Split Buy And Sell From Live Feed

Jan 17, 2014

I am not good at excel. I would like to split buy and sell orders from the live feed and updating when new feeds come in.

B 4150
S 6200
B 3350 B 4 150
B 2180 B 3 350 S 6 200
S 2220 B 2 180 S 4 300
B 1120 B 1 120 S 2 220

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Multiple Live Feed / Data

Aug 28, 2009

I have set an excel spreadsheet set up to update live data from a URL every 5 minutes. However I am wanting to do try and save a bit of time if possible.

Basically I am monitoring horses bought on a game website. Each horse has the same URL except for the number at the end which goes up in 1 increments. The URL is already set up and when the horse is bought it changes from being blank to having the horses details etc.

At the minute I am able to autofill cells with each uinique URL using fill, then series menu. This is so I dont have to manually enter each URL, as hundreds may be bought each day so it would take too long to do this.

My question is this, am i able to have a automatic series linked to the 'data from web' function in data tab, instead of having to manually adjusting each URL for each individual horse.

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Save Live Feed Data To Another Sheet Every 5 Min

Mar 26, 2014

I new to excel and vba , and i have live stock feed data in excel.

The live feed has 17 rows..of ticker names and more column about values.live feed starts at 9.00 to 3.00

I want only 13th column data to save for every 5 min..in new spreedsheet.

I am also including a sample : live crude.xls‎

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VBA - Macro Run When System Clock Changes - Forecasting With Live Feed?

Sep 21, 2013

I thought about using it for forecasting purposes. I might try to use it together with live data (temperature, seasonal patterns)... but if I graph it, it starts from left to right...

How to modify the code a bit...

Shift:=xlUp, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromRightOrDown

I tried to change the code, but it did not worked.

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Match Quantities Of Buy And Sell

Feb 1, 2008

I want to match the quantities of buy and sell appearing the same line but in different columns based on FIFO. In case of mismatch, the excess quantity should be transferred to a new line below the same column in which there is a mismatch.

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Inventory Of Warehouse - See Which Items Sell The Most

Jun 23, 2014

So i have many different list of items that i have supplied, pretty much shopping lists. I am now trying to create an inventory of my warehouse and i would like to see what i should buy more of and less of. is there a certain table or template or something i can plug in all my lists and have excel break down all the data and tell me whats what on all my info. i have about 45 different lists and each list has an average of about 150 line items.

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Setting Sell Price To Specific Profit Margin?

Nov 29, 2012

I am looking for a formula which will calculate a sell price with 20% profit after taxes and costs. I need it to factor in a fixed shipping cost (eg £10), a 7.5% Amazon fee of the sell price, then 20% tax of the sell price. I currently have a formula which essentially does this but as I'm not good with Excel it requires me to input all the values every time which is not practical considering our large inventory.

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Pyramid Payment System - Bonus On Company Sell By Salesman

Mar 21, 2014

Sales Amount
Introduced by

indirectly introduced


[Code] ........

I have salespeople who I want to pay a bonus to but I've also offered them a bonus on how much the salesmen they referred to the company sell and this goes like a pyramid down 3 levels.

so I have a list of salesmen next to there name is how much they have sold then who introduced them. from this I need to make a list of each salesman and below all the people he introduced and the people they introduced with the sales in the cell next to them.

To show how it could look I've done an example above of the information I need for tom, as you can see all the data is in the first 3 columns and tom needs to show that he introduced bob & Sue, but because Bob & Sue also introduced someone, tom needs to show he was involved in this as well and jo, terry, mark need to show, preferably in a different column as the bonus for them is lower.

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VBA Does Not Read DDE Feed Values

Dec 2, 2012

Have a dde feed coming in from an external source. I also have a VBA written below to play sound whenever the feed goes below a certain level. When I key in values manually through the function bar the sounds play perfectly. But for some reason it is not reading the DDE feeds as value and it can go past my level without playing the sound.

Option Explicit
Private Declare Function sndPlaySound32 Lib "winmm.dll" _
Alias "sndPlaySoundA" (ByVal lpszSoundName _
As String, ByVal uFlags As Long) As Long


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Using Selection To Feed List

Oct 29, 2009

I have a cell $A$1 that contains a value, CLIENT or INTERNAL

I also have 2 named ranges, CLIENT or INTERNAL

I would like it (using Data Validation) so that the named range being selected for the list dropdown in cell $C$1 is the value of the cell CLIENT or INTERNAL cell $A$1. Tried indirect but not working with named ranges?

