Sumif Formula The Meets Five Different Criteria

Feb 15, 2010

I want to create a sumif formula that will sum the data if it meets five different criteria. I tied to do an “Or” statement in the formula, but it doesn’t work. For example, I want to sum all the rows that contain: Apples, Bananas, Cherries, Pears, and Plums. How do I write the sumif formula so that it will do this?

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Delete Formula If Cell Value Meets Criteria?

Feb 18, 2014

I'm using the following on the Worksheet_Activate event to update rows with the date, (Cell AD1 contains the current date):

Range("X2:X2000").Formula = "=IF(IF(ISBLANK(W2),,$AD$1)=0,"""",IF(ISBLANK(W2),,$AD$1))"

Is there a way I can amend it so it only updates those cells which currently have no data?

At the moment it is changing every cell with the date which overwrites existing dates - I want it to update the new stuff only.

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Formula To Return Cell That First Meets Certain Criteria?

Mar 5, 2014

Say I have a column of cells filled with numbers that are ascending. What I would like to do is to pick out the first cell that meets my condition. For instance, these cells contain irrational numbers that increase from 0 to 100. I would like a formula to pick out the first cell that exceeds 10.2, and to return the row number of that cell.

In the case of descending numbers, if I would like to pick out the first cell that goes below 10.2, would the formula be the same?

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Formula- To Pull Cell Values Similar To A SUMIF Function (SUMIF(range,criteria,sum_range))

Oct 25, 2007

I am trying to pull cell values similar to a SUMIF function (SUMIF(range,criteria,sum_range)). For example, in A1 I use a data list created from data elsewhere on the spreadsheet. In the data I created elsewhere, there are 2 columns being used. The 1st column is the information that is being used to create the list and the second column contains specific values (number or text). In the dropdown menu I select an available value (text or number) . When I have selected that value I would like cell A2 to show what the cell directly to the right of it shows from the data I have elsewhere in the spreadsheet as mentioned. I have tried the SUMIF function however it seems to exclude certain values (number or text) and I am not sure what else to use.

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Find The Correct Formula To Sum Text That Meets Two Criteria?

Mar 27, 2014

I'm trying to find the correct formula to sum text that meets two criteria. If C2:C1023 is Equal to TEXT from J8 and F2:F1023 is equal to TEXT J4 add up the total times J4 shows up in C2:1023


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Formula To Ignore Blank Cells And Copy Data That Meets Criteria?

Apr 27, 2014

I have a worksheet (Data) that lists when pupils are in for Nursery sessions during the week. If they are in they have a 3 (hours) by their name in the relevant columns.

In the AM worksheet I now need to pull through a "register" so under each daily heading I need to pull through everyone that has a 3 next to their name under Monday AM / Tuesday AM / Wednesday AM etc. from the Data sheet. However, I don't want it to copy any blank cells. I then need to do the same for the PM sheet.

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Formula That Counts Number Of Unique Text Values If Meets Criteria

Nov 6, 2013

I have been using this function to count the number of unique text values in a data set:


It works great if I want to count number of unique text values overall. However, I want to count the occurrences of unique text values if they meet specific criteria. (Like a countifs function would if it could count unique text).

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SUMIF Sum All Data That Meets 1 Or 2

Nov 28, 2005

Suppose I have some data with a code for each data point:
1 100
1 200
1 300
2 400
2 500
3 600

The first column is the code and the second is the data. I can use a SUMIF statement to sum all the data that have a certain code (like 1). What if I wanted to sum all data that meets one of a number of codes? Suppose I wanted to sum all data that meets 1 or 2. I know I can do this with 2 separate SUMIFs, but I was wondering if there was a way to do it with one.

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Refernceing Cells: Formula That Looks At A Cell On A Front Sheet, And Then Returns The Contents Of That Cell As The Result If It Meets The Criteria

Apr 5, 2009

I have a formula that looks at a cell on a front sheet, and then returns the contents of that cell as the result if it meets the criteria. So for example this formula would be in Cell A1 on Sheet2 IF(SHEET1!A1,"New",Sheet1!A1,"-")

This formula is always in the same cell (different sheet) as the cell that it is looking at, down 1500 rows. Instead of having the formula named for each cell is there anyway to ask excel to 'look at this cell but on this other sheet'.
e.g IF(Sheet1!"This Cell" etc). That way no matter what cell you put the formula in it is always referencing the correct cell for the formula?

