Consolidate All Data In Multiple Worksheets Of Multiple Workbooks In One Master File?
Jul 12, 2014
I need a macro that would consolidate all data in multiple worksheets of multiple workbooks in one Master file.
All the workbooks will be in one particular folder. The macro should search for data in all the workbooks and consolidate it in one master excel workbook.
I am currently using both excel 2007 and excel 2010. This macro would really reduce manual work as currently consolidating data from 45 to 50 sheets takes an ample amount of time...
how to consolidate multiple workbooks into the master workbook? I need to consolidate 12 workbooks into the master workbook every month. The subsidiaries will report me their figures monthly. Hereby attached one of the subsi, "B Co" reporting package, and the master copy "XYZ Holding Co" how it look like. Hence, may I know how to write a macro so that it will auto update monthly when the subsidiaries return me their reporting package, so that I can auto update in my master copy for tab BS and tab PL.
l need to consolidate up to 3 columns of data from a varied number of worksheets within the same workbook. The sheets are (format/layout) structured in the same way. The columns need to get added next to each other in the consolidation sheet.
I have multiple excel files from which I would like to copy specific ranges to a master file. The row should add up to the previous rows. From this side I have no problems things work fine. The problem is to copy the header which remains the same data to the top of the master file. Currently the macro I use overwrite the first line of the master file. So I loose the date from one of the excel files.
I have been working on this project for some time and still haven't got anywhere with it. What I am essentially trying to do is create a master summary workbook where by you press a button to activate a chunk of VBA that will grab the same range of data from multiple workbooks but also multiple sheets in those workbooks, only problem is the number of sheets in each workbook are constantly changing so I need first find some way of accessing a closed workbooks, then I need a way of looping through a segment of code that will look into approximately 10 workbooks all with a different number of sheets and taking a fixed range of cells out of each sheet and for every workbook make a new tab and paste the information in that tab then move onto the next workbook, find the number of tabs (missing out the first 3 tabs of every workbook) and copy and paste the fixed range from each tab onto a new tab the summary workbook. I will then have a summary workbook with a number of tabs, each one a different workbook with all the data from all the tabs in that workbook, I can then pull that information using formulas or some more VBA into a summary tab on the summary workbook, consolidating all of the information.
I was searching through the internet to look for some help with regards to consolidating data from multiple workbooks from different directories into a single worksheet called Summary.
I would like to copy the entire worksheet from different workbooks in different directories into this workbook I like to call Summary. To manually do it I have to open the workbook I want to copy the worksheet from. Right click on the tab and select Move or Copy, select the sheet I want to copy and select the workbook I want to copy this sheet to. Repeat this process for all the workbooks.
The next step is to copy and paste from these sheets into a main summary sheet. The data range from these sheets are starting from row 13 onwards and they may be of different size between Column A to Column W.
For example the workbooks are coming from :
S:Area 1West.xls from worksheet Andy S:Area 1East.xls from worksheet Bill S:Area 1North.xls from worksheet John S:Area 1North.xls from worksheet Albert etc...
I'm trying to add more sheets to consolidate the data from different worksheets
What I want it to do is to consolidate each worksheet in every excel file into one workbook that will have the same worksheet structures as the child files
If every excel file has {Sheet1,Sheet2,Sheet3} structure The Master Consolidated workbook should have the same structure but with all the date copied from the child excel files.
I have a workbook with 7 different worksheets (site_worksheets) containing data about various sites. I need to copy all this data into a single worksheet (worksheet_a). I want worksheet_a to update itself when another row of data is added to any of the site_worksheets.
I have a worksheet that was created by converting a pdf file of 40 pages or so. The conversion process created 40 separate worksheets in one workbook. I would like to consolidate all the data on to 1 large worksheet.
I have a workbook composed of many worksheets with varying names. Of the 40 or so worksheets, 25 of them contain data that I need to copy and consolidate into a master summary sheet within the same workbook. All of the sheets I need to grab data from have a worksheet name that ends in “(Data)”. All worksheets contain data that starts on the same row (row 8) but the number of rows of data will change daily. When I copy the data range on the individual sheets I do not want to copy the header row. I’ve tried various uses of the offset command with no luck to resize the selected range. I’ve also tried giving each range a named Dynamic Range and referring to this name in VBA code but that didn’t get me very far either. So the flow looks something like this:
1. Find all sheets with name ending in “(Data)” (i.e. “Project X (Data)”) 2.For each sheet found, find the data range and omit the first row of data. 3.Copy selected range. 4.Go to sheet “Master” and find the last row of data. Move down one row to the first empty row and paste copied range. 5.Go to next sheet and repeat.
consolidating data from 3 worksheets which contain same data fields but each representing 1 brand. I like to have a summary/mastersheet to contain data from all 3 worksheets and then when the data in each worksheet is added or updated, the summary worksheet should reflect the changes (adding new data to the last row).
