Time Format Like In Access

Oct 11, 2007

How can I get my time format in excell to be like it is in access ie. 1:00 Pm. I want to put the time format in my excell spreadsheet and make sure that people enter the time in that format and I dont want to lock the sheet. So is there a way to make certain that the time they put in is the way I want it!! 1:00 PM

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Access Conditional Format Properties With VBA

Nov 20, 2013

I have about a googol conditionally formatted cells in a workbook. Some of these cells are formatted to display, in particular circumstances, a rather unpleasant shade of orange.

I now need to change that colour (to an even more unpleasant chade of orange).

Can I loop through all cells, test whether any of the conditions apply the colour in question and if so, set it to something else?

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Specify Format Of Access Data Import

Oct 3, 2006

I tried to upload my spreadsheet but the zipped excel spreadsheet was 78KB over the forum max. Its hard for me to explan this without you looking at the spreadsheet. Basicly I'm exporting data from Access to Excel into a spreadsheet. When the data exports into excel I want the data to be formated in such a way and this is where some code will need to be written. I've made up 2 spreadsheets within excel. One sheet is how the data comes into excel from access and the other sheet is how I'd like the data to look without me having to doctor the sheet every time I export.

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Access To Excel Date Format Problem

Jun 4, 2008

When I am bring data into Excel from Access - the dates are getting converted from mm/dd/yyyy to the general format (39564). How can I change this back to a date? Can it be done in the SQL statement? The selecting of a column and formatting it will not work for my app. Columns do not line up.

Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection
cnn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=N:oprdatabase.mdb"
Set rst = cnn.Execute(MySQLcheck)
FieldCount = (rst.Fields.Count)

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Format Text File For Excel To Import Into Access

Jan 12, 2010

I have a large text file that is generated daily and want to import into MS Access as the end result.

First I need to reformat into the row format in excel rather than the format it is in. The issue is not all the segments are the same number of lines or they may have mutli message lines. The names with colon : after them I want to be field names in the table which I wish the text file to import into. Please, I am looking for assistance with this.

I have attached sample data of the text dump, and the name of the file is as you see but different date on the end. At the very end of the text file you will see the desired output which I will then import into Access

Also every new message begins with the dotted line and the date and time at the end.

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VBA Importing Data From Access To Excel - Date Format Incorrect

Sep 8, 2008

I am using VBA to export an access query into excel, the query works fine in access but when importing the data into an excel spreadsheet, it doesn't display the date column headers in the correct format.

The problem I have is that the dates 1 to 12 are displayed the wrong way round eg:

In Access date column headers from query are:
09/01/2008, 11/01/2008, 12/01/2008, 14/01/2008, 15/01/2008 etc.

But when exporting to excel, the above dates are shown as:
01/09/2008, 01/11/2008, 01/12/2008, 14/01/2008, 15/01/2008 etc

It seems to be changing round the dd/mm when I export, but only upto 12 when the day is 13 or more it is displayed correctly.

Public Sub bttnDMA_Click()
'DMA Figures in Excel format
'Creating the Recordset
Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection
Dim MyRecordset As New ADODB.Recordset
MyRecordset.ActiveConnection = cnn
Dim MySQL As String ....

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Time Format: Format Cells To Contain Minutes, Seconds And Hundredths

Oct 15, 2009

How can I format cells to contain Minutes, Seconds and Hundredths of seconds to be used in calculations eg 1.24.99 means 1 minute and 24.99 seconds. Example calculation is: 1.24.99 - 1.24.90 =0.0.09

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Run Time Error 1004 (macro Called From Access Module)

Nov 19, 2008

i am running a macro thru vba (beiing called from a ms access module) and am getting a RuntTimeError 1004.

the code opens a workbook...then open a second workbook (which houses the macro) then activates the desired worksheet and call the Maco via the run command but errors out.

if i open the workbook and set focus on the desired sheet ....tool>macro>desired macro name it runs fine.

the line of code in the macro is: "ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate"

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Converting Normal Time To Epoch Time Format Using Excel

May 18, 2003

I'm working on converting some databases. One has entries with normal human readable time format, the other uses the unix epoch time format.

Is there a function or vba code that I can use in excel to convert the normal time format to epoch time?

I've got a thousand or so entries, so it would be nice to find a way to do this on a large scale.

