String Compares

Jan 13, 2009

My program assigns a variable one of three values - either "Lancaster", "DeSoto" or "Cedar Hill". My string compares for Lancaster and DeSoto work fine but can't get anything happening for Cedar Hill.

I looked at the value of the variable and it appears to be correct. However, when I did a StrComp for the variable and the string "Cedar Hill", they did, of course, not come out as equal.

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Compares The Numerical Value Of 2 Cells

Aug 31, 2007

I need to write a macro that compares the numerical value of 2 cells and give me a result as described below:

All the numbers would be either whole numbers or whole numbers + 0.5

Example 1:

The two values are both whole numbers then no action is taken.

Cell A = 5
Cell B = 5


Cell A = 7
Cell B = 5

Result = No action taken..................

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Function That Compares The Cells

Jun 25, 2009

this is an extract from a pivot table:

N-CONTROX 18-jun 02-jul 16-jul Q-BETACICL 22-jun 01-jul

The left column is the product, the right the delivery day.

I need to Check and extract each product delivery days. For example, for Q-betacicl I should:

1.- in cell f1, use a Vlookup function to extract 22-jun. thatīs done.
2.- in cell f2, use an If function that compares the cell below Q-betacicl with the cell below. If itīs 0 (like this case) it should extract 01-jul

I used this and excel didnīt even let put the formula, arguing some error I caīt find:


Basically this says:

Look for a value equal to E6 (q-betacicl) in matrix A5:b27, and if the cell immediately below it = 0, copy the value to the right of that cell (the one below it).
In the case I showed, for Q-BETACICL, it should copy 01-jul. For N-CONTROX it should copy 02-jul.

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Tab On The Sheet That Looks Up Name And Compares Against A Schedule

Nov 26, 2009

I am currently trying to take a list of people who have log in times at work however if they log out then back in the result is what you see below.

What I am looking to do is match the find the name then find the earliest time (login Column C) and then the last or latest time (log out Column D)

John Smith64676076:02 AM6:13 AM
John Smith64676077:25 AM11:27 AM
John Smith64676212:08 PM4:01 PM
John Smith64676076:13 AM7:25 AM

Would like a formula as I have another Tab on the sheet that looks up name and compares against a schedule to see if the person was late or left early.

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Formula That Compares 2 Ranges

Dec 15, 2009

Is there a Function or compound Formula that compares the values of two ranges and returns True/False ?

Something along the lines of : AreRangesIdentical(Range1,Range2) returning True/False.

I have played with some array formulas but they seem to compare the two first cells only.

I know one can easily come up with a UDF that loops through each cell and returns once a cell is found whose counterpart is different but i am looking for a solution that doesn't use a loop.

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Macro That Compares Cells

May 17, 2006

I'm trying to write a macro that compare 2 cells. I can't figure out what is wrong with the code i have attached. It keeps giving me a fatal error.

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Macro To Replace IF Statement That Compares 2 Cells

Nov 21, 2007

In cell M32 there will either be an O or the cell will be blank. In cell T51 I had placed an IF statment like this:


Now that works ok but there is a glitch on my part. If T51 is blank because of M32 containing an "O" then the user will also enter a number into T51. Because I was using an IF formula in the cell it gets overwritten because of the user needing to enter data in the cell because of M32 containing a O. How do I write a macro so that a similar formula is used but still able to enter data manually without overwritting the formula?

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Compares 2 Lists Of 6 Digit Serial Numbers

Oct 10, 2008

I've modified this macro I found on this forum, all it does is compares 2 lists of 6 digit serial numbers and and then tells me which numbers are in list 1 that are not in list 2.

However, I want to modify it so that it also gives me the numbers in list 2 that are not in list 1 (put into column F). I then need it to cut the matching serial numbers (in columns A and B) from sheet 1 and paste them into sheet 2.

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Build Graph That Compares 2 Sets Of Data But Only Plots 1 Dot?

Apr 17, 2014

I would like to build a graph that compares 2 sets of data but only plots 1 dot where the two intersect. I have seen this graph made by others in Excel but I do not know what it is called or how to make it. An example data set is below.

ID Age Height (cm)
1 5 125
2 7 140
3 8 138
4 11 152

I would just like to plot the location where the age and height for the ID's cross and not 4 plots with the age and 4 plots with the height.

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Workbook That Compares Two Sheets Of Data By Taking The Difference Between The Two

Jun 18, 2009

I have a workbook that compares two sheets of data by taking the difference between the two. Some of the cells contain N/A for value, so when I take the difference of two sheets, it gives me #Value! error. My question is how can I format it, so when the cell contains text it displays N/A or if its a value: it takes the difference and populates the value.