I am trying to combine several workbooks containing data in multiple sheets into a master workbook. All the workbooks have the same number of worksheets. I would like to combine all data in Sheet1 into a new Sheet1, all data from Sheet2 into a new Sheet2, etc.
I got a master format in xl2010 to collect data, which is being circulated between my team. members fill in their respective data n mail back the file with their name attached to file name. i want to creat a macro which can copy the data from every members file to master file.
I have 17 workbooks which contain similar data and formatting. The only variance is the number of rows of data in each. I want to write a macro in the Master worksheet that will accomplish the following
1. Create a worksheet name in the master workbook with the same name as the workbook that it's pulling data from. 2. Copy over the column headings from columns A:P to the newly created worksheet on the master workbook 3. Copy over all rows that contain the word "down" under column D titled Operational status
The naming convention for the master workbook will be titled "All Switches". The naming convention for the worksheets containing the data are titled Port_Map_on_tiegcsw01, Port_Map_on_tiegcsw02, Port_Map_on_nypgcsw01. There are other names , but I can reference the code an update accordingly.
I found some searches on the forum for creating a macro to copy data between workbooks, but not quite sure how to write the macro for the three functions.
I am trying to automatically transfer data from nonadjacent cells (C1, B5,B10,B16,B22,B28) from multiple workbooks in a masterworkbook folder from A2:F2. I am a novice at VBA. I am not able to copy as Range("C1,B5,B10,B16,B22,B28") and the way it currently is coded only the last copied range (B28) is pasted to the master workbook. The data pastes to A2 in the master workbook instead of F2 where I want it. I need copying the cells from the workbooks into row 2 in the master bookbook. Here is what I currently have:
Sub LoopThroughDirectory() Dim MyFile As String Dim erow MyFile = Dir("C:ToolFolderWorkObjectives")
I have directory with multiple workbooks. Each workbook contains multiple sheets (sheet 1, sheet 2, etc). On each sheet of the workbook, there are various data. The data I am looking to extract from these sheets are in the same cell of each sheet. (See data sheet –datasheet.xls). If I can extract these data without opening the file, it would be preferred. Otherwise, opening the workbook, extract the data, and then close the workbook is acceptable.
Desired Solution:
I would like the assistance to create a macro that will extract data from each sheet of the workbook in the directory at a time until all the workbooks and sheets within the directory are read. The macro shall extract data from cell B5, B6, B10:B20, and sheet name from each sheet of the workbook and copy these data to an active sheet called “US” on workbook, DesireResult.xls. The DesireResult.xls shows how the data should be copied over. Before copying the data to the DesireResult.xls workbook, the macro will prompt the user to enter a cell on the “US” sheet as the starting point to paste the information to. Prompting the user to enter the beginning cell shall happen only once and not for each workbook or sheet being read. The reason for this is because the “US” sheet will already have other data in it. After reading each sheet, the macro shall leave a blank row at the end. The data from the next sheet shall be pasted below the blank row. Note: all the workbooks contain macro and link to other file. When opening each workbook, the macro should automatically choose not to update the links.
I want create a macro which will extract 6 values (see below) from a workbook tab called summary to an master workbook for reporting purposes. Each workbook has a unique file name e,g ACI1150.
Values on sheet SUMMARY: A1 A2 A3 G21 G24 G26
I tried to adapt the below to get one item copied/extracted. However it would no work.
I am new to using macros
Sub GetG26s() Dim MyDir As String, FN As String, SN As String, NR As Long Application.ScreenUpdating = False
I have created timesheets for employees that work in our shop. Our company manufactures products for different industries, such as mining, wind power generation, general industrial applications, and so forth. I modified some time sheet templates I found for excel to accommodate our company's actions. Each employee has their own workbook, in which the months are separated into different worksheets. Each sheet is divided further into weeks and in each weekly section the areas of information are divided as follows:
A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M Work Sector / Workshop or Fieldservice / Scope of Work / Job # / Reg or OT / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat / Sun / Total
There are 7 workbooks (one for each employee), each with 12 sheets (one for each month). I want to create a master sheet that will pull information from everyone's timesheet if they worked on a particular job. In other words, I would like to type a job number into a cell, then have excel look through everyone's timesheets and pull over only the rows of information that contain that job number
I have tried to write the below VBA to copy a specific cell to a specific workbook. I have set the folder path in B1 and listed the file names in column E4 onwards. E1 being the number of files in column E. I get a run-time error 91 "Object variable or With block variable not set" on Current File =
Sub UpdateParameters() Dim CurrentFile As Workbook Dim wbOpen As Workbook
I have three source workbooks that needed to be consolidated into a master workbook pasting the data with values & formatting.
The Master workbook also contains 6 additional worksheets that link to the data pulled in from the source files. My question is how do I write the code so the source files populate the master in a specific order. For example, the 3 source files are named "Central" "NED" and "WEST" and I need them to populate the master workbook in that order.
