I have multiple sheets in a workbook, and a want to sum the multiplication of two cells on each sheet on a total sheet. i.e. totalsheet!A1 = sheet1!A1 * sheet1!B2 + sheet2!A1* sheet2!B2....+ sheetN!A1*sheetN!B2
I need to do this for hundreds of cells, so mutiplying them on each sheet is not an option. There are enough sheets that writing out the brute force equation as above is too long. I know you can do total!A1=sum(sheet1..sheetN!A1) to add all sheet A1's together, but multiply and sum?
i have a payroll grid. it has 3 cells with drop downs that have 39 options.
there codes for payments. i need a fourth cell to show a total dollor amount based of the codes selected.
separate question. i have a list of cells with the same four options (Job Types.ie service call, new connect...) i want to limit the cells mentioned before so that payment codes that do not pertain to the job type can not be selected.
I am doing a list which has the same products returning several times, but with different values. Want to filter/make a new list, with only one of each product and the summed amount of that specific product. Summing the specific amount is not that big of an issue, but the creation of the list is, least in a smart way i have tried this:
This being the last possible entry for the summed list.
My problem is that the formulas is getting too big for my computer :S, since this formula is copied more or less 10 times.
Here is an example of what i want: Product list.xlsx
I'm currently doing a survey using an excel workbook that contains multiple questions across multiple worksheets using radio buttons linked to certain cells.
I have around 400 workbooks coming back to me, so what i want to do is take specific values from across many worksheets within each workbook and combine them into a large master table in a seperate workbook.
I've tried using VBA, but not being very proficient at it i've hit a brick wall with that, so i'm hoping that there is an easier way to do it than what i'm currently pursuing.
I have a 5 major categories of products e.g. Ketchup, Hot sauce ,mayonnaise , pizza sauce etc.
Now each of these individual categories are further divided into number of of subcategories based upon the the sizes and brands.
I want to create a sheet (One sheet) where I have to record production of each product on daily basis.
Like for example if I am producing ketchup, I select ketchup from drop-down list,Now in next column I have to select production size from predefined sizes i.e subcategories. But it should also be from drop-down menu and it should only show me the subcategories of my selected product like ketchup .I think this has something to do with data validation but I am not sure how this model will work.
I've got data in two columns (J and G). Column J contains product manufactured by companies in column G. Some products in column J are manufactured by more than one company in column G. I'm trying to create a conditional format to highlight products made by multiple companies.
My thought is that I need a formula that asks if the product is duplicated, AND the company is different, but I'm not sure how to do that.
I have attached a test workbook excel 2010 (ignore ref# errors, I've cut the workbook down for uploading purposes) What I would like to do is have a 'Button' on my 'information Sheet' which when clicked would clear certain cells. I have searched the forum but can't find a solution, everyone seems to want to delete rows or columns but I just want to clear certain cells. The workbook will have 11 sheets each named 'caravan 1' through to 'caravan 11' The uploaded test workbook only only has 3 sheets.
On 'caravan 1' (which is slightly different to the other 10) I want to clear the content of cells
On all other 'Caravan sheets' I want to clear the contents of cells
D4 & D5 E4, E5, E22, E23, E41 & E42
It would be icing on the cake if it could give a warning such as " are you sure you want to clear these cells" but that isn't really necessary. The worksheets will be password protected, but the cells mentioned above will not be. If it proves too difficult to clear all the cells on all the sheets with one click, then perhaps a simpler solution might be to have a button on each sheet instead
1.I need to protect certain locked cells from editing and allow certain unlocked cells to be changed on multiple worksheets.
2.When all of the changes are made to the unlocked cells, I need to password protect the entire workbook (except one worksheet) from any changes. (i.e. Prevent even the unlocked cells from being edited)
3.I also need a password to un-protect the workbook and return it to the state described in # 1. above .
