Stop Cut And Paste From Wrecking My Array Formulas
Feb 24, 2010
I have a worksheet "Expenses" with columns Month, Category, Expense, Amount. There are four categories and, obviously, 12 months.
In the workbook is another worksheet, "Totals" which lists the months across the top, and the categories down the left. Then I have array formulas in each cell, that look like this:
=SUM(IF(Expenses!$B$2:$B$990="July",IF(Expenses!$C$2:$C$990="Acquisition",Expenses!$E$2:$E$990,0),0) )
This works fine, until people start moving cells around in the Expenses sheet. Say they sort everything they've put in by month, and then they want to move July up to the top because it's the start of our fiscal year. So say they have six expenses for July and they cut and insert them in at B2. Suddenly the formula now says:
=SUM(IF(Expenses!$B$8:$B$990="July",IF(Expenses!$C$8:$C$990="Acquisition",Expenses!$E$8:$E$990,0),0) )
I thought by using absolute cell references instead of relative ones, I could avoid this problem, but that's apparently not the case. I tried changing the cell references in the formulas to relative ones but it still happens then too.
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Dec 6, 2006
I have made a sheet that contains a formula that links to another page and until I have a number in that cell the cell with the formula says NA is there a way I can clear that so it wil be a blank cell until I put a number in.
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Nov 13, 2006
when I apply an = 'Worksheet1'!A1. formula to a cell, the respective cell will contain a zero. Is there any way that the cell can be shown as completely blank and still hold this formula?
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Nov 20, 2006
I have a list that I have validated as a list with a blank on top to enable data override.
I have a formula that uses the content of this cell, c7 say, to perform so vlookup function and return a result. However, when the cell c7 is blank( meaning the blank cell in the list is selected), the result is #N/A.
I am trying to have that result be a blank.
The formula is as follows, assuming c7 is the data containing cell:
=IF(OR(LEFT($C7,1)="W",VLOOKUP($C7,Table2B_1,7)>9,ISBLANK(C7))," ",VLOOKUP($C7,Table2B_1,2))
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Mar 23, 2007
I have this macro that adds whatever formula that is in L1 to the same cell down 66 rows. But it doesn't work like the way I want it to because it's stopping when it sees empty the problem is that my colum is actually completely how do I get it to stop when I want to?
Sub every66rows()
Dim i As Integer
i = 1
With Range("L1")
Do Until IsEmpty(.Offset(66 * i))
.Copy .Offset(66 * i)
i = i + 1
End With
End Sub
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May 13, 2008
I have a macro running this code to strip out unwanted formulas and formatting.
Sub Quote_Wrapup()
'To stop screen flicker
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Range("qdata5,qdata6").Font.ColorIndex = 2
'To delete delivery address lines if 1st line empty
If IsEmpty(Range("deliver_line1")) _
Then Sheets(1).Range("deliver_rows").EntireRow.Delete
'No End If required as only one action as a result of the If
Columns("A:E") = Columns("A:E").Value .........................
A spreadsheet based on my template has been sent to me because the macro won't run properly. When I try to run the macro I get a Runtime Error '1004' Method 'Range' of object '_Global' failed on the following line. Columns("A:E") = Columns("A:E").Value.
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Sep 21, 2008
I had a sheet that had a web query imported into it which took up columns A to F. The web query varies in length upon every refresh. In columns G onwards i have lots of formulas that read the information from the query to produce results.
When i imported the web query, on some refreshes it has the ability to push my formulas down in certain columns. I'm assuming this is because the length has changed of the web query maybe? Although it can do it on the opening import of the query which i find strange.
I was told the best way around this would be to put my web query on another sheet, however this doesnt appear to have fixed my problem.