This is the code I am using to consolidate the data:
Option Explicit Sub ConsolidateSheetsFromWorkbooks() 'Author: Jennifer Starr 'Date: 7/12/2013 'Summary: Open all files in a folder and merge data (stacked) on all
We have a master worksheet, and I cant let staff see it, but I want them to update 'their bits' themselves, rather than email the admin staff and let them update the master sheet..
every job is on its own row and contains a unique ID.
is there a way i can merge their data in to the correct row and column(s) on the master sheet?
I am trying to consolidate information from multiple (atleast two or more) worksheets (in the same workbook) into a single sheet.
The worksheets have identical column headings. There are 4 columns in each worksheet. The first three columns are text strings (and some cell in these columns may be blank). The fourth column is an integer. The number of rows in each worksheet is most likely to vary. Within a worksheet the rows are unique. However, some rows may be duplicated across worksheets.
To reiterate, here's what I am trying to do.
Step 1. Create a summary sheet.
Step 2. When there is a unique row (identified by the first three cells in that row) across worksheets then I have that row as is in my summary sheet.
Step 3. When there are duplicate rows (identified by the first three cells in that row) across worksheets, I want to add up the cell in the fourth column associated with those row in my summary sheet
I have tried union (works only within a sheet), consolidate (works only with a single column). I don't need the sophistication of a pivot table but simply an aggregation of data
I am trying to do this using macros (within an add-in)
I have enclosed a sample workbook with the expected output. I created this workbook by hand in an attempt to clarify my problem statement.
I have a workbook with multiple worksheets. Each worksheet is a set o data from a certain year. I want to create a macro that automatically copies the data from these worksheets into a master worksheet that can easily be used to make a pivot table.
I have a master workbook with 20 worksheets. 5 worksheets in the worksbook are distributed to field reps, but the remaining 15 worksheets are not. What is the best practice for receiving the 5-worksheet workbook from the field rep and importing the data into the 20-worksheet master workbook? If I merely use Copy Sheet I am able to copy the worksheets into the master workbook but then I have to remove the pathname references in each of the copied worksheets in order to map the data in the master workbook - which is quite cumbersome.
I have an identical worksheet for all the days of the month - i.e. the May workbook has 30 identical worksheets. I am wanting to pull only certain rows from each worksheet onto a master. Something like - copy row from all worksheets where that rows cell "D" has any value other than " ".
I have used the following macro to pull all the data from every sheet onto a master - but i don't want all the data - just the qualifying data.
Sub Combine() Dim J As Integer
On Error Resume Next Sheets(1).Select Worksheets.Add ' add a sheet in first place Sheets(1).Name = "ALL"
I am not sure what the range "A1" is - i am thinking i can modify it to only grab certain rows.
I'm currently doing a survey using an excel workbook that contains multiple questions across multiple worksheets using radio buttons linked to certain cells.
I have around 400 workbooks coming back to me, so what i want to do is take specific values from across many worksheets within each workbook and combine them into a large master table in a seperate workbook.
I've tried using VBA, but not being very proficient at it i've hit a brick wall with that, so i'm hoping that there is an easier way to do it than what i'm currently pursuing.
I am searching for a formula or simple macro to select text data from column named "SM NAME" to corresponding worksheet. I need this to populate as many worksheets as there are SM Names. ( there are usually 10 SMs)
For Example in the Master Data there are Several SM names listed. I need to extract the "ID" and "Agent" columns in the Master and populate into the workshhet with the Approriate name tab. The Master list changes regularly.
I came across the following code, which does exactly what i want. It opens up all workbooks in a specified folder, and consolidates these into one. Each worksheet data is added below that of the previous workbook.
I have changed this to suit my workbook which has the header rows starting in row 6, but is now giving an error due ot the copy area not being the same size as the past area. It appears to be copying columns A:M and trying to paste this into the main workbook in columns A:N.
I have same kind of file stored in a folder every day. For example an expense statement that is being pulled every day has sheet tabs Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri. Every day it gets stored in a particular folder. I need to consolidate for say 4 weeks. All sheet tabs look alike. I need to consolidate all mondays, all tuesday sheets ... in a master work book.
Attached is a master metrics deck, where data needs to be refreshed every week, from two different workbooks.
The catch is, the two parent workbooks would be new versions every week (data would be same format, and style within), but file name would change each week, for eg: for 1st workbook, 'XXX_Weekly_Week24.xlsx' to 'XXX_Weekly_Week25.xlsx' and so on.
for 2nd workbook, 'YYY_Weekly_Week24.xlsx' to 'YYY_Weekly_Week25.xlsx' and so on.
In the master metrics deck, a consolidated vew of some of data from workbook 1 and workbook 2 is presented for each week.
This master file would remain same, and only be refreshed each week (preferably with a button on its sheet "REFRESH!!")
Next, need to manually change cells C2:G2 each week to reflect week titles correctly.
For e.g.: week6 would show week 1 through week 5, but during week7, it needs to show week 2 to week 6. Only last five weeks of data any given time.
The first datarows of each set are conditionally formatted (they are compared with other rows in the set and need to reflect danger values, good values etc) (I have done that already).