changed in the worksheet--a minute, hour, day after-- the "namedate" stays the same.
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Feb 21, 2009
Attempting to modify a list of names. Currently they are last name, first but I want to compare to another list that is first name last.
Billingsley, George
formula to change to:
George Billingsley (no comma)
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Feb 16, 2012
Is there a way to name a new tab without knowing its name. For instance, when I create a new tab, it could be named "Sheet2" or "Sheet3", but there is sometimes no way to know. Is there a way to edit the name of that new tab without refering to it by name?
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