Lets say for example #Sheet1!A1 looks at #Sheet2!A1, #Sheet1!A2 looks at #Sheet2!A2 and so on. This will work fine. When the web query is imported into Sheet 2, its data goes down to cell A72. Upon another refresh though, the length will changed and now the data might go down to cell A81. However, #Sheet1!A72 will have changed its formula to look at #Sheet2!A81 and my formulas on Sheet 1 will now read as follows:
#Sheet1!A69 = #Sheet2!A69
#Sheet1!A70 = #Sheet2!A70
#Sheet1!A71 = #Sheet2!A71
#Sheet1!A72 = #Sheet2!A81 <----- Problem!
Basically the problem with this is Sheet 1 will not be including Sheet 2 A72:A80 which i also need.
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Nov 11, 2006
I have a spreadsheet that holds the NHL schedule for the season. (See thumbnail)
In the picture I've highlighted the formula I use to determine how many games each team has over the next 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. What I've been doing is deleting the column for each day after that day has passed. (So tomorrow, I'll delete column K, and all the other days will move up one. Sunday will become column K)
My problem is that the formula =7-COUNTIF($K3:$Q3,"—") in cell G3 will read =7-COUNTIF($K3:$P3,"—") after I have deleted Saturday, and thus will only count 6 days worth. (The 14, 21 and 28 columns will only count 13, 20 and 27 as well.) Is there any way I can write this formula so that it stays as K3:Q3? Right now each day I modify the 4 formulas for the 1st team and then copy/paste then over the other 30, but this is rather tedious.
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Mar 17, 2009
I am inputting rows of data to test my spreadsheet and all of the sudden the formulas stop working??
Can someone take a peak at it and see if they can tell why its no longer working at I19?
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Jan 29, 2014
I would like to implement specific cell ranges from two specific worksheets each within 33 workbooks (which all have several tabs) into a summary page in a separate workbook.
The cell ranges are going across my spreadsheet in rows and I would like for them to transpose into a columns depending on the data which I have separated by catergory on the summary page. They are all on the same location in each workbook which is separated by country. The cell ranges are E26:P37 and I would like to transpose them and have them put below eachother without overwriting for my format on the summary page, how I can put this together in a macro?
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Sep 10, 2013
how to stop rows resizing with text which paste into cells
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Nov 28, 2008
Attached is the file where I want to derive Min Date of seq A and asset Type Char.
SeqAsset TypeStDateEndDate
I want to find the Minimum Date of Seq "A" and of Asset type "Char". I used following Array Formulas but showing the correct answer 30-10-2008MIN(IF(A2:A9="A",C2:C9="Char"),(D2:D9)) But Istead of 03-11-2008 it's showing 30-10-2008 date of seq C and of asset type Prop
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Oct 14, 2005
I typed in the word array into Excel Help and found this item
"About array formulas and how to enter them"
I am trying to duplicate the first example and cannot
Ex: =Average(if(C5:C14="Europe",D5:D14))
I tried something similar to this (diff cell ref) and I get #VALUE
Do I need to check off an addin or something?
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Sep 12, 2012
Do array formulas work if the array is across sheets instead of across columns or rows? I'm getting a #Ref! error when I try to use an "across sheets" array.
I'm doing this:
=sum(if('Sheet 1:Sheet 2'!A1=1,'Sheet 1:Sheet 2'!A2,0))
With a CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER return.
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Apr 20, 2004
I have been lurking around for past month learning lots from MrExcel's wonderful web site. One of the many things I learned was how to improve my spreadsheets with Array Formulas, but today I ran into a problem on a new spreadsheet I'm building for work.
Here's the problem: I have 39 coworkers. For each coworker, I have 14 Array Formulas using SUMPRODUCT command with up to 5 "conditions", similar to this example:
{=SUMPRODUCT((user=$A$5)*(task=AO$3)*(DateChecked>0)*((Error="Error Removed")+(Error="Error Converted to an FYI")))}
Each condition such as "user" and "task" is a static named range of 5000 cells. This spreadsheet will hold one week's worth of my coworkers' work. This past week they have processed about 2500 items. To be safe, I doubled this number to determine the static named range size.
For each worker I have 56 columns (one for each possible task which a coworker can process).