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Split Date & Time Cell & Format Time As Hundreth Of Second

Sep 6, 2006

I have one column with as many as 50,000 or more rows. The data format for each row/ cell is unique as shown below ( date and time). I wanted to split the data as shown in "Formatted Data" below. Have Tried Text To Column formatting but didn't work right.

Raw Data: Formatted Data (2 cells):
2005/11/02 23:55:15.758 ==> 2005/11/02 23:55:15.758
2005/11/02 23:58:16.698 ==> 2005/11/02 23:58:16.698
2005/11/03 00:07:13.830
2005/11/03 00:10:14.971

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Copy N Paste Time Date/time Format

Oct 12, 2009

I have a cell with both date & time "10/9/09 3:15" This is put in the current cell by formula which indexes two dif. cells, Now I am trying to copy this cell and paste into another book but like to have only date. How can I do that? Each time I try it gives me the time value in the pasted cell and I cannot even format it.

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Extract Time From Custom Date And Time Format

Sep 23, 2009

I have a file that has the Date and Time combined into one cell. I want to separate the two, and cannot find anywhere on the net to do so!

This is the cells format:
d/mm/yyyy h:mm

Cells look like this:
28/05/2008 12:30

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Converting Normal Time To Epoch Time Format

May 18, 2003

I'm working on converting some databases. One has entries with normal human readable time format, the other uses the unix epoch time format.

Is there a function or vba code that I can use in excel to convert the normal time format to epoch time?

I've got a thousand or so entries, so it would be nice to find a way to do this on a large scale.

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Format Date & Time Cell To Hide Time If 0:00

Dec 28, 2006

I have a Excel Dates & Times column where the time is not always used. In these cases the time is 12:00AM. Is there a way to Custom Formats the cell so that the time is only visible if it is not 12:00AM?

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Convert Number Format To Time Format

Nov 28, 2013

How do I convert 11.20.00 in A1 to 11:20:00 in B1?

I've tried =TEXT(A1,"hh:mm:ss") to no avail.

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Add And Subtract Time And Get Result In Time Format

Dec 31, 2009

As mentioned below , in excel sheethow to add and subtract time value and get result in time format. As given in below sheet, suppose i want to calculate each day stoppage duration and finally total stoppge duration. Kindly let me know the farmula or function for the same with example. I'm using excel 2003.



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Time Sheet :: 12 Hour Time Format With AM/PM

Mar 13, 2008

I found a formula for calculating time in the HH:MM AM/PM


This formula was to give me total hours in the cell for which it is entered, and cell format for the formula was in military format.

I cannot find this post. The formula worked in OpenOffice Calc program, but when it came to converting to excel, I came up with #value!

I want to enter the time in 12 hour format and using am/pm to designate. I am making it for someone to make work schedules with and they do not know military time.

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Format Time Difference From Time In Ranges

Jul 7, 2006

i want to ask for a reason if a item is late where M & line is the time it should have left and N & line is the actual time it left.

TL is the difrence between the two times
but it returns "DRIVER DISPATCHED -.11233543 E2 MINUTES LATE"
how do i format this to show the difrence in minutes

TL = Range("N" & Line) - Range("M" & Line)

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Time Format :: Deduct One Time From Another

May 8, 2009

a formula that I could deduct one time from another and get an answer that gives me the total times in hours and minutes.

So in the case of a person starts work at 7:56:24 and finishes at 15:24:20 - What formula would I need to calculate the amount of hours and minutes worked.

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Programmatic Access To Trust Access To Visual Basic Editor

Jan 10, 2007

I am Generating Excel file with Macro using my asp.net (c#) application.

I am able to generate Excel file in development environment, but in Production it gives following error:
"Programmatic access to Visual Basic Project is not trusted Line: Microsoft Office Excel"

I did googling a bit and found that I have to open Excel file physically make few security related changes in macro as below.

1. Open the Office application in question. On the Tools menu, click Macro, and then click Security to open the Macro Security dialog box.
2. On the Trusted Sources tab, click to select the Trust access to Visual Basic Project check box to turn on access.
3. Click OK to apply the setting. You may need to restart the application for the code to run properly if you automate from a Component Object Model (COM) add-in or template.

Can i do above changes at runtime (using some code)?

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Convert Imported Date / Time Data To Date / Time Format?

