How To Trim Text In A Single Cell Base On Special Character In String
Dec 2, 2013
i have a device that produce its data as following:
I need to divide the single column to 7 column as separated by semicolon ";"
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Jul 13, 2012
There is a method to use ROW(1:10) within an array formula to strip a string into individual elements e.g.
HELLO > {"H","E","L","L","O"}
I cannot find it anywhere, thought it was something like =MID(A1,ROW(1:10),1) but not yielding results.
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Jan 31, 2014
I've spent way too much time trying to figure out this simple thing. Doh! I have a text string that may have one or more CR and/or LF characters on the right. Unfortunately, RTrim doesn't remove CR/LF characters.
Is there an easy way to do something similar to the following that will remove the CR/LF characters?
[Code] .....
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Mar 1, 2012
I have a string of text in cell A2. In cell B2 of my spreadsheet is a formula that calculates a number based on the text string in cell A2.
I want to write a VBA loop that removes a single character from the cell A2 string, then calculate the new value in cell B2. I want this loop to continue until the value in B2 falls below a set value (in this case 60).
My code so far
Sub trim_text()
Dim mytext As String
Dim myanswer As Integer
mytext = Range("A2")
myanswer = Range("B2")
Do While myanswer > 60
mytext = (Right(mytext, Len(mytext) - 1))
End Sub
This obviously does not work. In my excel table I have a formula in cell B2 to calculate "myanswer" will this work, or does that code have to be placed into the VBA code?
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May 22, 2013
I want to select email addresses in a particular cell. Since every email address will contain @ so I want to extract the email address from the cell on the basis os all the characters to be selected on the left & right of the '@' before a space is encountered.
If the cell contains the below values:
91 121 5158123 / 5159123, 011 5103710
91 999 999 1123
I only want the email address to extracted to the next cell. i.e.
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Apr 9, 2014
This formula I want to apply it in another workbook. It split in different columns the content of a cell.
The formula is below:
[Code] .....
In cell A2 I have the following data:
If I apply the formula above in cells B2 to E2 it returns a blank cells. But if I delete the first "|" sign in the left side manually the formula works perfectly by splitting the cell into columns from B2 to E2. The issue here is that I have more than 300,000 records. Just imagine the amount of time invested in just deleting the first "|" at the left side.
I need a variation of the formula above that in first place delete the first "|" at the left side and after that continue with the proper work of the formula.
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Sep 3, 2013
This is my text:
Test Name1
Test Name2
Test Name3
Test Name4
Test Name5
Required result is:
Test Name1|Test Name2|Test Name3|Test Name4|Test Name5
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Feb 12, 2010
i have it to where is highlighting a single cell i will like the macro to highlight entire row base on a single cell value.
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Apr 13, 2013
have to deal with a text database into Excel but ended up finding irregular format that need to be fixed. As it can be seen within the text right below, there are space delimiters in between the words. I want to replace always the 2nd space from right to left with a semicolon.
20/10/2012 CENTAURO CE 39 (06/10) 57.97 0.00
20/10/2012 CENTAURO CEFT 534 (09/10) 1,235.34 0.56
20/10/2012 CENTAURO (06/10) 5,345,200.00 45.00 1.01
20/10/2012 TFRE (06/10) 1.00 0.00
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Nov 27, 2012
To all sifus out there, how can i transfer from these:
To these:
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May 12, 2009
I need your guys expertise in the following formula. I'm applying the following to a large range of data that varies in lenght,however all of the data has a 1Y or 2Y at the end of it. I need to remove it from the data into a new column. Currently I'm using =trim(mid(A2,1,30) how can I change my formula to obtain my results?
for example: Nationwide Select premium $74.99 1Y
Nationwide Select Premium W/e-mail $74.99 1Y
As you can see the lenght of the data is different.
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May 26, 2009
i want to extract a value from a column into another column in excel.
this first column contains text and i want to extract a value that in located between the characters 'FOR' and 'MTHS'.
how do i do that?
the situation is the same for all the rows; the value that i want is just located between these characters.
is there a simpler way other than using the MID functn? because everytime i use it i need to count the no. of characters and its quite difficult to keep up with the numbers.
