I have a sheet with data in A1:A50 also in B1:B50 and amounts in C1:C50
I calculate using the formula sumproduct((a1:a50="yes")*(B1:B50="RED")*(C1:C50)). How can I change this to allow for rows being added on a regular basis.
I have a problem with a sumproduct formula. The formula works however both workbooks have to be opened at the same time or it will not update and you get a #VALUE! error. The formula is:
But it only finds the first value in the list Cash. Which the list of accounts for cash will grow because we are expanding and have several mergers going on.
The formula is =SUMPRODUCT((Group="A")*(Project_Description="Long Term")*(Profile="B")*(INDIRECT(B9)="x"))
B9 through M9 have header text Jan_2012, Feb_2012...Dec_2012. Basically my aim is to get the above formula working before I drag it across so that the named ranges get picked up automatically from the headers.
Jan_2012 thru Dec_2012 are dynamic named ranges using INDEX (and not OFFSET as someone mentioned OFFSET is a volatile function).
The above SUMPRODUCT formula is giving me a #REF! error for the (INDIRECT(B9)="x") part. I know that because when I replace it with (Jan_2012="x") it works fine.
I realized while writing this that it may be because the named range in Jan_2012 is not the same size as that of other arrays. [but it is the same size - I've re-confirmed just now]
I have what I thought was going to be a simple function to create and, after a week of getting more error messages than I've had in a year, I'm ready to throw in the towel. Situation: There are two worksheets in the same workbook [Excel 2003]. One is for "Posting" details about technicians and their work orders. The other is a "Report" that summarizes the number of workorders open, closed, etc.
In the "Posting" sheet, I have created dynamic name ranges for two columns: Technician (4-digit text field) and InDate (date field that, if blank, means that the technician has not closed this work order. My ranges are set up like this:
So all I need to do is to total all the blank InDates for each Technician by employee number. I've tried COUNT to SUMPRODUCT. A co-worker got it to work with using...=SUMPRODUCT((ISBLANK(Posting!$D$2:$D$65307))*(Posting!$B$2:$B$65307=4288)) His solution was to list almost every available cell in each column. I just can't help but think that the dynamic name range should be able to work but I can't get it right. I think I'll choke if I get one more "N/A" or "VALUE! error.
I'm having a fit with this formula; maybe the gurus will show me what I'm doing wrong. I have a list of area numbers along with dollar amounts that go with these area numbers. I have created a named range named "Areas" and another one named "MO_PD".
At the bottom of the worksheet I am doing a recap that takes the area number and sums all the entries in the MO PD column. This approach has been done before with Thomach's help. I'm trying to mimic it, but it's not working for me.
NOTE - I know that I can get around this using a pivot table, but I would like to use this approach for now. I would at least like to know what I'm doing wrong. Also, I'm not totally sure if I did the dynamic named ranges correctly so that may need to be fixed.
I have a range which will change in size & in content, & I want this to be a Named Range at whatever size it is.
Reason I want to is because I want to make a Validation List with this dynamic range. I also want a Validation list which lists the content of 2 or more dynamic ranges which may or may not be on the same worksheet - is this possible?
i.e. First dynamic range: called "Milestones" at A11 Second dynamic range: called "Activities" at A25 & make a Validation list that will list content of both
I have a column of data that keeps getting new information in it. what i need is a named range that i can use for a chart, first point in the named range will be the first value in the column, second point will be avg. of point 1 and 2, then 3rd point will be avg. of 1,2,3 etc.
I was hoping that then when i go to data > Pivot table and it asks for the range i could put =Data but it tells me that the range is invalid. I have attached a copy at the bottom.
My searches have not produced anything that I could apply to this situation.
I'm trying to write VBA that would:
1. Search a Workbook for Dynamic Ranges.
2. When a Dynamic Range is found the code would:
A. Determine the current coordinates for the range. B. Change the "Refers To" value From "=OFFSET...." To "=Worksheet_Name $Column$Row:$Column$Row"
3. Save Changes.
4. Close File.
My apologies but I have very little experience in writing VBA. I understand about variables, arguments, and IF/THEN but just enough to use functions within Excel.
