To Include Search Functionality In Listbox

Jan 27, 2014

By typing either first letter or first two letters in cell A2 the list box should bring up matching street names. Also listbox should manually allow to select required street name by scrolling down.

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Search Functionality Within Userform

Mar 27, 2014

I have a standard multi-page excel workbook in Excel 2013. I have built a user form that will allow for user input into my main excel page. This inpu includes many different variables, including one called "Paint". The value of paint can currently be selected from a drop down box that pulls its values from a spreadsheet in the workbook (Paint!A$1,A$50) but here's the issue. I have over 50 possible values for paint and it makes the drop box time searching for the right one kinda hard.

Here's what I want to do: Have a button beside the paint drop-down that says "Search", When the users clicks it it opens a search dialogue of some kind that will return the closest values to their search. When they click the value they want it gets entered as the selected value for the "Paint" drop-down box.

Here's my questions:
-Is this even possible ?I know enough about VBA to know that this is probably difficult in which case id still like to try.
-If it is possible. Are there perhaps any places you could point me to that would have some sort of starting point for me to work from. Remember I got the other part already I just need the search functionality.

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Search Result List (grep-like Functionality)

Aug 31, 2006

how to create a simple form that would search a sheet for a word and display the list of resulting rows - something similar to Adobe Reader 7 Search functionality ?

If I was having administrator privileges on this PC, I would simply install Cygnus and use its "grep" command on a CSV file but without that possibility, it's rather cumbersome to search an Excel sheet when you need to do it repetitively, and I need to locate a specific row each time without knowing the exact content of the cell (only searching for one or another word I know the cell contains).

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Include Search Button Code?

May 2, 2014

I have a spread sheet with 2 columns of data. On the top of the sheet, I want to include a Search Button that when it is clicked, a box pops up and asks to Enter Search Term, when they click ok it operates a the find function in excel.Macro I should create and apply to the button

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Include/Exclude Specific Instring Characters From A Querry Search

Dec 18, 2009

I have a querry- file search application macro which searches all directories and subdirectories found within the provided string path and brings in specific data from spreadsheets in those directories. I would like to have the ability to exclude some of the subdirectories which are currently being querried.

I'm wondering if it is possible to add additional code that will allow me to either include or exclude specific directories being querried.

Here's an excerpt of the ....

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Editing Macro To Include Multiple Rows And Include Text Formatting For Leading Zeros

Apr 2, 2014

I need the values that are copied from the template to copy over in text form from the "Data" Tab. Secondly, the master sheet has multiple lines for each vendor. For the area highlighted in red I'd like for it to copy all cells in column C for the vendor and search the vendor by name. Then, move to the next sheet.

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Listbox Search Of 2 Sheets

Jun 4, 2009

I'm trying to do a search of 2 sheets and if the value of column "H" is True(in text) "Label57" is to be visible and "Label58" is to be hidden. And if the value is "False"(in text), "Label58" is to be visible and "Label57" is to be hidden. Hope this all makes sense.
The code below works fine for only one of the sheets(Orders) but not the other(ArchivedOrders).

With Sheets("Orders")
Set r = .Columns("A").Find(Me.ListBox2.Text, , , xlWhole)
If r Is Nothing Then

With Sheets("ArchivedOrders")
Set r = .Columns("A").Find(Me.ListBox2.Text, , , xlWhole)
If r.Offset(0, 7).Value = "True" Then
Label57.Visible = True
Label57.Visible = False.................

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Populating A Listbox From A Search Query

Feb 14, 2010

On the attached spreadsheet, I have a command button on the search results spreadsheet that opens a userform to show the individual records with populated data.

This is working fine. The problem is when I use the 'drill down' button beforehand.

As an example, I search for the language "Italian". I then drill down to find "Females". When I click the command button and click Find, I only want the 3 records for the females, not the 7 that match the original search.

I know where in the macro changes are required, I just don't know what to change it to.

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Search In TextBox, Return In Listbox

Jan 10, 2008

I'm using a Textbox macro to search my database for a specific date, and return the company name of all entrys for that date, into a ListBox.

Now this is the only way I'm prepared to look at doing, and I have managed to do it...... partially - as stupid as it sounds, I cant get multiple results to list in the ListBox itself, and for the life in me I cant find out how to do it.

Also, once the options have been brought back into the ListBox, I then need code which will then populate further locked TextBox's which the rest of the company info, when selected from the ListBox.

I know its asking alot (or maybe not) but I believe, (unless ive done it a really awkward way, I'm not too far away, I just dont know the code to enter, to be able to do it.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim Nullstring

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

If TextBox1.Value = "" Or Nullstring Then
MsgBox "Please enter a date to search for"
GoTo error1:
End If.....................................

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Multicolumn Listbox Display-use Search

Apr 24, 2007

I have try whole moring to make the multicolumn list in EXCEL 2003.But failed.