I have a control box button on a sheet and when I click it, I'd like to take the average for the values in Cell M8 on all Worksheets in my Workbook with the exception of the ones named Cover, Opportunity Map, and Average....and put the average calculated in cell M8 on the sheet called Average.
My issue is that the number of worksheets may change for each instance, which is why I'm trying to incorporate any that might be in the workbook other than a few named ones.
Is this possible and if so can anyone assist with the code?
I have made a basic holiday planner, where each employee has one worksheet which shows 52 x 5 day weeks.
When an employee asks for holiday, I put a 1 in the corresponding day (cell). What I need to happen is that if 4 first aiders all ask for holiday on the the same date a warning User form loads up.
The names of the 4 worksheets are;
"Jason L 2014", "Sharon L 2014", "Alan B 2014" and "Chris M 2014".
The ranges for the 5 day weeks are
"B7:F7", "L7:P7", "V7:Z7"
"B10:F10", "L10:P10", "V10:Z10"
"B13:F13", "L13:P13", "V10:Z13"
"B16:F16", "L16:P16", "V16:Z16"
[Code] ........
The code should not run the User form until the sum of the same cells across the 4 worksheets = 4.
By this I mean if 3 of the first aiders book B7 off, the code searches the 4 worksheets and if the sum is 3 then nothing happens. However if the 4th and final first aider tries to book the same day off, when the code runs it totals 4 and the User form runs.
I am working on a task analysis involving functions performed by different operators, each function marked by an "X" and totaled at the bottom of each operator column. I have seven sheets, named "Main Engine, Propulsion System, APU and ELEC.", etc. Columns B-F on each sheet are headed "C/M, Engr, Nav, LM, DE" respectively.
I need to add/total the bottom figure in each column (total of number of X's for each column) on a separate, final worksheet. Each of the worksheets contains a different number of functions, therefore the total of X's in each column is listed in a different cell# on each worksheet.
So this is my dilemma as the thread title states: I need to be able to sum/total the amount form different cell numbers (same column) across different worksheets into a cell in a separate, final worksheet.
I have figured out how to do this if the numbers are in the same cell across worksheets, but not varying cells by column.
I am using Multiple worksheets ( 30 to 35 ) of same format to calculate Individual scores of an event. Each sheet contains Participant Name in C4 and Score in E 21.
Macro to provide a summary sheet which returns C4 & E21 in all the sheets..
The score in E21 is calculated thru another macro done with excel recording feature..
I have a workbook that tracks pollutant emissions. The workbook could end up having up to 180 worksheets, one for each pollutant and the emission total. I have VBA to create a new sheet for each pollutant (attached) using a hidden template sheet.
The summary sheet in position 1 needs to list each pollutant worksheet on a new row, and the same 4 cells from each worksheet (id, name, value, value). I have been typing out the cell references in the summary sheet, and it gets boring [=Sheet!Cell id], [=Sheet!Cell name], etc.
Is there a way for me to copy those cells to the summary sheet when the new sheet is created?
With this spreadsheet i pull data straight from a database and place it in to 3 separate worksheets. The first worksheet which is the summary sheet then updates all the totals of certain occurrences. The above formula is the same format for all fields in the summary with a few variations. But they all have the following in common. They draw data from all 3 worksheets and total it all up, and each countifs looks at 3 different cells.
In terms of replacing it i have tried to use something like =SUMPRODUCT(--('Data Low'!AA2:AA5000="No")*('Data Low'!AB2:AB5000="0")*('Data Low'!AC2:AC5000="Non Corp")) but don't seem to be getting it right.
I have a workbook that's setup like a form, with 30+ worksheets in it (lets say this file is called "source.xlsx"). I have information in specific cells I want pulled out in each worksheet and brought in to a new workbook called "Destination.xlsx" and listed in a row.
Basically, i have a common workbook template that is used by multiple users across the business to request a cost for numerous new products.
Within the template, there is a common section at the top, where specific project information is entered. There is also a table beneath where 1 or many products can be entered, with specific information relating to that product in the same row.
