Subtract Cell If Older Than Year With Other Conditions
Jun 27, 2014
I am setting up a workbook for our absence reporting for work and have everything figure out except one thing. I have it where it subtracts points if the points were given over a year ago and also have it to subtract one point for every 90 days of perfect attendance. The problem however is if someone gets 5 points for a no show on January 1, 2013 and then don't have another reportable until June 01, 2014, it subtracts the five points and then an additional 1 since they had over 90 days of perfect attendence and it also goes into negative when employees cannot have negative attendence points. Is there a way to keep the extra point from being deducted and keep it from going into negative? Below is my workbook and the formulas used.
Absence Reporting.xlsx
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Mar 22, 2013
Is it possible to subtract a year from a cell that has 2012/2013 in it? For example, if A1 says 2012/2013, how can I get 2011/2012 to display in A2?
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Aug 30, 2013
If I have a date format 7/1/13 that shows as Jul 13, how can I subtract 1 year from this in the next cell?
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Oct 2, 2007
I am looking for a way to count the number of Days after Christmas each year.
For example today is the 1st October hence it is easy to work out the number of days since last Christmas as being =Today()-25/12/2006
How do I have a reoccuring formula that is Today-Christmas each year without having to enter the year of last Christmas so that for example as at 26/12/2007 the answer will be 1 and so it will also be on the 26/12/2008?
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Jan 4, 2014
How I can subtract a year when I formulate based on if the current month is January.
Such as Current month = January 2014, I would require the cell to populate December 2013, any other month would return the current year value.
I have currently tried { =DATE(YEAR(A3)-1,MONTH(A3),DAY(A3)) } whereas cell A3 uses NOW() function formatted to MMMM, but it changes for every month.
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Jul 22, 2007
Attached is a section of a spreadsheet containing many columns and about 20000 rows..these rows are made up of events.. named in column a. In column F I want A FORMULA to print the difference between each rating(in col C) and rating of THE ROW identified by a 1 IN the favrank col(col e) in that event. I did the first event manually to show what I mean.
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Apr 28, 2012
I am trying to subtract an amount from a cell until it reaches 0, then move and subtract from the next amount, and so on.
AmountFixed BudgetedResult53.50Subtracted 5 tell it hit zero1.30Subtracted remaining amount until zero43.8Subtracted remaining amount until zero3.8 was left over without hitting zero is good. Is there formula for this?
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Jan 2, 2010
Please review the following and advise the one Best Connection needs to save in Excel 5.0/95 format without prompting me about incompatability issues
Sub Tomo() ....
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Nov 13, 2013
I have an excel sheet with date as the first column and all other data being numeric. I put in a code to increment by 1 everytime the user clicks on a cell, the contents within it. the code is below.
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("B2:H100")) Is Nothing Then
Cancel = True
Range(Target.Address).Value = Val(Range(Target.Address).Value) + 1
End If
End Sub
This does its job for the time being, but I want to allow changes only to the row which has the current date and deactivate all other rows for any editing. So that if I click anywhere else but the row with the current date nothing happens.
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Nov 27, 2009
C2 Cell formatted for Date
Currently is shows red if its older than today showing something has expired using: Cell Value is less than =TODAY() and shows Green if it still OK using greater to or equal to =TODAY()
But i want:
Red is older than today
Amber is today or within 7 days
Green if date is over 7 days
Ive tried using 'between' but keep getting white cells.
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Apr 1, 2013
I have been tasked with converting our old inventory system into a new one. Here is an example of the conversions I need to do,
I need to convert this:
A1 A2
1.50 OD x .035 W 304, WD ASTM A-269
1.50"OD X .065 W 304,SMLS ASTM A-269
1.50"OD SCH 40 304, SMLS A-312
A1 A2
304-WD-ASTM A269-1.50X.035 304 WELDED ASTM A269 1.50X.035
304-SMLS-ASTM A269-1.50X.065 304 SEAMLESS ASTM A269 1.50X.065
304-SMLS-ASTM A312-1.50 SCH 40 304 SEAMLESS ASTM A312 1.50 SCH 40
The current plan is for me to do this manually over thousands of entries over the next few months, but if I can do it in a quick fashion that would be way better.