Could anyone have a look at the code and correct me?

In the userform,I have a combobox to select the "client",and I have a multicolumn listboxm, to display the related result for the client which is from sheet"orders"
I am a beginner in the EXCEL VBA, so my code attached in the workbook might be in mess.

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Displaying Textbox Search Results In Listbox

Jun 23, 2014

I am trying to create a search where the user types into the text box 'ItemDescription' then hits the 'ItemDescSearch' button (see below code) to pollute the list box 'lbSamDesc' with any partial matches from the specified range. Currently when I click on the button it takes about 8 seconds then no results are displayed in the List Box.

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Filter Listbox With Combobox And Search Button

Aug 4, 2014

Attached small application. Open the application and click on the LISTBOX button. Code for the Filter by Item button or the Filter by Representative button. I would like to select an item from either of those dropdowns in the search box, click on the relevant button and the list box will populate to show the results.

For example, if I were to select Chocolate Bars from the dropdown and click filter by item, I want to see only the three lines [i.e. line 2, 6 and 7] present in the listbox, and I want to be able to doubleclick on any of those lines to go to the record if I wish.

Similarly, if I select Robert from the other dropdown and click Filter by Representative, I want to see the relevant three lines [i.e. 4, 5 and 8] relating to Robert, present in the listbox, where I can again double click to go to the record [i.e. the data entry userform related to particular record selected.

I have attached a file : Form.xlsm‎

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Search Values In A Column And List Them In A ListBox

Jan 21, 2010

I'm afraid I've run into some trouble with the Listbox function, which I really love, but I can't quite get past this hurdle.

I want to have a listbox which populates by checking an entire column for values, ignoring blank cells, and, if value is present, to also check to see if any value is present in the cell one column to the right and one row down from the cell that has the initial value. If both these conditions are true, to then display both values in the Listbox. In other words, the Listbox would contain two columns.

During this routine, when checking value is present in the second cell, I'm guessing that an IF statement would increment a variable signifying the cell reference by + 1 for column and + 1 for the one row down?

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Search And Display Results On Columns In ListBox Of Userform

Apr 21, 2014

I am creating a database using excel and I've created a userfrom for ease of data entry and searching the database. But now I am stuck at the searching part.

The sheet is Sheet1 and the userform is UserForm1. Based on the pic that i have attached, user needs to key in the keywords in any of the textboxes and comboboxes in the group box labelled "Organizational detail" and when he/she clicks on the Search button, the userform will display the whole rows where the search results reside onthe listbox. When the user click on the search results on the listbox, the textboxes and comboboxes will be updated with the data on the listbox.

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Search Macro Doen't Work When Initiated From Listbox

Jul 4, 2009

I've been working on a database for a Dutch nursing home, but I'm struggling to get it to work. The file provides for a userform that enables users to search for residents and retrieve their appartmentnumber and the adress of their legal representative.

This userform consists of three parts; in the first, the user can type the full or partial name of the resident of interest in a textbox; in the second phase, all matching registrations are presented in a listbox; and in the third phase, a macro searches for the name selected in the listbox and retrieves the corresponding appartmentnumber and adress.

The first two phases of the userform work fine, but in the third phase, the macro fails to find any matches even though it is practically the same as the macro used in phase 1.

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How To Use SQL Decode Functionality

Jun 11, 2013

I need to use SQL decode functionality in Excel. I tried but Excel won't accept decode. Is there a way to get the same effect in Excel?

Example: quite often, people use letters to represent numbers, like 1234D = 123.44, 5432G=543.27 in text files. To converter from letters to numbers, I can use decode (substr(A1,5,1), 'A', 1, 'B',2,'C',3,......,'{', 0, null).

Not sure how Excel handles this?

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Dynamic Functionality In Workbook

Mar 8, 2014

I have sheet1 along with three columns as below

Result column will show the result after sum ** column A & B

[Code] ......

This is simple that i will add this formula =A2+B2 in Result column cell C2.

But i want to perform this addition action on Sheet2 and return the result in column C2 ** Sheet1.

What formula should be populate in Result column ** Sheet1 that could catch addition formula from Sheet2 dynamically and display the result ** column A & B in Sheet1 .

And what type ** formula should be use in Sheet2 to add two columns dynamically.

The same concept that we are using in any functions like as below:

Sub Function Plus (value1 As Double, value2 As Double)
Plus = (value1 + value)
End Sub

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Edit: Countif Functionality

Apr 29, 2009

I have a column of numbers, for simplcity lets say they are 1,2,3,4,5. The numbers change automatically, so the column can look like 1,1,1,1,1 or 1,5,3,3,2 etc. I would like to know which command can monitor this column and return a true statement if two or more of those numbers match the number I specify.

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Searching For ADD-IN's To Enhance The Functionality..