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Jun 16, 2012
Title should read: Finding the nth Occurrence of a character within a text string
I have a very long text string that is delimited by about 50 "/" to segment certain values within the text string. I want to be able to extract the text between the 33rd and 34th occurrence of "/". How to do this?
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Feb 14, 2010
I am reading lines from a textfile. Each line in the textfile has the identical format: textstring1:textstring2. The two strings are always separated by the : character. I have the code to get textstring1, but because I'm a rookie, I can't figure out how to get textstring2. See the code in bold, this is the line I need to get textstring2.
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Mar 12, 2008
Is there a function in VBA that is similar to either the FIND function or SEARCH function in Excel? The arguments for the FIND function in Excel are FIND(find_text, within_text, [position]).
I have a text string in VBA ("$A1:$D$13") that I want to be able to identify the first "$" and then later the ":". I'm getting tripped up on the 3rd line of code. Thanks a million.
Sub page_set_print_area()
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = "$A$1:$D$13"
x = ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea
Position$ = Search("$", x, 0)
End Sub
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Jun 29, 2007
Sub TrimSlashesToRight()
Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In Range("AN2:AN2000")
cell = Left(cell, InStr(cell, "//") -1)
End Sub
I cannot get it to run this, it always crashes on
cell = Left(cell, InStr(cell, "//") -1)
It will work fine like:
cell = Left(cell, InStr(cell, "//") + 0)
but then it leaves the first / in place, i want it to start deleteing before both //.
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Jan 8, 2014
I am trying to return the first occurrence of a variable text string with-in brackets for all data on the spreadsheet using the "RIGHT" excel function, the text to search is in column D.
Example for cells D2 & D3 reads:
D2:Adv Costs (27a) - would return "27a"
D3:Designer Unit (60) (Base) (50abc) - would return "50abc"
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Mar 27, 2008
I have a spreadsheet that has a column of text that is always 10 characters long. There are 10 rows of text so there could be 100 text characters if all rows are filled. The rows usually will not all be filled. There will probably be blank rows between used rows. I have been able to capture the text and put it into one cell as one long text which is ok but I want to be able to break it up into the 10 character strings again, separated with a comma and space between each 10 characters.
This is the code I used to collect the 10 character text strings and put them all together as the variable "result". I used & ", " after ... Cells(r,17) which worked fine unless there was a blank row. If the row was blank it put in a comma and space anyway so I ended up with duplicate(triplicate) commas and spaces.
Private Sub test_Click()
result = ""
For r = 5 To 32 Step 3
'If Cells(r, 17) "" Then
result = result & Cells(r, 17)
Next r
Range("r5") = result
End Sub
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Jan 27, 2009
I am trying to do is put an asterisk at the beginning and the end of the Information in a cell for the entire column. Is there a way to make a macro that, once I highlight a column, it will put an asterisk at the beginning and end of the information in each cell in that column until a blank cell is reached where the macro will then stop? This will save me a lot of work. It will work for me if a particular column has to be defined in the macro, but would be better if it is one I can just highlight.
This would also work fine for me if I just had to highlight the cells that I want to use as well. Sorry if this seems to be a stupid question, but I am a very novice excel user
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Nov 27, 2006
I would like to enter an X or O into a square cell so that it completely fills the cell.
I want to eliminate the space between the text character and the cell border.
The character does not necessarily have to be text so long as it can be automatically entered into the cell by a macro and can also be deleted by a sub routine to refresh the worksheet for new data.
I created autoshapes for a cross and a circle but I have no idea how to substitute these for the text characters in the worksheet or delete them afterwards.
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Apr 25, 2007
I have come up with this to Trim all of the data from rows 2:30 removing any trailing spaces after the last word in each cell. The macro takes a couple of minutes to run have I got something wrong that is making it run slowly or does the Trim process just take longer?