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May 30, 2009
I have a dir with over 150.000 files in it, especially pdf, doc and xls. Now I'm looking for a script or program that will automatically search the entire directory and look for old xls files, open them and save them in a new(er) version. I'm working with a software that needs to use these XLS files in my directory but it can't use the old xls-versions. It's an impossible job to search by hand for the old versions and put them in a new(er) version.
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Nov 12, 2008
I need to figure out how to tell Excel to count the number of invoices on a worksheet older than 30 days and display that number in my Summary worksheet. Here's a quick example:
Worksheet '1234' has 10 invoices, 6 of which are more than 30 days old (invoice dates are in column B). Worksheet 'Summary' needs to display the total number of invoices and the number older than 30 days.
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Jan 26, 2012
Code that will do the following,
In sheet2 cell B2 i have a date (for example 12 Jan 2011)
I want to look at sheet1 columB and if the date is older than the date in sheet2 cell B2, then copy then all the data from that line in sheet1 be copied over to the first free line in sheet2 I need the data from colums B to ZZ to be copied.
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Feb 17, 2014
i have to removed the duplciate records with older dates. The date column is made up of date and time.
IDExpiry Date
1202 Mar 2013 12:57:04
1220 Apr 2013 10:49:24
5020 Apr 2013 10:57:06
5021 Oct 2013 07:20:54
5024 Oct 2013 08:41:56
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Dec 17, 2012
I have columns of dates and I'm looking to automatically highlight dates that are older than 5 business days from today. Is that conditional formatting?
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Apr 15, 2014
I have been trying for hours now to write a macro that would do the following:
I have a worksheet that looks like this:
with many more rows
I would like to subtract (for column A) line 1 from line 2, then line 2 from line 3....etc the data in column A represents time I would like to have the result in milliseconds and in a new column (D for example)
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Mar 11, 2014
I'm trying to subtract the value of a textbox in a userform from a value in a cell, and display this new value in another textbox. An added complexity is this takes place in Visio but communicates to excel to find certain values. I have the following code:
which displays the value of a cell in excel, in a textbox in a visio userform. The excel cell value then changes and I thought that it would work if I were to duplicate this code and run a new sub changing the last line to:
[Code] ....
But I get a type mismatch error on the line.
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Oct 26, 2008
I need a formula that will subtract a value entered in A3 from a valued entered in A2 to be displayed in A1.
Also...the Value displayed in A1 must be the value of A2 minus the running total in A3.
Ex...If I type '10' in A2 and type '3' in A3 the value shown in A1 must equal '7'. If I then type '2' in A3 the new value in A1 must equal '5' (this being the value in A2 of '3+2' minus from the original value in A2 of 10)
So..A2 = inputted value , A3 running total of inputed value, A1 differnce of A3 from A2.
Is this even possible? The whole idea is this....if you type a number into a calculator, and then subtract a number from the first number, the calculator then displays the new total. If you then subtract an number from that NEW total, the calculator then displays that NEW total. Thats what I'm trying to re-create in excel.
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Jun 29, 2006
would like a very small macro for the following:
Units units remain day 1 day 2 day 3 ... day 13
The units are the total number of units that can be bought ( in a game) and these are purchased on a daily basis.
I would like a column " units remain" as units are purchased to just count down auotomatically as numbers are entered into the daily row.
11 xx day 1 day 2
Where xx would chage as numbers are entered into day 1-13 ( these will be either 1 or 2).
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Feb 27, 2013
formula which uses 4 cells
the 4 cells are
Cell B2 - this is a set figure which is the initial base figure - currently set to 43
Cell C2 - This subtracts Cell B2 figure (which is 43) from Cell E34 [=SUM(B2-E34)]
Cell E34 - Is a cumulative total of 4 cells [=SUM(E4,E12,E19,E26)] and displays the total.