All the submitted requests are uploaded via an email attachment, to a particular sharepoint directory.
What i would like to do in the master workbook is the following:-
1. Open in turn every uploaded workbook within the sharepoint directory and copy the following cells into the master workbook, each in it's own row (or next available), with the data in adjacent cells.... 1st cell to enter data is $B6.
Cells to copy from each sheet:
Common info contained within cells: $DG$2,$N$11,$N$12,$N$19,$N$13,$AO$7,$AO$8,$AO$9,$AO$10,$AO$11,$AO$12,$AO$12,$AO$13,$AO$14,$BO$8,$BO$11,$BO$14
Product specific info: $U37, $AD37, $AH37, $DH37, $C37, $O37
Depending on the number of products requested, we need to repeat (loop?) until it finds the next blank row in the table. I have hidden a blank row in the table, so there will always be one!
All of the common information needs to be included for each product specific entry.
For each file, once the upload has been completed, i would like the file to be moved to another "archive" directory.
I have attached the template for information. The master workbook is still in development so can't share currently.
In Excel 2007, Windows 7 Home Premium, I am trying to summarise multiple worksheets into one sheet, creating a list in one column in this summary sheet that includes the cell contents from the same cell from each sheet. For example, my first sheet is called KCD183 and I want to list the value from KCD183 Cell A2 in my Summary Cell A2, then show KCD184 Cell A2 in Summary Cell A3 (i.e. the next row down). So my Summary sheet will list all cell A2s from all my sheets, 1 after the other down column A and will continue to add these for any new sheets I add.
I realise that I could just export the spreadsheet to Access and report on it from there, but I don't have the software!
Let's say I have a workbook with 7 worksheets named, for example, "Instruction", "Begin", "Worksheet 1", "Worksheet 2", "Worksheet 3", "End", and "Data". (in that order)
What I want to do is run a macro to go to whatever worksheet that is in between "Begin" and "End" and copy, for example, cells $C$1:$D$10; then paste as formula into worksheet "Data" starting from cell C1 and then down a list (i.e., copied cells from "Worksheet 1" get pasted as formula into "Data" cells C1:D10; then copied cells from "Worksheet 2" get pasted as formula into "Data" cells C11:D20, and so on and so forth).
But if I were to add more worksheets (e.g., "Recipe" and "ToDo") positioned in between "Begin" and "End" and run the macro again, it'll either 1) re-copy all the formulas from the included worksheets back into "Data" including the formulas from the newly added/placed worksheets or 2) it'll add the formulas from the newly added/placed worksheets and paste into "Data" at the end of the list.
Can create the macro to run based on the position of worksheet, and not based on the name of worksheet, since ultimately there will probably be over 10 worksheets between "Begin" and "End".
I have an Excel Spreadsheet (2007) that contains over 500,000 records that shows Electric meter usage per month over a 24 month period per meter. What I want to be able to do is to select a meter row per number and copy is to it's own worksheet. At the end - I want to be able to have a seperate worksheet per electric meter number - that I can create a graph. If I go through all 9000 meters and copy and paste into a different worksheet - it will take me weeks to do manually. How can I do this automatically?
I need a macro that would consolidate all data in multiple worksheets of multiple workbooks in one Master file.
All the workbooks will be in one particular folder. The macro should search for data in all the workbooks and consolidate it in one master excel workbook.
I am currently using both excel 2007 and excel 2010. This macro would really reduce manual work as currently consolidating data from 45 to 50 sheets takes an ample amount of time...
I am sure this is simple but I have not found out the solution anyway....
Example: A B C D E F G 1 2 100 0 0 2 100 400 2 2 100 10 50 0 0 700 3 2 100 0 0 2 200 600
Columns A, C and E are number of items on each "unit". Columns B, D and F are the number of "units" (e.g. to produce). Column G are the resulting number of items that need to be purchased.