I have below four column range. I need a formula to sumproduct column A and column D, where column B = "n1", column C = "xyz" and until sum of column A reaches first largest value which is less or equal to a variable, say 15. So, the rows would be 1st, 2nd and 5th. And the result - 1,440.
A B C D 2n1xyz110 5n1xyz112 8n2abc112 3n1abc111 6n1xyz110 6n1abc114 3n1xyz114 2n1abc112 3n2xyz114 8n1xyz114 8n1xyz115 4n1abc115
I have worked our an CSE formula below, but it is really massive. Need to have much simplier one.
I am performing a sumproduct calculation in an array form. The first three columns in the data table have criteria, " Name", "Letter" and "Multiplier". The following 5 columns have days of the week, "MON", "TUE" etc. What I am trying to achieve is to use a sumproduct array to muliply the "Multiplier" criteria against a particular "Day" criteria when "Name", "Letter", and "Day" criteria match a series of reference cells. What this requires me to do is to define the "Day" range of values differently when I change the "Day" criteria. How do I create a variable range?. example file attached.
But when i replace the range from row 459 to row 55000 i get the NA.... i need the range to be as big as possible as i keep adding data on a daily basis.
I have a range of data that will grow as the days of the month pass but I need to run calculations on this range. The data is 13 columns wide but the number of rows will increase daily. I remember using a formula in the Define Range that would automatically take into account new additions using the OFFSET function but cannot for the life of me think how exactly to do it.
Line of code that will Select a Named Range in this case I have Named a CELL "DataSummary" Need to use that named range by selecting 30 columns and 54 rows.
I have been working on part of the code for my spreadsheet and it works fine in the spreadsheet “Databaseform” however when I copied the code to my master spreadsheet “Paul_PartLocDBCombo” it does not work, I get the error:
Method ‘ range’ of object ‘_worksheet’ failed The code is then highlighted in yellow, the code is: Set rng = wksPartsData.Range("a1", Range("a65536").End(xlUp))
Meaning this part is incorrect but I don’t know why? To work it: go to Databaseform and press start. Enter 7mm in the product field and press find all. It will then return all the matching results in the userform. Its this I want to try and achieve on the other spreadsheet when the button find label is pressed.
Im Trying to use a formula of countif or sumproduct
so the formula will read the range of cells from A2:A30 to see if the word Hydro is in any of those cells, then if the date range from Cell B2:B30 is from range =>Dec-01-2007 to =<Dec-31-2007, then it will count 1.
[Code] ........
But this formula doest count.
I've tried using a multiple if count if with arrays and sumproduct. I really want it to count the ammount of time the work hydro is used during the month on december .
In which D4 is the body part (Neck, for example), owssvr is the sheet with the records being summarized and F2 contains the month being queried.
The problem I'm having is that I want to calculate data for a region of the body (head & neck), which will include count any record that has a part of that body region (nose, face, eye, tooth) mentioned in the affected area text. If I simply sum all the values calculated for each body part, records that include multiple parts (e.g. "scratched nose and eye") will be counted twice.
Can I calculate whether a range of cells for the incidents contains any of a specified range of body parts (listed in D4:D15), but do this for each month, and count each record only once (e.g. "cut nose" = 1 record, "cut nose & eye" = 1 record).
Is there a simple way to include the values of an entire range?
This is what I tried, but I get #name
Code: =SUMPRODUCT((Datasheet!J2:J65000 = Range("C3:AA3"))*Datasheet!F2:F65000) If I use a single cell it works, but only with what matches that cell.
Code: =SUMPRODUCT((Datasheet!J2:J65000 = C3)*Datasheet!F2:F65000) I'd like the criteria to match anything in that range C3:AA3. Do I need to specify each cell individually or is there an easy way have it use the entire range's values for its criteria?