Cell D2 is a set figure of 49
The formula I am looking for is once C2 reaches zero, I need C2 to remain displaying zero and the remaining figure to be deducted from D2 and displayed in that cell so C2 figure would descend from 43 until it reaches zero. but would then start decreasing D2 whilst C2 would remain static at zero and carry that the remaining figure to D2 which would be deducted from the starting total of 49 and display the figure.
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Feb 3, 2014
I'm building a work effort tracker for employees to record what they do throughout the day and submit it via email, and I've got everything but the "Undo" button working. Right now I have 13 buttons that add +1 to cells C9:C21, and a submit button that copies those cells into an email. What I'm trying to find a solution for is if someone clicks the wrong button, say clicks Inbound Call instead of Outbound Call, which would +1 to C9 instead of C10.
I've read that coding an undo macro button is pretty much impossible, but is there a way to locate the last cell modified by a macro and subtract 1 from it? Or possibly identify the cell contained in the last macro run and -1 from it that way?
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Mar 19, 2007
in Cell J32 I want it so when i type in a number it would subtract the number from Cell C32. Is there a formula in which all you have to do is type the number without editing the formula?
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May 30, 2014
Cell with total should contain 15
These are mileage numbers. At the end I need to know the total miles driven as miles are added. I need to be able to see the total miles driven as mileage is added. At the end of the week, I need to see total miles driven.
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Dec 1, 2013
I have a row A through N. In cell A1, have a dollar amount. In cells C1 through N1, I have different dollar amounts. In cell O1, I want to have a formula that will take the dollar figure in A1 and subtract from that amount the total of all the amounts in cells C1 thorugh N1. But I don't know how to write that formula.
Let's say I've got $100 in A1, and then in C1 through N1, I have $2, $3, $4, etc. for a total amount of $94 in cells C1 through N1. I'd like to have a formula in O1 that would show $6.
How to write up that formula in cell O1.
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Oct 2, 2006
I wish to have a column with say 100 in it as that will be the initial stock levels
I would then like the next column to be blank so that when you enter say 25 (the number of stock taken away) the third column will show the new number of 75.
Simple? well here is the tricky part
I just want those three columns so the blank one in the middle will remain blank after it has been used so for example
on monday we sell 25 pencils and type 25 in the field and the new total is 70
on tuesday we sell 40 pencils and type (in the same field the 25 was put in the day before) 40 and the total will show up as 35.
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Sep 3, 2007
I am trying to create a formula that will compute a variance between the numeric value in a given cell with the value in one of 3 other cells depending on the condition of the 1st cell. Example: If the Value in cell F4 has a condition defined as "PMR" in cell C4, subtract the value in cell F19 from F4. If the condition is defined as "DBR" in cell C4, subtract the value in F20 from F4. And if the condition is "OTH", subtarct the value in F21 from F4.
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Aug 20, 2013
How to get only MONTH' YEAR if there is a DATE-MONTH-YEAR in a cell?
A1: 27-July-2012
Answer D1:JULY' 2012
Pl note "' " is suffixed after JULY (the month).
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Jul 13, 2009
I have is a cell with a begining balance and a cell witha current balance.
I also have a column in which each expenditure will be placed ina cell in that column in sequential order.
What i want to do is take the value in the first cell of the expenditure column and subtract it from the begining balance and the place the result in the current balance.
But after the first cell i will need to subtract each value from its previous value to continue counting down so to speak.
I am at a loss on how to move the last value which will also be the lowest value in the column to the cueent balance cell.
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Feb 18, 2014
I need a macro to identify the largest value across columns I2 - AS2. Once found, I need to replace the value with value found minus the value in BQ. The final step would be to highlight the cell that was changed across columns I2 - AS2, then move to the next row and do same until I reach the last row in the worksheet. The number of rows vary each day but the columns do not.
I have written the attached code, which identifies the largest value in the first row, but I don't know how to replace the value found with the new value and then move to the next row until it reaches the final row for the day.
In the attached file, my largest value sits in AC2. That value needs to be replaced with 486.17 (1,175.37 - the value in BQ2 of 689.20). The cell should then be highlighted so I can quickly identified what cells have been changed.
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