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How To Create Addin And Feed Macro

Dec 29, 2012

I want the following macro to be used as an excel addin, how to create addin and feed this macro on that particular addin so that its available each time I open a new workbook.

The macro is : [Code] ...........

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Auto Update External Feed

Oct 17, 2013

I want to auto update ( refresh ) an external feed containing odds from Pinnacle Sports website, at 30-60 seconds intervals. Here is the link : [URL] .....

I would also want to apply some formulas to other columns in excel, but mainly I would want to know where is the change in odds. For example if Bayern Munchen has the odds 2, and after the refresh the odds dropped at 1.9 I would want to see the difference in another cell.

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Drawing Figure According To Data Feed

Jan 4, 2013

Is there any method in excel that can pay the way for drawing figures according to data feeded.

for Ex.


Radius of circle=x

Now this x can be used for drawing the circle and the radius can be entered by user.

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Inserting Carriage Return And Line Feed?

Dec 29, 2011

I've written this code:

=IF(((BP3="1")*AND(C3="Visit")),"The following code rule is being tested: "&D3&". This test is for the Family Practice specialty.","")

What I need to do is insert a carriage return/line feed right before the first & sign so that it is easier to read.

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Dynamic Feed Excel Table From SQL Database?

May 8, 2012

Call center stats: I have a SQL database which is LIVE. I would like to create a live report on excel from this database. (update my excel table automatically)

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Central Glossary: Feed Multiple Documents

Aug 26, 2006

a while back I posted Central Glossary to feed multiple documents to put a glossary at the end of a Word doc. Fabulous help and got it all sorted. Now I'm trying to do it at the end of an Excel w/b.

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Insert Line Feed At Intervals In A Phrase

Aug 24, 2007

Each cell in Range("A1:A2000") contains a remark, each phrase or remark is
Between 5 & 70 characters all written without line feeds (carriage return,i mean Alt Enter) Just spaces between words. What I would like to do in every cell is to force a line feed (Alt Enter) every 10 characters, and if the 10th character happens to be in the middle of a word I want the line feed to be inserted at the end of this word. Note that the phrases are not necessarily multiples of 10.

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Code To Copy Contents Of DDE Feed - Modify Worksheet

Dec 14, 2011

I am using the following code to copy the contents of a DDE feed.

Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A1").EntireRow.Insert Shift:=xlDown
Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A1:F1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub

What I want to do is only copy the row when the columns contain data, as it stands at the moment it's copying blank rows to sheet 2. Is there a way that I can do this?

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Measurements Of Feed Of Numbered Pictures From Digital Microscope

May 30, 2008

I would like to use Excel as a measurement device. I have an inexpensive digital microscope that will store sequentially numbered pictures at the click of a button. I am then going to import the most recent picture into Excel and place a grid of transparent rectangles over the picture to serve as my ruler. Would it be possible to continuous update the Excel workbook with the output from the digital microscope?

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Replace Line Feed With Carriage Return In Text File

Sep 11, 2007

If I write a multi-line text in a cell (then go down with alt+enter) and after copy the cell pasting on Notepad, it display before inverted commas and after textual content.

Instead, if I select directly the content from the formula bar, it isn't happen.

Do exist a way for copy and paste directly from the cell without select from the formula bar?

Maybe with a macro?

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Split 1st & Last Names & Split Addresses After 1st Comma

Mar 6, 2008

I'm using Excel 2000 and I have a spreadsheet with 4 columns (A-D) and many (500+) rows.

Part 1:
Colums A & B both contain identical data - a first name and a last name in the format "John Doe".

I want the second word ("Doe") removed from all cells in Column A so that only the first name remains, and I want the first word ("John") to be removed from every cell in Column B so that only the last name remains.

So, where A1 & B1 both started with the data "John Doe" now A1 contains only "John" and B1 contains only "Doe".

Part 2:
Column C contains addresses in the format:
"#5 - 123 Fake Street, Some City, CA 90210"

There is ALWAYS a comma and a space after the street address, then the name of the city or town followed by more data which may include one or more commas.