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Formula That Compares Month Over Month Data

Mar 5, 2007

I am trying to create a formula that compares month over month data. If the prior month is 0 I get an error. I am having trouble with incorporating ISERR into the formula to eliminate the error.


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Excel - UDF That Returns String Of Multiple String Objects / Possible To Color Font?

Sep 19, 2012

I have a udf that returns a string to the cell. The string is made up of multiple string "objects". What I am wondering is if I can set the font color of certain objects so that when the final string is built and returned, the font of those portions is set.

Ex. of simple idea (this is not actually my code, just a way to illustrate. I realize there is no point to this UDF):


Function StringReturn (Str1 As String, Str2 As String, Str3 As String) As String
StringReturn = Str1 & Str2 & Str3
End Function

Now what if I wanted Str1 and Str3 to be blue, and Str2 to be red for example. So that when the UDF calculates it would return: Str1Str2Str3

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Generating Random Number String Based On Alphanumeric String?

Aug 14, 2014

Wondering if it is possible to generate a random 4 digit number based off an alphanumeric string?


Cell A1 has 123XVF1234
Cell A2 has 321AFW4321

In B1 I would like to have a 4-6 digit number that is generated based on the alphanumeric data in Cell A1 (and so on down the list). If that is possible, I would also need to be able to convert back the 4-6 digit number back to its original alphanumeric value


If B1 returns 643562 it would need to be able to be converted back to 123XVF1234

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Change Current Cell Value If Number String NOT Letter String?

Apr 7, 2014

In sheet1 I have a simple database consisting of 5 columns of data

Column A : Name ie James Jones
Column B : payroll number ie 123456
Column C : shift times ie 1245-2124
Column D : job title ie floor
Column E : comments ie A/L or 0600-1500

what I would like is some code that will go down Column E and if a 'time string' ie 1300-2130 is found then copy this string and paste into corresponding value in column C. If a text string is found ie A/L or Sick or anything like this then ignore and move onto next cell, loop this until all cells in column E have been checked.

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Conditional String: Repeat The Same Account Number In The String

Jan 10, 2009

I need to create a string of all the Acc Number but I dun not wan any repeat of the same Acc number in the String . The number of Acc number to be put in the string may varies sometimes. It may varies from 3 to 1000 or more . Is there a way to write a general formula to create such string?

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Replacing Misspelled Sub-string In Varying Full String

Aug 27, 2009

I have a situation where a word (in this case "Restaurant") is misspelled in a list of about 78,000 location names. The location names are in one column, and the [misspelled] word "Restaurant" is anywhere between the first word of the string, to the last, with any amount of alphanumeric/symbol characters between. For example:

Alice's Restaurant
Alli's Restaurant & Bar
Alexis Restaurant of Waukesha
Amigo's Mexican Restaurant #2

I want to replace any misspellings of the word with correct, but since the list is so long, and the way the word is misspelled varies so much, going through manually is entirely too time-consuming.

Some of the variations I've seen so far are Resta, Restau, Restaur, Restuara, etc...

Is there a way to search and replace cells that contain the text in any location of the string? Specifically, where ever there is JUST "Restau", replace with "Restaurant", regardless of where it is in the string? This way, trailing text is not deleted or manipulated, i.e. "Alice's Restaur and Bar" will change to "Alice's Restaurant and Bar".

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VBA To Search String And Insert Row If String Not Found

Apr 11, 2013

I have a spreadsheet which has "Employee: [agent 1 name]" in column A and it may or may not have the word "Break" in the same column before it mentions "Employee: [agent 2 name]". The amount of data between agent 1 and agent 2 varies and am needing code which will insert a row above "Employee: [agent 2 name]" if "Break" is not found, and add the word "Break" in column A on the inserted row. I would need this to loop through the spreadsheet until all 100+ agents have been searched.

I'm also needing this done for the word "Meeting" and would insert a row 2 rows above the next agent.

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Insert String And String Variable Into Cell

Feb 18, 2014

I'm using a userform to create a new sheet. The form already creates the sheet and names it what was typed into the userform. Now I want it to place that variable in a cell along with a string. the following code will place the variable from the form (tbname) into cell b5.

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String Extract - Separate First Two Or Three Letters In A String

Sep 4, 2012

I am working with flight numbers and want to split out the letters from the digits. Examples,


In column A I need the first two or three letters only,


In column B I need everything to the right of what appears in column A


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Extract String Between Characters After Specific String

Dec 22, 2013

I have the following type of info in A1,A2,A3...

citySan Jose

My goal is to get as close as possible to this,so it will be easier to sort and manage

nameHarryage50citySan Joseheight180

I can't use the "" sign as delimiter to separate them into different columns because the age,city,name and height fields are in random positions on different cells.The good thing is person's name will always come after "name" string, age is alwals followed by "age" string, so it cannot be like nameheight40Michigan180

I think the following would be the easiest method(not for me tho).If on B1 I had a formula that said "find the string "name" and write anything after it until you reach the next "" character".On C1 field I could have a formula "find the string "age" and write anything after it until you reach the next "" character.On D1 I would have the same for "height" string,then on E1 for city string.