So for each coworker, there will be 14 * 56 = 784 Array Formulas.
Currently my spreadsheet only has a single coworker defined, so I only have 784 Array Formulas, but it takes 35 seconds at 100% CPU Utilization when I press F9 (Calculate all formulas). Right now, I am running this on my Home PC (a 400 MHz PII PC with 256 Megs of RAM, OS is Win2000 at SP4 maint level and Excel 2002), but it is equally slow at work (1.7 GHz Celeron with 256 MB of RAM running Win2K SP4 and Excel 2K).
I haven't tested yet, but even if I assume a linear progression, with 39 coworkers I am thinking it is possible the amount of time for Excel to recalculate all the formulas will be 39 times longer than it is currently. This will be close to 22 minutes. That is a long time to wait! It will be even worse if my testing shows the amount of time Excel takes to evaluate the array formulas is exponential instead of linear...
...784*39 = 30,576 formulas...
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Apr 18, 2006
I am having little luck creating an array to work with 3 critieria. Here is what I am trying to do: In the attached spreadsheet I am trying to show a total for each "Global Process" based on if "Reason Cancelled" and a date greater than or equal to March 1st, 2006. Here is what I currently have for the array formula: note: this is an Excel formula not VBA. I couldnt find the right code
=SUM(( 'Raw Data(Added_Cancelled)'!$D$2:$D114="Fulfillment")*('Raw Data(Added_Cancelled)'!$I$2:$I$150="Other")*('Raw Data(Added_Cancelled)'!$H$2:$H114>="2006-03-01 00:00:00"))
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May 14, 2009
Does anyone know how to activate a block of different array formulas at once??
N7:Q80 has a total of 296 Array Cells. Each has a unique formula & I cannot just drag to fill these nor can I activate all at once.
In the future, I don't want to have to manually activate them w/F2, CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER.
btw, Why do I have to press F2? Is that only in Excel 2007? I googled pretty extensively & don't see an option how to only press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER. It would be nice not to have to press F2 everytime.
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Nov 16, 2013
I would like to master the dreaded array formulas. Any Excel based accounting consolidation tool or other consolidation tool out there that I could adapt to consolidate group accounts on a monthly basis.
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Dec 28, 2007
This formula is returning 0.2578 when it should return 2.473
What am I not understanding?
I want the average of column E when column Q=1
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Oct 3, 2007
I would like to set up VBA codes to generate a variable number of transition matrices. I would like to know how I can define dynamic ranges instead of coding each and every range. In the codes below, I have to define each range one by one instead of using a loop.
Sub TransitionMatrix()
Dim P1 As Range
Set P1 = Cells(2, 2).Resize(3, 3)
Dim P2 As Range
Set P2 = P1.Offset(5, 0).Resize(3, 3)
P2.Cells(0, 1) = "P2"
For i = 1 To 3
For j = 1 To 3
P2.FormulaArray = "=MMULT(" & P1.Address & "," & P1.Address & ")"
P2.BorderAround Weight:=xlMedium
Next j
Next i
Dim P3 As Range
Set P3 = P2.Offset(5, 0).Resize(3, 3)........................
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Jan 16, 2008
I've created a very large spreadsheet (4096 calculations) and I'm using array formulas for a large number of cells, which leads me to my current predicament. All the formulas are written in, but I haven't done the necessary ctrl+shift+enter after finishing all of them (there is only slight variation in each calculation so I produced them in an iterative manner) and I was wondering if there was a way besides selecting each cell individually - pressing F2 - Then pressing CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER to make all my formulas array formulas.
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Dec 31, 2013
I am trying to calculate a matrix of array formulas that is roughly 365 x 137, or about 50,000 cells being calculated from a range of roughly 12,000 x 137. There are multiple if statements within the array formula, and then those 50,000 cells are referenced to another, but smaller matrix of array formulas (25 x 137). Each of these matrix sets is for one year, and there are three years that need calculated.