Oct 8, 2009

One of the useful functionality was the Excel-Addins , now I would be glad if someone could help me by posting the latest Addin or Analysis tool-pack. A setup file would be of great help as some of my formulae are suing such functions which ach are not provided by the reguale EXCEL such as "QUOTIENT" and "NETWORKDAYS"..

There's just one more request , I had a very good font by the name "POOR RICHARD" in one of my files, however after formatting and re-installning I do not have it anymore.

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Keep Functionality When Adding New Columns Of Data?

Jun 26, 2013

Each week I get new weekly data-metrics. I have a series of formulas that figure LAST 4 weeks average, LAST 8 weeks, etc etc. How do I drop in a new week of data and have my formulas adjust? For instance, my formula figures last 4 weeks average of May Wk 1, May Wk 2, May Wk3, May Wk4. Now it is June Wk1, so I want to figure (without changing any formula) May Wk 2, May Wk3, May Wk 4, June Wk 1.

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Porting Hyperlink Functionality From One Cell To Another

Jul 9, 2014

I have a hyperlink in a cell that is put there by copying and pasting it from an e-mail message. The hyperlink has a nice friendly name that is not the actual URL. Let's say that the hyperlink is in Sheet 1 A1.

In Sheet 2 I have a cell that says C3 = HYPERLINK('Sheet1'!A1), however this doesn't import the URL with it. All it does is make a hyperlink with the nice friendly name that goes nowhere.

How can I reference Sheet 1 A1 and have the result in Sheet 2 C3 be a clickable URL that works exactly like the original that is sitting in Sheet 1 A1?

I have tried the following code :

Function hyp(r As Range) As String
hyp = ""
If r.Hyperlinks.Count > 0 Then
hyp = r.Hyperlinks(1).Address
Exit Function
End If
If r.HasFormula Then
rf = r.Formula


However it does not work for me. All it does is deliver NAME# as a hyperlink which cannot be clicked. I am very new to putting code into Excel so it is possible that I do not understand how to make a user-defined function work. I don't even understand how the code itself works.

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Count Functionality In XL Macro Or Formula

Aug 11, 2009

I am looking for a solution by a macro or a formula to get the number of occurance of a particular word in all the worksheets of a xls.

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Merged Cell - Lost Functionality

Oct 5, 2011

I feel like I have lost some functionality due to merged cells. For a worksheet change event I have the following:

ElseIf Target.Value = "" Then ... blah blah blah

For a normal cell, every time a cell is deleted (in the appropriate target zone) then it runs the code I have in the subsequent lines

Except it doesn't work for merged cells, unless I manually go into the cell, backspace all of its contents and then press enter

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Change Functionality Of Tab Button In Excel?

Apr 27, 2012

Is it possible that if i press tab in excel my active cell offsets by a row and two negative columns.

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Can't Find Simple Excel Functionality

Nov 8, 2012

I'm looking for the functionality in Excel where you can unhide/hide a group of columns or rows by clicking the plus or minus sign below the ribbon but above the spreadsheet itself. I forget how to do it, but it basically groups the columns together and hides or unhides all of them with one click.

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Protect Worksheet Without Affecting Macro Functionality

Oct 15, 2008

I've attached an excel invoice template I've been making for our company. I'd like to protect all the cells except A12:H42, C8, B9, G4 and I44. The problem is, if I protect the worksheet (with these cells unlocked) then it won't let me run the macro (for inserting new rows for extra products).

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Textboxes, Data Arrays And Vlookup Functionality

Nov 20, 2008

I would like to select a item from a list and have a text box display data from the next column (corresponding row) Also, I would love if I could type something into a second textbox and have that copy onto a third column (again, corresponding row) Also, if the add comment command button could transfer that record to the "commentted items' sheet. I have attached an example.

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Functionality Of Clicking Box On Sheet1 To Go To Sheet2 In The Workbook

Mar 31, 2009

I am presently designing a feature in excel through macros where I have created a box and named it box1 on sheet1 and when I click on the box1, then I want to go to sheet2 in the same workbook to specific row automatically.

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Giving Userform Exact Functionality Of Msgbox

Feb 21, 2013

I am currently using a bunch of msgboxes to tell the user if a specific error has occurred. I want to get rid of the ugly gray box and customize my own. I am having problems setting up the code as I would like it to function like msgbox does where I can supply a header and message string and then it displays in the userform. I tried coding it kind of how I would pass variables to a function and it doesn't seem to work.


Private Sub userform_initialize(msg As String, hdr As String)
MessageBox.Caption = msg
myMessageBox.Caption = hdr
End Sub


Call myMessageBox("Hi", "hi")

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Copy And Paste Table Contents Without Functionality

Nov 26, 2013

I have a spreadsheet with macros and conditional formatting assigned to it. What I want is to be able to copy only the displayed contents, without the macros and formatting instruction, to a separate workbook for reporting purposes.

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