Special Character Remove
Oct 9, 2009I have sentences which contains special characters (mentioned below) in a single column. I need to remove all special characters other than space. Could anyone help me on this...
I have sentences which contains special characters (mentioned below) in a single column. I need to remove all special characters other than space. Could anyone help me on this...
To all sifus out there, how can i transfer from these:
To these:
I have a column of text where I need to remove all the characters to the right of the last occurance of a special character.
I think a process like reading from right to left, look for the first occurance of the special character, and return the characters to the left of this position.
If I can determine the position of the last occurance of the special character, I could use the LEFT function.
The SEARCH function is close. It finds the position of the first occurance of text inside text but it reads from left to right. I need to read from right to left.
Another approach is to examine each character one by one from right to left. If the character is not the special character, delete it. When the character is the special character, delete it and stop the process.
There is no consistency in the text. The total lengths vary. The number of times the special character occurs in the text vary. The number of characters to the right or left of the last special character vary.
I much prefer not to have the solution be some VBA because I need to share it with others who are even less capable than I am. We are using Excel 2003.
just had 11,000 customer account arrive and they are all messed up!
I am working through all the email address's and lots are not valid ones, is there a way i can make some sort of rule that willl do the following
If ther is no @ symbol, in Cells A ( any of A ) it drops them to the bottom of the list, or anything that just splits them up
This would split the bottom 2 email address away from the others as they dont have the @ symbol!
I have a userform with a textbox and an OK button and having clicked OK a particualar sheet is given the name in the textbox. If the character '/' is included in the textbox a standard Excel message appears explaining that this character cannot be used. On clicking 'END' on the message the userform automatically disappears and I have to close the file and reopen to end another name.
Is there any way that I could introducing my own basic messagebox which says 'The characters /, ? etc cannot be used' and on clicking OK the userform stays and you can try again.
I am working with 300k records and would like to export to statistics software that accepts special character delimited. I would like to use the character | for the delimitaed process because looking through the excel file i see there are commas and extra tabs in some cells so using those characters will screw up my data.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm working again with a large Inventory Database dump into a workbook and in the past the company appended the * character to designate an updated price on an item(column C). Its rocking my world to sort through things with this character as you can tell. I'm trying to find rows that column C has a * in, cut, and paste them into another sheet called "Updated". I would even accept just how I'd do a simple "find/replace all" on that character and then I can just update my macro and be on my way Anyway this is the macro thus far and as you can see it would just cut all rows and paste them to "Updated".
Sub Updated()
With Worksheets(1).Columns("C")
Set c = .Find("*", LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not c Is Nothing Then
firstAddress = c.Address
c.EntireRow.Cut Destination:=Worksheets("Updated"). Range("A" & Worksheets("Updated").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1)
Set c = .FindNext(c)
Loop While Not c Is Nothing And c.Address <> firstAddress
End If
End With
End Sub
This is my text:
Test Name1
Test Name2
Test Name3
Test Name4
Test Name5
Required result is:
Test Name1|Test Name2|Test Name3|Test Name4|Test Name5
I'm looking for a VBA Macro that will do the following:
1. Count number of cells in a given row that contain special character "*"
2. If there is an asterisk in a given row, return the column header(s) contained in row 1 of the spreadsheet that correspond to each instance of cell(s) that contains the "*".
Is there a way to do this? I've attached an example of what I'm talking about, (Column A shows the desired result.)
Formula Question.xlsx
I have special character that I removed with =CLEAN formula.
It was only one character which represents carriage return. It looks like one little square with question mark inside.
After I applied =CLEAN formula it disappeared, but now I don't have space between these two words.
How could I replace this special character with space?
I want to select email addresses in a particular cell. Since every email address will contain @ so I want to extract the email address from the cell on the basis os all the characters to be selected on the left & right of the '@' before a space is encountered.
If the cell contains the below values:
91 121 5158123 / 5159123, 011 5103710
91 999 999 1123
I only want the email address to extracted to the next cell. i.e. info@designs.com
want a way to find out any special character in text file (.txt).
The .txt file I use is very large about 100 mb to 1GB. I need to find a way to write vba code that asks for input text file and the validates it and gives the message that following special characters are present in the file. Also, it gives their column number and row no's, where they are located.
The characters which needs not treated as special characters are numbers (0-9), alpha (A-Z) and special characters (@,-,%,$,+,=).
i have a device that produce its data as following:
I need to divide the single column to 7 column as separated by semicolon ";"
I want to remove all the special characters i need only texts and numbers.