Problem: When calculating the 50,000 cells it takes roughly 2.5 hours to complete all calculations. So, for 3 years it will take roughly one work day of tying up my computer to just compile data that will then require several days of calculation/manipulation.
Question(s): Is there a way to speed this up to a reasonable amount of time (I'd even take 30 minutes at this point)? Or, is Excel simply the wrong tool to be using for this amount of data? Do I need a better machine to run these calculations? I am currently using a Dell XT3 with 2.5 Ghz i5 quad core processor.
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Jun 13, 2009
I often see array formulas written with "extra zeroes", like this: {=SUM(IF(let=1,IF(cost>5,cost,0),0)). Yet I was taught to write the same formula without the zeros, like this: {=SUM(IF(let=1,IF(cost>5,cost))).
My question are:
1) what do the zeroes mean or do?
2) what happens if I replace one or both of the zeros with a different value, like the number one?
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Jun 5, 2014
I have some imported data that lists the date in separate columns.
ColumnA ColumnB ColumnC
How do I convert this to a date by using a formula? Later I want to use the date in an array formula to sort the list.
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Jun 24, 2009
I have a couple of array formulas that were expertly suggested on this very forum. They function spectacularly, but now I need to incorporate them into my code.
The catch is that I am not sure yet if I will a WorksheetFunction solution, or more the likes of the actual "live" formula, e.g., "=SUM(A:Z)"
In either case, I am not sure what the equivalent of CSE is in VBA, or whether the braces/curly brackets can be manually inserted in the live formula.
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May 17, 2007
I successfully built a multi- cell array that sorts a bunch names into ascending order. But now when I need to use the same array formula again, I get the wrong results in the array formula cells and I can't figure out how I'm entering the array incorrectly. The error I get in each of the 7 cells is the identical number, "1".
Here's the deal. Cells B10 - B16 contain names and numbers that I need sorted in ascending order. Then, I highlight cells C10 - C16 and enter the following formula using shift-ctrl-enter: ...
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Dec 24, 2007
I have an Excel file that has a certain amount of Array Formulas. It takes 30 seconds to calculate every time the user makes a change. Some users do not have the Status Bar showing, and they think that Excel is "locked up". I want to make a user form that will appear when the Stats Bar is "Calculating..." There are a lot of "progress indicator" tutorials on this site, but they all seem to relate to VBA code being inserted in between certain lines. That doesn't apply. My Excel file has no VBA. It just takes a long time to recalculate. I want a VBA form to appear, that will match the % progress shown on the Status Bar, whenever a change is made to the spreadsheet.
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Jan 3, 2008
I am looking for ideas on how to speed-up one workbook. I have a spreadsheet with hundreds of lookup formulas and array formulas which are very slow to recalculate (takes around 5 min). Good thing about it is that these formulas are located in a specific range and that I need to run them only once a day (in the morning). Since I need to refresh the rest of the spreadsheet frequently, I am looking for an idea on how to isolate this resource heavy areas.
One solution I've been thinking about is moving these complex and slow formulas to VBA and run them only when needed. Can anybody assist me with the best and easiest way of doing this. Ideally I would want to leave option to the user to later edit this formula. Does anybody have any experience with weather it is best to migrate complete formulas to VBA or maybe leave formulas in the spreadsheet and run them based on predefined flag (that I can switch on or off from the code)?
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Dec 8, 2008
I want to copy everything on several sheets to one sheet.
I do not want to carry the formulas (some are absolute)
I do want all data. formatting and layout (cell fill, merged cells.....)
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Oct 17, 2005
Since I got such fantastic help with the last quesiton let me try one that
I've been beating my head against the wall on for two weeks now.
I'm calculating CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of an investment using
the following formula:
A Column: Dates
D Column: Monthly returns in multiplier format
I want to do the same thing as this with GSD using this basic formula --
that is, only do the returns based on the IF statement:
And Sharpe with this formula:
Any help you can offer will certainly save me a ton of pain -- head's
beginning to hurt!
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