In a grade book, if students get a grade on the final exam that is higher than the midterm grade, this becomes the exam portion of their (if it's lower, it's averaged). So a student who gets an 81 on the midterm and a 90 on the final gets a 90 for the exam portion of the final grade. What's the easiest formula to make the final exam grade the average if it's higher than the midterm grade?
Right now the formula I use for the course grade is this:
where I3/J3/K3 are the midterm/final/quiz averages, and I1/J1/K1 represents the respective % (30/40/30) of the grade assigned to the midterm/final/quizzes.
Averages Monday=0 Tuesday=5 Wednesday=7.5 Thursday=0 (I have got a value return of 7.5) Friday=5 Saturday=0 (I have got a value return of 5) Sunday=0 (I have got a value return of 5)
I need to work out averages for cells higher than zeros, in other words, I need to ignore those.
Also say I have got an average of 5 by Tuesday and no number yet for the rest of the week, I still get an average of 5 for all days left which I do not want.
I am using excel 2003 and formula =SUM(RANGE)/COUNTIF(RANGE,">=0").
I would also like to hide the annoying #DIV/0! error.
Objective: I am trying to find consecutive (2 or more) lap time that is above a certain value per lap. Once that is accomplished. I would like to know the summation of these values and the average. These values (summation and average) are not over the entire data, but for the consecutive periods only. Ideally I would like the for n number of laps and lap-time.
(i.e) if threshold is 85 seconds. Please view the attached image and sample spreadsheet.
Lap #Lap TimeThreshold2 or more laps 0118.285118.2 192.7492.74 284.82 387.587.5 486.586.5 582 681 784.2 887 981
The formula I used to get the consecutive data above
formula I used is =IF(AND($B2>$D$2,OR($B3>$D$2,$B1>$D$2)),$B2,""). This yielded the values on the last column.
My question is, how can I sum and find the average and summation of consecutive value till blank cell. Using the example above, I would require the average, ((118.2+92.74)/2) in one cell. I would require the next cell to give me the average, ((87.5+86.5)/2. Also I would require the summations used.
I need a formula that can look at to cells, and if they are both the same pick cell A1 but if one of the cells has a higher amount than the other pick that one.
so the formula would do the following
look at the amount in A1 and B1 if A1 is higher than B1 input A1, if B1 is higher than A1 input B1 but if A1 = B1 then input A1,
I am trying to do is I have column C and column G. For each row, I want to highlight or change the font color of the greater number. I can do it with conditional formatting, but I am only able to do it for 1 row at a time and it will take forever considering there are over 800 rows.
Is there an easy way to compare the two columns and highlight or change the font color of the higher number in that row?
For example:
C G 4 5 8 1 6 2 9 11
So it would highlight the 5 in the first row, the 8 in the second row, the 6 in the third row, and 11 in the fourth row.
I have two columns with values. Then I have a third column with one letter A or B.
I'm not used to excel, but I've tried my way with COUNTIFS and I'm pretty sure it's the way to go, but I'm lost in the syntax.
I want to count the number of times the values in the first column is larger than the values in the second column, if the letter is A. And then flip the ">" sign and count that and hopefully the first number is higher.
I have two Columns C and E that have dollar amounts in them. I want to compare each row in those columns and then total the number in column C that are higher that column E.
So basically C6>E6, C7<E7, C8=E8,C9>E9 should return the result of 2. There are two instances where the price in C is higher than the price in E.
I spent a lot of time on this but still can't figure this out. I have DATA
DATA RESULT 10 20 20 below no more larger value 12 15 8 15 15 below no more larger value 6 NA
What I want is the RESULT column. The RESULT column returns the next value that is larger than the reference. E.g. The next value that is larger than 10 is 20. NOT the next larger value, the next larger value of 10 is 12. This is not what I want.
i was given a formula in B15 which allows me to get the average of the figures that are submitted within that box not all 28 squares will be used hence the formula but this leaves me a #DIV/0! if no numbers are inserted.i need to get the average of all 7 boxes for totals but cant why i have this error there how can i oberride this so if all the boxes are blank it reads nothing
I am looking for a sum if formula to average the numbers in column 2 but only if the number isn't 0, so the average of CARLING will be 12.5 and not 8.3
I can't construct a formula that would do it for me. I have a row of numbers. I need to find the first number in that row that is greater or equal to 90, when that is found I need to return a number from a different row. Example:
I have 90 in A1.