View 6 Replies View RelatedHow to remove the first charcter that contains comma, like this :
,001,003,005 and i want the result is --> 001,003,005.
I'm trying to write a UDF that takes the text in a cell and returns text with a list of forbidden characters removed from it. At the moment I have the following:
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have a column and each cell in that column has information that ends with a comma "," I would like to remove that comma.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am trying to remove the last character from some text with:
Application.SendKeys "{F2}"
Application.SendKeys "{BS}"
Application.SendKeys "{Enter}"
But when I do this, it is giving me the object browser in VBE . . .
I would like to take a value in a cell and remove the second and third characters in that cell.
For example: "V0010" would become "V10."
I've found formulas for removing the beginning and ending characters, but not a way to remove from the middle.
I need a VB script to remove a character.
The character is the SECOND . in the following strings
Basically, 1.07.66 represents 1 min and 7.66 sec, but I cant use the data until excel can recognise it as 1.0766
A vb sript would be nice, but a formula is also acceptable.
I have data in a column and each cell has an extra character at the end of it-
school bus>
trip to europe"
I once saw someone remove the characters with either a =LEFT( or =RIGHT( formula with a comma after the reference cell and some kind of FIND" " statement.
1) In any cell, I would like to remove "Area#xxxxxxxxx" (where x are random numbers).
Example : "INFO Log - [sys] Area#541185471Character#46545"
2) I would like to remove x characters before a word.
Example : 2013-08-28.txt@INFO
I would need to remove 14 characters before the character "@".
I tried to play with the LEN and RIGHT/LEFT formula but so far, I can't get it to work... The idea is to parse some text and remove the part in red (I was thinking about using SUBSTITUTE).
I need to remove the last character in a cell if it is a comma. I can't remove all commas because there are other commas in the text.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI managed to produce the following code. It removes the the last character in a cell if it is a slash But most of the time there are more than one slashes at the end. How can I take care of these?
For Each cell In Range("G2:G71")
If Right(cell, 1) = "/" Then
cell.Value = Left(cell, Len(cell) - 1)
End If
Next cell
How do I search for and remove the vertical lines in the above example from the column D? These things came when I imported a data file into Excel....
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to write to text file a HTML page that is in string variable sFullPage.
So far my code is like this:
Sub wrtHTML()
Dim sFName As String ' Path and name of text file
Dim iFNumber As Integer ' File Number
sFName = "c: est.html"
'Get an unused file number
iFNumber = FreeFile
'Create new file or overwrite existing file
Open sFName For Output As #iFNumber
'Write data to file....
How do I remove those first and last two marks (a double quote on each side + square mark from the end)? Do I use somehow wrong data types or wrong printing methods?
i need a formula that will remove the first 2 characters and the last character from the below, so below the result should be R0131644, the number of characters vary from row to row, they are not always 11
I have data in cell A1 and A2 which looks like below
SECTOR - 11, HIRAN MAGRI, - 313001
In cell A1 the number of hypens (-) are 2
In cell A2 the number of - are 3
What I am looking for is a formula which can remove all additional - except the last one. Therefore the result of the formula should be
SECTOR 11, HIRAN MAGRI, - 313001
I am trying to remove the last 6 character from a variable. I worked out how to do it using formula's in XL, but want to move this in to VBA. Currently I have this
Mid(ActiveSheet. Name, 1, Find(" Intrdy", LookIn:=ActiveSheet.Name))
however it does not like the find function. Does it exist? am I using it correctly?
I have the function below from http://www.ozgrid.com/VBA/extract-words-function.htm
and have it working exactly as it's supposed to. Is it possible to adapt this to remove the last character of the text string, specifically the commas? My problem is that the raw data in one cell is like this (including commas) 0.333, 5.8874, 6.85423, 0.025. I separate each text string into separate cells but am left with the commas. I'm not using the "Data Text to Columns" option as I need the results in specific cells so they can then be used in calculations.
Function Get_Word(text_string As String, nth_word) As String
Dim lWordCount As Long
With Application.WorksheetFunction
lWordCount = Len(text_string) - Len(.Substitute(text_string, " ", "")) + 1
If IsNumeric(nth_word) Then
nth_word = nth_word - 1
Get_Word = Mid(Mid(Mid(.Substitute(text_string, " ", "^", nth_word), 1, 256), _
. Find("^", .Substitute(text_string, " ", "^", nth_word)), 256), 2, _
.Find(" ", Mid(Mid(.Substitute(text_string, " ", "^", nth_word), 1, 256), _ ............................