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SumIf Formula For Two Different Criteria

Dec 28, 2013

I need a formula which can sum the mode of payments separately occurring on different dates.

See the attachment. It is like

table 1
date cash credit card

table 2
product booking date booking amount payment date payment amount form of payment

a 1-1-14 100 2-1-14 100 credit card
b 1-1-14 150 3-1-14 150 cash
c 2-1-14 200 3-1-14 200 credit card

I want to add value in table 1 from table 2. In front of date CELL Both cash and credit card amounts should appear separately.


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Sumif Formula With 2 Criteria

Jul 24, 2009

is there away to do the sumif formula with 2 criteria? See attachment

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Sumif Formula Multiple Criteria

Jan 27, 2010

Can anyone tell me what is wrong with the formula on page 1 cell F56? it is not adding the 666 gallons at the end of column F for 426 - cc. Any ideas?

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SUMIF OR SUMIFS Functions With Criteria As Formula?

Apr 28, 2014

SUMIF and SUMIFS formula, where in I want to set criteria in the formula as greater than or less than or equal to value derived from another formula. I am inserting the following formula but excel is not allowing me to enter the formula.


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Setting Up The Range In The Criteria Section Of Sumif Formula?

Feb 17, 2014


17-Feb 5.00

19-Feb 12.00

22-Feb 7.00

26-Feb 10.00

I would like to see the sum of B given it is in the range from 17-Feb to 23-Feb. My estimations so far:

=sumif(A:A,????, B:B)

How do I set up a criteria which would take values from 17-Feb to 23-Feb?

I also tried =sum(sumif(A:A,{17-Feb;?;?;23-feb}, B:B) but it wouldn't let me.

Particularly the problem is in entering the date in the array.

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Excel 2010 :: SUMIF With Multiple Criteria - How To Add INDIRECT To Formula

Aug 11, 2013

Excel - 2010

I have the following formula:

=SUMIFS(FEB!TRANS_Cost,FEB!TRANS_Cat1,CAT_Main3,FEB!TRANS_Cat2,"Computer Items",FEB!TRANS_Status,"Paid")

TRANS_Cost = B:B on FEB tab
TRANS_Cat1 = C:C on FEB tab
TRANS_Cat2 = D:D on FEB tab
CAT_Main3 = "Everyday_Expenses"
TRANS_Status = E:E

In short the formula adds the total cost of anything 'tagged' as Everyday_expenses, computer items, paid. I want to adapt it so that it takes the value from a defined cell such as Month, so that data can be pulled by month.

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MAX If Meets 2 Criteria

Jul 15, 2014

I am having problems getting a formula to calculate the max if it meets 2 criteria. MAX of time listed by 1/past a certain date. 2/are of a specific client.

Here is my formula...

The data...
$D$2:$D$155685 - is the list of dates per ticket.
$O$2:$O$155685=$A2 - Are a variety of clients, where $A2 is a name of one of the clients.
$G$2:$G$155685 - Being a range of time stamps.

The formula runs, however it only shows the MAX of all entries, not within the specific date range...

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Getting Last Value From Column That Meets Certain Criteria

Jul 8, 2014

In theory I know what I should do, but I don't know the syntax. So here it is:

There are 1450 unique records in my XLS, every record contains 45 different rows(these are the phases) with their position(1....45). Every row has a status (Not Started, In Progress, Complete)

COLA(uniqueid)....COLi(it is a number, it is the position).....COLN(status)

. .
. .
id1 ....45.....status


basically I would like to get the last "in progress", If not found, the last "Complete, If not found then the first "Not Started". and put a "Y" right next to the row to a new column for all the groups(45 rows)

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Find The Last Row Which Meets Criteria??

Feb 28, 2009

s/s has 325501 rows. Column C contains names of people (whether present or not -I enclose small attachment to illustrate).
Column J contains scores (if present). I need column N to list the last row number where each column C name scored points (not just when heshe was last present). I think I need macros which I can fill down both columns (??).

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Sum Range When Another Meets Criteria

Mar 24, 2008

In the attached Exel work book I have work sheets named

Material Usage – Usage of materials
Estimate - calculate the Total material cost for a job
Material Cost – defines the material cost for each material type

In “Estimate” worksheet Job number is repeated but sub jobs falling under a particular job number is unique. Materials used for each sub job is different.

Once the job number is selected from the list box , I need to calculate the total material cost for each job. I tried sumif function but I don’t know how to get it to look up for each material type and get the sum .