In row B2:F2, I have numbers like -125, -100, -90, 90, 91, 150 etc. In row B1:F1 I have rates like 4.25, 5.5, 3.75, 5.625, 6.00, 7.00 etc
I need to get the first number that is >=90, and return the rate above that number. ( Rates are always in one row)
I would like to find the average number of days events take from start to finish.
My data is in 3 columns:
EventName StartDate EndDate
I have a ton of EventNames, each of which have a StartDate. But I want to calculate the average days to complete only for those EventNames that have EndDates.
So, if a cell in the column EndDate is greater than zero, then take that cell, subtract it from the corresponding cell in the StartDate column; Add all of them together and divide by the count of those rows in the EndDate column that have a value.
i have a formula that i am trying to place in excel, however i am not sure what the function is I need to call or if there is one. the formula is G(sec Z)
I have a worksheet containing 5 columns. A start and end date, a number of days between these dates, the quarter number of the start date (i.e. 1 to 4) and then the year.
I want to calculate the average number of days per quarter so an average of days in column C, based on the details in column D and E.
* Calculate if the numbers on J2:J4 are within 30% of each other (which I do and the results are in the table in O1:Q4.
* The numbers in J2:J4 (and accordingly the results from O1:Q4) change when the numbers in F2:F4 change
* In M2 I need to calculate the average of only the numbers from J2:J4 that fall within 30% range from each other. In the example attached, I need to average only J2 & J3.
I thought about 2 ways:
A multiple IF formula or an Averageifs formula.
The multiple ifs formula below works fine except when all 3 numbers are either within or out of30% range.....
I need a formula to determine the average number of days between sales transactions for each item in inventory. There are several hundred different item numbers with thousands of transactions.
I have attached an example of what I'm looking for. I've toyed around with Average and If functions but can't seem to get it right.
I'm once again here asking for a smart trick to do a difficult (for me) thing. I need to write a formula capable of averaging the n cells on its left. The problem is that the number of cells to be averaged is a variable contained in anothe cell therefore the exact number is not known (a priori) and changes at every sheet refresh.
In this example, we use the initial [ ] to track which site the review was posted on ex: [CTY] means city search, [GGL] means google, etc.
We want to be able to track the average star value on each site. So the formula for City Search would scroll across the row of reviews, pick out reviews 1 and 4 and then find the first number in each and average them. The result in this case would be 3.5
From the research we have done so far, this looks like it will require a complex array formula. How to make this formula? Is this even possible what we are trying to do?
I am trying to find a formula that works out the average of the figures in column problem is that so far in column K there is only one positive number (11)- the rest of the cells are DIV/0 so the average is showing as DIV/0. This is incorrect as the average is really 11 - how can I sort this out with a formula?
I am trying to average a range which continually changes depending on the amount of registries entered in a given week. for example, one week there may be 5 registries which would fill five columns while another week there may be 15 registries, once again filling 15 columns. I would like to find the average of x amount of columns. My initial approach was to select the first blank cell to the right of the data and then find the last filled cell (which should be the first column of data. with this range i tried hopelessly to use the average function (did not work):
Sub averagemake() Dim iLastColumn As Integer Dim Rng As Range Sheets("All Data(Values)").Select Range("A6").Select Cells.Find(What:="", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt _ :=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _ False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate iLastColumn = Cells(6, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=AVERAGE(RC[-iLastColumn]:RC[-1])" End Sub
I have been developing a spreadsheet for my HR department to display sick leave and holidays amongst various other things. After completing it I was asked to tally up both half days and full days (Full days shown with a capital 'H' and half days with a lower case 'h')
I have tried various combinations of things to get this to work using Exact and if statements but had no luck.
What formula can I use to accomplish the following, if it can be done.
If B9 is 100% all the rest of the % cell inputs would be 0%
If B9 is less 100% ,lets say 50% all the rest of the % cell inputs would be less than or equal to 50% until any sum of those cells equal to 100% in which case if I enter 50% on B9 and 25% on D9 and 25% on F9 their total sum would be 100%.
If I try to enter a % on H9 it should not allow me to do it because then the total sum on O9 would be more the the original amount on A9
Basically, I am looking for a macro code to link to an 'Update' button that will do the following;
I will have 2 sheets, one sheet will be referencing data from other sheet with the following
=IF(Log Sheet!A4="Yes",(A1),"0")
This means, if it needs to be 'referred' it will go to the other sheet, and if it doesn't, then it wont and it will show up as 0.
Basically, every row will have this type of formula for 30 columns, and i would like a macro code that will hide values of 0, but even once hidden, will then show them again if in the other spreadsheet i change the value to yes, meaning i want the previously hidden row to show.