Jan 2, 2013

I have loaded a .csv file in which the first column contains date/times, e.g. 01/12/2012 00:00. How do I now tell Excel (2010) that this is in fact a date/time format? If I select one or more of the cells, click on the Number dialog box launcher and try to pick a suitable format tghe cells resolutely refuse to budge from being text (i.e. left-justified, still allows me to edit the 'seconds' component to a number > 60). Also which data type should I be using? The only one that appears to have a full date/time format listed is Custom (not Date or Time).

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Time Format Changes To Other Format

Mar 24, 2009

If i export a report to CSV, the Avg Time Spent column as been changes to other format. Even after I change to Time Format in excel, it is not showing the time properly.

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Access-Like Report Without Utilizing Access

Sep 12, 2006

I have an Excel file ( named "Classes.xsl"), that has a worksheet (named "RawData") that is layed out something like:

Name Dept Class
John 0547 Class 1
Jane 0368 Class 1
Jim 0368 Class 2
Sue 1235 Class 2

I am trying to get an Access-Like report without utilizing Access. Is there a way to generate a report similar to below using Excel as the data source (could be mail merge, perhaps a macro with a printout) I am not sure which way to try and was hoping someone could point me in the right direction...and possibly provide an example.

Class EnrollmentClass 1John 0547
Jane 0368Class 2Jim 0368
Sue 1235

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0h 00m 00s Time Format To Standard?

Mar 23, 2014

I'm getting a time data on the format "0h 00m 00s" but I can't convert it to a standard "00:00:00" format to properly handle it and I'm not so Excel savvy. I already tried looking for something on google but the formulas for similar issues "0h 0s" or "0d 0h 0h" are not working (I can't find a way to adjust them). For example: I'm have the following data on G3:

0h 37m 52s

and I'm using the following TIME/FIND formula:


but the outcome is "2:06:10" instead of "0:37:52"

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Correcting Time Format?

Apr 9, 2014

I’m running a report on the average hold time of telephone calls. The data I extract for the report exports like this:


I need to re-format the cells to show like this:


If I only had 15 or 20, I would change them manually. But, this report has about 200 rows. And, I have 7 different reports to run.

I’m lost when it comes to making macros and using Visual Basic. Although, I can follow instructions and copy/paste.

The code mentioned in this thread: [URL] ....


Doesn’t work with this particular format. It’s changing the data to this:


How can I change the VB code to give me what I want?

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Add Zero Automatically In A Time Format.

Dec 22, 2008

I have been battling with this report I have been working with for sometime. Is there a way in Excel where I can automatically add zero into the time format?

The problem is I have to import data from another source and the time displays as a time format showing :59:00 insted of 0:59:00. Excel will not sum the calculation without the zero infront of the colon. This makes my report very time consuming. Can someone show me a way that I can automatcially add zero's infront when having data under 1:00:00?

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Time Format Won't Change?

Apr 26, 2013

I have a column with times in it, it seems to be formatted to HH:MM I would like to change this to HH:MM:SS but it will not seem to change at all by formatting the cells, does this mean I will need to go through each individual time and change it to the new format or is there some sort of work around?

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Time Format / How To Convert 10:9:8.13 To 10:09:08.013

Nov 29, 2013

I'm trying to sort a dataset that contains time stamps: each line is an event with a timestamp containing milliseconds and no leading zeroes:

if I sort, I get this result:


which is wrong on so many levels...

how can I correct this?

I wanted to convert to milliseconds but how to extract text relative to the delimiter ":"

I tried custom format, but Excel won't accept the formats I proposed "hh:mm:ss:000", "h:m:s:000", "00:00:00:000" it's all for the cat.

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Format Cells TIME VBA?

Jul 19, 2014

How to proper set the Format cells for this?

Time returns always

2:01:23 PM2:01:26 PM

I would like to have

14:01:23 14:01:26

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Time Format Be Retained

Feb 20, 2009

I am struggling to cope with time (aren't we all).
I pick up a range of cells formatted on the worksheet as hh:mm. Put these into a macro and do some sorting. Then I place them on another worksheet but they arrive as time serials. The time serial appears as soon as the cells are placed in the macro.

How can I retain the hh:mm format from one worksheet to the next without having to manually reformat the cells?

Is there a VBA format method for individual array elements.

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