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Finding The Nth Value If Another Column Meets A Criteria

Feb 7, 2009

here is a sample of the data


I know if I use dmax for only where first column equals 13 I get 460 but how do I get the second highest value for only those rows that have 13 in the first column (expect the answer to be 268). Then I want to do the same for 3rd, 4th highest etc.
I know large does it for one column and not only when the first column matches a designated criteria.

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Find Last Row And Score Which Meets Criteria?.

Feb 28, 2009

s/s has 325501 rows.

Column C contains names of people (whether present or not -I enclose small attachment to illustrate).
Column J contains scores (when present).

I need column K to list last row where column C name scored and column L to list last score.

I think I need macros which I can fill down both columns (??).

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Coying A Cell Value If It Meets A Criteria

May 12, 2009

i am trying to get my excel formula to say if 2 date ranges in my excel workbook are the same (in seperate worksheets) to put a value from a certain cell into another cell in another worksheet. This is all in the same excel application...

The first step i have taken are:

1) if the 2 date ranges are the same to say 'true' if not 'false'

I am trying to get a forumula to say "if it is true to put a value from a different cell into another cell (both in different worksheets) but the same excel application...? but if its false to move on to the next date

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Copy Row (specific Columns Only) If Row Meets Criteria

Jan 24, 2013

I have gotten a code. It goes into Sheet 1 and picks up all the Rows (entire row) in which Column A = 1.

Instead of copying the entire row, I need to just copy the row but only specific columns (i.e. Row 2, Column B,C,D,E,G).

Is there a way to specify where it pastes values in Sheet 2 (say from column D) because Column A-C have pre-filled data which do not change. And when it pastes, it has no gaps (despite a gap in the copied columns (i.e. Column F in sheet 1 was skipped)).

Sub cond_copy()
'assuming the data is in sheet1

[Code] .....

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Returning Text If Data Meets Certain Criteria

Apr 24, 2014

IN column J(on sheet 1) i want it to return text (OB) if Sheet 1 column A1 equals Sheet2 Columns A1:A500. And if Sheet 1 column A1 do not equal Sheet2 Columns A1:A500 return text(IB).

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Sum If Tuition Reimbursed Meets Date Criteria

Feb 25, 2009

I am trying to add the tuition to be reimbursed if the claim date is on or after a certain date and then deducting the total from a set amount. I have included a simple example. I tried a formula from the pierson examples but Im doing something wrong.

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Count Single Cell If Meets Criteria?

Apr 12, 2012

I am trying to come up with a simple formula to count a single cell if it contains either a 2 or 3.

The cell can contain numbers ranging from 0-8.

Even better would be if I could some how evaluate single cells based on the contents and then count the number of cells where the criteria for contents is true. The problem is the criteria differs from cell to cell (i.e. D2 could = 2 or 3, but E2 needs to be counted only if it contains a 4 or 5).

I know COUNTIFS only evaluate a range but it would be perfect if I could somehow get it to work for single cells. COUNTIFS(D2,2,D2,3,E2,3,E2,4,F2,2)

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Calculate Xirr If A Column Meets A Certain Criteria

Aug 12, 2008

Is it posssible to use the xirr function with conditions. For example, an array formula that will only calculate xirr if a column meets a certain criteria or if the dates are within a range?

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Delete Nth Row In All Worksheets If Cell Meets Criteria

May 21, 2008

I want to scan all sheets in a workbook and to delete a first row where a value in cell(1,1) is "table".

Sub DeleteFirstRowInWorksheet()
Dim SheetName As Worksheet
Dim i As Integer

For Each SheetName In Sheets
If Range("A1") = "table" Then
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
End If
Next SheetName
End Sub

It delete only in an active sheet. What's wrong?

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Pulling Data From Multiple Columns If Meets Criteria

Aug 13, 2012

Have a worksheet Pricelist, require to pull data from the columns to a new worksheet only if qty is more than 0, and delete empty rows afterwards. Required result is in worksheet order. Original file is about 10K rows.

Attached sample file : example.xls

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Return All Cells From Sheet1 That Meets The Criteria On Sheet2

Feb 10, 2014

As per attachment, see data : 2604 Stock.xlsx

On sheet 1 column A and B. On sheets 2 I would like to make a seach tab - so if the people type part of the word or code it must return all the data from sheet 1 to sheet 2 that meets that criteria in full or part thereof. I have tried but can't get it to work, might it be that it is on 2(two) sheets ?

I do not understand code so I really do not know what to do where. Basically it should work as a Ctrl-F (find-all) function.

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