I would like everything BEFORE the first comma to remain in column C, and everything AFTER the first comma & space to be moved into Column D of the same row. The first comma and space are not needed again.

So, where C1 started with "#5 - 123 Fake Street, Some City, CA 90210", it now only contains "#5 - 123 Fake Street" and D1 now contains "Some City, CA 90210".

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Setting Up Excel Data In Aggregated Way That Can Feed Dashboard Or Daily Report

Aug 19, 2013

I want to set up daily charts to monitor various things but Im not sure how best to set up the data in order to do this so it calculates automatically as data is refreshed.

I want to run daily activity data that tells me how many people attend each room per day. the aggregated data would include:

Number of attendances, by room (there are 11 rooms), by day
Each attendance grouped by category of patient (up to 25 categories)
Each attendance by type of attendance (various groups)

How should I set up the data to show these things in a way that it can be linked to a text file and refreshed daily on opening? the data at the moment is in rows per attendance rather than grouped in any way.

I would like the data to have dates and months etc automatically genetared by the attendance date in order to graph the above indicators, as well as a % atttendance in relation to capacity per room etc

simple excel template that I could try to manipulate my data into so I can get started. The data is generates using a transact SQL query and saved as a text file which I wabt to use for the daily stats.

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Live Data Download Through VBA

Jan 26, 2012

I wanted to know how to download live data (stock data from a a website) through VBA.

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How To Capture The Value From A Running Live Value

Jun 9, 2008

I have a cell (for example, "A1") which is inserted with a WINROS formula to retrieve some data into my spreadsheet. And it is running live at all time.

Actually, I can't think of any formulas to capture the value from cell "A1" to "B1". Because I do not want the value that I captured into cell "B1" running live. I just want the value "B1" fixed after captured.

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Consolidating Live Tables

Nov 26, 2008

I have two tables that pull data from two different SQL tables via an ODBC connection and refresh every 5 minutes. The table headers etc are all identical (it is support call information FYI) but what I want to do is display those tables as one as opposed to two seperate tables - can this be done relatively easily and hopefully without the use of VBA? (Unless anyone is willing to provide the code of course!!)

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Logging Live Data

Nov 30, 2008

I'd like to log live update data continuously,i.e. as the data in the cell changes. The problem I'm facing is that the data comes in at uneven intervals-- ranging from 30 to 50 ticks per second. So I can't really use a timer function. I need to use some function which saves the data as the cell value changes. So, for example, if cell A1 gets updated continuously, cell B1 could save the first value of A1 and then cell B2 could save the second value of cell A1-- and so forth.

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How To Get An Actual Live Clock

Nov 29, 2009

I am looking to get a Live Clock changing every minute..

Lets say I put the Total Time in the Cell A2 = 15 minutes and I have a Command Button next to it "Start"..

On the Click Event I want the Actual Time time-stamped at that moment in the Cell A3 and in Cell A4 the Time should keep on Ticking...

Can someone attach a file in Windows 2003 i.e .xls format and also explain the code if possible.

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Live Currency Rates

Dec 7, 2006

I know that Excel has a function to import currnecy rates from the MSN Money web site. But MSN Money doesn't support all currencies. I would like to build an excel sheet where a user can maintain the currency codes and the currency rate is being fetched from the internet. Does anybody have a suggestion from where I could get currency rates into Excel?

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Does Cell Updated By Market Data Feed Mechanism Qualify For Change Event

Oct 27, 2012

It is my general understanding that the change event system within Excel vba is fairly particular as to what will fit the mold of a qualifying change event.

For example, changes that the user imparts to the worksheet and other written code are legitament candidates for change events. However copying down data and cells changing their values indirectly rather than directly may not be considered in the Microsoft change event design.

I would like to know 2 things:

1) Does a cell updated by a market data feed mechanism qualify for a change event?

2) Any list of qualifying change event types. It seems that Microsoft does not have this information.

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Creating List With Live Numbering

Apr 11, 2014

I have a spreadsheet set up in the following way;

Excel Sheet Set Up.JPG

What I'm trying to replicate in column A is similar to the live bullet point numbering that can be found in Word documents where if a line is deleted the section numbering (think bullet points in Word) automatically fall into line and update i.e what was 1.4 automatically becomes 1.3 and so on.

So far I've tried the simple formula of = cell above +0.1 which works fine until i have to remove lines.

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