So, column G is a sum of products and the formula found below if put in G1 will do the trick. =A1*B1+C1*D1+E1*F1. What I would like instead is to have a "formula" that allows me to insert new pairs of columns without having to change the formula to include the new column pairs.
I have a list of parts (3000+) that have different discounts. When I enter the part#, I want the result to be"Price w/Discount.
I can do a vlookup, and also the index and match even with ctrl+shift+enter. But the results only give me just the price. If possible, I would like for excel to do this without adding an extra column for the discount. I'm stumped on this.
Example: In column A2:A13 I have part numbers, in column B2:B13 I have prices. In column D2, I have the lookup and the result to be placed in column E2.
Note: I have a discount table in J2:J5 which range from .61, .62, .72 and.79.
I'm making a Excel list for trading cards (MTG) and I've divided it into different worksheets in order to sort it by the color of the cards (not really important I guess).
The issue I have is that I want it to copy certain columns (in this case C3:C1000, F3:F1000, G3:1000 ) from almost all of the worksheets into a new worksheet where it should paste them into column A, B and C.
In two of the worksheets it's also different (C3:C1000 , G3:G:1000, H3:H1000).
I've seen many where you copy one range from multiple worksheets, and that would've been okay I guess if not those two worksheets were different. I'd prefer not to change them, and I'd also prefer if I could've gotten just the information I needed also. Is this possible to do?
I'm trying to email multiple worksheets from a list to multiple recipients in a list, but in one file per person. In a sheet called "Email list", for example, I have a list of 50 worksheet names (e.g. one for each cost centre) in column A (with a heading in cell A1, if that's OK, so the list starts in A2) and in columns B-F up to 5 recipients for each worksheet (e.g. 3 recipients might be 2 supervisors and their manager).
Also, each manager and supervisor might also receive several sheets.
Although columns B-F are presently free-format (they can be anyone's email address, regardless of whether they're a supervisor or manager), it might be easier to split these columns so B,C,D are supervisors emails and E,F are managers, if that makes it any easier creating the collated file of worksheets..?
Unfortunately the recipients might change occasionally so they can not be hard keyed into the macro itself (which would be much easier), but need to be in a table so it's easier for the user to update and maintain - in the past, I've managed to hard key the requirement into a macro which I've maintained (by recording and editing the macro), but I don't know the VB to figure this new request.
Ideally, I am trying to create a macro that can collate the various worksheets each person will receive and send the selected sheets in one file to that recipient, rather than multiple files within one email and/or multiple emails.
Basically its a invoicing system. I tried with all the products in the same excel file but then I realized if i update the product list it wont in all excel files for each customer. So i thought one external access database (or excel file) that I could refer to from an excel file.
So what I want to do now is when I want to add a new product to an invoice, I click a button (add) and it opens a small window with the list of products which has been taken from say an access database or excel file. Then I select the product and click insert.
How would I go about doing this? Are there any simple example I could follow?
I'm trying to write a formula to count under certain conditions. I tried the following (and some other variations), but it doesn't work, it comes back #VALUE!:
=COUNTIFS('[Compliance 20080804 Friday.xlsx]Compliance and Interview Log'!$K$10:$K$100,D7,'[Compliance 20080804 Friday.xlsx]Compliance and Interview Log'!$A:$A,A34)
I need to count the number of products a rep sold in one day. He can have several sales in one day, and also sell more than one product per sale. The list I am pulling from has all sales from all reps for the day.
I'm not 100% sure how to describe what I need to do but here goes. I have two similar spread sheets. The first contains all the products in a shop with the new prices and new item codes.
The second sheet has all the old item codes old prices and some duplicates and items that do not exist any more. Both spread sheets have lots of column but only 3 that I need to worry about. Item code, Product Name and Price.
What I have tried is using the If command (in the item code column) to search through the Product Names (on the updated sheet) and put the right item code next to the right product (on the old sheet) but it didn't work.