My question is somewhat similar to this one
Extract A String Between Two Characters

Formula which outputs the data between 3rd and 4th instances of the "_" character.Can we substitute "3rd and 4th" with a specific strings like "age" or "height" ?

=TRIM(LEFT(SUBSTITUTE(MID(A1,FIND("|",SUBSTITUTE(A1,"_","|",3))+1,LEN(A1)),"_",REPT(" ",LEN(A1))),LEN(A1)))

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Extract Alpha From A String And Compare With Another String

Aug 23, 2007

I have a problems here. The problems is attached in the file. I wanna extract alpha/char from a string. Example: I wanna extract the words "(M)" with the bracket from the string "Toothbrush (M)" in column A. After extracting the (M) out, I wanna do a validation to compare the (M) in column B with another data in column C, if the (M) is same as the data called "Medium" in column c, the validation will return "Match" in the column d!

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If Text Found In String Return String

Jan 31, 2008

Find a short text string in a column of longer text strings and when that short text string is found return the longer text string that matches.

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Finding The Frequency Of A String In Other String(s)

Dec 8, 2009

I'm looking for a formula that will count specific word in a cell.

I want to know how many WWLL are in this cell, which is 4.

I wrote this custom function to provide the answer. It is used like so: ..

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Search If String Exists In Another String?

Mar 19, 2013

I am trying to lookup if a string like a name exists in another string which has a buch of values for example to see if andy exists in a string which has data like andy;sandy or sandy exists in andy;sandy

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VBA Find Partial String In Array And Output Found String Array Value?

Mar 31, 2014

I am trying to do a sort of index match thing using VBA. What I am attempting to do is to use the prefix of a long number and try to find that exact prefix in a string array, and output that string array value. So this is what I have so far as a test:


So I can match the text exactly so if I put PREFIXB in cell A1 in this example, i will get the msg box saying "YES", but if I make it PREFIXB1231k4j3jj1kj32cj, it will display "NO". I want to get it so that PREFIXB will be displayed in the cell that I put the formula in. So if A1 = "PREFIX1AAA100CF" and cell B1 = "=ABC(A1)", cell B1 will display "PREFIX1AAA".

Now the thing is that these prefixes can have different lengths, but will never encompass the exact prefix of another. So if I had a prefix of: PRE1AB, I won't have a prefix of PRE1A.

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Select Based On Partial String Then Delete Based On Full String?

Jun 13, 2013

Working with a scheduling report and trying ultimately to get it down to a line item report with the associate information and their earliest start and latest end for the week. Already made a lot of fixes to the formatting involving junking empty cells and trash data, but running into a road block on some of the trash data.

Here is the format of the report at this point. Names have been changed to protect the innocent.

Agent: 2366 Bacon, Kevin



So what I need is something that will iterate through the report...such as an while and find the cells in column A that start with "Agent:" It needs to compare that cell to a stored value to see if this "Agent:" is a repeat. If it is then it needs to delete that row and the next one and shift up. If it is not then it overwrites this "Agent:" with the previous one in the stored value and continues the while.

I know what I want to do...but not shure on the code cause I am not great at VBA.

Oh...if it matters probably need to allow for about 10k line items to iterate through...right now report is at 6k...but allow room to grow.

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Extracting String From String?

Apr 1, 2014

I have lengthy title names such as "Giant_SOW_20141203 clean US-OPP134163" which i need to extract the ID number which is US-OPP134163. The ID number is the same every time starting with 'US-OPP' and then 6 numeral digits. I am looking for a formula that will extract this ID number from titles. see the file attached for examples of title names and what my end project should look like in column B.

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Replace String Within A String

Aug 24, 2007

How to extract out the (M) from a string and convert (M) in that string to another value? Example: I want to extract out the (M) from a string and convert the (M) to "Medium". The data is: Burger (M) with french fries. How to exract (M) from the data and convert the value (M) to "Medium"?

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Convert A String To A "real" String (vba)

May 18, 2007

How can any string valid for the name of a workbook be converted to a string correctly recognized by Application.Run? Sometimes a string is not really recognized as a string. See for example: .....

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If A String Contains @

Sep 30, 2009

I am trying to write in VB some code that will enter a number in a column if a cell has some data in it and one character is an @. see attached spreasheet.

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