Dim myRange As Range
Dim myRow As Range
Set myRange = Range("2:30")
If myRange Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
myRange.Replace What:=Chr(160), Replacement:=Chr(32), _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False
For Each myRow In myRange.Columns
If Application. CountA(myRow) > 0 Then
myRow.TextToColumns Destination:=myRow(1), _
DataType:=xlFixedWidth, FieldInfo:=Array(0, 1)
End If
Next myRow
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
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Jul 17, 2007
I want to put text after firsr 15 chars to new row.
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Feb 8, 2013
just had 11,000 customer account arrive and they are all messed up!
I am working through all the email address's and lots are not valid ones, is there a way i can make some sort of rule that willl do the following
If ther is no @ symbol, in Cells A ( any of A ) it drops them to the bottom of the list, or anything that just splits them up
This would split the bottom 2 email address away from the others as they dont have the @ symbol!
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Oct 9, 2009
I have sentences which contains special characters (mentioned below) in a single column. I need to remove all special characters other than space. Could anyone help me on this...
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Mar 2, 2012
I have a cell that contains a string of characters that were combined from two different cells. What would the formula be for excel to ignore the characters that are from one of the cells? In other words, if cell A1 contains ABCD123 and cell A2 contains XYZ (the length of the string in A2 varies in length), the combined string is ABCD123XYZ. In cell B1 I would like excel to ignore the contents of cell A2. This seems simple but I'm not coming up with the right syntax.
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Feb 9, 2013
The problem - I'm trying to find a formula that will find text between 2 characters with unlimited instances in a single string and combine the found text to a single string. The character enclosing the text i'm after will likely be a % symbol. This formula would then be replicated down 5000-10000 rows.
eg. 1 - This is %an% example %sentence% to show what I %am% looking for
eg. 2 - This %is another% example of what I %need%
eg. 1 answer - ansentenceam
eg. 2 answer - is anotherneed
Ideally this would not use a macro as it will be applied to an ever expanding data set but I realize that may not be possible.
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Jan 18, 2010
I have a userform with a textbox and an OK button and having clicked OK a particualar sheet is given the name in the textbox. If the character '/' is included in the textbox a standard Excel message appears explaining that this character cannot be used. On clicking 'END' on the message the userform automatically disappears and I have to close the file and reopen to end another name.
Is there any way that I could introducing my own basic messagebox which says 'The characters /, ? etc cannot be used' and on clicking OK the userform stays and you can try again.
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Jan 18, 2010
I am working with 300k records and would like to export to statistics software that accepts special character delimited. I would like to use the character | for the delimitaed process because looking through the excel file i see there are commas and extra tabs in some cells so using those characters will screw up my data.
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Jan 2, 2008
I'm working again with a large Inventory Database dump into a workbook and in the past the company appended the * character to designate an updated price on an item(column C). Its rocking my world to sort through things with this character as you can tell. I'm trying to find rows that column C has a * in, cut, and paste them into another sheet called "Updated". I would even accept just how I'd do a simple "find/replace all" on that character and then I can just update my macro and be on my way Anyway this is the macro thus far and as you can see it would just cut all rows and paste them to "Updated".
Sub Updated()
With Worksheets(1).Columns("C")
Set c = .Find("*", LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not c Is Nothing Then
firstAddress = c.Address
c.EntireRow.Cut Destination:=Worksheets("Updated"). Range("A" & Worksheets("Updated").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1)
Set c = .FindNext(c)
Loop While Not c Is Nothing And c.Address <> firstAddress
End If
End With
End Sub
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Aug 21, 2012
I'm having difficulty figuring out how i can Trim the last 3 characters from this string
FeatureCode1 = Split(errorChecker.lstErrorMessage.List(0), " [")(0))
I tried
FeatureCode1 = Left(Split(errorChecker.lstErrorMessage.List(0), " [")(0)), 3)
But that only SHOWS the last 3 characters... how i can just cut off the last 3 characters?
I'm guessing something to do with TRIM, but not sure how to implement it?
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